Source code for openquake.calculators.disaggregation

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Disaggregation calculator core functionality
from __future__ import division
import logging
import operator
import numpy

from openquake.baselib.general import AccumDict, groupby
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import encode
from openquake.hazardlib.calc import disagg
from openquake.hazardlib.calc.filters import SourceFilter
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import ContextMaker
from openquake.baselib import parallel
from openquake.calculators import getters
from openquake.calculators import base, classical

DISAGG_RES_FMT = 'disagg/%(poe)srlz-%(rlz)s-%(imt)s-%(lon)s-%(lat)s/'

[docs]def compute_disagg(src_filter, sources, cmaker, iml4, trti, bin_edges, oqparam, monitor): # see for an explanation # of the algorithm used """ :param src_filter: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.calc.filter.SourceFilter` instance :param sources: list of hazardlib source objects :param cmaker: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base.ContextMaker` instance :param iml4: an array of intensities of shape (N, R, M, P) :param dict trti: tectonic region type index :param bin_egdes: a dictionary site_id -> edges :param oqparam: the parameters in the job.ini file :param monitor: monitor of the currently running job :returns: a dictionary of probability arrays, with composite key (sid, rlzi, poe, imt, iml, trti). """ result = {'trti': trti, 'num_ruptures': 0} bin_data = disagg.collect_bin_data( sources, src_filter.sitecol, cmaker, iml4, oqparam.truncation_level, oqparam.num_epsilon_bins, monitor) if bin_data: # dictionary poe, imt, rlzi -> pne for sid in src_filter.sitecol.sids: for (poe, imt, rlzi), matrix in disagg.build_disagg_matrix( bin_data, bin_edges, sid, monitor).items(): result[sid, rlzi, poe, imt] = matrix result['cache_info'] = monitor.cache_info result['num_ruptures'] = len(bin_data.mags) return result # sid, rlzi, poe, imt, iml -> array
[docs]def agg_probs(*probs): """ Aggregate probabilities withe the usual formula 1 - (1 - P1) ... (1 - Pn) """ acc = 1. - probs[0] for prob in probs[1:]: acc *= 1. - prob return 1. - acc
[docs]@base.calculators.add('disaggregation') class DisaggregationCalculator(base.HazardCalculator): """ Classical PSHA disaggregation calculator """ POE_TOO_BIG = '''\ You are trying to disaggregate for poe=%s. However the source model #%d, '%s', produces at most probabilities of %.7f for rlz=#%d, IMT=%s. The disaggregation PoE is too big or your model is wrong, producing too small PoEs.'''
[docs] def execute(self): """Performs the disaggregation""" oq = self.oqparam if oq.iml_disagg: # no hazard curves are needed curves = [None] * len(self.sitecol) else: # only the poes_disagg are known, the IMLs are interpolated from # the hazard curves, hence the need to run a PSHACalculator here cl = classical.PSHACalculator(oq, self.monitor('classical'), calc_id=self.datastore.calc_id) cl.grp_by_src = oq.disagg_by_src self.csm = cl.csm self.rlzs_assoc = cl.rlzs_assoc # often reduced logic tree curves = [self.get_curves(sid) for sid in self.sitecol.sids] self.check_poes_disagg(curves) return self.full_disaggregation(curves)
[docs] def agg_result(self, acc, result): """ Collect the results coming from compute_disagg into self.results, a dictionary with key (sid, rlzi, poe, imt, trti) and values which are probability arrays. :param acc: dictionary k -> dic accumulating the results :param result: dictionary with the result coming from a task """ # this is fast trti = result.pop('trti') self.num_ruptures[trti] += result.pop('num_ruptures') self.cache_info += result.pop('cache_info', 0) for key, val in result.items(): acc[key][trti] = agg_probs(acc[key].get(trti, 0), val) return acc
[docs] def get_curves(self, sid): """ Get all the relevant hazard curves for the given site ordinal. Returns a dictionary rlz_id -> curve_by_imt. """ dic = {} imtls = self.oqparam.imtls pgetter = getters.PmapGetter(self.datastore, sids=numpy.array([sid])) for rlz in self.rlzs_assoc.realizations: try: pmap = pgetter.get(rlz.ordinal) except ValueError: # empty pmaps 'hazard curve contains all zero probabilities; ' 'skipping site %d, rlz=%d', sid, rlz.ordinal) continue if sid not in pmap: continue poes = pmap[sid].convert(imtls) for imt_str in imtls: if all(x == 0.0 for x in poes[imt_str]): 'hazard curve contains all zero probabilities; ' 'skipping site %d, rlz=%d, IMT=%s', sid, rlz.ordinal, imt_str) continue dic[rlz.ordinal] = poes return dic
[docs] def check_poes_disagg(self, curves): """ Raise an error if the given poes_disagg are too small compared to the hazard curves. """ oq = self.oqparam max_poe = numpy.zeros(len(self.rlzs_assoc.realizations), oq.imt_dt()) # check for too big poes_disagg for smodel in self.csm.source_models: sm_id = smodel.ordinal for sid, site in enumerate(self.sitecol): for rlzi, poes in curves[sid].items(): for imt in oq.imtls: max_poe[rlzi][imt] = max( max_poe[rlzi][imt], poes[imt].max()) for poe in oq.poes_disagg: for rlz in self.rlzs_assoc.rlzs_by_smodel[sm_id]: rlzi = rlz.ordinal for imt in oq.imtls: min_poe = max_poe[rlzi][imt] if poe > min_poe: raise ValueError(self.POE_TOO_BIG % ( poe, sm_id, smodel.names, min_poe, rlzi, imt))
[docs] def full_disaggregation(self, curves): """ Run the disaggregation phase. :param curves: a list of hazard curves, one per site The curves can be all None if iml_disagg is set in the job.ini """ oq = self.oqparam tl = oq.truncation_level src_filter = SourceFilter(self.sitecol, oq.maximum_distance, use_rtree=False) csm = self.csm.filter(src_filter) # fine filtering if not csm.get_sources(): raise RuntimeError('All sources were filtered away!') eps_edges = numpy.linspace(-tl, tl, oq.num_epsilon_bins + 1) self.bin_edges = {} # build trt_edges trts = tuple(sorted(set(sg.trt for smodel in csm.source_models for sg in smodel.src_groups))) trt_num = {trt: i for i, trt in enumerate(trts)} self.trts = trts # build mag_edges min_mag = min(sg.min_mag for smodel in csm.source_models for sg in smodel.src_groups) max_mag = max(sg.max_mag for smodel in csm.source_models for sg in smodel.src_groups) mag_edges = oq.mag_bin_width * numpy.arange( int(numpy.floor(min_mag / oq.mag_bin_width)), int(numpy.ceil(max_mag / oq.mag_bin_width) + 1)) # build dist_edges maxdist = max(oq.maximum_distance(trt, max_mag) for trt in trts) dist_edges = oq.distance_bin_width * numpy.arange( 0, int(numpy.ceil(maxdist / oq.distance_bin_width) + 1)) # build eps_edges eps_edges = numpy.linspace(-tl, tl, oq.num_epsilon_bins + 1) # build lon_edges, lat_edges per sid bbs = src_filter.get_bounding_boxes(mag=max_mag) lon_edges, lat_edges = {}, {} # by sid for sid, bb in zip(self.sitecol.sids, bbs): lon_edges[sid], lat_edges[sid] = disagg.lon_lat_bins( bb, oq.coordinate_bin_width) self.bin_edges = mag_edges, dist_edges, lon_edges, lat_edges, eps_edges self.save_bin_edges() # build all_args all_args = [] maxweight = csm.get_maxweight(oq.concurrent_tasks) mon = self.monitor('disaggregation') R = len(self.rlzs_assoc.realizations) iml4 = disagg.make_iml4( R, oq.imtls, oq.iml_disagg, oq.poes_disagg or (None,), curves) self.imldict = {} # sid, rlzi, poe, imt -> iml for s in self.sitecol.sids: for r in range(R): for p, poe in enumerate(oq.poes_disagg or [None]): for m, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls): self.imldict[s, r, poe, imt] = iml4[s, r, m, p] for smodel in csm.source_models: sm_id = smodel.ordinal for trt, groups in groupby( smodel.src_groups, operator.attrgetter('trt')).items(): trti = trt_num[trt] sources = sum([grp.sources for grp in groups], []) rlzs_by_gsim = self.rlzs_assoc.get_rlzs_by_gsim(trt, sm_id) cmaker = ContextMaker( rlzs_by_gsim, src_filter.integration_distance) for block in csm.split_in_blocks(maxweight, sources): all_args.append( (src_filter, block, cmaker, iml4, trti, self.bin_edges, oq, mon)) self.num_ruptures = [0] * len(self.trts) self.cache_info = numpy.zeros(3) # operations, cache_hits, num_zeros results = parallel.Starmap(compute_disagg, all_args).reduce( self.agg_result, AccumDict(accum={})) # set eff_ruptures trti = for smodel in for sg in smodel.src_groups: sg.eff_ruptures = self.num_ruptures[trti[sg.trt]] self.datastore['csm_info'] = ops, hits, num_zeros = self.cache_info'Cache speedup %s', ops / (ops - hits))'Discarded zero matrices: %d', num_zeros) return results
[docs] def save_bin_edges(self): """ Save disagg-bins """ b = self.bin_edges self.datastore['disagg-bins/mags'] = b[0] self.datastore['disagg-bins/dists'] = b[1] for sid in self.sitecol.sids: self.datastore['disagg-bins/lons/sid-%d' % sid] = b[2][sid] self.datastore['disagg-bins/lats/sid-%d' % sid] = b[3][sid] self.datastore['disagg-bins/eps'] = b[4]
[docs] def post_execute(self, results): """ Save all the results of the disaggregation. NB: the number of results to save is #sites * #rlzs * #disagg_poes * #IMTs. :param results: a dictionary of probability arrays """ # since an extremely small subset of the full disaggregation matrix # is saved this method can be run sequentially on the controller node'Extracting and saving the PMFs') for key, matrices in sorted(results.items()): sid, rlzi, poe, imt = key self.save_disagg_result( sid, matrices, rlzi, self.oqparam.investigation_time, imt, poe) self.datastore.set_attrs( 'disagg', trts=encode(self.trts), num_ruptures=self.num_ruptures)
[docs] def save_disagg_result(self, site_id, matrices, rlz_id, investigation_time, imt_str, poe): """ Save a computed disaggregation matrix to `hzrdr.disagg_result` (see :class:`~openquake.engine.db.models.DisaggResult`). :param site_id: id of the current site :param bin_edges: The 5-uple mag, dist, lon, lat, eps :param matrices: A dictionary (sid, rlz_id, poe, imt, iml) -> trti -> matrix :param rlz_id: ordinal of the realization to which the results belong. :param float investigation_time: Investigation time (years) for the calculation. :param imt_str: Intensity measure type string (PGA, SA, etc.) :param float poe: Disaggregation probability of exceedance value for this result. """ lon = self.sitecol.lons[site_id] lat = self.sitecol.lats[site_id] disp_name = DISAGG_RES_FMT % dict( poe='' if poe is None else 'poe-%s-' % poe, rlz=rlz_id, imt=imt_str, lon=lon, lat=lat) mag, dist, lonsd, latsd, eps = self.bin_edges lons, lats = lonsd[site_id], latsd[site_id] with self.monitor('extracting PMFs'): matrix = agg_probs(*matrices.values()) poe_agg = [] num_trts = len(self.trts) for key, fn in disagg.pmf_map.items(): if 'TRT' in key: trti = next(iter(matrices)) a_pmf = fn(matrices[trti]) pmf = numpy.zeros(a_pmf.shape + (num_trts,)) pmf[..., trti] = a_pmf for t in matrices: if t != trti: pmf[..., t] = fn(matrices[t]) else: pmf = fn(matrix) dname = disp_name + '_'.join(key) self.datastore[dname] = pmf poe_agg.append(1. - - pmf)) attrs = self.datastore.hdf5[disp_name].attrs attrs['rlzi'] = rlz_id attrs['imt'] = imt_str attrs['iml'] = self.imldict[site_id, rlz_id, poe, imt_str] attrs['mag_bin_edges'] = mag attrs['dist_bin_edges'] = dist attrs['lon_bin_edges'] = lons attrs['lat_bin_edges'] = lats attrs['eps_bin_edges'] = eps attrs['location'] = (lon, lat) # sanity check: all poe_agg should be the same attrs['poe_agg'] = poe_agg if poe: attrs['poe'] = poe poe_agg = numpy.mean(attrs['poe_agg']) if abs(1 - poe_agg / poe) > .1: logging.warn('poe_agg=%s is quite different from the expected' ' poe=%s; perhaps the number of intensity measure' ' levels is too small?', poe_agg, poe)