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Module exports :class:`HassaniAtkinson2020SInter`
import math
import numpy as np
from openquake.hazardlib import const
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import GMPE, CoeffsTable
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import PGA, SA, PGV
[docs]class HassaniAtkinson2020SInter(GMPE):
Hassani Atkinson (2020) for Subduction Interface.
#: Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration,
#: peak ground acceleration and peak ground velocity
#: Supported intensity measure component is the geometric mean component
REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = {'hypo_depth', 'mag'}
REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = {'fpeak', 'vs30', 'z2pt5'}
def __init__(self, kappa=0.04, backarc=0, forearc_ne=1, forearc_sw=0,
Aditional parameters.
super().__init__(kappa=kappa, backarc=backarc, forearc_ne=forearc_ne,
forearc_sw=forearc_sw, **kwargs)
# kappa parameter
self.kappa = kappa
# set proportion of rrups in backarc, forearc_ne and forearc_sw
self.backarc = backarc
self.forearc_ne = forearc_ne
self.forearc_sw = forearc_sw
[docs] def get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types):
See :meth:`superclass method
for spec of input and result values.
# extract dictionaries of coefficients specific to required
# intensity measure type
C = self.COEFFS[imt]
C_PGA = self.COEFFS[PGA()]
dsigma = self._dsigma(rup.hypo_depth)
fm = self._fm_ha18(C, rup.mag)
fm_pga = self._fm_ha18(C_PGA, rup.mag)
fz = self._fz_ha18(C, rup.mag, dists.rrup)
fz_pga = self._fz_ha18(C_PGA, rup.mag, dists.rrup)
fdsigma = self._fds_ha18(C, rup.mag, dsigma)
fdsigma_pga = self._fds_ha18(C_PGA, rup.mag, dsigma)
fkappa = self._fkp_ha18(C, rup.mag, dsigma)
fkappa_pga = self._fkp_ha18(C_PGA, rup.mag, dsigma)
fgamma = self._fgamma(C, dists.rrup)
fgamma_pga = self._fgamma(C_PGA, dists.rrup)
clf = self._clf(C, rup.mag)
clf_pga = self._clf(C_PGA, rup.mag)
pga_rock = 10 ** (fm_pga + fz_pga + fdsigma_pga +
fkappa_pga + fgamma_pga + self.CONST_REGION['cc'] +
clf_pga + C_PGA['chf'] + C_PGA['amp_cr'])
fsnonlin = self._fsnonlin_ss14(C, sites.vs30, pga_rock)
fvs30 = self._fvs30(C, sites.vs30)
fz2pt5 = self._fz2pt5(C, sites.z2pt5)
ffpeak = self._ffpeak(C, imt, sites.fpeak)
mean = 10 ** (fm + fdsigma + fz + fkappa + fgamma
+ self.CONST_REGION['cc'] + clf + C['chf']
+ C['amp_cr'] + fvs30 + fz2pt5 + ffpeak + fsnonlin)
if imt.name != "PGV":
# pgv in cm/s
# sa and psa in cm/s^2
mean = mean / 981
mean = np.log(mean)
stddevs = self.get_stddevs(C, stddev_types)
return mean, stddevs
[docs] def get_stddevs(self, C, stddev_types):
Between event standard deviations as tau.
Intra event from site to site stddev and within site stddev.
Total given in COEFFS to 3dp.
stddevs = []
for stddev in stddev_types:
if stddev == const.StdDev.TOTAL:
stddevs.append(C['s' + self.SUFFIX])
elif stddev == const.StdDev.INTER_EVENT:
elif stddev == const.StdDev.INTRA_EVENT:
stddevs.append(math.sqrt(C['ps2s'] ** 2
+ C['pss' + self.SUFFIX] ** 2))
return stddevs
def _clf(self, C, mag):
Low frequency calibration factor.
clf0 = C['clf0' + self.SUFFIX]
clf1 = C['clf1' + self.SUFFIX]
mlf0 = self.CONSTANTS["mlf0"]
if mag > mlf0:
return clf0 + clf1 * (min(mag, self.CONSTANTS["mlf1"]) - mlf0)
return clf0
def _dsigma(self, hypo_depth):
Hypocentre depth factor.
out = self.CONST_REGION['cd0']
dp0 = self.CONST_REGION['dp0']
if hypo_depth > dp0:
out += self.CONST_REGION['cd1'] \
* (min(hypo_depth, self.CONST_REGION['dp1']) - dp0)
return 10 ** out
def _fds_ha18(self, C, mag, dsigma):
Dsigma factor.
eds1 = np.polyval([C['g14'], C['g13'], C['g12'], C['g11'], C['g10']],
eds2 = np.polyval([C['g24'], C['g23'], C['g22'], C['g21'], C['g20']],
eds0 = -2 * eds1 - 4 * eds2
return eds0 + eds1 * math.log10(dsigma) \
+ eds2 * math.log10(dsigma) ** 2
def _ffpeak(self, C, imt, fpeak):
Fpeak factor.
if not imt.name == "SA" or max(fpeak) <= 0:
# pgv, pga or unknown fpeak
return 0
s = self.CONSTANTS
x = fpeak / 10 ** C['f']
ffpeak = np.where(fpeak <= 0, 0, s['cfp0'])
idx = np.where((s['x0'] < x) & (x <= s['x1']))
ffpeak[idx] = s['cfp0'] + s['cfp1'] * np.log10(x[idx] / s['x0'])
idx = np.where((s['x1'] < x) & (x <= s['x2']))
ffpeak[idx] = s['cfp0'] + s['cfp1'] * math.log10(s['x1'] / s['x0']) \
+ s['cfp2'] * np.log10(x[idx] / s['x1'])
idx = np.where(s['x2'] < x)
ffpeak[idx] = s['cfp0'] + s['cfp1'] * math.log10(s['x1'] / s['x0']) \
+ s['cfp2'] * math.log10(s['x2'] / s['x1']) \
+ s['cfp3'] * np.log10(x[idx] / s['x2'])
return ffpeak
def _fgamma(self, C, rrup):
Gamma factor.
# proportion sum for normalised values with rrup factor
p_sum = rrup / (self.backarc + self.forearc_ne + self.forearc_sw)
return C['barc' + self.SUFFIX] * self.backarc * p_sum \
+ C['farc_ne' + self.SUFFIX] * self.forearc_ne * p_sum \
+ C['farc_sw' + self.SUFFIX] * self.forearc_sw * p_sum
def _fkp_ha18(self, C, mag, dsigma):
Kappa factor for B/C site condition of Japan.
l10kp = math.log10(self.kappa)
p = np.zeros(4)
ek0 = np.zeros(4)
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
p[j] = np.polyval([C[f'd{i}{j}2'], C[f'd{i}{j}1'],
C[f'd{i}{j}0']], math.log10(dsigma))
ek0[i] = np.polyval(p[::-1], math.log10(mag))
return 3 * ek0[0] - 9 * ek0[1] + 27 * ek0[2] - 81 * ek0[3] \
+ ek0[0] * l10kp + ek0[1] * l10kp ** 2 \
+ ek0[2] * l10kp ** 3 + ek0[3] * l10kp ** 4
def _fm_ha18(self, C, mag):
Magnitude factor.
if mag <= C['mh']:
return C['e0'] + C['e1'] * (mag - C['mh']) \
+ C['e2'] * (mag - C['mh']) ** 2
return C['e0'] + C['e3'] * (mag - C['mh'])
def _fsnonlin_ss14(self, C, vs30, pga_rock):
Non-linear factor.
s = self.CONSTANTS
f2 = C['f4'] * (np.exp(C['f5']
* (np.minimum(vs30, s['vref']) - s['vmin']))
- math.exp(C['f5'] * (s['vref'] - s['vmin'])))
return s['f1'] + f2 * np.log((pga_rock + s['f3']) / s['f3'])
def _fvs30(self, C, vs30):
Vs30 factor.
s = self.CONSTANTS
fvs30 = np.where(vs30 <= s['v0'],
C['cv1'] * math.log10(s['v0'] / s['vref'])
+ (C['cv2'] - C['cv1'])
* math.log10(s['v1'] / s['vref']),
C['cv2'] * math.log10(s['v2'] / s['vref']))
fvs30 = np.where((s['v0'] < vs30) & (vs30 <= s['v1']),
C['cv1'] * np.log10(vs30 / s['vref'])
+ (C['cv2'] - C['cv1'])
* math.log10(s['v1'] / s['vref']), fvs30)
return np.where((s['v1'] < vs30) & (vs30 <= s['v2']),
C['cv2'] * np.log10(vs30 / s['vref']), fvs30)
def _fz2pt5(self, C, z2pt5):
Z2pt5 factor.
s = self.CONSTANTS
fz2pt5 = np.where(z2pt5 >= 0, C['cz0'], 0)
idx = np.where((s['zx0'] < z2pt5) & (z2pt5 <= s['zx1']))
fz2pt5[idx] = C['cz0'] + C['cz1'] * np.log10(z2pt5[idx] / s['zx0'])
idx = np.where((s['zx1'] < z2pt5) & (z2pt5 <= s['zx2']))
fz2pt5[idx] = C['cz0'] + C['cz1'] * math.log10(s['zx1'] / s['zx0']) \
+ C['cz2'] * np.log10(z2pt5[idx] / s['zx1'])
idx = np.where(s['zx2'] < z2pt5)
fz2pt5[idx] = C['cz0'] + C['cz1'] * math.log10(s['zx1'] / s['zx0']) \
+ C['cz2'] * math.log10(s['zx2'] / s['zx1'])
return fz2pt5
def _fz_ha18(self, C, mag, rrup):
Z factor.
s = self.CONSTANTS
h = 10 ** (-0.405 + 0.235 * mag)
ref = np.sqrt(rrup ** 2 + h ** 2)
rref = math.sqrt(1 ** 2 + h ** 2)
rt = self.CONST_REGION['rt']
return np.where(ref <= rt, s['b1'] * np.log10(ref)
+ (C['b3'] + C['b4'] * mag) * np.log10(ref / rref),
s['b1'] * math.log10(rt)
+ s['b2'] * np.log10(ref / rt)
+ (C['b3'] + C['b4'] * mag) * np.log10(ref / rref))
# periods given by 1 / 10 ** COEFFS['f']
COEFFS = CoeffsTable(sa_damping=5, table="""\
IMT f amp_cr b3 b4 chf clf0_if clf1_if clf0_is clf1_is clf0_cr clf1_cr cv1 cv2 cz0 cz1 cz2 barc_if farc_ne_if farc_sw_if barc_is farc_ne_is farc_sw_is barc_cr farc_ne_cr farc_sw_cr d000 d001 d002 d010 d011 d012 d020 d021 d022 d030 d031 d032 d100 d101 d102 d110 d111 d112 d120 d121 d122 d130 d131 d132 d200 d201 d202 d210 d211 d212 d220 d221 d222 d230 d231 d232 d300 d301 d302 d310 d311 d312 d320 d321 d322 d330 d331 d332 mh e0 e1 e2 e3 f4 f5 g10 g11 g12 g13 g14 g20 g21 g22 g23 g24 tau ps2s pss_if pss_is pss_cr s_if s_is s_cr
pgv -9 0 -0.4414 0.0394 0.204 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.667 -0.866 -0.046 0.166 -0.068 -0.00281 -0.0015 -0.00048 -0.00327 -0.00148 -0.0024 -0.00406 -0.00242 -0.00278 -40.826164 40.113039 -5.102129 155.252313 -182.36868 27.033349 -196.671754 258.210795 -42.36533 82.357479 -116.454408 20.537609 -31.558927 36.874774 -5.739549 125.277771 -161.306518 27.874045 -163.436869 223.266447 -41.391833 69.903157 -99.25266 19.350221 -10.37628 13.051401 -2.256509 41.867738 -56.055028 10.530332 -55.192594 76.696014 -15.238462 23.77607 -33.832713 6.996974 -1.229433 1.604051 -0.296017 4.993482 -6.816711 1.350202 -6.609082 9.262415 -1.92463 2.854701 -4.066423 0.874373 8.8 3.30208 0.43897 -0.01672 0.41464 -0.0434 -0.0084 0.444251 0.056972 0.003644 -0.004046 0.000353 -0.094203 0.053343 -0.014163 0.001919 -0.0001 0.482 0.293 0.386 0.376 0.401 0.683 0.678 0.692
pga -9 0 -0.4565 0.0382 0.574 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.16 -0.612 0 0 0 -0.00684 -0.00273 -0.00456 -0.00541 -0.00167 -0.00396 -0.00688 -0.00476 -0.00484 -51.098718 32.578796 -0.602711 193.376939 -154.536656 8.970141 -246.377014 224.30934 -19.056039 103.867407 -102.862801 10.767404 -44.562063 38.708279 -3.922374 176.725188 -170.793471 21.015529 -230.932652 237.86616 -33.083719 99.136459 -106.274886 16.078647 -16.422438 15.847931 -2.168642 65.997737 -67.973039 10.385514 -87.070182 93.033435 -15.329737 37.638662 -41.09486 7.148396 -2.134042 2.150893 -0.337012 8.618758 -9.089596 1.542771 -11.416684 12.32449 -2.213236 4.950046 -5.410116 1.012283 7.4 4.37376 0.33001 -0.0094 0.30153 -0.0651 -0.007 0.709663 -0.038392 0.013081 -0.001138 0.000024 -0.032385 0.019043 -0.004517 0.000375 -0.000009 0.513 0.422 0.411 0.452 0.496 0.781 0.803 0.829
0.01 2.0 0.678 -0.4321 0.0353 -0.09 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.163 -0.598 0 0 0 -0.00686 -0.00274 -0.00457 -0.00544 -0.00168 -0.00398 -0.00693 -0.0048 -0.00489 -41.010798 20.984834 4.332932 143.725915 -112.573964 -8.798757 -185.502717 174.262586 2.145698 78.793199 -83.128703 2.380509 -35.56513 27.797776 0.50508 130.2847 -131.140942 4.976749 -173.646134 190.435518 -13.863902 75.476551 -87.53478 8.453463 -13.145747 11.601671 -0.552587 48.068218 -52.451102 4.478831 -64.765944 74.387032 -8.20745 28.388967 -33.704532 4.310521 -1.715884 1.576223 -0.13206 6.206072 -6.977314 0.786463 -8.387874 9.776758 -1.295275 3.688342 -4.397405 0.644874 7.15 4.64514 0.34404 -0.00816 0.30565 -0.0644 -0.007 1.472416 -0.541245 0.133779 -0.013606 0.000492 -0.222277 0.146276 -0.035353 0.00358 -0.00013 0.513 0.423 0.411 0.450 0.496 0.782 0.803 0.830
0.01259 1.9 0.677 -0.4335 0.036 -0.089 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.165 -0.593 0 0 0 -0.00688 -0.00275 -0.00458 -0.00546 -0.00169 -0.00399 -0.00696 -0.00482 -0.00492 -36.828522 19.569252 6.125909 133.799687 -108.928441 -14.579428 -175.108029 171.43759 8.453326 74.844597 -82.543522 0.054735 -31.17228 25.351334 2.531652 118.752325 -123.338464 -1.805442 -161.173356 182.153805 -6.194116 70.665151 -84.601815 5.529234 -11.281178 10.204519 0.356264 42.754302 -47.641396 1.35097 -58.876236 68.854243 -4.5789 26.088198 -31.574179 2.895149 -1.449797 1.338067 0.003661 5.403172 -6.129093 0.310717 -7.485634 8.768873 -0.734349 3.333472 -3.997333 0.422956 7.4 4.69775 0.33848 -0.00825 0.3049 -0.0642 -0.0071 1.554224 -0.561608 0.1314 -0.012766 0.000443 -0.26475 0.165203 -0.037932 0.003683 -0.000129 0.513 0.424 0.411 0.451 0.496 0.782 0.804 0.830
0.01585 1.8 0.676 -0.4282 0.0351 -0.092 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.168 -0.587 0 0 0 -0.0069 -0.00276 -0.00459 -0.00547 -0.0017 -0.004 -0.00699 -0.00485 -0.00494 -33.843087 21.852772 6.415627 132.533545 -119.657522 -14.289425 -178.466424 186.886925 6.835534 77.884983 -89.602175 1.106684 -28.577173 27.547838 3.040521 118.556209 -134.307003 -2.241058 -166.146429 198.547813 -7.035861 74.454737 -92.292678 6.313616 -10.409129 11.098325 0.623752 43.180509 -52.297863 0.97445 -61.611402 75.987898 -4.711912 27.946807 -34.97869 3.144502 -1.350461 1.465128 0.046401 5.522435 -6.807942 0.240613 -7.948998 9.823776 -0.734948 3.628394 -4.505746 0.452039 7.5 4.69913 0.33602 -0.00894 0.30604 -0.0641 -0.0072 1.714652 -0.6427 0.145153 -0.013649 0.000459 -0.34998 0.21312 -0.047606 0.004516 -0.000155 0.513 0.424 0.412 0.451 0.496 0.783 0.805 0.831
0.01995 1.7 0.672 -0.4209 0.0344 -0.102 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.171 -0.578 0 0 0 -0.00693 -0.00277 -0.00461 -0.00549 -0.00171 -0.00402 -0.00704 -0.00488 -0.00498 -42.827733 41.107588 1.767006 175.999485 -195.196015 4.995207 -233.844386 282.760331 -18.604775 100.440836 -129.207506 11.927987 -36.362289 45.183985 -0.914573 157.333408 -204.021974 14.524812 -216.204378 287.545597 -29.45818 95.015702 -129.226338 15.940451 -13.041058 17.526987 -0.713597 56.776641 -77.875531 6.778782 -79.377281 108.793041 -12.585143 35.289638 -48.639106 6.556052 -1.659777 2.280063 -0.111625 7.178509 -10.068016 0.942713 -10.137835 14.021054 -1.700233 4.53801 -6.258265 0.873887 7.8 4.75561 0.32694 -0.01031 0.30339 -0.0639 -0.0073 1.912143 -0.751222 0.167414 -0.015674 0.000528 -0.447888 0.269464 -0.059636 0.005644 -0.000194 0.515 0.426 0.412 0.452 0.496 0.785 0.806 0.832
0.02512 1.6 0.667 -0.4098 0.0331 -0.109 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.174 -0.557 0 0 0 -0.007 -0.0028 -0.00466 -0.00554 -0.00173 -0.00405 -0.00715 -0.00497 -0.00508 -48.479722 55.7785 -4.013399 203.174441 -245.465754 25.938538 -266.708211 340.075945 -43.592027 113.93429 -151.062403 21.79371 -42.838283 60.841219 -6.458254 188.720316 -259.25022 35.007115 -255.708778 352.33067 -54.311583 111.649687 -154.593101 25.898767 -15.836581 23.981785 -2.828785 70.439152 -101.059928 14.712066 -96.989307 136.457275 -22.332544 42.812057 -59.638179 10.503095 -2.064808 3.184205 -0.391809 9.16487 -13.355305 2.005714 -12.736528 17.987595 -3.018564 5.657377 -7.850825 1.411863 8.95 5.06565 0.29638 -0.01193 0.29694 -0.0653 -0.0074 2.153914 -0.892759 0.198231 -0.018627 0.000633 -0.571979 0.342742 -0.075675 0.007183 -0.000249 0.519 0.428 0.414 0.455 0.496 0.790 0.812 0.836
0.03162 1.5 0.658 -0.4075 0.0327 -0.105 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.17 -0.522 0 0 0 -0.00712 -0.00285 -0.00474 -0.00565 -0.00177 -0.00411 -0.00737 -0.00513 -0.00524 -36.454347 50.747067 -7.854934 150.78109 -212.767887 36.872429 -186.167731 284.265373 -53.190934 75.382423 -122.580834 24.242413 -31.514516 58.500243 -10.430031 140.047747 -237.762319 46.97275 -180.764568 311.480621 -65.709208 75.653022 -132.580092 29.251673 -11.52124 23.815783 -4.438532 52.126256 -95.730629 19.745268 -68.777242 124.527905 -27.359875 29.228937 -52.757417 12.088909 -1.492253 3.233297 -0.61419 6.757361 -12.929789 2.718016 -9.027904 16.764317 -3.750698 3.868932 -7.087305 1.651818 8.25 4.80422 0.30666 -0.01375 0.30784 -0.068 -0.0073 2.277944 -0.964799 0.213693 -0.020064 0.000681 -0.682212 0.407086 -0.089573 0.008493 -0.000294 0.528 0.433 0.417 0.459 0.496 0.800 0.822 0.844
0.03981 1.4 0.643 -0.3943 0.0311 -0.087 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.154 -0.466 0 0 0 -0.00733 -0.00291 -0.00488 -0.0058 -0.00182 -0.0042 -0.00769 -0.00536 -0.00547 -10.329681 9.721835 -2.428972 43.883537 -42.554849 10.081315 -39.435885 56.809793 -13.528548 10.662441 -23.902673 5.852527 -11.523864 27.277669 -7.084519 59.612501 -107.034131 29.134065 -69.920435 135.78203 -38.279502 26.646272 -56.063821 16.245126 -5.065915 13.83251 -3.600758 26.701714 -53.571284 14.804109 -33.683484 67.573516 -19.42278 13.70416 -27.873688 8.233201 -0.742827 2.08603 -0.542555 3.869187 -8.046313 2.231618 -5.039166 10.136535 -2.928032 2.104843 -4.183466 1.24144 8.1 4.71025 0.30748 -0.01584 0.30733 -0.0727 -0.007 2.425762 -1.048628 0.232494 -0.021999 0.000756 -0.811617 0.481302 -0.105652 0.010042 -0.00035 0.544 0.441 0.422 0.466 0.498 0.818 0.841 0.860
0.05012 1.3 0.62 -0.3872 0.0303 -0.037 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.134 -0.368 0 0 0 -0.00761 -0.00299 -0.00508 -0.00598 -0.00187 -0.00431 -0.00806 -0.0056 -0.00571 27.085064 -63.719099 13.834259 -111.853248 249.144665 -59.288528 168.949914 -319.851084 80.35663 -78.758592 134.893708 -35.057929 23.637977 -38.463885 6.9208 -85.747788 155.869439 -31.159347 125.072682 -205.760151 43.923771 -57.313362 88.712074 -19.794897 8.194186 -10.055622 1.357385 -27.794144 42.435636 -6.686058 39.56707 -57.711116 10.038086 -17.922068 25.449342 -4.743307 0.997066 -0.962233 0.078463 -3.249763 4.250549 -0.473888 4.544393 -5.964419 0.796484 -2.04153 2.690324 -0.404916 7.4 4.42934 0.31661 -0.02109 0.31654 -0.0835 -0.0065 2.215697 -0.886227 0.191129 -0.017643 0.000592 -0.856308 0.494428 -0.106361 0.009953 -0.000343 0.563 0.455 0.426 0.474 0.501 0.840 0.865 0.881
0.06310 1.2 0.59 -0.3816 0.0302 0.076 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.097 -0.249 0 0 0 -0.00794 -0.00307 -0.00535 -0.00618 -0.00188 -0.00445 -0.00842 -0.0058 -0.00595 51.166641 -130.666484 34.967023 -210.719519 498.951885 -142.564784 294.373089 -626.397294 186.575608 -129.806949 258.885062 -79.262114 46.691884 -99.668192 25.418002 -179.966129 386.435965 -104.697277 245.410515 -490.923198 138.370241 -106.562235 204.801216 -59.317817 16.994651 -32.642702 8.000598 -63.51458 127.996417 -33.238646 85.315364 -163.991495 44.279226 -36.683227 68.862481 -19.117712 2.163192 -3.880007 0.920976 -7.954353 15.342591 -3.853207 10.577232 -19.779754 5.165791 -4.517738 8.345031 -2.242844 6.85 4.18536 0.32679 -0.02767 0.32638 -0.0951 -0.006 1.501368 -0.385625 0.067907 -0.004809 0.00011 -0.780202 0.424442 -0.086695 0.00774 -0.000255 0.577 0.476 0.430 0.482 0.506 0.863 0.890 0.903
0.07943 1.1 0.55 -0.3694 0.0284 0.179 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.01 -0.205 0 0 0 -0.00819 -0.00314 -0.00558 -0.0063 -0.00186 -0.00457 -0.0086 -0.00589 -0.00603 -7.763642 -66.149606 26.952316 8.97581 219.649317 -103.379076 15.405799 -240.457636 127.104568 -12.572634 86.735333 -50.71788 0.064604 -52.779583 20.630675 -6.928645 179.893747 -79.818698 26.556561 -201.956797 99.041055 -14.74867 74.692232 -39.890352 1.371378 -17.938684 6.785619 -5.622 62.274894 -26.43558 12.308399 -71.110282 33.03583 -6.09636 26.730934 -13.400089 0.278993 -2.198066 0.810585 -0.973691 7.731894 -3.174988 1.792855 -8.934275 3.98935 -0.841024 3.395967 -1.626842 6.1 3.86847 0.33558 -0.04859 0.33554 -0.1038 -0.0057 0.234847 0.470479 -0.13762 0.016237 -0.000672 -0.55048 0.252179 -0.042792 0.003069 -0.000077 0.577 0.498 0.434 0.490 0.512 0.877 0.906 0.918
0.1 1.0 0.501 -0.3524 0.0265 0.204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.119 -0.304 0 0 0 -0.00829 -0.00318 -0.00571 -0.00633 -0.00183 -0.00457 -0.00852 -0.00582 -0.00584 -68.458481 28.829689 4.605562 237.82803 -164.266697 -8.836444 -274.764841 260.022051 -0.933937 107.138761 -125.374848 5.317074 -49.29738 21.631191 3.518638 177.983317 -122.615957 -7.061507 -206.833056 194.017768 0.06255 81.241286 -93.659822 3.599962 -15.600124 6.982888 1.149204 57.790512 -39.46235 -2.385281 -67.51015 62.458687 0.211002 26.679145 -30.191159 1.065238 -1.812877 0.816535 0.13729 6.835188 -4.612347 -0.294438 -8.019372 7.308278 0.048217 3.184593 -3.538278 0.113795 5.9 3.73063 0.34123 -0.06587 0.34086 -0.1082 -0.0056 -1.574873 1.682296 -0.42639 0.045587 -0.001754 -0.151856 -0.03276 0.027751 -0.004278 0.000198 0.560 0.512 0.436 0.494 0.520 0.875 0.905 0.920
0.12589 0.9 0.448 -0.3418 0.0252 0.167 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.239 -0.531 0 0 0 -0.00823 -0.00317 -0.00571 -0.00622 -0.00178 -0.00447 -0.00818 -0.00565 -0.00541 -57.661409 52.210153 -6.534009 177.243465 -234.368311 33.479926 -183.23805 322.707297 -52.189627 62.323522 -140.821243 25.32931 -42.110184 41.044747 -5.388708 133.944972 -182.937031 27.078094 -138.757168 251.119517 -41.730651 47.425905 -109.454024 20.112694 -13.483786 13.758383 -1.88179 43.870741 -61.008017 9.304197 -45.579787 83.569682 -14.2053 15.662299 -36.39955 6.807954 -1.58149 1.661143 -0.233866 5.224073 -7.340905 1.143415 -5.441877 10.042552 -1.734476 1.878435 -4.372726 0.828058 5.7 3.59587 0.34574 -0.0912 0.34554 -0.111 -0.0057 -3.703106 3.066794 -0.749185 0.077859 -0.002928 0.381196 -0.399304 0.116176 -0.013321 0.000533 0.534 0.509 0.435 0.493 0.528 0.856 0.887 0.907
0.15849 0.8 0.4 -0.3386 0.0252 0.116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.298 -0.774 0 0 0 -0.00805 -0.00312 -0.00563 -0.00601 -0.00174 -0.00426 -0.00772 -0.00535 -0.00491 -24.177127 31.505749 -6.301202 42.856647 -131.442129 28.590153 -12.536823 166.623715 -40.386786 -9.725772 -66.403364 18.060282 -17.00014 26.159992 -5.545691 31.632532 -107.972584 24.720766 -8.170103 136.316367 -34.518011 -7.964177 -54.294589 15.318878 -5.341652 9.099537 -2.01801 10.347768 -37.283796 8.875047 -2.606959 46.936269 -12.284179 -2.643744 -18.685157 5.420392 -0.62009 1.12699 -0.257915 1.236343 -4.595344 1.123957 -0.31152 5.773783 -1.546427 -0.314799 -2.297616 0.679679 5.5 3.44976 0.35261 -0.12539 0.35251 -0.1113 -0.0059 -5.461329 4.154378 -0.991766 0.101168 -0.003747 0.890829 -0.737591 0.195269 -0.021186 0.000816 0.509 0.492 0.434 0.485 0.532 0.830 0.858 0.886
0.19953 0.7 0.356 -0.3262 0.0244 0.072 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.245 -0.963 0 0 0 -0.0077 -0.00304 -0.00544 -0.0057 -0.00171 -0.00401 -0.00712 -0.00496 -0.00445 -23.660344 26.464031 -5.426108 55.791231 -112.060621 24.636964 -47.626855 146.51806 -35.041156 11.280835 -60.888577 15.837994 -16.828254 21.447259 -4.63974 41.810074 -89.728015 20.704709 -35.876491 116.590896 -29.106723 8.681616 -48.298949 13.051859 -5.288994 7.319696 -1.66621 13.58268 -30.351731 7.324407 -11.670177 39.245374 -10.194418 2.853302 -16.212637 4.540574 -0.611269 0.893067 -0.211358 1.602063 -3.68013 0.919167 -1.373911 4.741356 -1.2702 0.336447 -1.954443 0.562998 5.55 3.39236 0.3603 -0.14134 0.35792 -0.1071 -0.0061 -6.701839 4.842848 -1.128498 0.112821 -0.004109 1.341265 -1.022197 0.25856 -0.027186 0.001023 0.498 0.470 0.433 0.475 0.531 0.810 0.834 0.866
0.25119 0.6 0.318 -0.3078 0.0219 0.043 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.104 -1.076 0 0 0 -0.00721 -0.00292 -0.00517 -0.00535 -0.00167 -0.00375 -0.0064 -0.00452 -0.00404 -14.445389 18.496667 -3.731559 24.548144 -76.141144 16.60388 -11.975991 97.214791 -23.169101 -2.324617 -39.552576 10.302406 -9.917548 15.168281 -3.258594 17.609536 -61.529618 14.221533 -8.005212 77.893013 -19.573251 -2.102768 -31.522354 8.616295 -2.996519 5.146787 -1.183173 5.366689 -20.638785 5.071155 -2.11815 25.924107 -6.892427 -0.886377 -10.42874 3.006621 -0.33248 0.62014 -0.150501 0.586776 -2.465349 0.636599 -0.184214 3.076553 -0.85724 -0.133498 -1.230828 0.371403 5.75 3.40241 0.35949 -0.14483 0.35761 -0.1022 -0.0064 -7.161937 4.9757 -1.125765 0.109686 -0.003908 1.647322 -1.197509 0.293011 -0.030007 0.001106 0.501 0.443 0.429 0.463 0.527 0.795 0.813 0.851
0.31623 0.5 0.287 -0.3085 0.0223 0.006 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.117 -1.124 0 0 0 -0.00661 -0.00276 -0.00482 -0.00496 -0.00161 -0.00348 -0.00568 -0.00406 -0.00374 -12.457198 13.452604 -2.296076 25.041919 -56.590695 10.665132 -20.429261 74.083436 -15.332033 4.098787 -30.944402 6.964706 -8.496994 11.193186 -2.133387 17.892765 -46.107003 9.553985 -14.466532 59.589844 -13.399191 2.838654 -24.677585 5.981079 -2.575012 3.845386 -0.820948 5.531501 -15.578438 3.558698 -4.345622 19.906482 -4.882163 0.78274 -8.173392 2.145381 -0.287494 0.467366 -0.108764 0.618599 -1.870106 0.461095 -0.465766 2.367969 -0.622809 0.072099 -0.965107 0.270594 5.9 3.39048 0.36101 -0.14953 0.36028 -0.0931 -0.0068 -6.541656 4.34703 -0.933851 0.086626 -0.002949 1.717464 -1.199601 0.282951 -0.028015 0.001001 0.510 0.416 0.424 0.453 0.522 0.783 0.799 0.840
0.39810 0.4 0.26 -0.2966 0.0212 -0.036 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.39 -1.125 0 0 0 -0.006 -0.00254 -0.00444 -0.00454 -0.00152 -0.00327 -0.00504 -0.00363 -0.00348 -11.171429 13.42476 -2.312676 23.828545 -55.212966 10.512492 -20.516676 71.266493 -14.856756 4.629921 -29.469083 6.663018 -8.78464 12.532116 -2.431218 21.431952 -50.473874 10.609339 -20.202742 64.49718 -14.605681 5.595161 -26.559974 6.436415 -2.889597 4.488225 -0.964385 7.435233 -17.804979 4.085591 -7.148481 22.53445 -5.513494 2.060159 -9.219452 2.395702 -0.339177 0.554542 -0.128487 0.890425 -2.174981 0.533644 -0.853481 2.73019 -0.710181 0.245231 -1.109827 0.305441 6.2 3.43447 0.35471 -0.14217 0.35926 -0.0852 -0.0071 -4.815439 2.969329 -0.56384 0.045648 -0.001339 1.511291 -1.006868 0.22483 -0.02103 0.00071 0.511 0.393 0.420 0.440 0.512 0.769 0.780 0.823
0.50119 0.3 0.236 -0.2813 0.0202 -0.068 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.682 -1.105 -0.044 0.19 -0.202 -0.00534 -0.00228 -0.00397 -0.00411 -0.00142 -0.00295 -0.00443 -0.00316 -0.00318 -11.812408 13.810381 -2.093803 31.444778 -57.894833 9.877971 -33.699963 76.336005 -14.273426 11.435244 -32.281562 6.49964 -9.513158 13.27323 -2.411077 27.756507 -54.194612 10.699909 -30.847394 70.408832 -14.890386 11.001245 -29.52527 6.614863 -3.121738 4.754601 -0.982266 9.388295 -19.088831 4.203363 -10.460817 24.522232 -5.710879 3.74871 -10.200835 2.494789 -0.363552 0.584758 -0.132423 1.10234 -2.319098 0.55367 -1.219101 2.952493 -0.740247 0.433316 -1.219535 0.319613 6.45 3.4499 0.36074 -0.13591 0.36323 -0.0759 -0.0074 -2.478112 1.203996 -0.107894 -0.003352 0.000541 1.121871 -0.689355 0.136977 -0.011065 0.000311 0.503 0.380 0.417 0.426 0.497 0.756 0.761 0.803
0.63096 0.2 0.217 -0.265 0.0185 -0.123 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.992 -1.079 -0.064 0.244 -0.193 -0.00468 -0.00201 -0.00345 -0.0037 -0.00135 -0.00258 -0.0037 -0.00276 -0.00294 -13.540851 17.055776 -2.804665 41.258829 -70.294928 12.710257 -48.22679 92.592344 -18.045488 18.39273 -39.458509 8.170882 -10.562035 16.115678 -3.036013 33.662132 -64.896749 13.201129 -39.691195 84.206632 -18.222828 15.298954 -35.52086 8.087504 -3.348491 5.651546 -1.17536 10.766342 -22.430135 4.978746 -12.609158 28.801371 -6.748344 4.830425 -12.053701 2.95528 -0.376572 0.680627 -0.152351 1.204459 -2.672388 0.633989 -1.39319 3.40324 -0.848446 0.527028 -1.414898 0.368028 6.8 3.52557 0.36154 -0.1252 0.36002 -0.0669 -0.0078 0.52648 -0.970882 0.435757 -0.060272 0.002678 0.511349 -0.224278 0.014578 0.002319 -0.000209 0.491 0.374 0.414 0.418 0.476 0.743 0.745 0.779
0.79433 0.1 0.201 -0.265 0.0188 -0.158 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.223 -1.056 -0.083 0.296 -0.175 -0.00402 -0.00175 -0.00294 -0.0033 -0.00127 -0.00216 -0.00298 -0.00231 -0.00274 -9.791213 13.769991 -2.058023 28.968177 -57.064269 9.664295 -33.509414 75.202024 -13.947098 12.611617 -31.974638 6.360024 -8.121296 14.810735 -2.766638 25.532426 -59.413122 12.080842 -29.81416 76.696416 -16.65731 11.338682 -32.161415 7.365446 -2.735425 5.545806 -1.166749 8.765384 -21.891175 4.931566 -10.186372 27.94221 -6.652381 3.856514 -11.620005 2.896002 -0.324788 0.698059 -0.158691 1.044729 -2.726708 0.657992 -1.203449 3.453349 -0.875747 0.451513 -1.427377 0.377501 7.1 3.57136 0.35653 -0.11932 0.35702 -0.0576 -0.0082 3.425185 -2.991325 0.921437 -0.10922 0.00445 -0.149513 0.260358 -0.108515 0.015353 -0.000702 0.483 0.375 0.409 0.416 0.458 0.736 0.740 0.764
1.0 0.0 0.189 -0.2662 0.0201 -0.177 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.308 -1.028 -0.103 0.341 -0.168 -0.00341 -0.00154 -0.00251 -0.0029 -0.00121 -0.00183 -0.00234 -0.00187 -0.00261 -7.325605 13.614002 -2.386626 20.485389 -55.648435 10.84517 -22.683851 72.724816 -15.358254 8.102878 -30.762067 6.924623 -6.60002 15.889768 -3.329883 20.220607 -62.917428 14.24876 -22.94835 80.523509 -19.391391 8.442674 -33.570142 8.501097 -2.399851 6.205665 -1.42624 7.626841 -24.238636 5.9471 -8.706471 30.726631 -7.950366 3.229578 -12.720858 3.440594 -0.304166 0.805239 -0.196305 0.983223 -3.119945 0.806391 -1.12337 3.932134 -1.066722 0.417681 -1.620806 0.458069 7.4 3.61643 0.35977 -0.11193 0.35949 -0.0457 -0.0084 5.949047 -4.671327 1.304611 -0.14567 0.00569 -0.807548 0.726202 -0.222759 0.027034 -0.001128 0.472 0.383 0.404 0.413 0.439 0.730 0.735 0.750
1.25892 -0.1 0.179 -0.2782 0.0225 -0.177 -0.007 -0.052 0.019 -0.034 -0.017 0 -1.209 -1.015 -0.12 0.388 -0.146 -0.00282 -0.00137 -0.00209 -0.00255 -0.00118 -0.00147 -0.002 -0.00136 -0.00225 -8.939958 14.674685 -2.50588 28.48766 -60.533728 11.447177 -33.74954 79.839562 -16.272449 13.110558 -34.093951 7.363532 -6.823299 16.349183 -3.378252 21.945586 -64.788429 14.473168 -25.43702 83.014323 -19.700187 9.622979 -34.666492 8.636822 -2.230057 6.227992 -1.418814 7.139707 -24.239425 5.910868 -8.089198 30.632422 -7.8882 2.98057 -12.650068 3.407453 -0.262857 0.794673 -0.192817 0.833591 -3.058636 0.790049 -0.924593 3.831317 -1.041746 0.332274 -1.570612 0.445901 7.7 3.65455 0.3576 -0.10572 0.35653 -0.0344 -0.0083 7.368131 -5.499974 1.459253 -0.156522 0.00591 -1.284003 1.045681 -0.29604 0.033957 -0.001359 0.457 0.390 0.403 0.408 0.429 0.724 0.727 0.738
1.58489 -0.2 0.168 -0.2895 0.0246 -0.177 0.017 -0.118 -0.006 -0.033 -0.015 0 -1.038 -1.003 -0.134 0.411 -0.126 -0.00227 -0.00124 -0.00162 -0.00228 -0.0012 -0.00102 -0.00185 -0.00098 -0.00195 -15.626776 19.508059 -3.560531 56.985234 -81.272413 15.949639 -71.946571 108.418298 -22.436338 29.788741 -46.830402 10.092356 -11.768413 20.485075 -4.373144 43.018477 -82.174059 18.668326 -53.780421 106.598489 -25.382767 22.029363 -45.049168 11.130096 -3.820418 7.664231 -1.778515 13.91816 -30.2218 7.420629 -17.228546 38.688876 -9.924873 6.988037 -16.176321 4.297893 -0.449459 0.970762 -0.237817 1.629299 -3.788807 0.978539 -1.999441 4.811048 -1.295541 0.804229 -1.998174 0.556679 7 3.28577 0.60973 -0.08858 0.3841 -0.0247 -0.0073 7.648531 -5.478711 1.393184 -0.143506 0.00521 -1.556335 1.20724 -0.326813 0.03613 -0.001401 0.435 0.394 0.407 0.400 0.422 0.714 0.710 0.723
1.99526 -0.3 0.155 -0.3002 0.0273 -0.177 0.029 -0.167 -0.038 -0.022 0.012 0 -0.877 -1.005 -0.141 0.422 -0.074 -0.00174 -0.00116 -0.0011 -0.00209 -0.00121 -0.00055 -0.00183 -0.00081 -0.00177 -20.196064 21.605585 -3.967159 76.955882 -91.937133 18.009102 -99.17849 124.888604 -25.625691 41.854937 -54.793264 11.641878 -14.237646 21.4583 -4.630733 54.204954 -87.447024 19.980398 -69.387392 115.040466 -27.41286 29.065915 -49.224908 12.113529 -4.450964 7.879438 -1.854116 16.869748 -31.468194 7.806779 -21.431777 40.755464 -10.521754 8.912003 -17.220691 4.586453 -0.512949 0.990385 -0.246374 1.934245 -3.908465 1.022173 -2.440762 5.014605 -1.362831 1.0086 -2.102644 0.589139 7.05 3.205 0.68673 -0.07303 0.40216 -0.0158 -0.0048 6.500901 -4.413972 1.059609 -0.101708 0.003404 -1.529644 1.14411 -0.298233 0.031732 -0.001184 0.421 0.392 0.409 0.394 0.421 0.706 0.697 0.713
2.51189 -0.4 0.142 -0.3243 0.0323 -0.177 0.046 -0.200 -0.067 -0.014 0.070 0 -0.787 -0.989 -0.145 0.405 -0.012 -0.00127 -0.0011 -0.00071 -0.00188 -0.00117 -0.00018 -0.00176 -0.00081 -0.00169 -21.025654 20.914681 -3.65759 80.254159 -89.929962 16.838693 -102.867295 122.982399 -24.163864 43.215191 -54.20406 11.039272 -14.058824 20.33818 -4.315139 53.578857 -83.280809 18.729752 -68.270807 109.860542 -25.776517 28.477607 -47.081453 11.408887 -4.220327 7.384426 -1.728543 16.004347 -29.551045 7.303437 -20.246004 38.293665 -9.856116 8.382355 -16.175944 4.297066 -0.471012 0.920307 -0.229126 1.77601 -3.633509 0.952913 -2.231373 4.65817 -1.271094 0.917647 -1.950334 0.549199 7.2 3.15761 0.71829 -0.06331 0.42226 -0.0092 -0.0027 4.471238 -2.731619 0.575555 -0.044609 0.001042 -1.296131 0.930304 -0.231209 0.023231 -0.000811 0.422 0.390 0.401 0.386 0.413 0.701 0.693 0.708
3.16228 -0.5 0.129 -0.3363 0.0348 -0.177 0.068 -0.233 -0.029 -0.039 0.146 0 -0.739 -0.957 -0.147 0.38 0.088 -0.00087 -0.00108 -0.00052 -0.00167 -0.00112 0 -0.00177 -0.00082 -0.00153 -22.741065 22.411323 -4.096293 86.63212 -97.020411 18.794135 -110.234252 133.365048 -26.940861 46.034113 -59.021914 12.307843 -15.263972 21.425521 -4.717232 58.109433 -88.201374 20.443717 -73.576682 116.846948 -28.124593 30.529589 -50.252 12.45084 -4.61871 7.768048 -1.881403 17.508884 -31.215017 7.940036 -22.024665 40.586946 -10.711395 9.075048 -17.193783 4.670423 -0.520072 0.970347 -0.249365 1.961472 -3.844432 1.036151 -2.451769 4.94279 -1.381728 1.003782 -2.074601 0.597048 7.25 3.07444 0.79168 -0.0485 0.43945 -0.005 -0.0017 1.70041 -0.551013 -0.02409 0.023559 -0.001692 -0.856979 0.570437 -0.12792 0.010975 -0.0003 0.427 0.387 0.386 0.381 0.401 0.694 0.691 0.702
3.98107 -0.6 0.114 -0.353 0.0379 -0.177 0.097 -0.252 0.047 -0.071 0.222 0 -0.715 -0.892 -0.148 0.331 0.199 -0.0006 -0.00104 -0.00046 -0.00149 -0.0011 0 -0.00188 -0.00064 -0.00117 -26.264268 23.771252 -4.060054 100.472301 -103.646308 18.814282 -127.685929 143.161093 -27.132822 53.278586 -63.57275 12.444219 -17.751774 21.96526 -4.627096 68.116276 -91.178818 20.183777 -86.467332 121.521772 -27.87899 35.975417 -52.500411 12.374512 -5.401081 7.859048 -1.842007 20.706062 -31.830584 7.810706 -26.201897 41.632888 -10.56744 10.860052 -17.718161 4.616053 -0.611228 0.975707 -0.244152 2.338044 -3.894667 1.018348 -2.948565 5.036198 -1.361074 1.217733 -2.123459 0.588934 7.35 3.00688 0.83749 -0.03816 0.45682 -0.0015 -0.0015 -1.21286 1.659951 -0.609563 0.087637 -0.004167 -0.330958 0.159703 -0.015464 -0.001793 0.000211 0.429 0.381 0.368 0.373 0.395 0.681 0.684 0.697
5.01187 -0.7 0.101 -0.3689 0.041 -0.177 0.104 -0.261 0.119 -0.088 0.298 0 -0.727 -0.81 -0.14 0.266 0.313 -0.00045 -0.00095 -0.00026 -0.00133 -0.00109 0 -0.00191 -0.00048 -0.00078 -25.705775 24.076487 -3.870359 96.629913 -105.020322 18.090218 -120.70367 145.026697 -26.228237 49.610109 -64.360305 12.071078 -16.84009 21.159053 -4.272283 63.439586 -87.991892 18.758983 -79.104292 117.348296 -26.011167 32.390672 -50.693008 11.572278 -4.974984 7.359398 -1.677937 18.699921 -29.825945 7.145804 -23.214685 38.994195 -9.688467 9.45493 -16.577788 4.235971 -0.5486 0.896211 -0.220551 2.05407 -3.574324 0.922361 -2.537028 4.613769 -1.233766 1.027578 -1.940914 0.533737 7.4 2.8864 0.87617 -0.03008 0.49447 -0.0001 -0.0014 -3.889662 3.647243 -1.123764 0.142588 -0.006239 0.20708 -0.251394 0.094773 -0.014072 0.000694 0.416 0.368 0.350 0.356 0.384 0.657 0.660 0.676
6.30957 -0.8 0.089 -0.3897 0.0446 -0.177 0.127 -0.265 0.151 -0.101 0.370 0 -0.744 -0.721 -0.126 0.2 0.395 -0.00035 -0.00088 -0.00008 -0.00115 -0.00105 0 -0.00168 -0.00035 -0.00054 -24.77411 26.224526 -4.200479 90.85638 -112.942284 19.297359 -110.881403 154.63744 -27.703051 44.643788 -68.197225 12.669506 -16.399063 22.499296 -4.454105 60.312115 -92.857 19.391601 -73.538359 123.20744 -26.757826 29.522271 -53.029484 11.868641 -4.882647 7.738961 -1.723739 17.92392 -31.186636 7.297028 -21.769156 40.625276 -9.860528 8.69684 -17.22899 4.30281 -0.541658 0.936975 -0.225009 1.98114 -3.719234 0.936385 -2.394693 4.787192 -1.249196 0.951699 -2.010391 0.539632 7.4 2.71458 0.91369 -0.02248 0.54244 0.0001 -0.0014 -6.070844 5.214049 -1.513383 0.182277 -0.007654 0.699129 -0.617005 0.189848 -0.024315 0.001083 0.402 0.349 0.331 0.340 0.367 0.627 0.631 0.647
7.94328 -0.9 0.08 -0.4051 0.0472 -0.177 0.161 -0.270 0.184 -0.115 0.422 0 -0.758 -0.623 -0.111 0.151 0.42 -0.00032 -0.00091 -0.00003 -0.00093 -0.00098 0 -0.00124 -0.00031 -0.00049 -23.2554 27.269174 -4.355136 83.882593 -116.925661 19.896133 -100.723717 159.512369 -28.450802 39.959542 -70.128341 12.972515 -15.584863 23.227516 -4.54862 56.449509 -95.598076 19.739125 -67.769774 126.51015 -27.164746 26.812408 -54.31465 12.021431 -4.678472 7.958405 -1.748796 16.923356 -32.002733 7.384073 -20.239549 41.594188 -9.954634 7.966198 -17.599496 4.334423 -0.52156 0.961043 -0.22741 1.879887 -3.807686 0.944166 -2.236969 4.890666 -1.256707 0.87537 -2.049251 0.541691 7.45 2.59172 0.94723 -0.0155 0.57479 0 -0.0014 -7.967855 6.53621 -1.828753 0.212558 -0.008649 1.149224 -0.944491 0.272771 -0.032948 0.001398 0.392 0.321 0.312 0.327 0.334 0.596 0.603 0.607
10.000 -1.0 0.073 -0.4203 0.0498 -0.177 0.223 -0.271 0.246 -0.139 0.451 0 -0.729 -0.514 -0.098 0.121 0.395 -0.0003 -0.00106 -0.00022 -0.00072 -0.00092 0 -0.00076 -0.00018 -0.00062 -21.116565 26.950596 -4.295478 74.840821 -115.458924 19.652997 -88.397431 157.343534 -28.131669 34.546793 -69.08876 12.833902 -14.309344 23.080364 -4.515178 51.065975 -94.912402 19.60508 -60.439985 125.48986 -26.99314 23.597517 -53.822052 11.948725 -4.333707 7.93206 -1.740815 15.469595 -31.875118 7.352615 -18.261556 41.39963 -9.915528 7.099148 -17.503328 4.318339 -0.486169 0.95965 -0.226702 1.730713 -3.800122 0.941414 -2.034029 4.878348 -1.253388 0.786412 -2.042806 0.540368 7.45 2.41501 0.97695 -0.00945 0.61307 0 -0.0014 -8.935422 7.144835 -1.952403 0.221535 -0.008813 1.461981 -1.163289 0.32556 -0.038128 0.001573 0.392 0.289 0.293 0.324 0.303 0.568 0.585 0.573
# constant table suffix
SUFFIX = "_if"
CONSTANTS = {"mlf0": 5.5, "mlf1": 7, "f1": 0, "f3": 98.1,
"b1": -1.3, "b2": -0.5, "v0": 100, "v1": 250, "v2": 1000,
"zx0": 150, "zx1": 800, "zx2": 4200,
"cfp0": -0.011, "cfp1": 0.421, "cfp2": -0.604, "cfp3": 0.086,
"x0": 0.5, "x1": 1, "x2": 2.5, "vref": 760, "vmin": 360}
CONST_REGION = {"cc": 0.85, "rt": 150,
"cd0": 1.606, "cd1": 0.0097, "dp0": 25, "dp1": 55}
[docs]class HassaniAtkinson2020SSlab(HassaniAtkinson2020SInter):
Hassani Atkinson (2020) for Subduction IntraSlab.
# constant table suffix
SUFFIX = "_is"
CONST_REGION = {"cc": 0.9, "rt": 250,
"cd0": 1.9241, "cd1": 0.0133, "dp0": 40, "dp1": 90}
[docs]class HassaniAtkinson2020Asc(HassaniAtkinson2020SInter):
Hassani Atkinson (2020) for Crustal.
# constant table suffix
SUFFIX = "_cr"
CONST_REGION = {"cc": 0.45, "rt": 50,
"cd0": 2.5011, "cd1": 0, "dp0": 0, "dp1": 30}