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Module exports class:`MorikawaFujiwara2013`
import numpy as np
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import GMPE, CoeffsTable
from openquake.hazardlib import const
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import PGA, PGV, SA, JMA
[docs]class MorikawaFujiwara2013Crustal(GMPE):
Implements the GMM from Morikawa and Fujiwara published as "A New Ground
Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake",
Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.8, No.5, 2013.
#: Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust
#: Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration,
#: peak ground velocity and peak ground acceleration
#: Supported intensity measure component is orientation-independent
#: measure :attr:`~openquake.hazardlib.const.IMC.RotD50`
#: Supported standard deviation types are inter-event, intra-event
#: and total, see equation 2, pag 106.
#: Required site parameters are:
#: - Vs30 - time averaged shear-wave velocity [m/s]
#: - z1p4 - Depth to the 1.4 km/s interface [m]
#: - xvf - Distance from the volcanic front [km, positive in the forearc]
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = {'vs30', 'z1pt4', 'xvf'}
#: Required rupture parameters are magnitude, and hypocentral depth [km].
REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = {'mag', 'hypo_depth'}
#: Required distance measure is Rrup [km]
def _set_params(self):
self.region = None
self.model = 'model1'
[docs] def get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types):
C = self.COEFFS[imt]
mw01 = self.CONSTS["Mw01"]
mw1 = self.CONSTS["Mw1"]
mw1prime = np.min([rup.mag, mw01])
if self.model == 'model1':
mag_term = self._get_magnitude_term(C, dists.rrup, mw1prime, mw1,
msg = "Model not supported"
raise ValueError(msg)
mean = (mag_term + self._get_basin_term(C, sites.z1pt4) +
self._get_shallow_amplification_term(C, sites.vs30) +
self._get_intensity_correction_term(C, self.region, sites.xvf,
stddevs = self._compute_stddevs(C, len(sites.vs30), stddev_types)
mean = np.log(10**mean/980.665)
return mean, stddevs
def _compute_stddevs(self, C, num_sites, stddev_types):
""" Return total standard deviation (converted to base e) """
stddevs = []
for _ in stddev_types:
stddevs.append(np.zeros(num_sites) + C['sigma'] * np.log(10))
return stddevs
def _get_magnitude_term(self, C, rrup, mw1prime, mw1, rhypo):
return (C['a']*(mw1prime - mw1)**2 + C['b1'] * rrup + C['c1'] -
np.log10(rrup + C['d'] * 10.**(self.CONSTS['e']*mw1prime)))
def _get_basin_term(self, C, z1pt4):
d0 = self.CONSTS["D0"]
tmp = np.ones_like(z1pt4) * C['Dlmin']
return C['pd'] * np.log10(np.maximum(tmp, z1pt4)/d0)
def _get_shallow_amplification_term(self, C, vs30):
tmp = np.ones_like(vs30) * C['Vsmax']
return C['ps'] * np.log10(np.minimum(tmp, vs30)/C['V0'])
def _get_intensity_correction_term(self, C, region, xvf, focal_depth):
if region == 'NE':
gamma = C['gNE']
elif region == 'SW':
gamma = C['gEW']
elif region is None:
gamma = 0.
raise ValueError('Unsupported region')
return (gamma * np.minimum(xvf, 75.0) *
np.maximum(focal_depth-30., 0.))
COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\
IMT a b1 b2 b3 c1 c2 c3 d pd Dlmin ps Vsmax V0 gNE gEW PH sigma
jma -0.0321 -0.003736 -0.003320 -0.004195 6.9301 6.9042 7.2975 0.005078 0.032214 320.0 -0.756496 1200.0 350 0.000061 0.000059 -0.2284 0.3493
pga -0.0321 -0.005315 -0.005042 -0.005605 7.0830 7.1181 7.5035 0.011641 -0.055358 15.0 -0.523212 1950.0 350 0.000076 0.000063 -0.2426 0.3761
pgv -0.0325 -0.002654 -0.002408 -0.003451 5.6952 5.6026 6.0030 0.002266 0.129142 105.0 -0.693402 850.0 350 0.000047 0.000037 -0.2643 0.3399
0.05 -0.0321 -0.005912 -0.005674 -0.006231 7.2151 7.2759 7.6801 0.012812 -0.071415 15.0 -0.368827 2000.0 350 0.000088 0.000066 -0.2414 0.3938
0.06 -0.0321 -0.006097 -0.005864 -0.006405 7.2852 7.3523 7.7504 0.014508 -0.081796 15.0 -0.309232 2000.0 350 0.000087 0.000066 -0.2427 0.4039
0.07 -0.0321 -0.006142 -0.005967 -0.006507 7.3397 7.4152 7.8127 0.015574 -0.089891 15.0 -0.247786 2000.0 350 0.000086 0.000066 -0.2439 0.4149
0.08 -0.0323 -0.006104 -0.006033 -0.006594 7.4122 7.4929 7.8938 0.016465 -0.093581 15.0 -0.234067 2000.0 350 0.000085 0.000066 -0.2451 0.4219
0.09 -0.0325 -0.006112 -0.006079 -0.006689 7.4817 7.5649 7.9649 0.017390 -0.089604 15.0 -0.252853 2000.0 350 0.000084 0.000066 -0.2461 0.4259
0.1 -0.0327 -0.006116 -0.006061 -0.006686 7.5396 7.6214 8.0219 0.018438 -0.084855 15.0 -0.284416 2000.0 350 0.000084 0.000066 -0.2470 0.4266
0.11 -0.0324 -0.005998 -0.005971 -0.006576 7.5072 7.5947 7.9960 0.017396 -0.076412 15.0 -0.305700 2000.0 350 0.000083 0.000066 -0.2479 0.4256
0.12 -0.0322 -0.005896 -0.005878 -0.006448 7.4920 7.5837 7.9782 0.016457 -0.076948 15.0 -0.351975 2000.0 350 0.000083 0.000066 -0.2486 0.4243
0.13 -0.0321 -0.005786 -0.005757 -0.006331 7.4788 7.5645 7.9644 0.015607 -0.072886 15.0 -0.395130 2000.0 350 0.000082 0.000066 -0.2494 0.4229
0.15 -0.0321 -0.005564 -0.005579 -0.006078 7.4630 7.5471 7.9360 0.014118 -0.061401 15.0 -0.461774 2000.0 350 0.000082 0.000066 -0.2506 0.4193
0.17 -0.0321 -0.005398 -0.005382 -0.005813 7.4557 7.5245 7.9097 0.012855 -0.051288 15.0 -0.536789 2000.0 350 0.000081 0.000066 -0.2516 0.4162
0.2 -0.0321 -0.005151 -0.005027 -0.005476 7.4307 7.4788 7.8719 0.011273 -0.043392 15.0 -0.633661 2000.0 350 0.000080 0.000065 -0.2528 0.4152
0.22 -0.0322 -0.005000 -0.004827 -0.005204 7.4139 7.4461 7.8311 0.010380 -0.035431 15.0 -0.665914 2000.0 350 0.000080 0.000065 -0.2535 0.4130
0.25 -0.0321 -0.004836 -0.004519 -0.004907 7.3736 7.3728 7.7521 0.009225 -0.032667 15.0 -0.719524 2000.0 350 0.000079 0.000065 -0.2543 0.4089
0.3 -0.0321 -0.004543 -0.004095 -0.004621 7.2924 7.2797 7.6656 0.007670 -0.019984 15.0 -0.793002 2000.0 350 0.000078 0.000065 -0.2553 0.4063
0.35 -0.0321 -0.004379 -0.003717 -0.004305 7.2417 7.1832 7.5796 0.006448 -0.010959 15.0 -0.845946 2000.0 350 0.000077 0.000065 -0.2559 0.4043
0.4 -0.0321 -0.004135 -0.003342 -0.003989 7.1785 7.0883 7.4889 0.005464 0.003891 15.0 -0.875246 2000.0 350 0.000076 0.000065 -0.2562 0.4029
0.45 -0.0321 -0.003973 -0.003063 -0.003934 7.1202 7.0100 7.4287 0.004657 0.017120 15.0 -0.892051 1973.0 350 0.000073 0.000065 -0.2564 0.4033
0.5 -0.0321 -0.003767 -0.002832 -0.003783 7.0604 6.9439 7.3615 0.003986 0.030246 15.0 -0.891130 1900.0 350 0.000071 0.000065 -0.2564 0.4019
0.6 -0.0321 -0.003389 -0.002450 -0.003351 6.9357 6.8166 7.2161 0.002946 0.057955 15.0 -0.869468 1779.9 350 0.000066 0.000065 -0.2561 0.4032
0.7 -0.0321 -0.002981 -0.002059 -0.002988 6.8272 6.6957 7.0854 0.002193 0.071145 15.0 -0.873924 1684.3 350 0.000062 0.000059 -0.2555 0.4038
0.8 -0.0321 -0.002640 -0.001692 -0.002587 6.7325 6.5864 6.9659 0.001641 0.089675 15.0 -0.846494 1605.7 350 0.000059 0.000054 -0.2547 0.4053
0.9 -0.0325 -0.002341 -0.001445 -0.002421 6.6845 6.5349 6.9211 0.001234 0.109109 15.0 -0.814706 1539.4 350 0.000056 0.000049 -0.2538 0.4085
1 -0.0327 -0.002138 -0.001322 -0.002331 6.6284 6.4748 6.8605 0.000936 0.128832 15.0 -0.778652 1482.4 350 0.000053 0.000045 -0.2527 0.4091
1.1 -0.0331 -0.001912 -0.001140 -0.002194 6.5971 6.4383 6.8304 0.000723 0.146198 15.3 -0.732989 1432.7 350 0.000051 0.000041 -0.2516 0.4074
1.2 -0.0337 -0.001790 -0.001053 -0.002213 6.5912 6.4200 6.8224 0.000576 0.161540 17.1 -0.703167 1388.7 350 0.000049 0.000038 -0.2505 0.4061
1.3 -0.0339 -0.001671 -0.000979 -0.002159 6.5588 6.3848 6.7827 0.000482 0.171349 19.0 -0.686586 1349.5 350 0.000047 0.000035 -0.2493 0.4046
1.5 -0.0347 -0.001516 -0.000811 -0.002020 6.5419 6.3510 6.7540 0.000417 0.195287 23.0 -0.650103 1282.1 350 0.000043 0.000030 -0.2469 0.4035
1.7 -0.0352 -0.001526 -0.000714 -0.001909 6.5209 6.3011 6.7004 0.000471 0.220718 27.2 -0.602410 1225.9 350 0.000040 0.000025 -0.2444 0.4007
2 -0.0359 -0.001604 -0.000673 -0.001576 6.4982 6.2617 6.6087 0.000703 0.253945 33.7 -0.543585 1156.6 350 0.000036 0.000019 -0.2407 0.3927
2.2 -0.0365 -0.001516 -0.000610 -0.001349 6.4920 6.2463 6.5766 0.000702 0.270206 38.3 -0.505691 1117.8 350 0.000033 0.000015 -0.2382 0.3883
2.5 -0.0375 -0.001457 -0.000586 -0.001266 6.4964 6.2485 6.5667 0.000826 0.291435 45.4 -0.458523 1067.8 350 0.000030 0.000010 -0.2346 0.3831
3 -0.0382 -0.001345 -0.000505 -0.001105 6.4414 6.1858 6.4858 0.001202 0.323118 57.8 -0.413921 1000.3 350 0.000025 0.000003 -0.2288 0.3775
3.5 -0.0384 -0.001270 -0.000512 -0.001000 6.3464 6.0849 6.3681 0.001647 0.355950 70.9 -0.375806 946.6 350 0.000022 -0.000003 -0.2232 0.3713
4 -0.0385 -0.001075 -0.000610 -0.001005 6.2459 6.0035 6.2727 0.002087 0.380773 84.7 -0.348309 902.4 350 0.000018 -0.000008 -0.2178 0.3646
4.5 -0.0389 -0.000904 -0.000605 -0.001061 6.1868 5.9423 6.2145 0.002489 0.405714 99.0 -0.309662 865.1 350 0.000015 -0.000012 -0.2126 0.3603
5 -0.0393 -0.000739 -0.000564 -0.001155 6.1466 5.8960 6.1817 0.002841 0.419676 113.8 -0.294664 833.1 350 0.000015 -0.000012 -0.2077 0.3552
5.5 -0.0398 -0.000570 -0.000626 -0.001254 6.1084 5.8725 6.1566 0.003139 0.434776 129.2 -0.289487 805.2 350 0.000015 -0.000012 -0.2029 0.3494
6 -0.0402 -0.000456 -0.000702 -0.001317 6.0920 5.8536 6.1257 0.003384 0.453344 145.0 -0.290399 780.5 350 0.000015 -0.000012 -0.1983 0.3428
6.5 -0.0405 -0.000308 -0.000785 -0.001361 6.0636 5.8218 6.0778 0.003580 0.455404 155.0 -0.281808 758.4 350 0.000015 -0.000012 -0.1939 0.3366
7 -0.0410 -0.000195 -0.000856 -0.001392 6.0586 5.8197 6.0652 0.003728 0.440951 155.0 -0.283250 738.5 350 0.000015 -0.000012 -0.1896 0.3300
7.5 -0.0412 -0.000109 -0.000880 -0.001413 6.0367 5.7971 6.0388 0.003833 0.427237 155.0 -0.275643 720.5 350 0.000015 -0.000012 -0.1855 0.3242
8 -0.0417 -0.000100 -0.000908 -0.001466 6.0378 5.7885 6.0381 0.003898 0.410255 155.0 -0.277723 704.1 350 0.000015 -0.000012 -0.1814 0.3185
8.5 -0.0419 -0.000100 -0.000940 -0.001496 6.0238 5.7674 6.0180 0.003927 0.393707 155.0 -0.278975 688.9 350 0.000015 -0.000012 -0.1775 0.3130
9 -0.0420 -0.000100 -0.001012 -0.001488 5.9972 5.7463 5.9881 0.003924 0.378643 155.0 -0.284384 675.0 350 0.000015 -0.000012 -0.1737 0.3090
9.5 -0.0423 -0.000100 -0.001098 -0.001485 5.9880 5.7507 5.9807 0.003890 0.363717 155.0 -0.290498 662.0 350 0.000015 -0.000012 -0.1701 0.3047
10 -0.0427 -0.000100 -0.001179 -0.001498 5.9820 5.7595 5.9869 0.003828 0.348396 155.0 -0.298398 650.0 350 0.000015 -0.000012 -0.1665 0.3007
"D0": 300.,
"e": 0.5,
"Mw01": 8.2,
"Mw1": 16.0}
[docs]class MorikawaFujiwara2013SubInterface(MorikawaFujiwara2013Crustal):
#: Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust
def _set_params(self):
self.region = None
self.model = 'model1'
def _get_magnitude_term(self, C, rrup, mw1prime, mw1, rhypo):
return (C['a']*(mw1prime - mw1)**2 + C['b2'] * rrup + C['c2'] -
np.log10(rrup + C['d'] * 10.**(self.CONSTS['e']*mw1prime)))
[docs]class MorikawaFujiwara2013SubInterfaceNE(MorikawaFujiwara2013SubInterface):
#: Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust
def _set_params(self):
self.region = 'NE'
self.model = 'model1'
[docs]class MorikawaFujiwara2013SubInterfaceSW(MorikawaFujiwara2013SubInterface):
#: Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust
def _set_params(self):
self.region = 'SW'
self.model = 'model1'
[docs]class MorikawaFujiwara2013SubSlab(MorikawaFujiwara2013Crustal):
#: Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust
def _set_params(self):
self.region = None
self.model = 'model1'
def _get_magnitude_term(self, C, rrup, mw1prime, mw1, rhypo):
return (C['a']*(mw1prime - mw1)**2 + C['b3'] * rrup + C['c3'] -
np.log10(rrup + C['d'] * 10.**(self.CONSTS['e']*mw1prime)))
[docs]class MorikawaFujiwara2013SubSlabNE(MorikawaFujiwara2013SubSlab):
#: Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust
def _set_params(self):
self.region = 'NE'
self.model = 'model1'
[docs]class MorikawaFujiwara2013SubSlabSW(MorikawaFujiwara2013SubSlabNE):
#: Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust
def _set_params(self):
self.region = 'SW'
self.model = 'model1'
def _get_magnitude_term(self, C, rrup, mw1prime, mw1, rhypo):
tmp = (C['a']*(mw1prime - mw1)**2 + C['b3'] * rrup + C['c3'] -
np.log10(rrup + C['d'] * 10.**(self.CONSTS['e']*mw1prime)))
if rhypo < 80:
tmp += C['PH']
return tmp