Source code for openquake.calculators.event_based_risk

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2015-2023 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>.

import time
import os.path
import logging
import operator
from functools import partial
import numpy
import pandas
from scipy import sparse

from openquake.baselib import (
    hdf5, performance, parallel, general, python3compat)
from openquake.hazardlib import stats, InvalidFile
from openquake.hazardlib.source.rupture import RuptureProxy
from openquake.commonlib.calc import starmap_from_gmfs, compactify3
from openquake.risklib.scientific import (
    total_losses, insurance_losses, MultiEventRNG, LOSSID)
from openquake.calculators import base, event_based
from openquake.calculators.post_risk import (
    PostRiskCalculator, post_aggregate, fix_dtypes)

U8 = numpy.uint8
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
U64 = numpy.uint64
F32 = numpy.float32
F64 = numpy.float64
TWO16 = 2 ** 16
TWO32 = U64(2 ** 32)
get_n_occ = operator.itemgetter(1)

[docs]def fast_agg(keys, values, correl, li, acc): """ :param keys: an array of N uint64 numbers encoding (event_id, agg_id) :param values: an array of (N, D) floats :param correl: True if there is asset correlation :param li: loss type index :param acc: dictionary unique key -> array(L, D) """ ukeys, avalues = general.fast_agg2(keys, values) if correl: # restore the variances avalues[:, 0] = avalues[:, 0] ** 2 for ukey, avalue in zip(ukeys, avalues): acc[ukey][li] += avalue
[docs]def average_losses(ln, alt, rlz_id, AR, collect_rlzs): """ :returns: a sparse coo matrix with the losses per asset and realization """ if collect_rlzs or len(numpy.unique(rlz_id)) == 1: ldf = pandas.DataFrame( dict(aid=alt.aid.to_numpy(), loss=alt.loss.to_numpy())) tot = ldf.groupby('aid').loss.sum() aids = tot.index.to_numpy() rlzs = numpy.zeros_like(tot) return sparse.coo_matrix((tot.to_numpy(), (aids, rlzs)), AR) else: ldf = pandas.DataFrame( dict(aid=alt.aid.to_numpy(), loss=alt.loss.to_numpy(), rlz=rlz_id[U32(alt.eid)])) # NB: without the U32 here # the SURA calculation would fail with alt.eid being F64 (?) tot = ldf.groupby(['aid', 'rlz']).loss.sum() aids, rlzs = zip(*tot.index) return sparse.coo_matrix((tot.to_numpy(), (aids, rlzs)), AR)
[docs]def debugprint(ln, asset_loss_table, adf): """ Print risk_by_event in a reasonable format. To be used with --nd """ if '+' in ln or ln == 'claim': df = asset_loss_table.set_index('aid').rename(columns={'loss': ln}) df['asset_id'] = python3compat.decode([df.index].to_numpy()) del df['variance'] print(df)
[docs]def aggreg(outputs, crmodel, ARK, aggids, rlz_id, ideduc, monitor): """ :returns: (avg_losses, agg_loss_table) """ mon_agg = monitor('aggregating losses', measuremem=False) mon_avg = monitor('averaging losses', measuremem=False) oq = crmodel.oqparam xtypes = oq.ext_loss_types if ideduc: xtypes.append('claim') loss_by_AR = {ln: [] for ln in xtypes} correl = int(oq.asset_correlation) (A, R, K), L = ARK, len(xtypes) acc = general.AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros((L, 2))) # u8idx->array value_cols = ['variance', 'loss'] for out in outputs: for li, ln in enumerate(xtypes): if ln not in out or len(out[ln]) == 0: continue alt = out[ln] if oq.avg_losses: with mon_avg: coo = average_losses( ln, alt, rlz_id, (A, R), oq.collect_rlzs) loss_by_AR[ln].append(coo) with mon_agg: if correl: # use sigma^2 = (sum sigma_i)^2 alt['variance'] = numpy.sqrt(alt.variance) eids = alt.eid.to_numpy() * TWO32 # U64 values = numpy.array([alt[col] for col in value_cols]).T # aggregate all assets fast_agg(eids + U64(K), values, correl, li, acc) if len(aggids): # aggregate assets for each tag combination aids = alt.aid.to_numpy() for kids in aggids[:, aids]: fast_agg(eids + U64(kids), values, correl, li, acc) lis = range(len(xtypes)) with monitor('building event loss table', measuremem=True): dic = general.AccumDict(accum=[]) for ukey, arr in acc.items(): eid, kid = divmod(ukey, TWO32) for li in lis: if arr[li].any(): dic['event_id'].append(eid) dic['agg_id'].append(kid) dic['loss_id'].append(LOSSID[xtypes[li]]) for c, col in enumerate(['variance', 'loss']): dic[col].append(arr[li, c]) fix_dtypes(dic) return loss_by_AR, pandas.DataFrame(dic)
[docs]def ebr_from_gmfs(sbe, oqparam, dstore, monitor): """ :param slice_by_event: composite array with fields 'start', 'stop' :param oqparam: OqParam instance :param dstore: DataStore instance from which to read the GMFs :param monitor: a Monitor instance :returns: a dictionary of arrays, the output of event_based_risk """ if dstore.parent:'r') gmfcols = oqparam.gmf_data_dt().names with dstore: # this is fast compared to reading the GMFs risk_sids ='sids') s0, s1 = sbe[0]['start'], sbe[-1]['stop'] t0 = time.time() haz_sids = dstore['gmf_data/sid'][s0:s1] dt = time.time() - t0 idx, = numpy.where(numpy.isin(haz_sids, risk_sids)) if len(idx) == 0: return {} # print('waiting %.1f' % dt) time.sleep(dt) with dstore, monitor('reading GMFs', measuremem=True): start, stop = idx.min(), idx.max() + 1 dic = {} for col in gmfcols: if col == 'sid': dic[col] = haz_sids[idx] else: data = dstore['gmf_data/' + col][s0+start:s0+stop] dic[col] = data[idx - start] df = pandas.DataFrame(dic) max_gmvs = oqparam.max_gmvs_per_task if len(df) <= max_gmvs: yield event_based_risk(df, oqparam, monitor) else: for s0, s1 in performance.split_slices(df.eid.to_numpy(), max_gmvs): yield event_based_risk, df[s0:s1], oqparam
[docs]def event_based_risk(df, oqparam, monitor): """ :param df: a DataFrame of GMFs with fields sid, eid, gmv_X, ... :param oqparam: parameters coming from the job.ini :param monitor: a Monitor instance :returns: a dictionary of arrays """ with monitor('reading crmodel', measuremem=True): crmodel ='crmodel') ideduc ='assets/ideductible') aggids ='aggids') rlz_id ='rlz_id') weights = [1] if oqparam.collect_rlzs else'weights') ARK = (oqparam.A, len(weights), oqparam.K) if oqparam.ignore_master_seed or oqparam.ignore_covs: rng = None else: rng = MultiEventRNG(oqparam.master_seed, df.eid.unique(), int(oqparam.asset_correlation)) outs = gen_outputs(df, crmodel, rng, monitor) avg, alt = aggreg(outs, crmodel, ARK, aggids, rlz_id, ideduc.any(), monitor) return dict(avg=avg, alt=alt)
[docs]def gen_outputs(df, crmodel, rng, monitor): """ :param df: GMF dataframe (a slice of events) :param crmodel: CompositeRiskModel instance :param rng: random number generator :param monitor: Monitor instance :yields: one output per taxonomy and slice of events """ mon_risk = monitor('computing risk', measuremem=False) fil_mon = monitor('filtering GMFs', measuremem=False) ass_mon = monitor('reading assets', measuremem=False) slices = performance.split_slices(df.eid.to_numpy(), 1_000_000) for s0, s1 in'start-stop'): with ass_mon: assets ='assets', slice(s0, s1)).set_index('ordinal') taxos = assets.taxonomy.unique() for taxo in taxos: adf = assets[assets.taxonomy == taxo] for start, stop in slices: gdf = df[start:stop] with fil_mon: # *crucial* for the performance of the next step gmf_df = gdf[numpy.isin(gdf.sid.to_numpy(), adf.site_id.to_numpy())] if len(gmf_df) == 0: # common enough continue with mon_risk: out = crmodel.get_output( adf, gmf_df, crmodel.oqparam._sec_losses, rng) yield out
[docs]def ebrisk(proxies, full_lt, oqparam, dstore, monitor): """ :param proxies: list of RuptureProxies with the same trt_smr :param full_lt: a FullLogicTree instance :param oqparam: input parameters :param monitor: a Monitor instance :returns: a dictionary of arrays """ oqparam.ground_motion_fields = True dic = event_based.event_based(proxies, full_lt, oqparam, dstore, monitor) if len(dic['gmfdata']) == 0: # no GMFs return {} return event_based_risk(dic['gmfdata'], oqparam, monitor)
[docs]@base.calculators.add('ebrisk', 'scenario_risk', 'event_based_risk') class EventBasedRiskCalculator(event_based.EventBasedCalculator): """ Event based risk calculator generating event loss tables """ core_task = ebrisk is_stochastic = True precalc = 'event_based' accept_precalc = ['scenario', 'event_based', 'event_based_risk', 'ebrisk']
[docs] def save_tmp(self, monitor, srcfilter=None): """ Save some useful data in the file calc_XXX_tmp.hdf5 """ oq = self.oqparam'sids', self.sitecol.sids) adf = self.assetcol.to_dframe().sort_values('taxonomy') del adf['id']'assets', adf) tss = performance.idx_start_stop(adf.taxonomy.to_numpy()) # storing start-stop indices in a smart way, so that the assets are # read from the workers in chunks of at most 1 million elements'start-stop', compactify3(tss))'srcfilter', srcfilter)'crmodel', self.crmodel)'rlz_id', self.rlzs)'weights', self.datastore['weights'][:]) if oq.K: aggids, _ = self.assetcol.build_aggids( oq.aggregate_by, oq.max_aggregations) else: aggids = ()'aggids', aggids)
[docs] def pre_execute(self): oq = self.oqparam if oq.calculation_mode == 'ebrisk': oq.ground_motion_fields = False logging.warning('You should be using the event_based_risk ' 'calculator, not ebrisk!') parent = self.datastore.parent if parent: self.datastore['full_lt'] = parent['full_lt'] self.parent_events = ne = len(parent['events'])'There are %d ruptures and %d events', len(parent['ruptures']), ne) else: self.parent_events = None if oq.investigation_time and oq.return_periods != [0]: # setting return_periods = 0 disable loss curves eff_time = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path if eff_time < 2: logging.warning( 'eff_time=%s is too small to compute loss curves', eff_time) super().pre_execute() parentdir = (os.path.dirname(self.datastore.ppath) if self.datastore.ppath else None) oq.hdf5path = self.datastore.filename oq.parentdir = parentdir 'There are {:_d} ruptures and {:_d} events'.format( len(self.datastore['ruptures']), len(self.datastore['events']))) self.events_per_sid = numpy.zeros(self.N, U32) try: K = len(self.datastore['agg_keys']) except KeyError: K = 0 self.datastore.swmr_on() sec_losses = [] # one insured loss for each loss type with a policy if hasattr(self, 'policy_df') and 'reinsurance' not in oq.inputs: sec_losses.append( partial(insurance_losses, policy_df=self.policy_df)) ideduc = self.assetcol['ideductible'].any() if oq.total_losses: sec_losses.append( partial(total_losses, kind=oq.total_losses, ideduc=ideduc)) elif ideduc: # subtract the insurance deductible for a single loss_type [lt] = oq.loss_types sec_losses.append(partial(total_losses, kind=lt, ideduc=ideduc)) oq._sec_losses = sec_losses oq.M = len(oq.all_imts()) oq.N = self.N oq.K = K oq.A = self.assetcol['ordinal'].max() + 1 ct = oq.concurrent_tasks or 1 oq.maxweight = int(oq.ebrisk_maxsize / ct) self.A = A = len(self.assetcol) self.L = L = len(oq.loss_types) if (oq.calculation_mode == 'event_based_risk' and A * self.R > 1_000_000 and oq.avg_losses and not oq.collect_rlzs): raise ValueError('For large exposures you must set ' 'collect_rlzs=true or avg_losses=false') if (oq.aggregate_by and self.E * A > oq.max_potential_gmfs and all(val == 0 for val in oq.minimum_asset_loss.values())): logging.warning('The calculation is really big; consider setting ' 'minimum_asset_loss') base.create_risk_by_event(self) self.rlzs = self.datastore['events']['rlz_id'] self.num_events = numpy.bincount(self.rlzs, minlength=self.R) self.xtypes = oq.ext_loss_types if self.assetcol['ideductible'].any(): self.xtypes.append('claim') if oq.avg_losses: self.create_avg_losses() alt_nbytes = 4 * self.E * L if alt_nbytes / (oq.concurrent_tasks or 1) > TWO32: raise RuntimeError('The risk_by_event is too big to be transfer' 'ed with %d tasks' % oq.concurrent_tasks)
[docs] def create_avg_losses(self): oq = self.oqparam ws = self.datastore['weights'] R = 1 if oq.collect_rlzs else len(ws) if oq.collect_rlzs: if oq.investigation_time: # event_based self.avg_ratio = numpy.array([oq.time_ratio / len(ws)]) else: # scenario self.avg_ratio = numpy.array([1. / self.num_events.sum()]) else: if oq.investigation_time: # event_based self.avg_ratio = numpy.array([oq.time_ratio] * len(ws)) else: # scenario self.avg_ratio = 1. / self.num_events self.avg_losses = {} for lt in self.xtypes: self.avg_losses[lt] = numpy.zeros((self.A, R), F32) self.datastore.create_dset( 'avg_losses-rlzs/' + lt, F32, (self.A, R)) self.datastore.set_shape_descr( 'avg_losses-rlzs/' + lt, asset_id=self.assetcol['id'], rlz=R)
[docs] def execute(self): """ Compute risk from GMFs or ruptures depending on what is stored """ oq = self.oqparam self.gmf_bytes = 0 if 'gmf_data' not in self.datastore: # start from ruptures if (oq.ground_motion_fields and 'gsim_logic_tree' not in oq.inputs and oq.gsim == '[FromFile]'): raise InvalidFile('Missing gsim or gsim_logic_tree_file in %s' % oq.inputs['job_ini']) elif not hasattr(oq, 'maximum_distance'): raise InvalidFile('Missing maximum_distance in %s' % oq.inputs['job_ini']) srcfilter = self.src_filter() proxies = [RuptureProxy(rec) for rec in self.datastore['ruptures'][:]] full_lt = self.datastore['full_lt'] self.datastore.swmr_on() # must come before the Starmap smap = parallel.Starmap.apply_split( ebrisk, (proxies, full_lt, oq, self.datastore), key=operator.itemgetter('trt_smr'), weight=operator.itemgetter('n_occ'), h5=self.datastore.hdf5, duration=oq.time_per_task, outs_per_task=5) self.save_tmp(smap.monitor, srcfilter) smap.reduce(self.agg_dicts) if self.gmf_bytes == 0: raise RuntimeError( 'No GMFs were generated, perhaps they were ' 'all below the minimum_intensity threshold') 'Produced %s of GMFs', general.humansize(self.gmf_bytes)) else: # start from GMFs'Preparing tasks') smap = starmap_from_gmfs(ebr_from_gmfs, oq, self.datastore) self.save_tmp(smap.monitor) smap.reduce(self.agg_dicts) if self.parent_events: assert self.parent_events == len(self.datastore['events']) return 1
[docs] def log_info(self, eids): """ Printing some information about the risk calculation """'Processing {:_d} rows of gmf_data'.format(len(eids))) E = len(numpy.unique(eids)) K = self.oqparam.K'Risk parameters (rel_E={:_d}, K={:_d}, L={})'. format(E, K, self.L))
[docs] def agg_dicts(self, dummy, dic): """ :param dummy: unused parameter :param dic: dictionary with keys "avg", "alt" """ if not dic: return self.gmf_bytes += dic['alt'].memory_usage().sum() self.oqparam.ground_motion_fields = False # hack with self.monitor('saving risk_by_event'): alt = dic.pop('alt') if alt is not None: for name in alt.columns: dset = self.datastore['risk_by_event/' + name] hdf5.extend(dset, alt[name].to_numpy()) with self.monitor('saving avg_losses'): for ln, ls in dic.pop('avg').items(): for coo in ls: self.avg_losses[ln][coo.row, coo.col] +=
[docs] def post_execute(self, dummy): """ Compute and store average losses from the risk_by_event dataset, and then loss curves and maps. """ oq = self.oqparam # sanity check on the risk_by_event alt = self.datastore.read_df('risk_by_event') K = self.datastore['risk_by_event'].attrs.get('K', 0) upper_limit = self.E * (K + 1) * len(self.xtypes) size = len(alt) assert size <= upper_limit, (size, upper_limit) # sanity check on uniqueness by (agg_id, loss_id, event_id) arr = alt[['agg_id', 'loss_id', 'event_id']].to_numpy() uni = numpy.unique(arr, axis=0) if len(uni) < len(arr): raise RuntimeError('risk_by_event contains %d duplicates!' % (len(arr) - len(uni))) if oq.avg_losses: for lt in self.xtypes: al = self.avg_losses[lt] for r in range(self.R): al[:, r] *= self.avg_ratio[r] name = 'avg_losses-rlzs/' + lt self.datastore[name][:] = al stats.set_rlzs_stats(self.datastore, name, asset_id=self.assetcol['id']) self.build_aggcurves() if oq.reaggregate_by: post_aggregate(self.datastore.calc_id, ','.join(oq.reaggregate_by))
[docs] def build_aggcurves(self): prc = PostRiskCalculator(self.oqparam, self.datastore.calc_id) prc.assetcol = self.assetcol if hasattr(self, 'exported'): prc.exported = self.exported'')