Source code for openquake.hmtk.plotting.seismicity.catalogue_plots

#!/usr/bin/env python

Collection of tools for plotting descriptive statistics of a catalogue
import os

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm, Normalize

from openquake.hmtk.seismicity.occurrence.utils import get_completeness_counts

[docs]def build_filename(filename, filetype='png', resolution=300): """ Uses the input properties to create the string of the filename :param str filename: Name of the file :param str filetype: Type of file :param int resolution: DPI resolution of the output figure """ filevals = os.path.splitext(filename) if filevals[1]: filetype = filevals[1][1:] if not filetype: filetype = 'png' filename = filevals[0] + '.' + filetype if not resolution: resolution = 300 return filename, filetype, resolution
def _save_image(fig, filename, filetype='png', resolution=300): """ If filename is specified, saves the image :param str filename: Name of the file :param str filetype: Type of file :param int resolution: DPI resolution of the output figure """ if filename: filename, filetype, resolution = build_filename(filename, filetype, resolution) fig.savefig(filename, dpi=resolution, format=filetype) else: pass return def _get_catalogue_bin_limits(catalogue, dmag): """ Returns the magnitude bins corresponing to the catalogue """ mag_bins = np.arange( float(np.floor(np.min(['magnitude']))) - dmag, float(np.ceil(np.max(['magnitude']))) + dmag, dmag) counter = np.histogram(['magnitude'], mag_bins)[0] idx = np.where(counter > 0)[0] mag_bins = mag_bins[idx[0]:idx[-1] + 3] return mag_bins
[docs]def plot_depth_histogram( catalogue, bin_width, normalisation=False, bootstrap=None, filename=None, figure_size=(8, 6), filetype='png', dpi=300, ax=None): """ Creates a histogram of the depths in the catalogue :param catalogue: Earthquake catalogue as instance of :class: openquake.hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue :param float bin_width: Width of the histogram for the depth bins :param bool normalisation: Normalise the histogram to give output as PMF (True) or count (False) :param int bootstrap: To sample depth uncertainty choose number of samples """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figure_size) else: fig = ax.get_figure() # Create depth range if len(['depth']) == 0: # pylint: disable=len-as-condition raise ValueError('No depths reported in catalogue!') depth_bins = np.arange(0., np.max(['depth']) + bin_width, bin_width) depth_hist = catalogue.get_depth_distribution(depth_bins, normalisation, bootstrap)[:-1], depth_hist, width=0.95 * bin_width, edgecolor='k') ax.set_xlabel('Depth (km)') if normalisation: ax.set_ylabel('Probability Mass Function') else: ax.set_ylabel('Count') ax.set_title('Depth Histogram') _save_image(fig, filename, filetype, dpi) return
[docs]def plot_magnitude_depth_density( catalogue, mag_int, depth_int, logscale=False, normalisation=False, bootstrap=None, filename=None, figure_size=(8, 6), filetype='png', dpi=300, ax=None): """ Creates a density plot of the magnitude and depth distribution :param catalogue: Earthquake catalogue as instance of :class: openquake.hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue :param float mag_int: Width of the histogram for the magnitude bins :param float depth_int: Width of the histogram for the depth bins :param bool logscale: Choose to scale the colours in a log-scale (True) or linear (False) :param bool normalisation: Normalise the histogram to give output as PMF (True) or count (False) :param int bootstrap: To sample magnitude and depth uncertainties choose number of samples """ if len(['depth']) == 0: # pylint: disable=len-as-condition raise ValueError('No depths reported in catalogue!') depth_bins = np.arange(0., np.max(['depth']) + depth_int, depth_int) mag_bins = _get_catalogue_bin_limits(catalogue, mag_int) mag_depth_dist = catalogue.get_magnitude_depth_distribution(mag_bins, depth_bins, normalisation, bootstrap) vmin_val = np.min(mag_depth_dist[mag_depth_dist > 0.]) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figure_size) else: fig = ax.get_figure() if logscale: normaliser = LogNorm(vmin=vmin_val, vmax=np.max(mag_depth_dist)) else: normaliser = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=np.max(mag_depth_dist)) im = ax.pcolor(mag_bins[:-1], depth_bins[:-1], mag_depth_dist.T, norm=normaliser) ax.set_xlabel('Magnitude') ax.set_ylabel('Depth (km)') ax.set_xlim(mag_bins[0], mag_bins[-1]) ax.set_ylim(depth_bins[0], depth_bins[-1]) fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) if normalisation: ax.set_title('Magnitude-Depth Density') else: ax.set_title('Magnitude-Depth Count') _save_image(fig, filename, filetype, dpi) return
[docs]def plot_magnitude_time_scatter( catalogue, plot_error=False, fmt_string='o', filename=None, figure_size=(8, 6), filetype='png', dpi=300, ax=None): """ Creates a simple scatter plot of magnitude with time :param catalogue: Earthquake catalogue as instance of :class: openquake.hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue :param bool plot_error: Choose to plot error bars (True) or not (False) :param str fmt_string: Symbology of plot """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figure_size) else: fig = ax.get_figure() dtime = catalogue.get_decimal_time() # pylint: disable=len-as-condition if len(['sigmaMagnitude']) == 0: print('Magnitude Error is missing - neglecting error bars!') plot_error = False if plot_error: ax.errorbar(dtime,['magnitude'], xerr=None,['sigmaMagnitude'], fmt=fmt_string) else: ax.plot(dtime,['magnitude'], fmt_string) ax.set_xlabel('Year') ax.set_ylabel('Magnitude') ax.set_title('Magnitude-Time Plot') _save_image(fig, filename, filetype, dpi) return
[docs]def plot_magnitude_time_density( catalogue, mag_int, time_int, completeness=None, normalisation=False, logscale=True, bootstrap=None, filename=None, figure_size=(8, 6), filetype='png', dpi=300, ax=None): """ Creates a plot of magnitude-time density :param catalogue: Earthquake catalogue as instance of :class: openquake.hmtk.seismicity.catalogue.Catalogue :param float mag_int: Width of the histogram for the magnitude bins :param float time_int: Width of the histogram for the time bin (in decimal years) :param bool normalisation: Normalise the histogram to give output as PMF (True) or count (False) :param int bootstrap: To sample magnitude and depth uncertainties choose number of samples """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figure_size) else: fig = ax.get_figure() # Create the magnitude bins if isinstance(mag_int, (np.ndarray, list)): mag_bins = mag_int else: mag_bins = np.arange( np.min(['magnitude']), np.max(['magnitude']) + mag_int / 2., mag_int) # Creates the time bins if isinstance(time_int, (np.ndarray, list)): time_bins = time_int else: time_bins = np.arange( float(np.min(['year'])), float(np.max(['year'])) + 1., float(time_int)) # Get magnitude-time distribution mag_time_dist = catalogue.get_magnitude_time_distribution( mag_bins, time_bins, normalisation, bootstrap) # Get smallest non-zero value vmin_val = np.min(mag_time_dist[mag_time_dist > 0.]) # Create plot if logscale: norm_data = LogNorm(vmin=vmin_val, vmax=np.max(mag_time_dist)) else: if normalisation: norm_data = Normalize(vmin=vmin_val, vmax=np.max(mag_time_dist)) else: norm_data = Normalize(vmin=1.0, vmax=np.max(mag_time_dist)) im = ax.pcolor(time_bins[:-1], mag_bins[:-1], mag_time_dist.T, norm=norm_data) ax.set_xlabel('Time (year)') ax.set_ylabel('Magnitude') ax.set_xlim(time_bins[0], time_bins[-1]) # Fix the title if normalisation: fig.colorbar(im, label='Event Density', shrink=0.9, ax=ax) else: fig.colorbar(im, label='Event Count', shrink=0.9, ax=ax) # Plot completeness if completeness is not None: _plot_completeness(ax, completeness, time_bins[0], time_bins[-1]) _save_image(fig, filename, filetype, dpi) return
def _plot_completeness(ax, comw, start_time, end_time): ''' Adds completeness intervals to a plot ''' comw = np.array(comw) comp = np.column_stack([np.hstack([end_time, comw[:, 0], start_time]), np.hstack([comw[0, 1], comw[:, 1], comw[-1, 1]])]) ax.step(comp[:-1, 0], comp[1:, 1], linestyle='-', where="post", linewidth=3, color='brown')
[docs]def get_completeness_adjusted_table(catalogue, completeness, dmag, end_year): """ Counts the number of earthquakes in each magnitude bin and normalises the rate to annual rates, taking into account the completeness """ inc = 1E-7 # Find the natural bin limits mag_bins = _get_catalogue_bin_limits(catalogue, dmag) obs_time = end_year - completeness[:, 0] + 1. obs_rates = np.zeros_like(mag_bins) n_comp = np.shape(completeness)[0] for iloc in range(0, n_comp, 1): low_mag = completeness[iloc, 1] comp_year = completeness[iloc, 0] if iloc == n_comp - 1: idx = np.logical_and(['magnitude'] >= low_mag - (dmag / 2.),['year'] >= comp_year) high_mag = mag_bins[-1] + dmag obs_idx = mag_bins >= (low_mag - dmag / 2.) else: high_mag = completeness[iloc + 1, 1] mag_idx = np.logical_and(['magnitude'] >= low_mag - dmag / 2.,['magnitude'] < high_mag) idx = np.logical_and(mag_idx,['year'] >= comp_year - inc) obs_idx = np.logical_and(mag_bins >= low_mag - dmag / 2., mag_bins < high_mag + dmag) temp_rates = np.histogram(['magnitude'][idx], mag_bins[obs_idx])[0] temp_rates = temp_rates.astype(float) / obs_time[iloc] if iloc == n_comp - 1: # TODO This hack seems to fix the error in Numpy v.1.8.1 obs_rates[np.where(obs_idx)[0]] = temp_rates else: obs_rates[obs_idx[:-1]] = temp_rates selector = np.where(obs_rates > 0.)[0] mag_bins = mag_bins[selector[0]:selector[-1] + 1] obs_rates = obs_rates[selector[0]:selector[-1] + 1] # Get cumulative rates cum_rates = np.array([sum(obs_rates[iloc:]) for iloc in range(0, len(obs_rates))]) out_idx = cum_rates > 0. return np.column_stack([mag_bins[out_idx], obs_rates[out_idx], cum_rates[out_idx], np.log10(cum_rates[out_idx])])
[docs]def plot_observed_recurrence( catalogue, completeness, dmag, end_year=None, filename=None, figure_size=(8, 6), filetype='png', dpi=300, ax=None): """ Plots the observed recurrence taking into account the completeness """ # Get completeness adjusted recurrence table if isinstance(completeness, float): # Unique completeness completeness = np.array([[np.min(['year']), completeness]]) if not end_year: end_year = catalogue.update_end_year()["dtime"] = catalogue.get_decimal_time() cent_mag, t_per, n_obs = get_completeness_counts(catalogue, completeness, dmag) obs_rates = n_obs / t_per cum_obs_rates = np.array([np.sum(obs_rates[i:]) for i in range(len(obs_rates))]) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figure_size) else: fig = ax.get_figure() ax.semilogy(cent_mag, obs_rates, 'bo', label="Incremental") ax.semilogy(cent_mag, cum_obs_rates, 'rs', label="Cumulative") ax.set_xlim([cent_mag[0] - 0.1, cent_mag[-1] + 0.1]) ax.set_xlabel('Magnitude') ax.set_ylabel('Annual Rate') ax.legend() _save_image(fig, filename, filetype, dpi)