Source code for openquake.calculators.disaggregation

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Disaggregation calculator core functionality
import logging
import operator
import numpy

from openquake.baselib import parallel, hdf5
from openquake.baselib.general import (
    AccumDict, get_nbytes_msg, humansize, pprod, agg_probs,
    block_splitter, groupby)
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import encode
from openquake.hazardlib import stats
from openquake.hazardlib.calc import disagg
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import from_string
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import ContextMaker
from openquake.hazardlib.contexts import read_ctxs, RuptureContext
from openquake.hazardlib.tom import PoissonTOM
from openquake.commonlib import util, calc
from openquake.calculators import getters
from openquake.calculators import base

POE_TOO_BIG = '''\
Site #%d: you are trying to disaggregate for poe=%s.
However the source model produces at most probabilities
of %.7f for rlz=#%d, IMT=%s.
The disaggregation PoE is too big or your model is wrong,
producing too small PoEs.'''
U8 = numpy.uint8
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
F32 = numpy.float32

def _matrix(matrices, num_trts, num_mag_bins):
    # convert a dict trti, magi -> matrix into a single matrix
    trti, magi = next(iter(matrices))
    mat = numpy.zeros((num_trts, num_mag_bins) + matrices[trti, magi].shape)
    for trti, magi in matrices:
        mat[trti, magi] = matrices[trti, magi]
    return mat

def _hmap4(rlzs, iml_disagg, imtls, poes_disagg, curves):
    # an ArrayWrapper of shape (N, M, P, Z)
    N, Z = rlzs.shape
    P = len(poes_disagg)
    M = len(imtls)
    arr = numpy.empty((N, M, P, Z))
    for m, imt in enumerate(imtls):
        for (s, z), rlz in numpy.ndenumerate(rlzs):
            curve = curves[s][z]
            if poes_disagg == (None,):
                arr[s, m, 0, z] = imtls[imt]
            elif curve:
                rlz = rlzs[s, z]
                max_poe = curve[imt].max()
                arr[s, m, :, z] = calc.compute_hazard_maps(
                    curve[imt], imtls[imt], poes_disagg)
                for iml, poe in zip(arr[s, m, :, z], poes_disagg):
                    if iml == 0:
                        logging.warning('Cannot disaggregate for site %d, %s, '
                                        'poe=%s, rlz=%d: the hazard is zero',
                                        s, imt, poe, rlz)
                    elif poe > max_poe:
                            POE_TOO_BIG, s, poe, max_poe, rlz, imt)
    return hdf5.ArrayWrapper(arr, {'rlzs': rlzs})

[docs]def output(mat6): """ :param mat6: a 6D matrix with axis (D, Lo, La, E, P, Z) :returns: two matrices of shape (D, E, P, Z) and (Lo, La, P, Z) """ return pprod(mat6, axis=(1, 2)), pprod(mat6, axis=(0, 3))
[docs]def compute_disagg(dstore, slc, cmaker, hmap4, trti, magi, bin_edges, monitor): # see for an explanation # of the algorithm used """ :param dstore: a DataStore instance :param slc: a slice of ruptures :param cmaker: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base.ContextMaker` instance :param hmap4: an ArrayWrapper of shape (N, M, P, Z) :param trti: tectonic region type index :param magi: magnitude bin indices :param bin_egdes: a quartet (dist_edges, lon_edges, lat_edges, eps_edges) :param monitor: monitor of the currently running job :returns: a dictionary sid, imti -> 6D-array """ RuptureContext.temporal_occurrence_model = PoissonTOM( cmaker.investigation_time) with monitor('reading contexts', measuremem=True):'r') allctxs, close_ctxs = read_ctxs( dstore, slc, req_site_params=cmaker.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS) for magidx, ctx in zip(magi, allctxs): ctx.magi = magidx dis_mon = monitor('disaggregate', measuremem=False) ms_mon = monitor('disagg mean_std', measuremem=True) N, M, P, Z = hmap4.shape g_by_z = AccumDict(accum={}) # dict s -> z -> g for g, rlzs in enumerate(cmaker.gsims.values()): for (s, z), r in numpy.ndenumerate(hmap4.rlzs): if r in rlzs: g_by_z[s][z] = g eps3 = disagg._eps3(cmaker.trunclevel, cmaker.num_epsilon_bins) imts = [from_string(im) for im in cmaker.imtls] for magi, ctxs in groupby(allctxs, operator.attrgetter('magi')).items(): res = {'trti': trti, 'magi': magi} with ms_mon: # compute mean and std for a single IMT to save memory # the size is N * U * G * 16 bytes disagg.set_mean_std(ctxs, imts, cmaker.gsims) # disaggregate by site, IMT for s, iml3 in enumerate(hmap4): close = [ctx for ctx in close_ctxs[s] if ctx.magi == magi] if not g_by_z[s] or not close: # g_by_z[s] is empty in test case_7 continue # dist_bins, lon_bins, lat_bins, eps_bins bins = (bin_edges[1], bin_edges[2][s], bin_edges[3][s], bin_edges[4]) iml2 = dict(zip(imts, iml3)) with dis_mon: # 7D-matrix #distbins, #lonbins, #latbins, #epsbins, M, P, Z matrix = disagg.disaggregate( close, g_by_z[s], iml2, eps3, s, bins) # 7D-matrix for m in range(M): mat6 = matrix[..., m, :, :] if mat6.any(): res[s, m] = output(mat6) yield res
# NB: compressing the results is not worth it since the aggregation of # the matrices is fast and the data are not queuing up
[docs]def get_outputs_size(shapedic, disagg_outputs): """ :returns: the total size of the outputs """ tot = AccumDict(accum=0) for out in disagg_outputs: tot[out] = 8 for key in out.lower().split('_'): tot[out] *= shapedic[key] return tot * shapedic['N'] * shapedic['M'] * shapedic['P'] * shapedic['Z']
[docs]def output_dict(shapedic, disagg_outputs): N, M, P, Z = shapedic['N'], shapedic['M'], shapedic['P'], shapedic['Z'] dic = {} for out in disagg_outputs: shp = tuple(shapedic[key] for key in out.lower().split('_')) dic[out] = numpy.zeros((N, M, P) + shp + (Z,)) return dic
[docs]@base.calculators.add('disaggregation') class DisaggregationCalculator(base.HazardCalculator): """ Classical PSHA disaggregation calculator """ precalc = 'classical' accept_precalc = ['classical', 'disaggregation']
[docs] def pre_checks(self): """ Checks on the number of sites, atomic groups and size of the disaggregation matrix. """ if self.N >= 32768: raise ValueError('You can disaggregate at max 32,768 sites') few = self.oqparam.max_sites_disagg if self.N > few: raise ValueError( 'The number of sites is to disaggregate is %d, but you have ' 'max_sites_disagg=%d' % (self.N, few)) if hasattr(self, 'csm'): for sg in self.csm.src_groups: if sg.atomic: raise NotImplementedError( 'Atomic groups are not supported yet') elif self.datastore['source_info'].attrs['atomic']: raise NotImplementedError( 'Atomic groups are not supported yet') all_edges, shapedic = disagg.get_edges_shapedic( self.oqparam, self.sitecol, self.datastore['source_mags']) *b, trts = all_edges T = len(trts) shape = [len(bin) - 1 for bin in (b[0], b[1], b[2][0], b[3][0], b[4])] + [T] matrix_size = # 6D if matrix_size > 1E6: raise ValueError( 'The disaggregation matrix is too large ' '(%d elements): fix the binning!' % matrix_size) tot = get_outputs_size(shapedic, self.oqparam.disagg_outputs)'Total output size: %s', humansize(sum(tot.values())))
[docs] def execute(self): """Performs the disaggregation""" return self.full_disaggregation()
[docs] def get_curve(self, sid, rlzs): """ Get the hazard curves for the given site ID and realizations. :param sid: site ID :param rlzs: a matrix of indices of shape Z :returns: a list of Z arrays of PoEs """ poes = [] pcurves = self.pgetter.get_pcurves(sid) for z, rlz in enumerate(rlzs): pc = pcurves[rlz] if z == 0: self.curves.append(pc.array[:, 0]) poes.append(pc.convert(self.oqparam.imtls)) return poes
[docs] def full_disaggregation(self): """ Run the disaggregation phase. """ oq = self.oqparam edges, self.shapedic = disagg.get_edges_shapedic( oq, self.sitecol, self.datastore['source_mags']) self.save_bin_edges(edges) self.full_lt = self.datastore['full_lt'] self.poes_disagg = oq.poes_disagg or (None,) self.imts = list(oq.imtls) self.M = len(self.imts) ws = [rlz.weight for rlz in self.full_lt.get_realizations()] dstore = (self.datastore.parent if self.datastore.parent else self.datastore) self.pgetter = getters.PmapGetter( dstore, ws, self.sitecol.sids, oq.imtls, oq.poes) # build array rlzs (N, Z) if oq.rlz_index is None: Z = oq.num_rlzs_disagg or 1 rlzs = numpy.zeros((self.N, Z), int) if self.R > 1: for sid in self.sitecol.sids: curves = numpy.array( [pc.array for pc in self.pgetter.get_pcurves(sid)]) mean = getters.build_stat_curve( curves, oq.imtls, stats.mean_curve, ws) # get the closest realization to the mean rlzs[sid] = util.closest_to_ref(curves, mean.array)[:Z] self.datastore['best_rlzs'] = rlzs else: Z = len(oq.rlz_index) rlzs = numpy.zeros((self.N, Z), int) for z in range(Z): rlzs[:, z] = oq.rlz_index[z] self.datastore['best_rlzs'] = rlzs assert Z <= self.R, (Z, self.R) self.Z = Z self.rlzs = rlzs self.curves = [] if oq.iml_disagg: # no hazard curves are needed self.poe_id = {None: 0} curves = [[None for z in range(Z)] for s in range(self.N)] else: self.poe_id = {poe: i for i, poe in enumerate(oq.poes_disagg)} curves = [self.get_curve(sid, rlzs[sid]) for sid in self.sitecol.sids] self.hmap4 = _hmap4(rlzs, oq.iml_disagg, oq.imtls, self.poes_disagg, curves) if self.hmap4.array.sum() == 0: raise SystemExit('Cannot do any disaggregation: zero hazard') self.datastore['hmap4'] = self.hmap4 self.datastore['poe4'] = numpy.zeros_like(self.hmap4.array) return self.compute()
[docs] def compute(self): """ Submit disaggregation tasks and return the results """ oq = self.oqparam dstore = (self.datastore.parent if self.datastore.parent else self.datastore) magi = numpy.searchsorted(self.bin_edges[0], dstore['rup/mag'][:]) - 1 magi[magi == -1] = 0 # when the magnitude is on the edge totrups = len(magi)'Reading {:_d} ruptures'.format(totrups)) rdt = [('grp_id', U16), ('magi', U8), ('nsites', U16), ('idx', U32)] rdata = numpy.zeros(totrups, rdt) rdata['magi'] = magi rdata['idx'] = numpy.arange(totrups) rdata['grp_id'] = dstore['rup/grp_id'][:] rdata['nsites'] = dstore['rup/nsites'][:] totweight = rdata['nsites'].sum() et_ids = dstore['et_ids'][:] rlzs_by_gsim = self.full_lt.get_rlzs_by_gsim_list(et_ids) G = max(len(rbg) for rbg in rlzs_by_gsim) maxw = 2 * 1024**3 / (16 * G * self.M) # at max 2 GB maxweight = min( numpy.ceil(totweight / (oq.concurrent_tasks or 1)), maxw) num_eff_rlzs = len(self.full_lt.sm_rlzs) task_inputs = [] U = 0 self.datastore.swmr_on() smap = parallel.Starmap(compute_disagg, h5=self.datastore.hdf5) # ABSURDLY IMPORTANT!! we rely on the fact that the classical part # of the calculation stores the ruptures in chunks of constant # grp_id, therefore it is possible to build (start, stop) slices; # we are NOT grouping by operator.itemgetter('grp_id', 'magi'): # that would break the ordering of the indices causing an incredibly # worse performance, but visible only in extra-large calculations! for block in block_splitter(rdata, maxweight, operator.itemgetter('nsites'), operator.itemgetter('grp_id')): grp_id = block[0]['grp_id'] trti = et_ids[grp_id][0] // num_eff_rlzs trt = self.trts[trti] cmaker = ContextMaker( trt, rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id], {'truncation_level': oq.truncation_level, 'maximum_distance': oq.maximum_distance, 'collapse_level': oq.collapse_level, 'num_epsilon_bins': oq.num_epsilon_bins, 'investigation_time': oq.investigation_time, 'imtls': oq.imtls}) U = max(U, block.weight) slc = slice(block[0]['idx'], block[-1]['idx'] + 1) smap.submit((dstore, slc, cmaker, self.hmap4, trti, magi[slc], self.bin_edges)) task_inputs.append((trti, slc.stop-slc.start)) nbytes, msg = get_nbytes_msg(dict(M=self.M, G=G, U=U, F=2))'Maximum mean_std per task:\n%s', msg) s = self.shapedic Ta = numpy.ceil(len(task_inputs)) nbytes = s['N'] * s['M'] * s['P'] * s['Z'] * Ta * 8 data_transfer = (s['dist'] * s['eps'] + s['lon'] * s['lat']) * nbytes if data_transfer > oq.max_data_transfer: raise ValueError( 'Estimated data transfer too big\n%s > max_data_transfer=%s' % (humansize(data_transfer), humansize(oq.max_data_transfer)))'Estimated data transfer: %s', humansize(data_transfer)) dt = numpy.dtype([('trti', U8), ('nrups', U32)]) self.datastore['disagg_task'] = numpy.array(task_inputs, dt) results = smap.reduce(self.agg_result, AccumDict(accum={})) return results # imti, sid -> trti, magi -> 6D array
[docs] def agg_result(self, acc, result): """ Collect the results coming from compute_disagg into self.results. :param acc: dictionary sid -> trti, magi -> 6D array :param result: dictionary with the result coming from a task """ # 7D array of shape (#distbins, #lonbins, #latbins, #epsbins, M, P, Z) with self.monitor('aggregating disagg matrices'): trti = result.pop('trti') magi = result.pop('magi') for (s, m), out in result.items(): for k in (0, 1): x = acc[s, m, k].get((trti, magi), 0) acc[s, m, k][trti, magi] = agg_probs(x, out[k]) return acc
[docs] def post_execute(self, results): """ Save all the results of the disaggregation. NB: the number of results to save is #sites * #rlzs * #disagg_poes * #IMTs. :param results: a dictionary sid, imti, kind -> trti -> disagg matrix """ # the DEBUG dictionary is populated only for OQ_DISTRIBUTE=no for sid, pnes in disagg.DEBUG.items(): print('site %d, mean pnes=%s' % (sid, pnes)) T = len(self.trts) Ma = len(self.bin_edges[0]) - 1 # num_mag_bins # build a dictionary s, m, k -> matrices results = {smk: _matrix(dic, T, Ma) for smk, dic in results.items()} # get the number of outputs shp = (self.N, len(self.poes_disagg), len(self.imts), self.Z)'Extracting and saving the PMFs for %d outputs ' '(N=%s, P=%d, M=%d, Z=%d)',, *shp) with self.monitor('saving disagg results'): self.save_disagg_results(results)
[docs] def save_bin_edges(self, all_edges): """ Save disagg-bins """ *self.bin_edges, self.trts = all_edges b = self.bin_edges def a(bin_no): # lon/lat edges for the sites, bin_no can be 2 or 3 num_edges = len(b[bin_no][0]) arr = numpy.zeros((self.N, num_edges)) for sid, edges in b[bin_no].items(): arr[sid] = edges return arr self.datastore['disagg-bins/Mag'] = b[0] self.datastore['disagg-bins/Dist'] = b[1] self.datastore['disagg-bins/Lon'] = a(2) self.datastore['disagg-bins/Lat'] = a(3) self.datastore['disagg-bins/Eps'] = b[4] self.datastore['disagg-bins/TRT'] = encode(self.trts)
[docs] def save_disagg_results(self, results): """ Save the computed PMFs in the datastore :param results: a dict s, m, k -> 6D-matrix of shape (T, Ma, Lo, La, P, Z) or (T, Ma, D, E, P, Z) depending if k is 0 or k is 1 """ oq = self.oqparam out = output_dict(self.shapedic, oq.disagg_outputs) count = numpy.zeros(len(self.sitecol), U16) _disagg_trt = numpy.zeros(self.N, [(trt, float) for trt in self.trts]) vcurves = [] # hazard curves with a vertical section for large poes for (s, m, k), mat6 in sorted(results.items()): imt = self.imts[m] for p, poe in enumerate(self.poes_disagg): mat5 = mat6[..., p, :] if k == 0 and m == 0 and poe == self.poes_disagg[-1]: # mat5 has shape (T, Ma, D, E, Z) _disagg_trt[s] = tuple(pprod(mat5[..., 0], axis=(1, 2, 3))) poe2 = pprod(mat5, axis=(0, 1, 2, 3)) self.datastore['poe4'][s, m, p] = poe2 # shape Z poe_agg = poe2.mean() if (poe and abs(1 - poe_agg / poe) > .1 and not count[s] and self.hmap4[s, m, p].any()): logging.warning( 'Site #%d, IMT=%s: poe_agg=%s is quite different from ' 'the expected poe=%s, perhaps not enough levels', s, imt, poe_agg, poe) vcurves.append(self.curves[s]) count[s] += 1 mat4 = agg_probs(*mat5) # shape (Ma D E Z) or (Ma Lo La Z) for key in oq.disagg_outputs: if key == 'Mag' and k == 0: out[key][s, m, p, :] = pprod(mat4, axis=(1, 2)) elif key == 'Dist' and k == 0: out[key][s, m, p, :] = pprod(mat4, axis=(0, 2)) elif key == 'TRT' and k == 0: out[key][s, m, p, :] = pprod(mat5, axis=(1, 2, 3)) elif key == 'Mag_Dist' and k == 0: out[key][s, m, p, :] = pprod(mat4, axis=2) elif key == 'Mag_Dist_Eps' and k == 0: out[key][s, m, p, :] = mat4 elif key == 'Lon_Lat' and k == 1: out[key][s, m, p, :] = pprod(mat4, axis=0) elif key == 'Mag_Lon_Lat' and k == 1: out[key][s, m, p, :] = mat4 elif key == 'Lon_Lat_TRT' and k == 1: out[key][s, m, p, :] = pprod(mat5, axis=1).transpose( 1, 2, 0, 3) # T Lo La Z -> Lo La T Z # shape NMP..Z self.datastore['disagg'] = out # below a dataset useful for debugging, at minimum IMT and maximum RP self.datastore['_disagg_trt'] = _disagg_trt if len(vcurves): NML1 = len(vcurves), self.M, oq.imtls.size // self.M self.datastore['_vcurves'] = numpy.array(vcurves).reshape(NML1) self.datastore['_vcurves'].attrs['sids'] = numpy.where(count)[0]