Source code for openquake.risklib.riskinput

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# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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import operator
import logging
import collections
import numpy

from openquake.baselib import hdf5, performance
from openquake.baselib.general import groupby
from openquake.risklib import scientific, riskmodels

[docs]class ValidationError(Exception): pass
U32 = numpy.uint32 F32 = numpy.float32 by_taxonomy = operator.attrgetter('taxonomy') aids_dt = numpy.dtype([('aids', hdf5.vuint32)]) indices_dt = numpy.dtype([('start', U32), ('stop', U32)])
[docs]def get_refs(assets, hdf5path): """ Debugging method returning the string IDs of the assets from the datastore """ with hdf5.File(hdf5path, 'r') as f: return f['asset_refs'][[a.idx for a in assets]]
[docs]def read_composite_risk_model(dstore): """ :param dstore: a DataStore instance :returns: a :class:`CompositeRiskModel` instance """ oqparam = dstore['oqparam'] crm = dstore.getitem('composite_risk_model') rmdict, retrodict = {}, {} for taxo, rm in crm.items(): rmdict[taxo] = {} retrodict[taxo] = {} for lt in rm: lt = str(lt) # ensure Python 2-3 compatibility rf = dstore['composite_risk_model/%s/%s' % (taxo, lt)] if lt.endswith('_retrofitted'): # strip _retrofitted, since len('_retrofitted') = 12 retrodict[taxo][lt[:-12]] = rf else: rmdict[taxo][lt] = rf return CompositeRiskModel(oqparam, rmdict, retrodict)
[docs]class CompositeRiskModel(collections.Mapping): """ A container (imt, taxonomy) -> riskmodel :param oqparam: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance :param rmdict: a dictionary (imt, taxonomy) -> loss_type -> risk_function """ def __init__(self, oqparam, rmdict, retrodict): self.damage_states = [] self._riskmodels = {} if getattr(oqparam, 'limit_states', []): # classical_damage/scenario_damage calculator if oqparam.calculation_mode in ('classical', 'scenario'): # case when the risk files are in the job_hazard.ini file oqparam.calculation_mode += '_damage' if 'exposure' not in oqparam.inputs: raise RuntimeError( 'There are risk files in %r but not ' 'an exposure' % oqparam.inputs['job_ini']) self.damage_states = ['no_damage'] + oqparam.limit_states delattr(oqparam, 'limit_states') for taxonomy, ffs_by_lt in rmdict.items(): self._riskmodels[taxonomy] = riskmodels.get_riskmodel( taxonomy, oqparam, fragility_functions=ffs_by_lt) elif oqparam.calculation_mode.endswith('_bcr'): # classical_bcr calculator for (taxonomy, vf_orig), (taxonomy_, vf_retro) in \ zip(sorted(rmdict.items()), sorted(retrodict.items())): assert taxonomy == taxonomy_ # same taxonomies self._riskmodels[taxonomy] = riskmodels.get_riskmodel( taxonomy, oqparam, vulnerability_functions_orig=vf_orig, vulnerability_functions_retro=vf_retro) else: # classical, event based and scenario calculators for taxonomy, vfs in rmdict.items(): for vf in vfs.values(): # set the seed; this is important for the case of # VulnerabilityFunctionWithPMF vf.seed = oqparam.random_seed self._riskmodels[taxonomy] = riskmodels.get_riskmodel( taxonomy, oqparam, vulnerability_functions=vfs) self.init(oqparam)
[docs] def init(self, oqparam): self.lti = {} # loss_type -> idx self.covs = 0 # number of coefficients of variation self.curve_params = self.make_curve_params(oqparam) self.loss_types = [cp.loss_type for cp in self.curve_params] self.insured_losses = oqparam.insured_losses self.taxonomy = [] # must be set by the engine expected_loss_types = set(self.loss_types) taxonomies = set() for taxonomy, riskmodel in self._riskmodels.items(): taxonomies.add(taxonomy) riskmodel.compositemodel = self # save the number of nonzero coefficients of variation for vf in riskmodel.risk_functions.values(): if hasattr(vf, 'covs') and vf.covs.any(): self.covs += 1 missing = expected_loss_types - set(riskmodel.risk_functions) if missing: raise ValidationError( 'Missing vulnerability function for taxonomy %s and loss' ' type %s' % (taxonomy, ', '.join(missing))) self.taxonomies = sorted(taxonomies)
[docs] def get_min_iml(self): iml = collections.defaultdict(list) for taxo, rm in self._riskmodels.items(): for lt, rf in rm.risk_functions.items(): iml[rf.imt].append(rf.imls[0]) return {imt: min(iml[imt]) for imt in iml}
[docs] def make_curve_params(self, oqparam): # the CurveParams are used only in classical_risk, classical_bcr # NB: populate the inner lists .loss_types too cps = [] loss_types = self._get_loss_types() for l, loss_type in enumerate(loss_types): if oqparam.calculation_mode in ('classical', 'classical_risk'): curve_resolutions = set() lines = [] for key in sorted(self): rm = self[key] if loss_type in rm.loss_ratios: ratios = rm.loss_ratios[loss_type] curve_resolutions.add(len(ratios)) lines.append('%s %d' % ( rm.risk_functions[loss_type], len(ratios))) if len(curve_resolutions) > 1: # example in test_case_5 'Different num_loss_ratios:\n%s', '\n'.join(lines)) cp = scientific.CurveParams( l, loss_type, max(curve_resolutions), ratios, True) else: # used only to store the association l -> loss_type cp = scientific.CurveParams(l, loss_type, 0, [], False) cps.append(cp) self.lti[loss_type] = l return cps
[docs] def get_loss_ratios(self): """ :returns: a 1-dimensional composite array with loss ratios by loss type """ lst = [('user_provided', numpy.bool)] for cp in self.curve_params: lst.append((cp.loss_type, F32, len(cp.ratios))) loss_ratios = numpy.zeros(1, numpy.dtype(lst)) for cp in self.curve_params: loss_ratios['user_provided'] = cp.user_provided loss_ratios[cp.loss_type] = tuple(cp.ratios) return loss_ratios
def _get_loss_types(self): """ :returns: a sorted list with all the loss_types contained in the model """ ltypes = set() for rm in self.values(): ltypes.update(rm.loss_types) return sorted(ltypes) def __getitem__(self, taxonomy): try: return self._riskmodels[taxonomy] except KeyError: # taxonomy was an index taxo = self.taxonomy[taxonomy] return self._riskmodels[taxo] def __iter__(self): return iter(sorted(self._riskmodels)) def __len__(self): return len(self._riskmodels)
[docs] def gen_outputs(self, riskinput, monitor=performance.Monitor()): """ Group the assets per taxonomy and compute the outputs by using the underlying riskmodels. Yield the outputs generated as dictionaries out_by_lr. :param riskinput: a RiskInput instance :param monitor: a monitor object used to measure the performance """ self.monitor = monitor hazard_getter = riskinput.hazard_getter with monitor('getting hazard'): hazard_getter.init() sids = hazard_getter.sids # group the assets by taxonomy dic = collections.defaultdict(list) for sid, assets in zip(sids, riskinput.assets_by_site): group = groupby(assets, by_taxonomy) for taxonomy in group: epsgetter = riskinput.epsilon_getter dic[taxonomy].append((sid, group[taxonomy], epsgetter)) if hasattr(hazard_getter, 'rlzs_by_gsim'): # save memory in event based risk by working one gsim at the time for gsim in hazard_getter.rlzs_by_gsim: for out in self._gen_outputs(hazard_getter, dic, gsim): yield out else: for out in self._gen_outputs(hazard_getter, dic, None): yield out if hasattr(hazard_getter, 'gmdata'): # for event based risk riskinput.gmdata = hazard_getter.gmdata
def _gen_outputs(self, hazard_getter, dic, gsim): with self.monitor('building hazard'): hazard = hazard_getter.get_hazard(gsim) imti = {imt: i for i, imt in enumerate(hazard_getter.imtls)} with self.monitor('computing risk'): for taxonomy in sorted(dic): riskmodel = self[taxonomy] imt_lt = [riskmodel.risk_functions[lt].imt for lt in self.loss_types] # imt for each loss type for sid, assets, epsgetter in dic[taxonomy]: for rlzi, haz in sorted(hazard[sid].items()): if isinstance(haz, numpy.ndarray): # gmf-based calc data = [(haz['gmv'][:, imti[imt]], haz['eid']) for imt in imt_lt] elif not haz: # no hazard for this site data = [(numpy.zeros(hazard_getter.E), hazard_getter.eids) for imt in imt_lt] else: # classical data = [haz[imti[imt]] for imt in imt_lt] out = riskmodel.get_output(assets, data, epsgetter) out.sid = sid out.rlzi = rlzi try: out.eids = haz['eid'] except TypeError: # curves or zero GMFs out.eids = hazard_getter.eids yield out def __toh5__(self): loss_types = hdf5.array_of_vstr(self._get_loss_types()) return self._riskmodels, dict(covs=self.covs, loss_types=loss_types) def __repr__(self): lines = ['%s: %s' % item for item in sorted(self.items())] return '<%s(%d, %d)\n%s>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, len(lines), self.covs, '\n'.join(lines))
[docs]class RiskInput(object): """ Contains all the assets and hazard values associated to a given imt and site. :param hazard_getter: a callable returning the hazard data for a given realization :param assets_by_site: array of assets, one per site :param eps_dict: dictionary of epsilons (can be None) """ def __init__(self, hazard_getter, assets_by_site, eps_dict=None): self.hazard_getter = hazard_getter self.assets_by_site = assets_by_site self.eps = eps_dict taxonomies_set = set() aids = [] for assets in self.assets_by_site: for asset in assets: taxonomies_set.add(asset.taxonomy) aids.append(asset.ordinal) self.aids = numpy.array(aids, numpy.uint32) self.taxonomies = sorted(taxonomies_set) self.by_site = hazard_getter.__class__.__name__ != 'GmfGetter' self.weight = len(self.aids) if self.by_site else len( hazard_getter.ebruptures) @property def imt_taxonomies(self): """Return a list of pairs (imt, taxonomies) with a single element""" return [(self.imt, self.taxonomies)]
[docs] def epsilon_getter(self, aid, eids): """ :param aid: asset ordinal :param eids: ignored :returns: an array of E epsilons """ if not self.eps: return eid2idx = self.hazard_getter.eid2idx idx = [eid2idx[eid] for eid in eids] try: # from ruptures return self.eps[aid, idx] except TypeError: # from GMFs return self.eps[aid][idx]
def __repr__(self): return '<%s taxonomy=%s, %d asset(s)>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(self.taxonomies), len(self.aids))
[docs]class EpsilonMatrix0(object): """ Mock-up for a matrix of epsilons of size N x E, used when asset_correlation=0. :param num_assets: N assets :param seeds: E seeds, set before calling numpy.random.normal """ def __init__(self, num_assets, seeds): self.num_assets = num_assets self.seeds = seeds self.eps = None
[docs] def make_eps(self): """ Builds a matrix of N x E epsilons """ eps = numpy.zeros((self.num_assets, len(self.seeds)), F32) for i, seed in enumerate(self.seeds): numpy.random.seed(seed) eps[:, i] = numpy.random.normal(size=self.num_assets) return eps
def __getitem__(self, aid): if self.eps is None: self.eps = self.make_eps() return self.eps[aid] def __len__(self): return self.num_assets
[docs]class EpsilonMatrix1(object): """ Mock-up for a matrix of epsilons of size N x E, used when asset_correlation=1. :param num_assets: number of assets :param num_events: number of events :param seed: seed used to generate E epsilons """ def __init__(self, num_assets, num_events, seed): self.num_assets = num_assets self.num_events = num_events self.seed = seed numpy.random.seed(seed) self.eps = numpy.random.normal(size=num_events) def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, tuple): # item[0] is the asset index, item[1] the event index # the epsilons are equal for all assets since asset_correlation=1 return self.eps[item[1]] elif isinstance(item, int): # item is an asset index return self.eps else: raise TypeError('Invalid item %r' % item) def __len__(self): return self.num_assets
[docs]def make_epsilon_getter(n_assets, n_events, correlation, master_seed, no_eps): """ :returns: a function (start, stop) -> matrix of shape (n_assets, n_events) """ assert n_assets > 0, n_assets assert n_events > 0, n_events assert correlation in (0, 1), correlation assert master_seed >= 0, master_seed assert no_eps in (True, False), no_eps seeds = master_seed + numpy.arange(n_events) def get_eps(start=0, stop=n_events): if no_eps: eps = None elif correlation: eps = EpsilonMatrix1(n_assets, stop - start, master_seed) else: eps = EpsilonMatrix0(n_assets, seeds[start:stop]) return eps return get_eps
# used in scenario_risk
[docs]def make_eps(assetcol, num_samples, seed, correlation): """ :param assetcol: an AssetCollection instance :param int num_samples: the number of ruptures :param int seed: a random seed :param float correlation: the correlation coefficient :returns: epsilons matrix of shape (num_assets, num_samples) """ assets_by_taxo = groupby(assetcol, by_taxonomy) eps = numpy.zeros((len(assetcol), num_samples), numpy.float32) for taxonomy, assets in assets_by_taxo.items(): # the association with the epsilons is done in order assets.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('idx')) shape = (len(assets), num_samples)'Building %s epsilons for taxonomy %s', shape, taxonomy) zeros = numpy.zeros(shape) epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons(zeros, seed, correlation) for asset, epsrow in zip(assets, epsilons): eps[asset.ordinal] = epsrow return eps
[docs]def str2rsi(key): """ Convert a string of the form 'rlz-XXXX/sid-YYYY/ZZZ' into a triple (XXXX, YYYY, ZZZ) """ rlzi, sid, imt = key.split('/') return int(rlzi[4:]), int(sid[4:]), imt
[docs]def rsi2str(rlzi, sid, imt): """ Convert a triple (XXXX, YYYY, ZZZ) into a string of the form 'rlz-XXXX/sid-YYYY/ZZZ' """ return 'rlz-%04d/sid-%04d/%s' % (rlzi, sid, imt)