#!/usr/bin/env python
Implements sets of classes for mapping components of the focal mechanism
import datetime
from math import fabs, floor, sqrt, pi
import numpy as np
from openquake.hmtk.seismicity import gcmt_utils as utils
from openquake.hmtk.seismicity.catalogue import Catalogue
[docs]def cmp(a, b): # Python 3 replacement of Python2 cmp
return (a > b) - (a < b)
[docs]def cmp_mat(a, b):
Sorts two matrices returning a positive or zero value
c = 0
for x, y in zip(a.flat, b.flat):
c = cmp(abs(x), abs(y))
if c != 0:
return c
return c
[docs]class GCMTHypocentre(object):
Simple representation of the hypocentre
def __init__(self):
self.source = None
self.date = None
self.time = None
self.longitude = None
self.latitude = None
self.depth = None
self.m_b = None
self.m_s = None
self.location = None
[docs]class GCMTCentroid(object):
Representation of a GCMT centroid
def __init__(self, reference_date, reference_time):
:param reference_date:
Date of hypocentre as instance of :class: datetime.datetime.date
:param reference_time:
Time of hypocentre as instance of :class: datetime.datetime.time
self.centroid_type = None
self.source = None
self.time = reference_time
self.time_error = None
self.date = reference_date
self.longitude = None
self.longitude_error = None
self.latitude = None
self.latitude_error = None
self.depth = None
self.depth_error = None
self.depth_type = None
self.centroid_id = None
def _get_centroid_time(self, time_diff):
Calculates the time difference between the date-time classes
source_time = datetime.datetime.combine(self.date, self.time)
second_diff = floor(fabs(time_diff))
microsecond_diff = int(1000. * (time_diff - second_diff))
if time_diff < 0.:
source_time = source_time - datetime.timedelta(
seconds=int(second_diff), microseconds=microsecond_diff)
source_time = source_time + datetime.timedelta(
seconds=int(second_diff), microseconds=microsecond_diff)
self.time = source_time.time()
self.date = source_time.date()
[docs]class GCMTPrincipalAxes(object):
Class to represent the eigensystem of the tensor in terms of T-, B- and P-
plunge and azimuth
def __init__(self):
self.t_axis = None
self.b_axis = None
self.p_axis = None
[docs] def get_moment_tensor_from_principal_axes(self):
Retreives the moment tensor from the prinicpal axes
raise NotImplementedError('Moment tensor from principal axes not yet '
[docs] def get_azimuthal_projection(self, height=1.0):
Returns the azimuthal projection of the tensor according to the
method of Frohlich (2001)
raise NotImplementedError('Get azimuthal projection not yet '
[docs]class GCMTMomentTensor(object):
Class to represent a moment tensor and its associated methods
def __init__(self, reference_frame=None):
self.tensor = None
self.tensor_sigma = None
self.exponent = None
self.eigenvalues = None
self.eigenvectors = None
if reference_frame:
self.ref_frame = reference_frame
# Default to USE
self.ref_frame = 'USE'
[docs] def normalise_tensor(self):
Normalise the tensor by dividing it by its norm, defined such that
self.tensor, tensor_norm = utils.normalise_tensor(self.tensor)
return self.tensor / tensor_norm, tensor_norm
def _to_ned(self):
Switches the reference frame to NED
if self.ref_frame is 'USE':
# Rotate
return utils.use_to_ned(self.tensor), \
elif self.ref_frame is 'NED':
# Alreadt NED
return self.tensor, self.tensor_sigma
raise ValueError('Reference frame %s not recognised - cannot '
'transform to NED!' % self.ref_frame)
def _to_use(self):
Returns a tensor in the USE reference frame
if self.ref_frame is 'NED':
# Rotate
return utils.ned_to_use(self.tensor), \
elif self.ref_frame is 'USE':
# Already USE
return self.tensor, self.tensor_sigma
raise ValueError('Reference frame %s not recognised - cannot '
'transform to USE!' % self.ref_frame)
def _to_6component(self):
Returns the unique 6-components of the tensor in USE format
[Mrr, Mtt, Mpp, Mrt, Mrp, Mtp]
return utils.tensor_to_6component(self.tensor, self.ref_frame)
[docs] def eigendecompose(self, normalise=False):
Performs and eigendecomposition of the tensor and orders into
descending eigenvalues
self.eigenvalues, self.eigenvectors = utils.eigendecompose(self.tensor,
return self.eigenvalues, self.eigenvectors
[docs] def get_nodal_planes(self):
Returns the nodal planes by eigendecomposition of the moment tensor
# Convert reference frame to NED
self.tensor, self.tensor_sigma = self._to_ned()
self.ref_frame = 'NED'
# Eigenvalue decomposition
# Tensor
_, evect = utils.eigendecompose(self.tensor)
# Rotation matrix
_, rot_vec = utils.eigendecompose(np.matrix([[0., 0., -1],
[0., 0., 0.],
[-1., 0., 0.]]))
rotation_matrix = (np.matrix(evect * rot_vec.T)).T
if np.linalg.det(rotation_matrix) < 0.:
rotation_matrix *= -1.
flip_dc = np.matrix([[0., 0., -1.],
[0., -1., 0.],
[-1., 0., 0.]])
rotation_matrices = sorted(
[rotation_matrix, flip_dc * rotation_matrix],
nodal_planes = GCMTNodalPlanes()
dip, strike, rake = [(180. / pi) * angle
for angle in utils.matrix_to_euler(rotation_matrices[0])]
# 1st Nodal Plane
nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1 = {'strike': strike % 360,
'dip': dip,
'rake': -rake}
# 2nd Nodal Plane
dip, strike, rake = [(180. / pi) * angle
for angle in utils.matrix_to_euler(rotation_matrices[1])]
nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2 = {'strike': strike % 360.,
'dip': dip,
'rake': -rake}
return nodal_planes
[docs] def get_principal_axes(self):
Uses the eigendecomposition to extract the principal axes from the
moment tensor - returning an instance of the GCMTPrincipalAxes class
# Perform eigendecomposition - returns in order P, B, T
_ = self.eigendecompose(normalise=True)
principal_axes = GCMTPrincipalAxes()
# Eigenvalues
principal_axes.p_axis = {'eigenvalue': self.eigenvalues[0]}
principal_axes.b_axis = {'eigenvalue': self.eigenvalues[1]}
principal_axes.t_axis = {'eigenvalue': self.eigenvalues[2]}
# Eigen vectors
# 1) P axis
azim, plun = utils.get_azimuth_plunge(self.eigenvectors[:, 0], True)
principal_axes.p_axis['azimuth'] = azim
principal_axes.p_axis['plunge'] = plun
# 2) B axis
azim, plun = utils.get_azimuth_plunge(self.eigenvectors[:, 1], True)
principal_axes.b_axis['azimuth'] = azim
principal_axes.b_axis['plunge'] = plun
# 3) T axis
azim, plun = utils.get_azimuth_plunge(self.eigenvectors[:, 2], True)
principal_axes.t_axis['azimuth'] = azim
principal_axes.t_axis['plunge'] = plun
return principal_axes
[docs]class GCMTEvent(object):
Class to represent full GCMT moment tensor in ndk format
def __init__(self):
self.identifier = None
self.hypocentre = None
self.centroid = None
self.magnitude = None
self.moment = None
self.metadata = {}
self.moment_tensor = None
self.nodal_planes = None
self.principal_axes = None
self.f_clvd = None
self.e_rel = None
[docs] def get_f_clvd(self):
Returns the statistic f_clvd: the signed ratio of the sizes of the
intermediate and largest principal moments::
f_clvd = -b_axis_eigenvalue / max(|t_axis_eigenvalue|,|p_axis_eigenvalue|)
if not self.principal_axes:
# Principal axes not yet defined for moment tensor - raises error
raise ValueError('Principal Axes not defined!')
denominator = np.max(np.array([
self.f_clvd = -self.principal_axes.b_axis['eigenvalue'] / denominator
return self.f_clvd
[docs] def get_relative_error(self):
Returns the relative error statistic (e_rel), defined by Frohlich &
Davis (1999): `e_rel = sqrt((U:U) / (M:M))` where M is the moment
tensor, U is the uncertainty tensor and : is the tensor dot product
if not self.moment_tensor:
raise ValueError('Moment tensor not defined!')
numer = np.tensordot(self.moment_tensor.tensor_sigma,
denom = np.tensordot(self.moment_tensor.tensor,
self.e_rel = sqrt(numer / denom)
return self.e_rel
[docs]class GCMTNodalPlanes(object):
Class to represent the nodal plane distribution of the tensor
Each nodal plane is represented as a dictionary of the form:
{'strike':, 'dip':, 'rake':}
def __init__(self):
self.nodal_plane_1 = None
self.nodal_plane_2 = None
[docs]class GCMTCatalogue(Catalogue):
Class to hold a catalogue of moment tensors
FLOAT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST = ['second', 'timeError', 'longitude', 'latitude',
'SemiMajor90', 'SemiMinor90', 'ErrorStrike',
'depth', 'depthError', 'magnitude',
'sigmaMagnitude', 'moment', 'strike1', 'rake1',
'dip1', 'strike2', 'rake2', 'dip2',
'eigenvalue_b', 'azimuth_b', 'plunge_b',
'eigenvalue_p', 'azimuth_p', 'plunge_p',
'eigenvalue_t', 'azimuth_t', 'plunge_t',
'f_clvd', 'e_rel']
INT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST = ['eventID', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute',
STRING_ATTRIBUTE_LIST = ['Agency', 'magnitudeType', 'comment',
def __init__(self, start_year=None, end_year=None):
Instantiate catalogue class
super(GCMTCatalogue, self).__init__()
self.gcmts = []
self.number_gcmts = None
self.start_year = start_year
self.end_year = end_year
for attribute in self.TOTAL_ATTRIBUTE_LIST:
if attribute in self.FLOAT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST:
self.data[attribute] = np.array([], dtype=float)
elif attribute in self.INT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST:
self.data[attribute] = np.array([], dtype=int)
[docs] def get_number_tensors(self):
Returns number of CMTs
return len(self.gcmts)
[docs] def select_catalogue_events(self, id0):
Orders the events in the catalogue according to an indexing vector
:param np.ndarray id0:
Pointer array indicating the locations of selected events
for key in self.data.keys():
if isinstance(
self.data[key], np.ndarray) and len(self.data[key]) > 0:
# Dictionary element is numpy array - use logical indexing
self.data[key] = self.data[key][id0]
elif isinstance(
self.data[key], list) and len(self.data[key]) > 0:
# Dictionary element is list
self.data[key] = [self.data[key][iloc] for iloc in id0]
if len(self.gcmts) > 0:
self.gcmts = [self.gcmts[iloc] for iloc in id0]
self.number_gcmts = self.get_number_tensors()
[docs] def gcmt_to_simple_array(self, centroid_location=True):
Converts the GCMT catalogue to a simple array of
[ID, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, long., lat., depth, Mw,
strike1, dip1, rake1, strike2, dip2, rake2, b-plunge, b-azimuth,
b-eigenvalue, p-plunge, p-azimuth, p-eigenvalue, t-plunge, t-azimuth,
t-eigenvalue, moment, f_clvd, erel]
catalogue = np.zeros([self.get_number_tensors(), 29], dtype=float)
for iloc, tensor in enumerate(self.gcmts):
catalogue[iloc, 0] = iloc
if centroid_location:
catalogue[iloc, 1] = float(tensor.centroid.date.year)
catalogue[iloc, 2] = float(tensor.centroid.date.month)
catalogue[iloc, 3] = float(tensor.centroid.date.day)
catalogue[iloc, 4] = float(tensor.centroid.time.hour)
catalogue[iloc, 5] = float(tensor.centroid.time.minute)
catalogue[iloc, 6] = np.round(
np.float(tensor.centroid.time.second) +
np.float(tensor.centroid.time.microsecond) / 1000000., 2)
catalogue[iloc, 7] = tensor.centroid.longitude
catalogue[iloc, 8] = tensor.centroid.latitude
catalogue[iloc, 9] = tensor.centroid.depth
catalogue[iloc, 1] = float(tensor.hypocentre.date.year)
catalogue[iloc, 2] = float(tensor.hypocentre.date.month)
catalogue[iloc, 3] = float(tensor.hypocentre.date.day)
catalogue[iloc, 4] = float(tensor.hypocentre.time.hour)
catalogue[iloc, 5] = float(tensor.hypocentre.time.minute)
catalogue[iloc, 6] = np.round(
np.float(tensor.centroid.time.second) +
np.float(tensor.centroid.time.microsecond) / 1000000., 2)
catalogue[iloc, 7] = tensor.hypocentre.longitude
catalogue[iloc, 8] = tensor.hypocentre.latitude
catalogue[iloc, 9] = tensor.hypocentre.depth
catalogue[iloc, 10] = tensor.magnitude
catalogue[iloc, 11] = tensor.moment
catalogue[iloc, 12] = tensor.f_clvd
catalogue[iloc, 13] = tensor.e_rel
# Nodal planes
catalogue[iloc, 14] = tensor.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1['strike']
catalogue[iloc, 15] = tensor.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1['dip']
catalogue[iloc, 16] = tensor.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1['rake']
catalogue[iloc, 17] = tensor.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2['strike']
catalogue[iloc, 18] = tensor.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2['dip']
catalogue[iloc, 19] = tensor.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2['rake']
# Principal axes
catalogue[iloc, 20] = tensor.principal_axes.b_axis['eigenvalue']
catalogue[iloc, 21] = tensor.principal_axes.b_axis['azimuth']
catalogue[iloc, 22] = tensor.principal_axes.b_axis['plunge']
catalogue[iloc, 23] = tensor.principal_axes.p_axis['eigenvalue']
catalogue[iloc, 24] = tensor.principal_axes.p_axis['azimuth']
catalogue[iloc, 25] = tensor.principal_axes.p_axis['plunge']
catalogue[iloc, 26] = tensor.principal_axes.t_axis['eigenvalue']
catalogue[iloc, 27] = tensor.principal_axes.t_axis['azimuth']
catalogue[iloc, 28] = tensor.principal_axes.t_axis['plunge']
return catalogue