Source code for openquake.server.db.actions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake.  If not, see <>.
import os
import psutil
import getpass
import operator
from datetime import datetime

from openquake.hazardlib import valid
from openquake.baselib import general
from openquake.commonlib import datastore
from openquake.calculators.export import export
from openquake.server import __file__ as server_path
from openquake.server.db.schema.upgrades import upgrader
from openquake.server.db import upgrade_manager
from openquake.server.dbapi import NotFound

WHEN calculation_mode LIKE '%risk'
OR calculation_mode LIKE '%bcr'
OR calculation_mode LIKE '%damage'
THEN 'risk'
ELSE 'hazard'
END AS job_type

[docs]def check_outdated(db): """ Check if the db is outdated, called before starting anything :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance """ return upgrader.check_versions(db.conn)
[docs]def reset_is_running(db): """ Reset the flag job.is_running to False. This is called when the DbServer is restarted: the idea is that it is restarted only when all computations are completed. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance """ db("UPDATE job SET is_running=0, status='failed'" "WHERE is_running=1 OR status='executing'")
[docs]def set_status(db, job_id, status): """ Set the status 'created', 'executing', 'complete', 'failed', 'aborted' consistently with `is_running`. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: ID of the current job :param status: status string """ assert status in ( 'created', 'submitted', 'executing', 'complete', 'aborted', 'failed', 'deleted'), status if status in ('created', 'complete', 'failed', 'aborted', 'deleted'): is_running = 0 else: # 'executing' is_running = 1 if job_id < 0: rows = db('SELECT id FROM job ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?x', -job_id) if not rows: return 0 job_id = rows[-1].id cursor = db('UPDATE job SET status=?x, is_running=?x WHERE id=?x', status, is_running, job_id) return cursor.rowcount
[docs]def create_job(db, datadir, calculation_mode='to be set', description='just created', user_name=None, hc_id=None): """ Create job for the given user, return it. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param datadir: data directory of the user who owns/started this job. :param calculation_mode: job kind :param description: description of the job :param user_name: name of the user running the job :param hc_id: ID of the parent job (if any) :returns: the job ID """ calc_id = get_calc_id(db, datadir) + 1 # NB: is_running=1 is needed to make happy on Jenkins job = dict(id=calc_id, is_running=1, description=description, user_name=user_name or getpass.getuser(), calculation_mode=calculation_mode, hazard_calculation_id=hc_id, ds_calc_dir=os.path.join('%s/calc_%s' % (datadir, calc_id))) return db('INSERT INTO job (?S) VALUES (?X)', job.keys(), job.values()).lastrowid
[docs]def import_job(db, calc_id, calc_mode, description, user_name, status, hc_id, datadir): """ Insert a calculation inside the database, if calc_id is not taken """ job = dict(id=calc_id, calculation_mode=calc_mode, description=description, user_name=user_name, hazard_calculation_id=hc_id, is_running=0, status=status, ds_calc_dir=os.path.join('%s/calc_%s' % (datadir, calc_id))) db('INSERT INTO job (?S) VALUES (?X)', job.keys(), job.values())
[docs]def delete_uncompleted_calculations(db, user): """ Delete the uncompleted calculations of the given user. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param user: user name """ db("UPDATE job SET status = 'deleted' " "WHERE user_name=?x AND status != 'complete'", user)
[docs]def get_job(db, job_id, username=None): """ If job_id is negative, return the last calculation of the current user, otherwise returns the job_id unchanged. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: a job ID (can be negative and can be nonexisting) :param username: an user name (if None, ignore it) :returns: a valid job or None if the original job ID was invalid """ job_id = int(job_id) if job_id > 0: dic = dict(id=job_id) if username: dic['user_name'] = username try: return db('SELECT * FROM job WHERE ?A', dic, one=True) except NotFound: return # else negative job_id if username: joblist = db('SELECT * FROM job WHERE user_name=?x ' "AND status != 'deleted' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?x", username, -job_id) else: joblist = db("SELECT * FROM job WHERE status != 'deleted' " 'ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?x', -job_id) if not joblist: # no jobs return else: return joblist[-1]
[docs]def get_calc_id(db, datadir, job_id=None): """ Return the latest calc_id by looking both at the datastore and the database. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param datadir: the directory containing the datastores :param job_id: a job ID; if None, returns the latest job ID """ calcs = datastore.get_calc_ids(datadir) calc_id = 0 if not calcs else calcs[-1] if job_id is None: try: job_id = db('SELECT seq FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE name="job"', scalar=True) except NotFound: job_id = 0 return max(calc_id, job_id)
[docs]def list_calculations(db, job_type, user_name): """ Yield a summary of past calculations. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_type: 'hazard' or 'risk' :param user_name: an user name """ jobs = db('SELECT *, %s FROM job WHERE user_name=?x ' "AND job_type=?x AND status != 'deleted' ORDER BY start_time" % JOB_TYPE, user_name, job_type) out = [] if len(jobs) == 0: out.append('None') else: out.append('job_id | status | start_time | ' ' description') for job in jobs: descr = job.description start_time = job.start_time out.append('%6d | %10s | %s | %s' % (, job.status, start_time, descr)) return out
[docs]def list_outputs(db, job_id, full=True): """ List the outputs for a given :class:`~openquake.server.db.models.OqJob`. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: ID of a calculation. :param bool full: If True produce a full listing, otherwise a short version """ outputs = get_outputs(db, job_id) out = [] if len(outputs) > 0: truncated = False out.append(' id | name') outs = sorted(outputs, key=operator.attrgetter('display_name')) for i, o in enumerate(outs): if not full and i >= 10: out.append(' ... | %d additional output(s)' % (len(outs) - 10)) truncated = True break out.append('%4d | %s' % (, o.display_name)) if truncated: out.append( 'Some outputs were not shown. You can see the full list ' f'with the command\n`oq engine --list-outputs {job_id}`') return out
[docs]def get_outputs(db, job_id): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: ID of a calculation. :returns: A sequence of :class:`openquake.server.db.models.Output` objects """ return db('SELECT * FROM output WHERE oq_job_id=?x', job_id)
DISPLAY_NAME = { 'asset_risk': 'Exposure + Risk', 'gmf_data': 'Ground Motion Fields', 'damages-rlzs': 'Asset Risk Distributions', 'damages-stats': 'Asset Risk Statistics', 'risk_by_event': 'Aggregated Risk By Event', 'events': 'Events', 'avg_losses-rlzs': 'Average Asset Losses', 'avg_losses-stats': 'Average Asset Losses Statistics', 'loss_curves-rlzs': 'Asset Loss Curves', 'loss_curves-stats': 'Asset Loss Curves Statistics', 'loss_maps-rlzs': 'Asset Loss Maps', 'loss_maps-stats': 'Asset Loss Maps Statistics', 'aggrisk': 'Aggregate Risk', 'aggrisk-stats': 'Aggregate Risk Statistics', 'agg_risk': 'Total Risk', 'agglosses': 'Aggregate Asset Losses', 'aggcurves': 'Aggregate Risk Curves', 'aggcurves-stats': 'Aggregate Risk Curves Statistics', 'avg_gmf': 'Average Ground Motion Field', 'bcr-rlzs': 'Benefit Cost Ratios', 'bcr-stats': 'Benefit Cost Ratios Statistics', 'cs-stats': 'Mean Conditional Spectra', 'ruptures': 'Earthquake Ruptures', 'hcurves': 'Hazard Curves', 'hmaps': 'Hazard Maps', 'uhs': 'Uniform Hazard Spectra', 'disagg': 'Disaggregation Outputs', 'realizations': 'Realizations', 'src_loss_table': 'Source Loss Table', 'fullreport': 'Full Report', 'input': 'Input Files' } # sanity check, all display name keys must be exportable dic = general.groupby(export, operator.itemgetter(0)) for key in DISPLAY_NAME: assert key in dic, key
[docs]def create_outputs(db, job_id, keysize, ds_size): """ Build a correspondence between the outputs in the datastore and the ones in the database. Also, update the datastore size in the job table. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: ID of the current job :param keysize: a list of pairs (key, size_mb) :param ds_size: total datastore size in MB """ rows = [(job_id, DISPLAY_NAME.get(key, key), key, size) for key, size in keysize] db('UPDATE job SET size_mb=?x WHERE id=?x', ds_size, job_id) db.insert('output', 'oq_job_id display_name ds_key size_mb'.split(), rows)
[docs]def finish(db, job_id, status): """ Set the job columns `is_running`, `status`, and `stop_time`. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: ID of the current job :param status: a string such as 'successful' or 'failed' """ db('UPDATE job SET ?D WHERE id=?x', dict(is_running=False, status=status, stop_time=datetime.utcnow()), job_id)
[docs]def del_calc(db, job_id, user, force=False): """ Delete a calculation and all associated outputs, if possible. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: job ID, can be an integer or a string :param user: username :param force: delete even if there are dependent calculations :returns: None if everything went fine or an error message """ job_id = int(job_id) dependent = db( "SELECT id FROM job WHERE hazard_calculation_id=?x " "AND status != 'deleted'", job_id) job_ids = [ for dep in dependent] if not force and job_id in job_ids: # jobarray err = [] for jid in job_ids: res = del_calc(db, jid, user, force=True) if "error" in res: err.append(res["error"]) if err: return {"error": ' '.join(err)} else: return {"success": 'children_of_%s' % job_id} elif not force and dependent: return {"error": 'Cannot delete calculation %d: there ' 'are calculations ' 'dependent from it: %s' % (job_id, [ for j in dependent])} try: owner, path = db('SELECT user_name, ds_calc_dir FROM job WHERE id=?x', job_id, one=True) except NotFound: return {"error": 'Cannot delete calculation %d:' ' ID does not exist' % job_id} deleted = db("UPDATE job SET status='deleted' WHERE id=?x AND " "user_name=?x", job_id, user).rowcount if not deleted: return {"error": 'Cannot delete calculation %d: it belongs to ' '%s and you are %s' % (job_id, owner, user)} fname = path + ".hdf5" try: os.remove(fname) except OSError as exc: # permission error return {"error": 'Could not remove %s: %s' % (fname, exc)} return {"success": fname}
[docs]def log(db, job_id, timestamp, level, process, message): """ Write a log record in the database. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: a job ID :param timestamp: timestamp to store in the log record :param level: logging level to store in the log record :param process: process ID to store in the log record :param message: message to store in the log record """ db('INSERT INTO log (job_id, timestamp, level, process, message) ' 'VALUES (?X)', (job_id, timestamp, level, process, message))
[docs]def get_log(db, job_id): """ Extract the logs as a big string :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: a job ID """ logs = db('SELECT * FROM log WHERE job_id=?x ORDER BY id', job_id) out = [] for log in logs: time = str(log.timestamp)[:-4] # strip decimals out.append('[%s #%d %s] %s' % (time, job_id, log.level, log.message)) return out
[docs]def get_output(db, output_id): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param output_id: ID of an Output object :returns: (ds_key, calc_id, dirname) """ out = db('SELECT output.*, ds_calc_dir FROM output, job ' 'WHERE AND', output_id, one=True) return out.ds_key, out.oq_job_id, os.path.dirname(out.ds_calc_dir)
# used in make_report
[docs]def fetch(db, templ, *args): """ Run generic queries directly on the database. See the documentation of the dbapi module. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param templ: a SQL query template :param args: arguments to pass to the template """ return db(templ, *args)
[docs]def get_path(db): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :returns: the full path to the dbserver codebase """ return server_path
[docs]def get_dbpath(db): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :returns: the path to the database file. """ rows = db('PRAGMA database_list') # return a row with fields (id, dbname, dbpath) return rows[0].file
# ########################## upgrade operations ########################## #
[docs]def what_if_I_upgrade(db, extract_scripts): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param extract_scripts: scripts to extract """ return upgrade_manager.what_if_I_upgrade( db.conn, extract_scripts=extract_scripts)
[docs]def db_version(db): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance """ return upgrade_manager.db_version(db.conn)
[docs]def upgrade_db(db): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance """ return upgrade_manager.upgrade_db(db.conn)
# ################### used in Web UI ######################## #
[docs]def calc_info(db, calc_id): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param calc_id: calculation ID :returns: dictionary of info about the given calculation """ job = db('SELECT * FROM job WHERE id=?x', calc_id, one=True) response_data = {} response_data['user_name'] = job.user_name response_data['status'] = job.status response_data['start_time'] = str(job.start_time) response_data['stop_time'] = str(job.stop_time) response_data['is_running'] = job.is_running return response_data
[docs]def get_calcs(db, request_get_dict, allowed_users, user_acl_on=False, id=None): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param request_get_dict: a dictionary :param allowed_users: a list of users :param user_acl_on: if True, returns only the calculations owned by the user or the group :param id: if given, extract only the specified calculation :returns: list of tuples (job_id, user_name, job_status, calculation_mode, job_is_running, job_description) """ # helper to get job+calculation data from the oq-engine database filterdict = {} if id is not None: filterdict['id'] = id if 'calculation_mode' in request_get_dict: filterdict['calculation_mode'] = request_get_dict.get( 'calculation_mode') if 'is_running' in request_get_dict: is_running = request_get_dict.get('is_running') filterdict['is_running'] = valid.boolean(is_running) if 'limit' in request_get_dict: limit = int(request_get_dict.get('limit')) else: limit = 100 if 'start_time' in request_get_dict: # assume an ISO date string time_filter = "start_time >= '%s'" % request_get_dict.get('start_time') else: time_filter = 1 if user_acl_on: users_filter = "user_name IN (?X)" else: users_filter = 1 jobs = db('SELECT * FROM job WHERE ?A AND %s AND %s ' "AND status != 'deleted' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %d" % (users_filter, time_filter, limit), filterdict, allowed_users) return [(, job.user_name, job.status, job.calculation_mode, job.is_running, job.description,, job.hazard_calculation_id, job.size_mb) for job in jobs]
[docs]def update_job(db, job_id, dic): """ Update the given calculation record. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: a job ID :param dic: a dictionary of valid field/values for the job table """ db('UPDATE job SET ?D WHERE id=?x', dic, job_id)
[docs]def update_parent_child(db, parent_child): """ Set hazard_calculation_id (parent) on a job_id (child) """ db('UPDATE job SET hazard_calculation_id=?x WHERE id=?x', *parent_child)
[docs]def get_log_slice(db, job_id, start, stop): """ Get a slice of the calculation log as a JSON list of rows :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: a job ID :param start: start of the slice :param stop: end of the slice (the last element is excluded) """ start = int(start) stop = int(stop) limit = -1 if stop == 0 else stop - start logs = db('SELECT * FROM log WHERE job_id=?x ' 'ORDER BY id LIMIT ?s OFFSET ?s', job_id, limit, start) # NB: .isoformat() returns a string like '2016-08-29T15:42:34.984756' # we consider only the first 22 characters, i.e. '2016-08-29T15:42:34.98' return [[log.timestamp.isoformat()[:22], log.level, log.process, log.message] for log in logs]
[docs]def get_log_size(db, job_id): """ Get a slice of the calculation log as a JSON list of rows. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: a job ID """ return db('SELECT count(id) FROM log WHERE job_id=?x', job_id, scalar=True)
[docs]def get_traceback(db, job_id): """ Return the traceback of the given calculation as a list of lines. The list is empty if the calculation was successful. :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: a job ID """ # strange: understand why the filter returns two lines or zero lines log = db("SELECT * FROM log WHERE job_id=?x AND level='CRITICAL'", job_id) if not log: return [] response_data = log[-1].message.splitlines() return response_data
[docs]def get_result(db, result_id): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param result_id: a result ID :returns: (job_id, job_status, datadir, datastore_key) """ job = db('SELECT job.*, ds_key FROM job, output WHERE ' ' AND', result_id, one=True) return (, job.status, job.user_name, os.path.dirname(job.ds_calc_dir), job.ds_key)
[docs]def get_results(db, job_id): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: a job ID :returns: (datadir, datastore_keys) """ ds_calc_dir = db('SELECT ds_calc_dir FROM job WHERE id=?x', job_id, scalar=True) datadir = os.path.dirname(ds_calc_dir) return datadir, [output.ds_key for output in get_outputs(db, job_id)]
# ############################### db commands ########################### #
[docs]class List(list): _fields = ()
[docs]def get_executing_jobs(db): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :returns: (id, user_name, start_time) tuples """ fields = 'id,pid,user_name,start_time' running = List() running._fields = fields.split(',') query = ('''-- executing jobs SELECT %s FROM job WHERE is_running=1 AND start_time > datetime('now', '-2 days') ORDER BY id desc''' % fields) running.extend(db(query)) return running
[docs]def get_calc_ids(db, user): """ :returns: calculation IDs of the given user """ return [ for r in db('SELECT id FROM job WHERE user_name=?x', user)]
[docs]def get_longest_jobs(db): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :returns: (id, user_name, days) tuples """ query = '''-- completed jobs taking more than one hour SELECT id, user_name, julianday(stop_time) - julianday(start_time) AS days FROM job WHERE status='complete' AND days > 0.04 ORDER BY days desc''' return db(query)
[docs]def find(db, description): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param description: job description, used in a case-insensitive LIKE clause """ query = '''-- completed jobs SELECT id, description, user_name, (julianday(stop_time) - julianday(start_time)) * 24 AS hours FROM job WHERE status='complete' AND description LIKE lower(?x) ORDER BY julianday(stop_time) - julianday(start_time)''' return db(query, description.lower())
# checksums
[docs]def add_checksum(db, job_id, value): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: job ID :param value: value of the checksum (32 bit integer) """ return db('INSERT INTO checksum VALUES (?x, ?x)', job_id, value).lastrowid
[docs]def update_job_checksum(db, job_id, checksum): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: job ID :param checksum: the checksum (32 bit integer) """ db('UPDATE checksum SET job_id=?x WHERE hazard_checksum=?x', job_id, checksum)
[docs]def get_checksum_from_job(db, job_id): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: job ID :returns: the value of the checksum or 0 """ checksum = db('SELECT hazard_checksum FROM checksum WHERE job_id=?x', job_id, scalar=True) return checksum
[docs]def get_job_from_checksum(db, checksum): """ :param db: a :class:`openquake.server.dbapi.Db` instance :param job_id: job ID :returns: the job associated to the checksum or None """ # there is an UNIQUE constraint both on hazard_checksum and job_id jobs = db('SELECT * FROM job WHERE id = (' 'SELECT job_id FROM checksum WHERE hazard_checksum=?x)', checksum) # 0 or 1 jobs if not jobs: return return jobs[0]