Source code for openquake.hmtk.parsers.source_model.nrml04_parser

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# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 GEM Foundation
# The Hazard Modeller's Toolkit is free software: you can redistribute
# it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
# 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>
# The software Hazard Modeller's Toolkit (openquake.hmtk) provided herein
# is released as a prototype implementation on behalf of
# scientists and engineers working within the GEM Foundation (Global
# Earthquake Model).
# It is distributed for the purpose of open collaboration and in the
# hope that it will be useful to the scientific, engineering, disaster
# risk and software design communities.
# The software is NOT distributed as part of GEM's OpenQuake suite
# ( and must be considered as a
# separate entity. The software provided herein is designed and implemented
# by scientific staff. It is not developed to the design standards, nor
# subject to same level of critical review by professional software
# developers, as GEM's OpenQuake software suite.
# Feedback and contribution to the software is welcome, and can be
# directed to the hazard scientific staff of the GEM Model Facility
# (
# The Hazard Modeller's Toolkit (openquake.hmtk) is therefore distributed
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# The GEM Foundation, and the authors of the software, assume no
# liability for use of the software.

Parser for input in a NRML format, with partial validation
import re
from copy import copy
from openquake.baselib.node import node_from_xml
from openquake.baselib.general import deprecated
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.point import Point
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.line import Line
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.polygon import Polygon
from openquake.hazardlib.scalerel import get_available_scalerel
from openquake.hazardlib import mfd
from openquake.hazardlib.pmf import PMF
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.nodalplane import NodalPlane
from openquake.hmtk.sources.source_model import mtkSourceModel
from openquake.hmtk.sources.point_source import mtkPointSource
from openquake.hmtk.sources.area_source import mtkAreaSource
from openquake.hmtk.sources.simple_fault_source import mtkSimpleFaultSource
from openquake.hmtk.sources.complex_fault_source import mtkComplexFaultSource
from openquake.hmtk.parsers.source_model.base import BaseSourceModelParser

SCALERELS = get_available_scalerel()

[docs]def string_(string): """ Returns string or None """ if string: return string else: return None
[docs]def float_(value): """ Returns float of a value, or None """ if value: return float(value) else: return None
[docs]def int_(value): """ Returns int or None """ if value: return float(value) else: return None
[docs]def get_taglist(node): """ Return a list of tags (with NRML namespace removed) representing the order of the nodes within a node """ return [re.sub(r'\{[^}]*\}', "", copy(subnode.tag)) for subnode in node.nodes]
[docs]def linestring_node_to_line(node, with_depth=False): """ Returns an instance of a Linestring node to :class: openquake.hazardlib.geo.line.Line """ assert "LineString" in node.tag crds = [float(x) for x in node.nodes[0].text.split()] if with_depth: return Line([Point(crds[iloc], crds[iloc + 1], crds[iloc + 2]) for iloc in range(0, len(crds), 3)]) else: return Line([Point(crds[iloc], crds[iloc + 1]) for iloc in range(0, len(crds), 2)])
[docs]def node_to_point_geometry(node): """ Reads the node and returns the point geometry, upper depth and lower depth """ assert "pointGeometry" in node.tag for subnode in node.nodes: if "Point" in subnode.tag: # Position lon, lat = map(float, subnode.nodes[0].text.split()) point = Point(lon, lat) elif "upperSeismoDepth" in subnode.tag: upper_depth = float_(subnode.text) elif "lowerSeismoDepth" in subnode.tag: lower_depth = float_(subnode.text) else: # Redundent pass assert lower_depth > upper_depth return point, upper_depth, lower_depth
[docs]def node_to_area_geometry(node): """ Reads an area geometry node and returns the polygon, upper depth and lower depth """ assert "areaGeometry" in node.tag for subnode in node.nodes: if "Polygon" in subnode.tag: crds = [float(x) for x in subnode.nodes[0].nodes[0].nodes[0].text.split()] polygon = Polygon([Point(crds[iloc], crds[iloc + 1]) for iloc in range(0, len(crds), 2)]) elif "upperSeismoDepth" in subnode.tag: upper_depth = float_(subnode.text) elif "lowerSeismoDepth" in subnode.tag: lower_depth = float_(subnode.text) else: # Redundent pass assert lower_depth > upper_depth return polygon, upper_depth, lower_depth
[docs]def node_to_simple_fault_geometry(node): """ Reads a simple fault geometry node and returns an OpenQuake representation :returns: trace - Trace of fault as instance """ assert "simpleFaultGeometry" in node.tag for subnode in node.nodes: if "LineString" in subnode.tag: trace = linestring_node_to_line(subnode, with_depth=False) elif "dip" in subnode.tag: dip = float(subnode.text) elif "upperSeismoDepth" in subnode.tag: upper_depth = float(subnode.text) elif "lowerSeismoDepth" in subnode.tag: lower_depth = float(subnode.text) else: # Redundent pass assert lower_depth > upper_depth return trace, dip, upper_depth, lower_depth
[docs]def node_to_complex_fault_geometry(node): """ Reads a complex fault geometry node and returns an """ assert "complexFaultGeometry" in node.tag intermediate_edges = [] for subnode in node.nodes: if "faultTopEdge" in subnode.tag: top_edge = linestring_node_to_line(subnode.nodes[0], with_depth=True) elif "intermediateEdge" in subnode.tag: int_edge = linestring_node_to_line(subnode.nodes[0], with_depth=True) intermediate_edges.append(int_edge) elif "faultBottomEdge" in subnode.tag: bottom_edge = linestring_node_to_line(subnode.nodes[0], with_depth=True) else: # Redundent pass return [top_edge] + intermediate_edges + [bottom_edge]
[docs]def node_to_scalerel(node): """ Parses a node to an instance of a supported scaling relation class """ if not node.text: return None return SCALERELS[node.text.strip()]()
[docs]def node_to_truncated_gr(node, bin_width=0.1): """ Parses truncated GR node to an instance of the :class: openquake.hazardlib.mfd.truncated_gr.TruncatedGRMFD """ # Parse to float dictionary if not all([node.attrib[key] for key in ["minMag", "maxMag", "aValue", "bValue"]]): return None tgr = dict((key, float_(node.attrib[key])) for key in node.attrib) return mfd.truncated_gr.TruncatedGRMFD(min_mag=tgr["minMag"], max_mag=tgr["maxMag"], bin_width=bin_width, a_val=tgr["aValue"], b_val=tgr["bValue"])
[docs]def node_to_evenly_discretized(node): """ Parses the evenly discretized mfd node to an instance of the :class: openquake.hazardlib.mfd.evenly_discretized.EvenlyDiscretizedMFD, or to None if not all parameters are available """ if not all([node.attrib["minMag"], node.attrib["binWidth"], node.nodes[0].text]): return None # Text to float rates = [float(x) for x in node.nodes[0].text.split()] return mfd.evenly_discretized.EvenlyDiscretizedMFD( float(node.attrib["minMag"]), float(node.attrib["binWidth"]), rates)
[docs]def node_to_mfd(node, taglist): """ Reads the node to return a magnitude frequency distribution """ if "incrementalMFD" in taglist: mfd = node_to_evenly_discretized( node.nodes[taglist.index("incrementalMFD")]) elif "truncGutenbergRichterMFD" in taglist: mfd = node_to_truncated_gr( node.nodes[taglist.index("truncGutenbergRichterMFD")]) else: mfd = None return mfd
[docs]def node_to_nodal_planes(node): """ Parses the nodal plane distribution to a PMF """ if not len(node): return None npd_pmf = [] for plane in node.nodes: if not all(plane.attrib[key] for key in plane.attrib): # One plane fails - return None return None npd = NodalPlane(float(plane.attrib["strike"]), float(plane.attrib["dip"]), float(plane.attrib["rake"])) npd_pmf.append((float(plane.attrib["probability"]), npd)) return PMF(npd_pmf)
[docs]def node_to_hdd(node): """ Parses the node to a hpyocentral depth distribution PMF """ if not len(node): return None hdds = [] for subnode in node.nodes: if not all([subnode.attrib[key] for key in ["depth", "probability"]]): return None hdds.append((float(subnode.attrib["probability"]), float(subnode.attrib["depth"]))) return PMF(hdds)
[docs]def parse_point_source_node(node, mfd_spacing=0.1): """ Returns an "areaSource" node into an instance of the :class: openquake.hmtk.sources.area.mtkAreaSource """ assert "pointSource" in node.tag pnt_taglist = get_taglist(node) # Get metadata point_id, name, trt = (node.attrib["id"], node.attrib["name"], node.attrib["tectonicRegion"]) assert point_id # Defensive validation! # Process geometry location, upper_depth, lower_depth = node_to_point_geometry( node.nodes[pnt_taglist.index("pointGeometry")]) # Process scaling relation msr = node_to_scalerel(node.nodes[pnt_taglist.index("magScaleRel")]) # Process aspect ratio aspect = float_(node.nodes[pnt_taglist.index("ruptAspectRatio")].text) # Process MFD mfd = node_to_mfd(node, pnt_taglist) # Process nodal planes npds = node_to_nodal_planes( node.nodes[pnt_taglist.index("nodalPlaneDist")]) # Process hypocentral depths hdds = node_to_hdd(node.nodes[pnt_taglist.index("hypoDepthDist")]) return mtkPointSource(point_id, name, trt, geometry=location, upper_depth=upper_depth, lower_depth=lower_depth, mag_scale_rel=msr, rupt_aspect_ratio=aspect, mfd=mfd, nodal_plane_dist=npds, hypo_depth_dist=hdds)
[docs]def parse_area_source_node(node, mfd_spacing=0.1): """ Returns an "areaSource" node into an instance of the :class: openquake.hmtk.sources.area.mtkAreaSource """ assert "areaSource" in node.tag area_taglist = get_taglist(node) # Get metadata area_id, name, trt = (node.attrib["id"], node.attrib["name"], node.attrib["tectonicRegion"]) assert area_id # Defensive validation! # Process geometry polygon, upper_depth, lower_depth = node_to_area_geometry( node.nodes[area_taglist.index("areaGeometry")]) # Process scaling relation msr = node_to_scalerel(node.nodes[area_taglist.index("magScaleRel")]) # Process aspect ratio aspect = float_(node.nodes[area_taglist.index("ruptAspectRatio")].text) # Process MFD mfd = node_to_mfd(node, area_taglist) # Process nodal planes npds = node_to_nodal_planes( node.nodes[area_taglist.index("nodalPlaneDist")]) # Process hypocentral depths hdds = node_to_hdd(node.nodes[area_taglist.index("hypoDepthDist")]) return mtkAreaSource(area_id, name, trt, geometry=polygon, upper_depth=upper_depth, lower_depth=lower_depth, mag_scale_rel=msr, rupt_aspect_ratio=aspect, mfd=mfd, nodal_plane_dist=npds, hypo_depth_dist=hdds)
[docs]def parse_simple_fault_node(node, mfd_spacing=0.1, mesh_spacing=1.0): """ Parses a "simpleFaultSource" node and returns an instance of the :class: openquake.hmtk.sources.simple_fault.mtkSimpleFaultSource """ assert "simpleFaultSource" in node.tag sf_taglist = get_taglist(node) # Get metadata sf_id, name, trt = (node.attrib["id"], node.attrib["name"], node.attrib["tectonicRegion"]) # Process geometry trace, dip, upper_depth, lower_depth = node_to_simple_fault_geometry( node.nodes[sf_taglist.index("simpleFaultGeometry")]) # Process scaling relation msr = node_to_scalerel(node.nodes[sf_taglist.index("magScaleRel")]) # Process aspect ratio aspect = float_(node.nodes[sf_taglist.index("ruptAspectRatio")].text) # Process MFD mfd = node_to_mfd(node, sf_taglist) # Process rake rake = float_(node.nodes[sf_taglist.index("rake")].text) simple_fault = mtkSimpleFaultSource(sf_id, name, trt, geometry=None, dip=dip, upper_depth=upper_depth, lower_depth=lower_depth, mag_scale_rel=msr, rupt_aspect_ratio=aspect, mfd=mfd, rake=rake) simple_fault.create_geometry(trace, dip, upper_depth, lower_depth, mesh_spacing) return simple_fault
[docs]def parse_complex_fault_node(node, mfd_spacing=0.1, mesh_spacing=4.0): """ Parses a "complexFaultSource" node and returns an instance of the :class: openquake.hmtk.sources.complex_fault.mtkComplexFaultSource """ assert "complexFaultSource" in node.tag sf_taglist = get_taglist(node) # Get metadata sf_id, name, trt = (node.attrib["id"], node.attrib["name"], node.attrib["tectonicRegion"]) # Process geometry edges = node_to_complex_fault_geometry( node.nodes[sf_taglist.index("complexFaultGeometry")]) # Process scaling relation msr = node_to_scalerel(node.nodes[sf_taglist.index("magScaleRel")]) # Process aspect ratio aspect = float_(node.nodes[sf_taglist.index("ruptAspectRatio")].text) # Process MFD mfd = node_to_mfd(node, sf_taglist) # Process rake rake = float_(node.nodes[sf_taglist.index("rake")].text) complex_fault = mtkComplexFaultSource(sf_id, name, trt, geometry=None, mag_scale_rel=msr, rupt_aspect_ratio=aspect, mfd=mfd, rake=rake) complex_fault.create_geometry(edges, mesh_spacing) return complex_fault
[docs]class nrmlSourceModelParser(BaseSourceModelParser): """ Parser for a source model in NRML format, permitting partial validation such that not all fields need to be specified for the file to be parsed """
[docs] @deprecated(msg='Use openquake.hazardlib.nrml.to_python instead') def read_file(self, identifier, mfd_spacing=0.1, simple_mesh_spacing=1.0, complex_mesh_spacing=4.0, area_discretization=10.): """ Reads in the source model in returns an instance of the :class: openquake.hmtk.sourcs.source_model.mtkSourceModel """ sm_node = node_from_xml(self.input_file)[0] nrml04 = 'xmlns/nrml/0.4' in sm_node[0].tag if nrml04: node_sets = [sm_node] sm_name = sm_node.get("name", "") else: # format NRML 0.5+ node_sets = sm_node sm_name = sm_node["name"] source_model = mtkSourceModel(identifier, name=sm_name) for node_set in node_sets: for node in node_set: if not nrml04: # get the TRT from the sourceGroup node.attrib['tectonicRegion'] = node_set['tectonicRegion'] if "pointSource" in node.tag: source_model.sources.append( parse_point_source_node(node, mfd_spacing)) elif "areaSource" in node.tag: source_model.sources.append( parse_area_source_node(node, mfd_spacing)) elif "simpleFaultSource" in node.tag: source_model.sources.append( parse_simple_fault_node(node, mfd_spacing, simple_mesh_spacing)) elif "complexFaultSource" in node.tag: source_model.sources.append( parse_complex_fault_node(node, mfd_spacing, complex_mesh_spacing)) # TODO: multiPointSource are not supported else: print("Source typology %s not recognised - skipping!" % node.tag) return source_model