Source code for openquake.hazardlib.sourceconverter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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import os
import operator
import collections
import pickle
import copy
import logging
import numpy

from openquake.baselib import hdf5
from openquake.baselib.general import groupby, block_splitter
from openquake.baselib.node import context, striptag, Node, node_to_dict
from openquake.hazardlib import geo, mfd, pmf, source, tom, valid, InvalidFile
from openquake.hazardlib.tom import PoissonTOM
from openquake.hazardlib.source import NonParametricSeismicSource

U32 = numpy.uint32
F32 = numpy.float32
F64 = numpy.float64
source_dt = numpy.dtype([('source_id', U32), ('num_ruptures', U32),
                         ('pik', hdf5.vuint8)])
KNOWN_MFDS = ('incrementalMFD', 'truncGutenbergRichterMFD',
              'arbitraryMFD', 'YoungsCoppersmithMFD', 'multiMFD',

[docs]def extract_dupl(values): """ :param values: a sequence of values :returns: the duplicated values """ c = collections.Counter(values) return [value for value, counts in c.items() if counts > 1]
[docs]def fix_dupl(dist, fname=None, lineno=None): """ Fix the distribution if it contains identical values or raise an error. :param dist: a list of pairs [(prob, value)...] for a hypocenter or nodal plane dist :param fname: the file which is being read; if it is None, it means you are writing the distribution: in that case raise an error for duplicated values :param lineno: the line number of the file which is being read (None in writing mode) """ n = len(dist) values = collections.defaultdict(float) # dict value -> probability # value can be a scalar (hypocenter depth) or a triple # (strike, dip, rake) for a nodal plane distribution got = [] for prob, value in dist: if prob == 0: raise ValueError('Zero probability in subnode %s' % value) values[value] += prob got.append(value) if len(values) < n: if fname is None: # when called from the sourcewriter raise ValueError('There are repeated values in %s' % got) else: logging.warning('There were repeated values %s in %s:%s', extract_dupl(got), fname, lineno) assert abs(sum(values.values()) - 1) < EPSILON # sanity check newdist = sorted([(p, v) for v, p in values.items()]) if isinstance(newdist[0][1], tuple): # nodal planes newdist = [(p, geo.nodalplane.NodalPlane(*v)) for p, v in newdist] # run hazardlib/tests/data/context/job.ini to check this; # you will get [(0.2, 6.0), (0.2, 8.0), (0.2, 10.0), (0.4, 2.0)] dist[:] = newdist
[docs]class SourceGroup( """ A container for the following parameters: :param str trt: the tectonic region type all the sources belong to :param list sources: a list of hazardlib source objects :param name: The name of the group :param src_interdep: A string specifying if the sources in this cluster are independent or mutually exclusive :param rup_indep: A string specifying if the ruptures within each source of the cluster are independent or mutually exclusive :param weights: A dictionary whose keys are the source IDs of the cluster and the values are the weights associated with each source :param min_mag: the minimum magnitude among the given sources :param max_mag: the maximum magnitude among the given sources :param id: an optional numeric ID (default 0) set by the engine and used when serializing SourceModels to HDF5 :param temporal_occurrence_model: A temporal occurrence model controlling the source group occurrence :param cluster: A boolean indicating if the sources behaves as a cluster similarly to what used by the USGS for the New Madrid in the 2008 National Hazard Model. """ changes = 0 # set in apply_uncertainty
[docs] @classmethod def collect(cls, sources): """ :param sources: dictionaries with a key 'tectonicRegion' :returns: an ordered list of SourceGroup instances """ source_stats_dict = {} for src in sources: trt = src['tectonicRegion'] if trt not in source_stats_dict: source_stats_dict[trt] = SourceGroup(trt) sg = source_stats_dict[trt] if not sg.sources: # we append just one source per SourceGroup, so that # the memory occupation is insignificant sg.sources.append(src) # return SourceGroups, ordered by TRT string return sorted(source_stats_dict.values())
def __init__(self, trt, sources=None, name=None, src_interdep='indep', rup_interdep='indep', grp_probability=None, min_mag={'default': 0}, max_mag=None, temporal_occurrence_model=None, cluster=False): # checks self.trt = trt self.sources = [] = name self.src_interdep = src_interdep self.rup_interdep = rup_interdep self._check_init_variables(sources, name, src_interdep, rup_interdep) self.grp_probability = grp_probability self.min_mag = min_mag self.max_mag = max_mag if sources: for src in sorted(sources, key=operator.attrgetter('source_id')): self.update(src) self.source_model = None # to be set later, in FullLogicTree self.temporal_occurrence_model = temporal_occurrence_model self.cluster = cluster # check weights in case of mutually exclusive ruptures if rup_interdep == 'mutex': for src in self.sources: assert isinstance(src, NonParametricSeismicSource) for rup, _ in assert rup.weight is not None @property def atomic(self): """ :returns: True if the group cannot be split """ return (self.cluster or self.src_interdep == 'mutex' or self.rup_interdep == 'mutex') @property def weight(self): """ :returns: total weight of the underlying sources """ return sum(src.weight for src in self) def _check_init_variables(self, src_list, name, src_interdep, rup_interdep): if src_interdep not in ('indep', 'mutex'): raise ValueError('source interdependence incorrect %s ' % src_interdep) if rup_interdep not in ('indep', 'mutex'): raise ValueError('rupture interdependence incorrect %s ' % rup_interdep) # check TRT if src_list: # can be None for src in src_list: assert src.tectonic_region_type == self.trt, ( src.tectonic_region_type, self.trt) # Mutually exclusive ruptures can only belong to non-parametric # sources if rup_interdep == 'mutex': if not isinstance(src, NonParametricSeismicSource): msg = "Mutually exclusive ruptures can only be " msg += "modelled using non-parametric sources" raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def update(self, src): """ Update the attributes sources, min_mag, max_mag according to the given source. :param src: an instance of :class: `openquake.hazardlib.source.base.BaseSeismicSource` """ assert src.tectonic_region_type == self.trt, ( src.tectonic_region_type, self.trt) src.min_mag = max(src.min_mag, self.min_mag.get(self.trt) or self.min_mag['default']) if src.min_mag and not src.get_mags(): # filtered out return # checking mutex ruptures if (not isinstance(src, NonParametricSeismicSource) and self.rup_interdep == 'mutex'): msg = "Mutually exclusive ruptures can only be " msg += "modelled using non-parametric sources" raise ValueError(msg) self.sources.append(src) _, max_mag = src.get_min_max_mag() prev_max_mag = self.max_mag if prev_max_mag is None or max_mag > prev_max_mag: self.max_mag = max_mag
[docs] def count_ruptures(self): """ Set src.num_ruptures on each source in the group """ for src in self: src.nsites = 1 src.num_ruptures = src.count_ruptures() print(src.weight) return self
[docs] def split(self, maxweight): """ Split the group in subgroups with weight <= maxweight, unless it it atomic. """ if self.atomic: return [self] out = [] for block in block_splitter( self, maxweight, operator.attrgetter('weight')): sg = copy.copy(self) sg.sources = block out.append(sg) return out
def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s, %d source(s)>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.trt, len(self.sources)) def __lt__(self, other): """ Make sure there is a precise ordering of SourceGroup objects. Objects with less sources are put first; in case the number of sources is the same, use lexicographic ordering on the trts """ num_sources = len(self.sources) other_sources = len(other.sources) if num_sources == other_sources: return self.trt < other.trt return num_sources < other_sources def __getitem__(self, i): return self.sources[i] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.sources) def __len__(self): return len(self.sources) def __toh5__(self): lst = [] for i, src in enumerate(self.sources): buf = pickle.dumps(src, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) lst.append((, src.num_ruptures, numpy.frombuffer(buf, numpy.uint8))) attrs = dict( trt=self.trt, or '', src_interdep=self.src_interdep, rup_interdep=self.rup_interdep, grp_probability=self.grp_probability or '') return numpy.array(lst, source_dt), attrs def __fromh5__(self, array, attrs): vars(self).update(attrs) self.sources = [] for row in array: self.sources.append(pickle.loads(memoryview(row['pik'])))
[docs]def split_coords_2d(seq): """ :param seq: a flat list with lons and lats :returns: a validated list of pairs (lon, lat) >>> split_coords_2d([1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3]) [(1.1, 2.1), (2.2, 2.3)] """ lons, lats = [], [] for i, el in enumerate(seq): if i % 2 == 0: lons.append(valid.longitude(el)) elif i % 2 == 1: lats.append(valid.latitude(el)) return list(zip(lons, lats))
[docs]def split_coords_3d(seq): """ :param seq: a flat list with lons, lats and depths :returns: a validated list of (lon, lat, depths) triplets >>> split_coords_3d([1.1, 2.1, 0.1, 2.3, 2.4, 0.1]) [(1.1, 2.1, 0.1), (2.3, 2.4, 0.1)] """ lons, lats, depths = [], [], [] for i, el in enumerate(seq): if i % 3 == 0: lons.append(valid.longitude(el)) elif i % 3 == 1: lats.append(valid.latitude(el)) elif i % 3 == 2: depths.append(valid.depth(el)) return list(zip(lons, lats, depths))
[docs]def convert_nonParametricSeismicSource(fname, node, rup_spacing=5.0): """ Convert the given node into a non parametric source object. :param fname: full pathname to the XML file associated to the node :param node: a Node object coming from an XML file :param rup_spacing: Rupture spacing [km] :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.source.NonParametricSeismicSource` instance """ trt = node.attrib.get('tectonicRegion') rups_weights = None if 'rup_weights' in node.attrib: rups_weights = F64(node['rup_weights'].split()) nps = source.NonParametricSeismicSource( node['id'], node['name'], trt, [], []) nps.splittable = 'rup_weights' not in node.attrib path = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + '.hdf5' hdf5_fname = path if os.path.exists(path) else None if hdf5_fname and node.text is None: # gridded source, read the rupture data from the HDF5 file with hdf5.File(hdf5_fname, 'r') as h: dic = {k: d[:] for k, d in h[node['id']].items()} nps.fromdict(dic, rups_weights) else: # read the rupture data from the XML nodes num_probs = None for i, rupnode in enumerate(node): po = rupnode['probs_occur'] probs = pmf.PMF(valid.pmf(po)) if num_probs is None: # first time num_probs = len( elif len( != num_probs: # probs_occur must have uniform length for all ruptures raise ValueError( 'prob_occurs=%s has %d elements, expected %s' % (po, len(, num_probs)) rup = RuptureConverter(rup_spacing).convert_node(rupnode) rup.tectonic_region_type = trt rup.weight = None if rups_weights is None else rups_weights[i], probs)) return nps
[docs]class RuptureConverter(object): """ Convert ruptures from nodes into Hazardlib ruptures. """ fname = None # should be set externally def __init__(self, rupture_mesh_spacing, complex_fault_mesh_spacing=None): self.rupture_mesh_spacing = rupture_mesh_spacing self.complex_fault_mesh_spacing = ( complex_fault_mesh_spacing or rupture_mesh_spacing)
[docs] def get_mag_rake_hypo(self, node): with context(self.fname, node): mag = ~node.magnitude rake = ~node.rake h = node.hypocenter hypocenter = geo.Point(h['lon'], h['lat'], h['depth']) return mag, rake, hypocenter
[docs] def convert_node(self, node): """ Convert the given rupture node into a hazardlib rupture, depending on the node tag. :param node: a node representing a rupture """ return getattr(self, 'convert_' + striptag(node.tag))(node)
[docs] def geo_line(self, edge): """ Utility function to convert a node of kind edge into a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.Line` instance. :param edge: a node describing an edge """ with context(self.fname, edge.LineString.posList) as plist: coords = split_coords_2d(~plist) return geo.Line([geo.Point(*p) for p in coords])
[docs] def geo_lines(self, edges): """ Utility function to convert a list of edges into a list of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.Line` instances. :param edge: a node describing an edge """ lines = [] for edge in edges: with context(self.fname, edge): coords = split_coords_3d(~edge.LineString.posList) lines.append(geo.Line([geo.Point(*p) for p in coords])) return lines
[docs] def geo_planar(self, surface): """ Utility to convert a PlanarSurface node with subnodes topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight into a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.PlanarSurface` instance. :param surface: PlanarSurface node """ with context(self.fname, surface): tl = surface.topLeft top_left = geo.Point(tl['lon'], tl['lat'], tl['depth']) tr = surface.topRight top_right = geo.Point(tr['lon'], tr['lat'], tr['depth']) bl = surface.bottomLeft bottom_left = geo.Point(bl['lon'], bl['lat'], bl['depth']) br = surface.bottomRight bottom_right = geo.Point(br['lon'], br['lat'], br['depth']) return geo.PlanarSurface.from_corner_points( top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left)
[docs] def convert_surfaces(self, surface_nodes): """ Utility to convert a list of surface nodes into a single hazardlib surface. There are four possibilities: 1. there is a single simpleFaultGeometry node; returns a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.simpleFaultSurface` instance 2. there is a single complexFaultGeometry node; returns a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.complexFaultSurface` instance 3. there is a single griddedSurface node; returns a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.GriddedSurface` instance 4. there is a list of PlanarSurface nodes; returns a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.MultiSurface` instance 5. there is either a single a kiteSurface or a list of kiteSurface nodes; returns a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.MultiSurface` instance or a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.MultiSurface` instance, respectively :param surface_nodes: surface nodes as just described """ surface_node = surface_nodes[0] if surface_node.tag.endswith('simpleFaultGeometry'): surface = geo.SimpleFaultSurface.from_fault_data( self.geo_line(surface_node), ~surface_node.upperSeismoDepth, ~surface_node.lowerSeismoDepth, ~surface_node.dip, self.rupture_mesh_spacing) elif surface_node.tag.endswith('complexFaultGeometry'): surface = geo.ComplexFaultSurface.from_fault_data( self.geo_lines(surface_node), self.complex_fault_mesh_spacing) elif surface_node.tag.endswith('griddedSurface'): with context(self.fname, surface_node): coords = split_coords_3d(~surface_node.posList) points = [geo.Point(*p) for p in coords] surface = geo.GriddedSurface.from_points_list(points) elif surface_node.tag.endswith('kiteSurface'): # single or multiple kite surfaces profs = [] for surface_node in surface_nodes: profs.append(self.geo_lines(surface_node)) if len(profs) < 2: surface = geo.KiteSurface.from_profiles( profs[0], self.rupture_mesh_spacing, self.rupture_mesh_spacing) else: surfaces = [] for prof in profs: surfaces.append(geo.KiteSurface.from_profiles( prof, self.rupture_mesh_spacing, self.rupture_mesh_spacing)) surface = geo.MultiSurface(surfaces) else: # a collection of planar surfaces planar_surfaces = list(map(self.geo_planar, surface_nodes)) surface = geo.MultiSurface(planar_surfaces) return surface
[docs] def convert_simpleFaultRupture(self, node): """ Convert a simpleFaultRupture node. :param node: the rupture node """ mag, rake, hypocenter = self.get_mag_rake_hypo(node) with context(self.fname, node): surfaces = [node.simpleFaultGeometry] rupt = source.rupture.BaseRupture( mag=mag, rake=rake, tectonic_region_type=None, hypocenter=hypocenter, surface=self.convert_surfaces(surfaces)) return rupt
[docs] def convert_complexFaultRupture(self, node): """ Convert a complexFaultRupture node. :param node: the rupture node """ mag, rake, hypocenter = self.get_mag_rake_hypo(node) with context(self.fname, node): [surface] = node.getnodes('complexFaultGeometry') rupt = source.rupture.BaseRupture( mag=mag, rake=rake, tectonic_region_type=None, hypocenter=hypocenter, surface=self.convert_surfaces([surface])) return rupt
[docs] def convert_singlePlaneRupture(self, node): """ Convert a singlePlaneRupture node. :param node: the rupture node """ mag, rake, hypocenter = self.get_mag_rake_hypo(node) with context(self.fname, node): surfaces = [node.planarSurface] rupt = source.rupture.BaseRupture( mag=mag, rake=rake, tectonic_region_type=None, hypocenter=hypocenter, surface=self.convert_surfaces(surfaces)) return rupt
# used in scenario only (?)
[docs] def convert_multiPlanesRupture(self, node): """ Convert a multiPlanesRupture node. :param node: the rupture node """ mag, rake, hypocenter = self.get_mag_rake_hypo(node) with context(self.fname, node): if hasattr(node, 'planarSurface'): surfaces = list(node.getnodes('planarSurface')) for s in surfaces: assert s.tag.endswith('planarSurface') elif hasattr(node, 'kiteSurface'): surfaces = list(node.getnodes('kiteSurface')) for s in surfaces: assert s.tag.endswith('kiteSurface') else: raise ValueError('Only multiSurfaces of planarSurfaces or' 'kiteSurfaces are supported (no mix)') rupt = source.rupture.BaseRupture( mag=mag, rake=rake, tectonic_region_type=None, hypocenter=hypocenter, surface=self.convert_surfaces(surfaces)) return rupt
[docs] def convert_griddedRupture(self, node): """ Convert a griddedRupture node. :param node: the rupture node """ mag, rake, hypocenter = self.get_mag_rake_hypo(node) with context(self.fname, node): surfaces = [node.griddedSurface] rupt = source.rupture.BaseRupture( mag=mag, rake=rake, tectonic_region_type=None, hypocenter=hypocenter, surface=self.convert_surfaces(surfaces)) return rupt
[docs] def convert_ruptureCollection(self, node): """ :param node: a ruptureCollection node :returns: a dictionary et_id -> EBRuptures """ coll = {} for grpnode in node: et_id = int(grpnode['id']) coll[et_id] = ebrs = [] for node in grpnode: rup = self.convert_node(node) rup.rup_id = int(node['id']) sesnodes = node.stochasticEventSets n = 0 # number of events for sesnode in sesnodes: with context(self.fname, sesnode): n += len(sesnode.text.split()) ebr = source.rupture.EBRupture(rup, 0, 0, numpy.array([n])) ebrs.append(ebr) return coll
[docs]class SourceConverter(RuptureConverter): """ Convert sources from valid nodes into Hazardlib objects. """ def __init__(self, investigation_time=50., rupture_mesh_spacing=5., complex_fault_mesh_spacing=None, width_of_mfd_bin=1.0, area_source_discretization=None, minimum_magnitude={'default': 0}, source_id=None, discard_trts=''): self.investigation_time = investigation_time self.area_source_discretization = area_source_discretization self.minimum_magnitude = minimum_magnitude self.rupture_mesh_spacing = rupture_mesh_spacing self.complex_fault_mesh_spacing = ( complex_fault_mesh_spacing or rupture_mesh_spacing) self.width_of_mfd_bin = width_of_mfd_bin self.source_id = source_id self.discard_trts = discard_trts
[docs] def convert_node(self, node): """ Convert the given source node into a hazardlib source, depending on the node tag. :param node: a node representing a source or a SourceGroup """ trt = node.attrib.get('tectonicRegion') if trt and trt in self.discard_trts: return obj = getattr(self, 'convert_' + striptag(node.tag))(node) source_id = getattr(obj, 'source_id', '') if self.source_id and source_id and source_id not in self.source_id: return if hasattr(obj, 'mfd') and hasattr(obj.mfd, 'slip_rate'): # TruncatedGRMFD with slip rate m = obj.mfd obj.mfd = m.from_slip_rate( m.min_mag, m.max_mag, m.bin_width, m.b_val, m.slip_rate, m.rigidity, obj.get_fault_surface_area()) return obj
[docs] def get_tom(self, node): """ Convert the given node into a Temporal Occurrence Model object. :param node: a node of kind poissonTOM or brownianTOM :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.mfd.EvenlyDiscretizedMFD.` or :class:`openquake.hazardlib.mfd.TruncatedGRMFD` instance """ if 'tom' in node.attrib: tom_cls = tom.registry[node['tom']] else: tom_cls = tom.registry['PoissonTOM'] return tom_cls(time_span=self.investigation_time, occurrence_rate=node.get('occurrence_rate'))
[docs] def convert_mfdist(self, node): """ Convert the given node into a Magnitude-Frequency Distribution object. :param node: a node of kind incrementalMFD or truncGutenbergRichterMFD :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.mfd.EvenlyDiscretizedMFD.` or :class:`openquake.hazardlib.mfd.TruncatedGRMFD` instance """ with context(self.fname, node): [mfd_node] = [subnode for subnode in node if subnode.tag.endswith(KNOWN_MFDS)] if mfd_node.tag.endswith('incrementalMFD'): return mfd.EvenlyDiscretizedMFD( min_mag=mfd_node['minMag'], bin_width=mfd_node['binWidth'], occurrence_rates=~mfd_node.occurRates) elif mfd_node.tag.endswith('truncGutenbergRichterMFD'): slip_rate = mfd_node.get('slipRate') rigidity = mfd_node.get('rigidity') if slip_rate: assert rigidity # instantiate with a NaN area, to be fixed later on gr_mfd = mfd.TruncatedGRMFD.from_slip_rate( mfd_node['minMag'], mfd_node['maxMag'], self.width_of_mfd_bin, mfd_node['bValue'], slip_rate, rigidity, area=numpy.nan) else: gr_mfd = mfd.TruncatedGRMFD( a_val=mfd_node['aValue'], b_val=mfd_node['bValue'], min_mag=mfd_node['minMag'], max_mag=mfd_node['maxMag'], bin_width=self.width_of_mfd_bin) return gr_mfd elif mfd_node.tag.endswith('arbitraryMFD'): return mfd.ArbitraryMFD( magnitudes=~mfd_node.magnitudes, occurrence_rates=~mfd_node.occurRates) elif mfd_node.tag.endswith('YoungsCoppersmithMFD'): return mfd.YoungsCoppersmith1985MFD( min_mag=mfd_node["minMag"], b_val=mfd_node["bValue"], char_mag=mfd_node["characteristicMag"], char_rate=mfd_node.get("characteristicRate"), total_moment_rate=mfd_node.get("totalMomentRate"), bin_width=mfd_node["binWidth"]) elif mfd_node.tag.endswith('multiMFD'): return mfd.multi_mfd.MultiMFD.from_node( mfd_node, self.width_of_mfd_bin) elif mfd_node.tag.endswith('taperedGutenbergRichterMFD'): return mfd.TaperedGRMFD( mfd_node['minMag'], mfd_node['maxMag'], mfd_node['cornerMag'], self.width_of_mfd_bin, mfd_node['aValue'], mfd_node['bValue'])
[docs] def convert_npdist(self, node): """ Convert the given node into a Nodal Plane Distribution. :param node: a nodalPlaneDist node :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.NodalPlane` instance """ with context(self.fname, node): npnode = node.nodalPlaneDist npdist = [] for np in npnode: prob, strike, dip, rake = ( np['probability'], np['strike'], np['dip'], np['rake']) npdist.append((prob, geo.NodalPlane(strike, dip, rake))) with context(self.fname, npnode): fix_dupl(npdist, self.fname, npnode.lineno) return pmf.PMF(npdist)
[docs] def convert_hddist(self, node): """ Convert the given node into a probability mass function for the hypo depth distribution. :param node: a hypoDepthDist node :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.pmf.PMF` instance """ with context(self.fname, node): hdnode = node.hypoDepthDist hddist = [(hd['probability'], hd['depth']) for hd in hdnode] with context(self.fname, hdnode): fix_dupl(hddist, self.fname, hdnode.lineno) return pmf.PMF(hddist)
[docs] def convert_areaSource(self, node): """ Convert the given node into an area source object. :param node: a node with tag areaGeometry :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.source.AreaSource` instance """ geom = node.areaGeometry coords = split_coords_2d(~geom.Polygon.exterior.LinearRing.posList) polygon = geo.Polygon([geo.Point(*xy) for xy in coords]) msr = valid.SCALEREL[~node.magScaleRel]() area_discretization = geom.attrib.get( 'discretization', self.area_source_discretization) if area_discretization is None: raise ValueError( 'The source %r has no `discretization` parameter and the job.' 'ini file has no `area_source_discretization` parameter either' % node['id']) return source.AreaSource( source_id=node['id'], name=node['name'], tectonic_region_type=node.attrib.get('tectonicRegion'), mfd=self.convert_mfdist(node), rupture_mesh_spacing=self.rupture_mesh_spacing, magnitude_scaling_relationship=msr, rupture_aspect_ratio=~node.ruptAspectRatio, upper_seismogenic_depth=~geom.upperSeismoDepth, lower_seismogenic_depth=~geom.lowerSeismoDepth, nodal_plane_distribution=self.convert_npdist(node), hypocenter_distribution=self.convert_hddist(node), polygon=polygon, area_discretization=area_discretization, temporal_occurrence_model=self.get_tom(node))
[docs] def convert_pointSource(self, node): """ Convert the given node into a point source object. :param node: a node with tag pointGeometry :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.source.PointSource` instance """ geom = node.pointGeometry lon_lat = ~geom.Point.pos msr = valid.SCALEREL[~node.magScaleRel]() return source.PointSource( source_id=node['id'], name=node['name'], tectonic_region_type=node.attrib.get('tectonicRegion'), mfd=self.convert_mfdist(node), rupture_mesh_spacing=self.rupture_mesh_spacing, magnitude_scaling_relationship=msr, rupture_aspect_ratio=~node.ruptAspectRatio, upper_seismogenic_depth=~geom.upperSeismoDepth, lower_seismogenic_depth=~geom.lowerSeismoDepth, location=geo.Point(*lon_lat), nodal_plane_distribution=self.convert_npdist(node), hypocenter_distribution=self.convert_hddist(node), temporal_occurrence_model=self.get_tom(node))
[docs] def convert_multiPointSource(self, node): """ Convert the given node into a MultiPointSource object. :param node: a node with tag multiPointGeometry :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.source.MultiPointSource` """ geom = node.multiPointGeometry lons, lats = zip(*split_coords_2d(~geom.posList)) msr = valid.SCALEREL[~node.magScaleRel]() return source.MultiPointSource( source_id=node['id'], name=node['name'], tectonic_region_type=node.attrib.get('tectonicRegion'), mfd=self.convert_mfdist(node), magnitude_scaling_relationship=msr, rupture_aspect_ratio=~node.ruptAspectRatio, upper_seismogenic_depth=~geom.upperSeismoDepth, lower_seismogenic_depth=~geom.lowerSeismoDepth, nodal_plane_distribution=self.convert_npdist(node), hypocenter_distribution=self.convert_hddist(node), mesh=geo.Mesh(F32(lons), F32(lats)), temporal_occurrence_model=self.get_tom(node))
[docs] def convert_simpleFaultSource(self, node): """ Convert the given node into a simple fault object. :param node: a node with tag areaGeometry :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.source.SimpleFaultSource` instance """ geom = node.simpleFaultGeometry msr = valid.SCALEREL[~node.magScaleRel]() fault_trace = self.geo_line(geom) mfd = self.convert_mfdist(node) with context(self.fname, node): try: hypo_list = valid.hypo_list(node.hypoList) except AttributeError: hypo_list = () try: slip_list = valid.slip_list(node.slipList) except AttributeError: slip_list = () simple = source.SimpleFaultSource( source_id=node['id'], name=node['name'], tectonic_region_type=node.attrib.get('tectonicRegion'), mfd=mfd, rupture_mesh_spacing=self.rupture_mesh_spacing, magnitude_scaling_relationship=msr, rupture_aspect_ratio=~node.ruptAspectRatio, upper_seismogenic_depth=~geom.upperSeismoDepth, lower_seismogenic_depth=~geom.lowerSeismoDepth, fault_trace=fault_trace, dip=~geom.dip, rake=~node.rake, temporal_occurrence_model=self.get_tom(node), hypo_list=hypo_list, slip_list=slip_list) return simple
[docs] def convert_kiteFaultSource(self, node): """ Convert the given node into a kite fault object. :param node: a node with tag kiteFaultSource :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.source.KiteFaultSource` instance """ as_kite = True try: geom = node.simpleFaultGeometry fault_trace = self.geo_line(geom) as_kite = False except: geom = node.kiteFaultGeometry profiles = self.geo_lines(geom) msr = valid.SCALEREL[~node.magScaleRel]() mfd = self.convert_mfdist(node) with context(self.fname, node): if as_kite: outsrc = source.KiteFaultSource( source_id=node['id'], name=node['name'], tectonic_region_type=node.attrib.get('tectonicRegion'), mfd=mfd, rupture_mesh_spacing=self.rupture_mesh_spacing, magnitude_scaling_relationship=msr, rupture_aspect_ratio=~node.ruptAspectRatio, temporal_occurrence_model=self.get_tom(node), profiles=profiles, floating_x_step=1, floating_y_step=1, rake=~node.rake, profiles_sampling=None ) else: outsrc = source.KiteFaultSource.as_simple_fault( source_id=node['id'], name=node['name'], tectonic_region_type=node.attrib.get('tectonicRegion'), mfd=mfd, rupture_mesh_spacing=self.rupture_mesh_spacing, magnitude_scaling_relationship=msr, rupture_aspect_ratio=~node.ruptAspectRatio, upper_seismogenic_depth=~geom.upperSeismoDepth, lower_seismogenic_depth=~geom.lowerSeismoDepth, fault_trace=fault_trace, dip=~geom.dip, rake=~node.rake, temporal_occurrence_model=self.get_tom(node), floating_x_step=1, floating_y_step=1) return outsrc
[docs] def convert_complexFaultSource(self, node): """ Convert the given node into a complex fault object. :param node: a node with tag areaGeometry :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.source.ComplexFaultSource` instance """ geom = node.complexFaultGeometry edges = self.geo_lines(geom) mfd = self.convert_mfdist(node) msr = valid.SCALEREL[~node.magScaleRel]() with context(self.fname, node): cmplx = source.ComplexFaultSource( source_id=node['id'], name=node['name'], tectonic_region_type=node.attrib.get('tectonicRegion'), mfd=mfd, rupture_mesh_spacing=self.complex_fault_mesh_spacing, magnitude_scaling_relationship=msr, rupture_aspect_ratio=~node.ruptAspectRatio, edges=edges, rake=~node.rake, temporal_occurrence_model=self.get_tom(node)) return cmplx
[docs] def convert_characteristicFaultSource(self, node): """ Convert the given node into a characteristic fault object. :param node: a node with tag areaGeometry :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.source.CharacteristicFaultSource` instance """ char = source.CharacteristicFaultSource( source_id=node['id'], name=node['name'], tectonic_region_type=node.attrib.get('tectonicRegion'), mfd=self.convert_mfdist(node), surface=self.convert_surfaces(node.surface), rake=~node.rake, temporal_occurrence_model=self.get_tom(node)) return char
[docs] def convert_nonParametricSeismicSource(self, node): """ Convert the given node into a non parametric source object. :param node: a node with tag areaGeometry :returns: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.source.NonParametricSeismicSource` instance """ return convert_nonParametricSeismicSource(self.fname, node, self.rupture_mesh_spacing)
[docs] def convert_sourceModel(self, node): return [self.convert_node(subnode) for subnode in node]
[docs] def convert_sourceGroup(self, node): """ Convert the given node into a SourceGroup object. :param node: a node with tag sourceGroup :returns: a :class:`SourceGroup` instance """ trt = node['tectonicRegion'] srcs_weights = node.attrib.get('srcs_weights') grp_attrs = {k: v for k, v in node.attrib.items() if k not in ('name', 'src_interdep', 'rup_interdep', 'srcs_weights')} sg = SourceGroup(trt, min_mag=self.minimum_magnitude) sg.temporal_occurrence_model = self.get_tom(node) = node.attrib.get('name') # Set attributes related to occurrence sg.src_interdep = node.attrib.get('src_interdep', 'indep') sg.rup_interdep = node.attrib.get('rup_interdep', 'indep') sg.grp_probability = node.attrib.get('grp_probability') # Set the cluster attribute sg.cluster = node.attrib.get('cluster') == 'true' # Filter admitted cases # 1. The source group is a cluster. In this case the cluster must have # the attributes required to define its occurrence in time. if sg.cluster: msg = 'A cluster group requires the definition of a temporal' msg += ' occurrence model' assert 'tom' in node.attrib, msg if isinstance(tom, PoissonTOM): assert hasattr(sg, 'occurrence_rate') for src_node in node: src = self.convert_node(src_node) if src is None: # filtered out by source_id continue # transmit the group attributes to the underlying source for attr, value in grp_attrs.items(): if attr == 'tectonicRegion': src_trt = src_node.get('tectonicRegion') if src_trt and src_trt != trt: with context(self.fname, src_node): raise ValueError('Found %s, expected %s' % (src_node['tectonicRegion'], trt)) src.tectonic_region_type = trt elif attr == 'grp_probability': pass # do not transmit else: # transmit as it is setattr(src, attr, node[attr]) sg.update(src) if srcs_weights is not None: if len(node) and len(srcs_weights) != len(node): raise ValueError( 'There are %d srcs_weights but %d source(s) in %s' % (len(srcs_weights), len(node), self.fname)) for src, sw in zip(sg, srcs_weights): src.mutex_weight = sw # check that, when the cluster option is set, the group has a temporal # occurrence model properly defined if sg.cluster and not hasattr(sg, 'temporal_occurrence_model'): msg = 'The Source Group is a cluster but does not have a ' msg += 'temporal occurrence model' raise ValueError(msg) return sg
Row = collections.namedtuple( 'Row', 'id name code tectonicregion mfd magscalerel ruptaspectratio ' 'upperseismodepth lowerseismodepth nodalplanedist hypodepthdist ' 'geom coords') NPRow = collections.namedtuple( # used for nonParametric sources 'NPRow', 'id name code tectonicregion ruptures geom coords') def _planar(surface): poly = [] tl = surface.topLeft poly.append((tl['lon'], tl['lat'], tl['depth'])) tr = surface.topRight poly.append((tr['lon'], tr['lat'], tr['depth'])) br = surface.bottomRight poly.append((br['lon'], br['lat'], br['depth'])) bl = surface.bottomLeft poly.append((bl['lon'], bl['lat'], bl['depth'])) poly.append((tl['lon'], tl['lat'], tl['depth'])) # close the polygon return [poly]
[docs]class RowConverter(SourceConverter): """ Used in the command oq nrml_to_csv to convert source models into Row objects. """
[docs] def convert_node(self, node): """ Convert the given source node into a Row object """ trt = node.attrib.get('tectonicRegion') if trt and trt in self.discard_trts: return return getattr(self, 'convert_' + striptag(node.tag))(node)
[docs] def convert_mfdist(self, node): with context(self.fname, node): [mfd_node] = [subnode for subnode in node if subnode.tag.endswith(KNOWN_MFDS)] return str(node_to_dict(mfd_node))
[docs] def convert_npdist(self, node): lst = [] for w, np in super().convert_npdist(node).data: dic = {'weight': w, 'dip': np.dip, 'rake': np.rake, 'strike': np.strike} lst.append(dic) return str(lst)
[docs] def convert_hddist(self, node): lst = [] for w, hd in super().convert_hddist(node).data: lst.append(dict(weight=w, hypodepth=hd)) return str(lst)
[docs] def convert_areaSource(self, node): geom = node.areaGeometry coords = split_coords_2d(~geom.Polygon.exterior.LinearRing.posList) coords += [coords[0]] # close the polygon # TODO: area_discretization = geom.attrib.get('discretization') return Row( node['id'], node['name'], 'A', node['tectonicRegion'], self.convert_mfdist(node), ~node.magScaleRel, ~node.ruptAspectRatio, ~geom.upperSeismoDepth, ~geom.lowerSeismoDepth, self.convert_npdist(node), self.convert_hddist(node), 'Polygon', [coords])
[docs] def convert_pointSource(self, node): geom = node.pointGeometry return Row( node['id'], node['name'], 'P', node['tectonicRegion'], self.convert_mfdist(node), ~node.magScaleRel, ~node.ruptAspectRatio, ~geom.upperSeismoDepth, ~geom.lowerSeismoDepth, self.convert_npdist(node), self.convert_hddist(node), 'Point', ~geom.Point.pos)
[docs] def convert_multiPointSource(self, node): geom = node.multiPointGeometry coords = split_coords_2d(~geom.posList) return Row( node['id'], node['name'], 'M', node['tectonicRegion'], self.convert_mfdist(node), ~node.magScaleRel, ~node.ruptAspectRatio, ~geom.upperSeismoDepth, ~geom.lowerSeismoDepth, self.convert_npdist(node), self.convert_hddist(node), 'MultiPoint', coords)
[docs] def convert_simpleFaultSource(self, node): geom = node.simpleFaultGeometry return Row( node['id'], node['name'], 'S', node['tectonicRegion'], self.convert_mfdist(node), ~node.magScaleRel, ~node.ruptAspectRatio, ~geom.upperSeismoDepth, ~geom.lowerSeismoDepth, [{'dip': ~geom.dip, 'rake': ~node.rake}], [], 'LineString', [(p.x, p.y) for p in self.geo_line(geom)])
[docs] def convert_complexFaultSource(self, node): geom = node.complexFaultGeometry # 1005 edges = [] for line in self.geo_lines(geom): edges.append([(p.x, p.y, p.z) for p in line]) return Row( node['id'], node['name'], 'C', node['tectonicRegion'], self.convert_mfdist(node), ~node.magScaleRel, ~node.ruptAspectRatio, numpy.nan, numpy.nan, [{'rake': ~node.rake}], [], '3D MultiLineString', edges)
[docs] def convert_characteristicFaultSource(self, node): _, kind = node.surface[0].tag.split('}') if kind == 'simpleFaultGeometry': geom = 'LineString' coords = [(point.x, point.y) for point in self.geo_line( node.surface.simpleFaultGeometry)] elif kind == 'complexFaultGeometry': geom = '3D MultiLineString' coords = [] for line in self.geo_lines(node.surface.complexFaultGeometry): coords.append([(p.x, p.y, p.z) for p in line]) elif kind == 'planarSurface': geom = '3D MultiPolygon' coords = [_planar(surface) for surface in node.surface] return Row( node['id'], node['name'], 'X', node['tectonicRegion'], self.convert_mfdist(node), numpy.nan, numpy.nan, numpy.nan, numpy.nan, [{'rake': ~node.rake}], [], geom, coords)
[docs] def convert_nonParametricSeismicSource(self, node): nps = convert_nonParametricSeismicSource(self.fname, node) ruptures = [] for rup, pmf_ in probs = [p for p, i in] hypo = [rup.hypocenter.x, rup.hypocenter.y, rup.hypocenter.z] dic = dict(mag=rup.mag, rake=rup.rake, weight=rup.weight, probs_occur=probs, hypo=hypo) ruptures.append(dic) return NPRow( node['id'], node['name'], 'N', node['tectonicRegion'], ruptures, 'Polygon', [nps.polygon.coords])
# ################### MultiPointSource conversion ######################## #
[docs]def dists(node): """ :returns: hddist, npdist and magScaleRel from the given pointSource node """ hd = tuple((node['probability'], node['depth']) for node in node.hypoDepthDist) npd = tuple( ((node['probability'], node['rake'], node['strike'], node['dip'])) for node in node.nodalPlaneDist) return hd, npd, ~node.magScaleRel
[docs]def collapse(array): """ Collapse a homogeneous array into a scalar; do nothing if the array is not homogenous """ if len(set(a for a in array)) == 1: # homogenous array return array[0] return array
[docs]def mfds2multimfd(mfds): """ Convert a list of MFD nodes into a single MultiMFD node """ _, kind = mfds[0].tag.split('}') node = Node('multiMFD', dict(kind=kind, size=len(mfds))) lengths = None for field in mfd.multi_mfd.ASSOC[kind][1:]: alias = mfd.multi_mfd.ALIAS.get(field, field) if field in ('magnitudes', 'occurRates'): data = [~getattr(m, field) for m in mfds] lengths = [len(d) for d in data] data = sum(data, []) # list of lists else: try: data = [m[alias] for m in mfds] except KeyError: if alias == 'binWidth': # missing bindWidth in GR MDFs is ok continue else: raise node.append(Node(field, text=collapse(data))) if lengths: # this is the last field if present node.append(Node('lengths', text=collapse(lengths))) return node
def _pointsources2multipoints(srcs, i): # converts pointSources with the same hddist, npdist and msr into a # single multiPointSource. allsources = [] for (hd, npd, msr), sources in groupby(srcs, dists).items(): if len(sources) == 1: # there is a single source allsources.extend(sources) continue mfds = [src[3] for src in sources] points = [] usd = [] lsd = [] rar = [] for src in sources: pg = src.pointGeometry points.extend(~pg.Point.pos) usd.append(~pg.upperSeismoDepth) lsd.append(~pg.lowerSeismoDepth) rar.append(~src.ruptAspectRatio) geom = Node('multiPointGeometry') geom.append(Node('gml:posList', text=points)) geom.append(Node('upperSeismoDepth', text=collapse(usd))) geom.append(Node('lowerSeismoDepth', text=collapse(lsd))) node = Node( 'multiPointSource', dict(id='mps-%d' % i, name='multiPointSource-%d' % i), nodes=[geom]) node.append(Node("magScaleRel", text=collapse(msr))) node.append(Node("ruptAspectRatio", text=collapse(rar))) node.append(mfds2multimfd(mfds)) node.append(Node('nodalPlaneDist', nodes=[ Node('nodalPlane', dict(probability=prob, rake=rake, strike=strike, dip=dip)) for prob, rake, strike, dip in npd])) node.append(Node('hypoDepthDist', nodes=[ Node('hypoDepth', dict(depth=depth, probability=prob)) for prob, depth in hd])) allsources.append(node) i += 1 return i, allsources
[docs]def drop_trivial_weights(group): ws = group.attrib.get('srcs_weights') if ws and len(set(ws)) == 1: # all equal del group.attrib['srcs_weights']
[docs]def update_source_model(sm_node, fname): """ :param sm_node: a sourceModel Node object containing sourceGroups """ i = 0 for group in sm_node: if not group.tag.endswith('sourceGroup'): raise InvalidFile('wrong NRML, got %s instead of ' 'sourceGroup in %s' % (group.tag, fname)) drop_trivial_weights(group) psrcs = [] others = [] for src in group: try: del src.attrib['tectonicRegion'] # make the trt implicit except KeyError: pass # already missing if src.tag.endswith('pointSource'): psrcs.append(src) else: others.append(src) others.sort(key=lambda src: (src.tag, src['id'])) i, sources = _pointsources2multipoints(psrcs, i) group.nodes = sources + others