Source code for openquake.calculators.reportwriter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 GEM Foundation
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# 2015.06.26 13:21:50 CEST
Utilities to build a report writer generating a .rst report for a calculation
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import decode
import os
import sys
import mock
import time
import numpy
from openquake.baselib.general import AccumDict, groupby
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import encode
from openquake.commonlib import readinput
from openquake.calculators.classical import PSHACalculator
from openquake.calculators import views

[docs]def indent(text): return ' ' + '\n '.join(text.splitlines())
[docs]def count_ruptures(sources, srcfilter, gsims, param, monitor): """ Count the number of ruptures contained in the given sources by applying a raw source filtering on the integration distance. Return a dictionary src_group_id -> {}. All sources must belong to the same tectonic region type. """ dic = groupby(sources, lambda src: src.src_group_ids[0]) acc = AccumDict({grp_id: {} for grp_id in dic}) acc.eff_ruptures = {grp_id: 0 for grp_id in dic} acc.calc_times = AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros(4)) for grp_id in dic: for src in sources: t0 = time.time() src_id = src.source_id.split(':')[0] sites = srcfilter.get_close_sites(src) if sites is not None: acc.eff_ruptures[grp_id] += src.num_ruptures dt = time.time() - t0 acc.calc_times[src_id] += numpy.array( [src.weight, len(sites), dt, 1]) return acc
[docs]class ReportWriter(object): """ A particularly smart view over the datastore """ title = { 'params': 'Parameters', 'inputs': 'Input files', 'csm_info': 'Composite source model', 'dupl_sources': 'Duplicated sources', 'required_params_per_trt': 'Required parameters per tectonic region type', 'ruptures_per_trt': 'Number of ruptures per tectonic region type', 'ruptures_events': 'Specific information for event based', 'rlzs_assoc': 'Realizations per (TRT, GSIM)', 'job_info': 'Informational data', 'biggest_ebr_gmf': 'Maximum memory allocated for the GMFs', 'avglosses_data_transfer': 'Estimated data transfer for the avglosses', 'exposure_info': 'Exposure model', 'short_source_info': 'Slowest sources', 'task:0': 'Fastest task', 'task:-1': 'Slowest task', 'task_info': 'Information about the tasks', 'times_by_source_class': 'Computation times by source typology', 'performance': 'Slowest operations', } def __init__(self, dstore): self.dstore = dstore self.oq = oq = dstore['oqparam'] self.text = (decode(oq.description) + '\n' + '=' * len(oq.description)) versions = sorted(dstore['/'].attrs.items()) self.text += '\n\n' + views.rst_table(versions) self.text += '\n\nnum_sites = %d, num_levels = %d' % ( len(dstore['sitecol']), len(oq.imtls.array))
[docs] def add(self, name, obj=None): """Add the view named `name` to the report text""" title = self.title[name] line = '-' * len(title) if obj: text = '\n::\n\n' + indent(str(obj)) else: text = views.view(name, self.dstore) self.text += '\n'.join(['\n\n' + title, line, text])
[docs] def make_report(self): """Build the report and return a restructed text string""" oq, ds = self.oq, self.dstore for name in ('params', 'inputs'): self.add(name) if 'csm_info' in ds: self.add('csm_info') if ds['csm_info'].source_models[0].name != 'fake': # required_params_per_trt makes no sense for GMFs from file self.add('required_params_per_trt') self.add('rlzs_assoc', ds['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()) if 'source_info' in ds: self.add('ruptures_per_trt') if 'job_info' in ds: self.add('job_info') if 'rup_data' in ds: self.add('ruptures_events') if oq.calculation_mode in ('event_based_risk',): self.add('avglosses_data_transfer') if 'exposure' in oq.inputs: self.add('exposure_info') if 'source_info' in ds: self.add('short_source_info') self.add('times_by_source_class') self.add('dupl_sources') if 'task_info' in ds: self.add('task_info') if 'classical' in ds['task_info']: self.add('task:0') self.add('task:-1') if 'performance_data' in ds: self.add('performance') return self.text
[docs] def save(self, fname): """Save the report""" with open(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write(encode(self.text))
[docs]def build_report(job_ini, output_dir=None): """ Write a `report.csv` file with information about the calculation without running it :param job_ini: full pathname of the job.ini file :param output_dir: the directory where the report is written (default the input directory) """ oq = readinput.get_oqparam(job_ini) output_dir = output_dir or os.path.dirname(job_ini) from openquake.calculators import base # ugly calc = base.calculators(oq) calc.save_params() # needed to save oqparam # some taken is care so that the real calculation is not run: # the goal is to extract information about the source management only p = mock.patch.object with p(PSHACalculator, 'core_task', count_ruptures): if calc.pre_calculator == 'event_based_risk': # compute the ruptures only, not the risk calc.pre_calculator = 'event_based_rupture' calc.pre_execute() if hasattr(calc, '_composite_source_model'): calc.datastore['csm_info'] = rw = ReportWriter(calc.datastore) rw.make_report() report = (os.path.join(output_dir, 'report.rst') if output_dir else calc.datastore.export_path('report.rst')) try: except IOError as exc: # permission error sys.stderr.write(str(exc) + '\n') return report