Source code for openquake.hazardlib.calc.filters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (C) 2012-2023 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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import ast
import sys
import operator
from contextlib import contextmanager
import numpy
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from openquake.baselib.python3compat import raise_
from openquake.hazardlib import site
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.surface.multi import (
    MultiSurface, _multi_distances, _multi_rx_ry0)
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.utils import (
    KM_TO_DEGREES, angular_distance, get_bounding_box,
    get_longitudinal_extent, BBoxError, spherical_to_cartesian)

U32 = numpy.uint32
MINMAG = 2.5
MAXMAG = 10.2  # to avoid breaking PAC
MAX_DISTANCE = 2000  # km, ultra big distance used if there is no filter
trt_smr = operator.attrgetter('trt_smr')

[docs]def magstr(mag): """ :returns: a string representation of the magnitude """ return '%.2f' % numpy.float32(mag)
def _distances_from_dcache(rup, sites, param, dcache): """ Calculates the distances for multi-surfaces using a cache. :param rup: An instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.source.rupture.BaseRupture` :param sites: A list of sites or a site collection :param param: The required rupture-distance parameter :param dcache: A dictionary with the distances. The first key is the surface ID and the second one is the type of distance. In a traditional calculation dcache is instatianted by in the `get_ctx_iter` method of the :class:`openquake.hazardlib.contexts.ContextMaker` :returns: The computed distances for the rupture in input """ # Update the distance cache suids = [] # surface IDs for srf in rup.surface.surfaces: suids.append(srf.suid) if (srf.suid, param) not in dcache: # This function returns the distances that will be added to the # cache. In case of Rx and Ry0, the information cache will # include the ToR of each surface as well as the GC2 t and u # coordinates for each section. for key, val in _multi_distances(srf, sites, param).items(): dcache[srf.suid, key] = val # Computing distances using the cache if param in ['rjb', 'rrup']: dcache.hit += 1 distances = dcache[suids[0], param] # This is looping over all the surface IDs composing the rupture for suid in suids[1:]: distances = numpy.minimum(distances, dcache[suid, param]) elif param in ['rx', 'ry0']: # The computed distances. In this case we are not going to add them to # the cache since they cannot be reused distances = _multi_rx_ry0(dcache, suids, param) else: raise ValueError("Unknown distance measure %r" % param) return distances
[docs]def get_distances(rupture, sites, param, dcache=None): """ :param rupture: a rupture :param sites: a mesh of points or a site collection :param param: the kind of distance to compute (default rjb) :param dcache: None or a dictionary (surfaceID, dist_type) -> distances :returns: an array of distances from the given sites """ if (dcache is not None and isinstance(rupture.surface, MultiSurface) and hasattr(rupture.surface.surfaces[0], 'suid')): return _distances_from_dcache( rupture, sites.complete, param, dcache)[sites.sids] if not rupture.surface: # PointRupture dist = rupture.hypocenter.distance_to_mesh(sites) elif param == 'rrup': dist = rupture.surface.get_min_distance(sites) elif param == 'rx': dist = rupture.surface.get_rx_distance(sites) elif param == 'ry0': dist = rupture.surface.get_ry0_distance(sites) elif param == 'rjb': dist = rupture.surface.get_joyner_boore_distance(sites) elif param == 'rhypo': dist = rupture.hypocenter.distance_to_mesh(sites) elif param == 'repi': dist = rupture.hypocenter.distance_to_mesh(sites, with_depths=False) elif param == 'rcdpp': dist = rupture.get_cdppvalue(sites) elif param == 'azimuth': dist = rupture.surface.get_azimuth(sites) elif param == 'azimuth_cp': dist = rupture.surface.get_azimuth_of_closest_point(sites) elif param == 'closest_point': t = rupture.surface.get_closest_points(sites) dist = numpy.vstack([t.lons, t.lats, t.depths]).T # shape (N, 3) elif param == "rvolc": # Volcanic distance not yet supported, defaulting to zero dist = numpy.zeros_like(sites.lons) else: raise ValueError('Unknown distance measure %r' % param) dist.flags.writeable = False return dist
[docs]@contextmanager def context(src): """ Used to add the source_id to the error message. To be used as with context(src): operation_with(src) Typically the operation is filtering a source, that can fail for tricky geometries. """ try: yield except Exception: etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info() msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s' msg %= (src.source_id, err) raise_(etype, msg, tb)
[docs]def getdefault(dic_with_default, key): """ :param dic_with_default: a dictionary with a 'default' key :param key: a key that may be present in the dictionary or not :returns: the value associated to the key, or to 'default' """ try: return dic_with_default[key] except KeyError: return dic_with_default['default']
[docs]def unique_sorted(items): """ Check that the items are unique and sorted """ if len(set(items)) < len(items): raise ValueError('Found duplicates in %s' % items) elif items != sorted(items): raise ValueError('%s is not ordered' % items) return items
# used for the maximum distance parameter in the job.ini file
[docs]def floatdict(value): """ :param value: input string corresponding to a literal Python number or dictionary :returns: a Python dictionary key -> number >>> floatdict("200") {'default': 200} >>> floatdict("{'active shallow crust': 250., 'default': 200}") {'active shallow crust': 250.0, 'default': 200} """ value = ast.literal_eval(value) if isinstance(value, (int, float, list)): return {'default': value} return value
[docs]def magdepdist(pairs): """ :param pairs: a list of pairs [(mag, dist), ...] :returns: a scipy.interpolate.interp1d function """ mags, dists = zip(*pairs) return interp1d(mags, dists, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)
[docs]def upper_maxdist(idist): """ :returns: the maximum distance in a dictionary trt->dists """ return max(idist[trt][-1][1] for trt in idist)
[docs]class IntegrationDistance(dict): """ A dictionary trt -> [(mag, dist), ...] """
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, value): """ :param value: string to be converted :returns: IntegrationDistance dictionary >>> md ='50') >>> md {'default': [(2.5, 50), (10.2, 50)]} """ items_by_trt = floatdict(value) self = cls() for trt, items in items_by_trt.items(): if isinstance(items, list): pairs = unique_sorted([tuple(it) for it in items]) for mag, dist in pairs: if mag < MINMAG or mag > MAXMAG: raise ValueError('Invalid magnitude %s' % mag) self[trt] = pairs else: # assume scalar distance assert items >= 0, items self[trt] = [(MINMAG, items), (MAXMAG, items)] return self
# tested in case_miriam, case_75 and ebdamage/case_15
[docs] def cut(self, min_mag_by_trt): """ Cut the lower magnitudes. For instance >>> maxdist ='[(4., 50), (8., 200.)]') >>> maxdist.cut({'default': 5.}) >>> maxdist {'default': [(5.0, 87.5), (8.0, 200.0)]} """ all_trts = set(self) | set(min_mag_by_trt) if 'default' not in self: maxval = max(self.values(), key=lambda val: max(dist for mag, dist in val)) self['default'] = maxval if 'default' not in min_mag_by_trt: min_mag_by_trt['default'] = min(min_mag_by_trt.values()) for trt in all_trts: min_mag = getdefault(min_mag_by_trt, trt) if not min_mag: continue first = (min_mag, float(self(trt)(min_mag))) magdists = [(mag, dist) for (mag, dist) in self[trt] if mag >= min_mag] if min_mag < magdists[0][0]: self[trt] = [first] + magdists else: self[trt] = magdists
def __call__(self, trt): return magdepdist(self[trt]) def __missing__(self, trt): assert 'default' in self, 'missing "default" key in maximum_distance' return self['default']
[docs] def get_bounding_box(self, lon, lat, trt=None): """ Build a bounding box around the given lon, lat by computing the maximum_distance at the given tectonic region type and magnitude. :param lon: longitude :param lat: latitude :param trt: tectonic region type, possibly None :returns: min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat """ if trt is None: # take the greatest integration distance maxdist = max(self.max().values()) else: # get the integration distance for the given TRT maxdist = self[trt][-1][1] a1 = min(maxdist * KM_TO_DEGREES, 90) a2 = min(angular_distance(maxdist, lat), 180) return lon - a2, lat - a1, lon + a2, lat + a1
[docs] def get_dist_bins(self, trt, nbins=51): """ :returns: an array of distance bins, from 10m to maxdist """ return .01 + numpy.arange(nbins) * self(trt) / (nbins - 1)
[docs]def split_source(src): """ :param src: a splittable (or not splittable) source :returns: the underlying sources (or the source itself) """ from openquake.hazardlib.source import splittable # avoid circular import if not splittable(src): return [src] splits = list(src) if len(splits) == 1: return [src] has_samples = hasattr(src, 'samples') has_smweight = hasattr(src, 'smweight') has_scaling_rate = hasattr(src, 'scaling_rate') has_grp_id = hasattr(src, 'grp_id') grp_id = getattr(src, 'grp_id', 0) # 0 in hazardlib offset = src.offset for i, split in enumerate(splits): split.offset = offset split.source_id = '%s.%s' % (src.source_id, i) split.trt_smr = src.trt_smr split.grp_id = grp_id = if has_samples: split.samples = src.samples if has_smweight: split.smweight = src.smweight if has_scaling_rate: split.scaling_rate = src.scaling_rate if has_grp_id: split.grp_id = src.grp_id offset += split.num_ruptures #split.nsites = src.nsites return splits
default = IntegrationDistance({'default': [(MINMAG, 1000), (MAXMAG, 1000)]})
[docs]class SourceFilter(object): """ Filter objects have a .filter method yielding filtered sources and the IDs of the sites within the given maximum distance. Filter the sources by using `self.sitecol.within_bbox` which is based on numpy. """ def __init__(self, sitecol, integration_distance=default): self.sitecol = sitecol self.integration_distance = integration_distance self.slc = slice(None) # TODO: check if we can remove this
[docs] def reduce(self, multiplier=5): """ Reduce the SourceFilter to a subset of sites """ idxs = numpy.arange(0, len(self.sitecol), multiplier) sc = object.__new__(site.SiteCollection) sc.array = self.sitecol[idxs] sc.complete = self.sitecol.complete return self.__class__(sc, self.integration_distance)
[docs] def get_enlarged_box(self, src, maxdist=None): """ Get the enlarged bounding box of a source. :param src: a source object :param maxdist: a scalar maximum distance (or None) :returns: a bounding box (min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat) """ if maxdist is None: if hasattr(self.integration_distance, 'y'): # interp1d maxdist = self.integration_distance.y[-1] else: maxdist = getdefault(self.integration_distance, src.tectonic_region_type)[-1][1] try: bbox = get_bounding_box(src, maxdist) except Exception as exc: raise raise exc.__class__('source %s: %s' % (src.source_id, exc)) return bbox
[docs] def get_rectangle(self, src): """ :param src: a source object :returns: ((min_lon, min_lat), width, height), useful for plotting """ min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat = self.get_enlarged_box(src) return (min_lon, min_lat), (max_lon - min_lon) % 360, max_lat - min_lat
[docs] def get_close_sites(self, source): """ Returns the sites within the integration distance from the source, or None. """ sids = self.close_sids(source) if len(sids): return self.sitecol.filtered(sids)
[docs] def split(self, sources): """ :yields: pairs (split, sites) """ for src, _sites in self.filter(sources): for s in split_source(src): sites = self.get_close_sites(s) if sites is not None: yield s, sites
# used in source and rupture prefiltering: it should not discard too much
[docs] def close_sids(self, src_or_rec, trt=None, maxdist=None): """ :param src_or_rec: a source or a rupture record :param trt: passed only if src_or_rec is a rupture record :returns: the site indices within the maximum_distance of the hypocenter, plus the maximum size of the bounding box """ assert self.sitecol is not None if not self.integration_distance: # do not filter return self.sitecol.sids if trt: # rupture proxy assert hasattr(self.integration_distance, 'x') dlon = get_longitudinal_extent( src_or_rec['minlon'], src_or_rec['maxlon']) / 2. dlat = (src_or_rec['maxlat'] - src_or_rec['minlat']) / 2. lon, lat, dep = src_or_rec['hypo'] dist = self.integration_distance(src_or_rec['mag']) + numpy.sqrt( dlon**2 + dlat**2) / KM_TO_DEGREES dist += 10 # added 10 km of buffer to guard against numeric errors # the test most sensitive to the buffer effect is in oq-risk-tests, # case_ucerf/job_eb.ini; without buffer, sites can be discarded # even if within the maximum_distance return self._close_sids(lon, lat, dep, dist) else: # source trt = src_or_rec.tectonic_region_type try: bbox = self.get_enlarged_box(src_or_rec, maxdist) except BBoxError: # do not filter return self.sitecol.sids return self.sitecol.within_bbox(bbox)
def _close_sids(self, lon, lat, dep, dist): if not hasattr(self, 'kdt'): self.kdt = cKDTree( xyz = spherical_to_cartesian(lon, lat, dep) sids = U32(self.kdt.query_ball_point(xyz, dist, eps=.001)) sids.sort() return sids
[docs] def filter(self, sources): """ :param sources: a sequence of sources :yields: pairs (sources, sites) """ if self.sitecol is None: # nofilter for src in sources: yield src, None return for src in sources: sids = self.close_sids(src) if len(sids): yield src, self.sitecol.filtered(sids)
def __getitem__(self, slc): if slc.start is None and slc.stop is None: return self sitecol = object.__new__(self.sitecol.__class__) sitecol.array = self.sitecol[slc] sitecol.complete = self.sitecol.complete return self.__class__(sitecol, self.integration_distance)
nofilter = SourceFilter(None, {})