# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2020, GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import copy
import collections
import numpy
from openquake.baselib.general import CallableDict
from openquake.hazardlib import geo, source as ohs
from openquake.hazardlib.sourceconverter import (
split_coords_2d, split_coords_3d)
[docs]class LogicTreeError(Exception):
Logic tree file contains a logic error.
:param node:
XML node object that causes fail. Used to determine
the affected line number.
All other constructor parameters are passed to :class:`superclass'
<LogicTreeError>` constructor.
def __init__(self, node, filename, message):
self.filename = filename
self.message = message
self.lineno = node if isinstance(node, int) else getattr(
node, 'lineno', '?')
def __str__(self):
return "filename '%s', line %s: %s" % (
self.filename, self.lineno, self.message)
# parse_uncertainty #
[docs]def unknown(utype, node, filename):
return float(node.text)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise LogicTreeError(node, filename, 'expected single float value')
parse_uncertainty = CallableDict(keymissing=unknown)
[docs]@parse_uncertainty.add('sourceModel', 'extendModel')
def smodel(utype, node, filename):
return node.text.strip()
def abGR(utype, node, filename):
[a, b] = node.text.split()
return float(a), float(b)
except ValueError:
raise LogicTreeError(
node, filename, 'expected a pair of floats separated by space')
def incMFD(utype, node, filename):
min_mag, bin_width = (node.incrementalMFD["minMag"],
return min_mag, bin_width, ~node.incrementalMFD.occurRates
def trucMFDFromSlip_absolute(utype, node, filename):
slip_rate, rigidity = (node.faultActivityData["slipRate"],
return slip_rate, rigidity
def simpleGeom(utype, node, filename):
if hasattr(node, 'simpleFaultGeometry'):
node = node.simpleFaultGeometry
_validate_simple_fault_geometry(utype, node, filename)
spacing = node["spacing"]
usd, lsd, dip = (~node.upperSeismoDepth, ~node.lowerSeismoDepth,
coords = split_coords_2d(~node.LineString.posList)
trace = geo.Line([geo.Point(*p) for p in coords])
return trace, usd, lsd, dip, spacing
def complexGeom(utype, node, filename):
if hasattr(node, 'complexFaultGeometry'):
node = node.complexFaultGeometry
_validate_complex_fault_geometry(utype, node, filename)
spacing = node["spacing"]
edges = []
for edge_node in node.nodes:
coords = split_coords_3d(~edge_node.LineString.posList)
edges.append(geo.Line([geo.Point(*p) for p in coords]))
return edges, spacing
def charGeom(utype, node, filename):
surfaces = []
for geom_node in node.surface:
if "simpleFaultGeometry" in geom_node.tag:
_validate_simple_fault_geometry(utype, geom_node, filename)
trace, usd, lsd, dip, spacing = parse_uncertainty(
'simpleFaultGeometryAbsolute', geom_node, filename)
trace, usd, lsd, dip, spacing))
elif "complexFaultGeometry" in geom_node.tag:
_validate_complex_fault_geometry(utype, geom_node, filename)
edges, spacing = parse_uncertainty(
'complexFaultGeometryAbsolute', geom_node, filename)
edges, spacing))
elif "planarSurface" in geom_node.tag:
_validate_planar_fault_geometry(utype, geom_node, filename)
nodes = []
for key in ["topLeft", "topRight", "bottomRight", "bottomLeft"]:
nodes.append(geo.Point(getattr(geom_node, key)["lon"],
getattr(geom_node, key)["lat"],
getattr(geom_node, key)["depth"]))
top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left = tuple(nodes)
surface = geo.PlanarSurface.from_corner_points(
top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left)
raise LogicTreeError(
geom_node, filename, "Surface geometry type not recognised")
if len(surfaces) > 1:
return geo.MultiSurface(surfaces)
return surfaces[0]
# validations
def _validate_simple_fault_geometry(utype, node, filename):
coords = split_coords_2d(~node.LineString.posList)
trace = geo.Line([geo.Point(*p) for p in coords])
except ValueError:
# If the geometry cannot be created then use the LogicTreeError
# to point the user to the incorrect node. Hence, if trace is
# compiled successfully then len(trace) is True, otherwise it is
# False
trace = []
if len(trace):
raise LogicTreeError(
node, filename, "'simpleFaultGeometry' node is not valid")
def _validate_complex_fault_geometry(utype, node, filename):
# NB: if the geometry does not conform to the Aki & Richards convention
# this will not be verified here, but will raise an error when the surface
# is created
valid_edges = []
for edge_node in node.nodes:
coords = split_coords_3d(edge_node.LineString.posList.text)
edge = geo.Line([geo.Point(*p) for p in coords])
except ValueError:
# See use of validation error in simple geometry case
# The node is valid if all of the edges compile correctly
edge = []
if len(edge):
if node["spacing"] and all(valid_edges):
raise LogicTreeError(
node, filename, "'complexFaultGeometry' node is not valid")
def _validate_planar_fault_geometry(utype, node, filename):
valid_spacing = node["spacing"]
for key in ["topLeft", "topRight", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight"]:
lon = getattr(node, key)["lon"]
lat = getattr(node, key)["lat"]
depth = getattr(node, key)["depth"]
valid_lon = (lon >= -180.0) and (lon <= 180.0)
valid_lat = (lat >= -90.0) and (lat <= 90.0)
valid_depth = (depth >= 0.0)
is_valid = valid_lon and valid_lat and valid_depth
if not is_valid or not valid_spacing:
raise LogicTreeError(
node, filename, "'planarFaultGeometry' node is not valid")
# apply_uncertainty #
apply_uncertainty = CallableDict()
def _simple_fault_dip_relative(utype, source, value):
source.modify('adjust_dip', dict(increment=value))
def _simple_fault_dip_absolute(bset, source, value):
source.modify('set_dip', dict(dip=value))
def _simple_fault_geom_absolute(utype, source, value):
trace, usd, lsd, dip, spacing = value
dict(fault_trace=trace, upper_seismogenic_depth=usd,
lower_seismogenic_depth=lsd, dip=dip, spacing=spacing))
def _complex_fault_geom_absolute(utype, source, value):
edges, spacing = value
source.modify('set_geometry', dict(edges=edges, spacing=spacing))
def _char_fault_geom_absolute(utype, source, value):
source.modify('set_geometry', dict(surface=value))
def _abGR_absolute(utype, source, value):
a, b = value
source.mfd.modify('set_ab', dict(a_val=a, b_val=b))
def _abGR_relative(utype, source, value):
source.mfd.modify('increment_b', dict(value=value))
def _maxmagGR_relative(utype, source, value):
source.mfd.modify('increment_max_mag', dict(value=value))
def _maxmagGR_absolute(utype, source, value):
source.mfd.modify('set_max_mag', dict(value=value))
def _incMFD_absolute(utype, source, value):
min_mag, bin_width, occur_rates = value
source.mfd.modify('set_mfd', dict(min_mag=min_mag, bin_width=bin_width,
def _trucMFDFromSlip_absolute(utype, source, value):
slip_rate, rigidity = value
source.modify('adjust_mfd_from_slip', dict(slip_rate=slip_rate,
# ######################### apply_uncertainties ########################### #
[docs]def apply_uncertainties(bset_values, src_group):
:param bset_value: a list of pairs (branchset, value)
List of branch IDs
:param src_group:
SourceGroup instance
A copy of the original group with possibly modified sources
sg = copy.copy(src_group)
sg.sources = []
sg.changes = 0
for source in src_group:
oks = [bset.filter_source(source) for bset, value in bset_values]
if sum(oks): # source not filtered out
src = copy.deepcopy(source)
srcs = []
for (bset, value), ok in zip(bset_values, oks):
if ok and bset.collapsed:
if src.code == b'N':
raise NotImplementedError(
'Collapsing of the logic tree is not implemented '
'for %s' % src)
for br in bset.branches:
newsrc = copy.deepcopy(src)
newsrc.scaling_rate = br.weight
bset.uncertainty_type, newsrc, br.value)
sg.changes += len(srcs)
elif ok:
if not srcs: # only the first time
apply_uncertainty(bset.uncertainty_type, src, value)
sg.changes += 1
srcs = [copy.copy(source)] # this is ultra-fast
return sg
# ######################### sampling ######################## #
[docs]def random(size, seed, sampling_method='early_weights'):
:param size: size of the returned array (integer or pair of integers)
:param seed: random seed
:param sampling_method: 'early_weights', 'early_latin', ...
:returns: an array of floats in the range 0..1
You can compare montecarlo sampling with latin square sampling with
the following code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
samples, seed = 10, 42
x, y = random((samples, 2), seed, 'early_latin').T
plt.xlim([0, 1])
plt.ylim([0, 1])
plt.scatter(x, y, color='green') # points on a latin square
x, y = random((samples, 2), seed, 'early_weights').T
plt.scatter(x, y, color='red') # points NOT on a latin square
for x in numpy.arange(0, 1, 1/samples):
for y in numpy.arange(0, 1, 1/samples):
xs = numpy.random.uniform(size=size)
if sampling_method.endswith('latin'):
# https://zmurchok.github.io/2019/03/15/Latin-Hypercube-Sampling.html
s, d = size
except TypeError: # cannot unpack non-iterable int object
return (numpy.argsort(xs) + xs) / size
for i in range(d):
xs[:, i] = (numpy.argsort(xs[:, i]) + xs[:, i]) / s
return xs
def _cdf(weighted_objects):
weights = []
for obj in weighted_objects:
w = obj.weight
if isinstance(obj.weight, float):
return numpy.cumsum(weights)
[docs]def sample(weighted_objects, probabilities, sampling_method):
Take random samples of a sequence of weighted objects
:param weighted_objects:
A finite sequence of N objects with a `.weight` attribute.
The weights must sum up to 1.
:param probabilities:
An array of S random numbers in the range 0..1
A list of S objects extracted randomly
if sampling_method.startswith('early'): # consider the weights
idxs = numpy.searchsorted(_cdf(weighted_objects), probabilities)
elif sampling_method.startswith('late'):
n = len(weighted_objects) # consider all weights equal
idxs = numpy.searchsorted(numpy.arange(1/n, 1, 1/n), probabilities)
# NB: returning an array would break things
return [weighted_objects[idx] for idx in idxs]
Weighted = collections.namedtuple('Weighted', 'object weight')
# used in notebooks for teaching, not in the engine
[docs]def random_sample(branchsets, num_samples, seed, sampling_method):
>>> bsets = [[('X', .4), ('Y', .6)], [('A', .2), ('B', .3), ('C', .5)]]
>>> paths = random_sample(bsets, 100, 42, 'early_weights')
>>> collections.Counter(paths)
Counter({'YC': 26, 'XC': 24, 'YB': 17, 'XA': 13, 'YA': 10, 'XB': 10})
>>> paths = random_sample(bsets, 100, 42, 'late_weights')
>>> collections.Counter(paths)
Counter({'XA': 20, 'YA': 18, 'XB': 17, 'XC': 15, 'YB': 15, 'YC': 15})
>>> paths = random_sample(bsets, 100, 42, 'early_latin')
>>> collections.Counter(paths)
Counter({'YC': 31, 'XC': 19, 'YB': 17, 'XB': 13, 'YA': 12, 'XA': 8})
>>> paths = random_sample(bsets, 100, 45, 'late_latin')
>>> collections.Counter(paths)
Counter({'YC': 18, 'XA': 18, 'XC': 16, 'YA': 16, 'XB': 16, 'YB': 16})
probs = random((num_samples, len(branchsets)), seed, sampling_method)
arr = numpy.zeros((num_samples, len(branchsets)), object)
for b, bset in enumerate(branchsets):
arr[:, b] = sample([Weighted(*it) for it in bset], probs[:, b],
return [''.join(w.object for w in row) for row in arr]
# ######################### branches and branchsets ######################## #
[docs]class Branch(object):
Branch object, represents a ``<logicTreeBranch />`` element.
:param bs_id:
BranchSetID of the branchset to which the branch belongs
:param branch_id:
String identifier of the branch
:param weight:
float value of weight assigned to the branch. A text node contents
of ``<uncertaintyWeight />`` child node.
:param value:
The actual uncertainty parameter value. A text node contents
of ``<uncertaintyModel />`` child node. Type depends
on the branchset's uncertainty type.
def __init__(self, bs_id, branch_id, weight, value):
self.bs_id = bs_id
self.branch_id = branch_id
self.weight = weight
self.value = value
self.bset = None
def __repr__(self):
if self.bset:
return '%s%s' % (self.branch_id, self.bset)
return self.branch_id
[docs]class BranchSet(object):
Branchset object, represents a ``<logicTreeBranchSet />`` element.
:param uncertainty_type:
String value. According to the spec one of:
Branches contain references to different GMPEs. Values are parsed
as strings and are supposed to be one of supported GMPEs. See list
at :class:`GMPELogicTree`.
Branches contain references to different PSHA source models. Values
are treated as file names, relatively to base path.
Different values to add to Gutenberg-Richter ("GR") maximum
magnitude. Value should be interpretable as float.
Values to add to GR "b" value. Parsed as float.
Values to replace GR maximum magnitude. Values expected to be
lists of floats separated by space, one float for each GR MFD
in a target source in order of appearance.
Values to replace "a" and "b" values of GR MFD. Lists of pairs
of floats, one pair for one GR MFD in a target source.
Replaces an evenly discretized MFD with the values provided
Increases or decreases the angle of fault dip from that given
in the original source model
Replaces the fault dip in the specified source(s)
Replaces the simple fault geometry (trace, upper seismogenic depth
lower seismogenic depth and dip) of a given source with the values
Replaces the complex fault geometry edges of a given source with
the values provided
Replaces the complex fault geometry surface of a given source with
the values provided
Updates a TruncatedGR using a slip rate and a rigidity
:param filters:
Dictionary, a set of filters to specify which sources should
the uncertainty be applied to. Represented as branchset element's
attributes in xml:
The uncertainty should be applied only to specific sources.
This filter is required for absolute uncertainties (also
only one source can be used for those). Value should be the list
of source ids. Can be used only in source model logic tree.
Can be used in the source model logic tree definition. Allows
to specify to which source type (area, point, simple fault,
complex fault) the uncertainty applies to.
Can be used in both the source model and GMPE logic trees. Allows
to specify to which tectonic region type (Active Shallow Crust,
Stable Shallow Crust, etc.) the uncertainty applies to. This
filter is required for all branchsets in GMPE logic tree.
def __init__(self, uncertainty_type, ordinal=0, filters=None,
self.uncertainty_type = uncertainty_type
self.ordinal = ordinal
self.filters = filters or {}
self.collapsed = collapsed
self.branches = []
[docs] def sample(self, probabilities, sampling_method):
:param num_samples: the number of samples
:param probabilities: (Ns, Nb) random numbers in the range 0..1
:param sampling_method: the sampling method used
:returns: a list of num_samples lists of branches
out = []
for probs in probabilities: # probs has a value for each branchset
branchset = self
branches = []
while branchset is not None:
if branchset.collapsed:
branch = branchset.branches[0]
x = probs[branchset.ordinal]
[branch] = sample(branchset.branches, [x], sampling_method)
branchset = branch.bset
return out
[docs] def enumerate_paths(self):
Generate all possible paths starting from this branch set.
Generator of two-item tuples. Each tuple contains weight
of the path (calculated as a product of the weights of all path's
branches) and list of path's :class:`Branch` objects. Total sum
of all paths' weights is 1.0
for path in self._enumerate_paths([]):
flat_path = []
weight = 1.0
while path:
path, branch = path
weight *= branch.weight
yield weight, flat_path[::-1]
def _enumerate_paths(self, prefix_path):
Recursive (private) part of :func:`enumerate_paths`. Returns generator
of recursive lists of two items, where second item is the branch object
and first one is itself list of two items.
if self.collapsed:
b0 = copy.copy(self.branches[0])
b0.weight = 1.0
branches = [b0]
branches = self.branches
for branch in branches:
path = [prefix_path, branch]
if branch.bset is not None:
yield from branch.bset._enumerate_paths(path)
yield path
def __getitem__(self, branch_id):
Return :class:`Branch` object belonging to this branch set with id
equal to ``branch_id``.
for branch in self.branches:
if branch.branch_id == branch_id:
return branch
raise KeyError(branch_id)
[docs] def filter_source(self, source):
# pylint: disable=R0911,R0912
Apply filters to ``source`` and return ``True`` if uncertainty should
be applied to it.
for key, value in self.filters.items():
if key == 'applyToTectonicRegionType':
if value != source.tectonic_region_type:
return False
elif key == 'applyToSourceType':
if value == 'area':
if not isinstance(source, ohs.AreaSource):
return False
elif value == 'point':
# area source extends point source
if (not isinstance(source, ohs.PointSource)
or isinstance(source, ohs.AreaSource)):
return False
elif value == 'simpleFault':
if not isinstance(source, ohs.SimpleFaultSource):
return False
elif value == 'complexFault':
if not isinstance(source, ohs.ComplexFaultSource):
return False
elif value == 'characteristicFault':
if not isinstance(source, ohs.CharacteristicFaultSource):
return False
raise AssertionError("unknown source type '%s'" % value)
elif key == 'applyToSources':
if source and source.source_id not in value:
return False
raise AssertionError("unknown filter '%s'" % key)
# All filters pass, return True.
return True
[docs] def get_bset_values(self, ltpath):
:param ltpath:
List of branch IDs
A list of pairs [(bset, value), ...]
pairs = []
bset = self
while ltpath:
brid, ltpath = ltpath[0], ltpath[1:]
pairs.append((bset, bset[brid].value))
bset = bset[brid].bset
if bset is None:
return pairs
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.branches)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s>' % ' '.join(br.branch_id for br in self.branches)