# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2019-2020, GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import logging
import itertools
import numpy
from openquake.baselib import general, datastore, parallel, python3compat
from openquake.hazardlib.stats import set_rlzs_stats
from openquake.risklib import scientific
from openquake.calculators import base, views
F32 = numpy.float32
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
[docs]def reagg_idxs(num_tags, tagnames):
:param num_tags: dictionary tagname -> number of tags with that tagname
:param tagnames: subset of tagnames of interest
:returns: T = T1 x ... X TN indices with repetitions
Reaggregate indices. Consider for instance a case with 3 tagnames,
taxonomy (4 tags), region (3 tags) and country (2 tags):
>>> num_tags = dict(taxonomy=4, region=3, country=2)
There are T = T1 x T2 x T3 = 4 x 3 x 2 = 24 combinations.
The function will return 24 reaggregated indices with repetions depending
on the selected subset of tagnames.
For instance reaggregating by taxonomy and region would give:
>>> list(reagg_idxs(num_tags, ['taxonomy', 'region'])) # 4x3
[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11]
Reaggregating by taxonomy and country would give:
>>> list(reagg_idxs(num_tags, ['taxonomy', 'country'])) # 4x2
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7]
Reaggregating by region and country would give:
>>> list(reagg_idxs(num_tags, ['region', 'country'])) # 3x2
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Here is an example of single tag aggregation:
>>> list(reagg_idxs(num_tags, ['taxonomy'])) # 4
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
shape = list(num_tags.values())
T = numpy.prod(shape)
arr = numpy.arange(T).reshape(shape)
ranges = [numpy.arange(n) if t in tagnames else [slice(None)]
for t, n in num_tags.items()]
for i, idx in enumerate(itertools.product(*ranges)):
arr[idx] = i
return arr.flatten()
[docs]def get_loss_builder(dstore, return_periods=None, loss_dt=None):
:param dstore: datastore for an event based risk calculation
:returns: a LossCurvesMapsBuilder instance
oq = dstore['oqparam']
weights = dstore['weights'][()]
eff_time = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path
num_events = numpy.bincount(dstore['events']['rlz_id'])
periods = return_periods or oq.return_periods or scientific.return_periods(
eff_time, num_events.max())
return scientific.LossCurvesMapsBuilder(
oq.conditional_loss_poes, numpy.array(periods),
loss_dt or oq.loss_dt(), weights, dict(enumerate(num_events)),
eff_time, oq.risk_investigation_time)
[docs]def get_src_loss_table(dstore, L):
(source_ids, array of losses of shape (Ns, L))
K = dstore['agg_loss_table'].attrs.get('K', 0)
alt = dstore.read_df('agg_loss_table', 'agg_id', dict(agg_id=K))
eids = alt.event_id.to_numpy()
evs = dstore['events'][:][eids]
rlz_ids = evs['rlz_id']
rup_ids = evs['rup_id']
source_id = python3compat.decode(dstore['ruptures']['source_id'][rup_ids])
w = dstore['weights'][:]
acc = general.AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros(L, F32))
del alt['event_id']
all_losses = numpy.array(alt)
for source_id, rlz_id, losses in zip(source_id, rlz_ids, all_losses):
acc[source_id] += losses * w[rlz_id]
return zip(*sorted(acc.items()))
[docs]def post_risk(builder, kr_losses, monitor):
:returns: dictionary kr -> L loss curves
res = {}
for k, r, losses in kr_losses:
res[k, r] = builder.build_curves(losses, r)
return res
class PostRiskCalculator(base.RiskCalculator):
Compute losses and loss curves starting from an event loss table.
[docs] def pre_execute(self):
oq = self.oqparam
ds = self.datastore
self.reaggreate = False
if oq.hazard_calculation_id and not ds.parent:
ds.parent = datastore.read(oq.hazard_calculation_id)
assetcol = ds['assetcol']
self.aggkey = base.save_agg_values(
ds, assetcol, oq.loss_names, oq.aggregate_by)
aggby = ds.parent['oqparam'].aggregate_by
self.reaggreate = aggby and oq.aggregate_by != aggby
if self.reaggreate:
self.num_tags = dict(
zip(aggby, assetcol.tagcol.agg_shape(aggby)))
assetcol = ds['assetcol']
self.aggkey = assetcol.tagcol.get_aggkey(oq.aggregate_by)
self.L = len(oq.loss_names)
size = general.humansize(ds.getsize('agg_loss_table'))
logging.info('Stored %s in the agg_loss_table', size)
[docs] def execute(self):
oq = self.oqparam
if oq.return_periods != [0]:
# setting return_periods = 0 disable loss curves
eff_time = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path
if eff_time < 2:
'eff_time=%s is too small to compute loss curves',
if 'source_info' in self.datastore: # missing for gmf_ebrisk
logging.info('Building the src_loss_table')
with self.monitor('src_loss_table', measuremem=True):
source_ids, losses = get_src_loss_table(self.datastore, self.L)
self.datastore['src_loss_table'] = losses
builder = get_loss_builder(self.datastore)
K = len(self.aggkey) if oq.aggregate_by else 0
P = len(builder.return_periods)
# do everything in process since it is really fast
rlz_id = self.datastore['events']['rlz_id']
alt_df = self.datastore.read_df('agg_loss_table')
if self.reaggreate:
idxs = numpy.concatenate([
reagg_idxs(self.num_tags, oq.aggregate_by),
numpy.array([K], int)])
alt_df['agg_id'] = idxs[alt_df['agg_id'].to_numpy()]
alt_df = alt_df.groupby(['event_id', 'agg_id']).sum().reset_index()
alt_df['rlz_id'] = rlz_id[alt_df.event_id.to_numpy()]
units = self.datastore['cost_calculator'].get_units(oq.loss_names)
dist = ('no' if os.environ.get('OQ_DISTRIBUTE') == 'no'
else 'processpool') # use only the local cores
smap = parallel.Starmap(post_risk, h5=self.datastore.hdf5,
# producing concurrent_tasks/2 = num_cores tasks
blocksize = int(numpy.ceil(
(K + 1) * self.R / (oq.concurrent_tasks // 2 or 1)))
kr_losses = []
agg_losses = numpy.zeros((K + 1, self.R, self.L), F32)
agg_curves = numpy.zeros((K + 1, self.R, self.L, P), F32)
gb = alt_df.groupby([alt_df.agg_id, alt_df.rlz_id])
# NB: in the future we may use multiprocessing.shared_memory
for (k, r), df in gb:
arr = numpy.zeros((self.L, len(df)), F32)
for lni, ln in enumerate(oq.loss_names):
arr[lni] = df[ln].to_numpy()
agg_losses[k, r] = arr.sum(axis=1)
kr_losses.append((k, r, arr))
if len(kr_losses) >= blocksize:
size = sum(ls.nbytes for k, r, ls in kr_losses)
logging.info('Sending %s of losses',
smap.submit((builder, kr_losses))
kr_losses[:] = []
if kr_losses:
smap.submit((builder, kr_losses))
for (k, r), curve in smap.reduce().items():
agg_curves[k, r] = curve
self.datastore['agg_losses-rlzs'] = agg_losses * oq.ses_ratio
set_rlzs_stats(self.datastore, 'agg_losses',
agg_id=K + 1, loss_types=oq.loss_names, units=units)
self.datastore['agg_curves-rlzs'] = agg_curves
set_rlzs_stats(self.datastore, 'agg_curves',
agg_id=K + 1, lti=self.L,
return 1
[docs] def post_execute(self, dummy):
Sanity check on tot_losses
logging.info('Total portfolio loss\n' +
views.view('portfolio_loss', self.datastore))
if not self.aggkey:
logging.info('Sanity check on agg_losses')
for kind in 'rlzs', 'stats':
agg = 'agg_losses-' + kind
if agg not in self.datastore:
if kind == 'rlzs':
kinds = ['rlz-%d' % rlz for rlz in range(self.R)]
kinds = self.oqparam.hazard_stats()
for l in range(self.L):
ln = self.oqparam.loss_names[l]
for r, k in enumerate(kinds):
tot_losses = self.datastore[agg][-1, r, l]
agg_losses = self.datastore[agg][:-1, r, l].sum()
if kind == 'rlzs' or k == 'mean':
ok = numpy.allclose(agg_losses, tot_losses, rtol=.001)
if not ok:
'Inconsistent total losses for %s, %s: '
'%s != %s', ln, k, agg_losses, tot_losses)