# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import division
import os
import csv
import zlib
import zipfile
import logging
import operator
import tempfile
import collections
import numpy
from shapely import wkt, geometry
from openquake.baselib.general import groupby, AccumDict, DictArray, deprecated
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import configparser, decode
from openquake.baselib.node import Node, context
from openquake.baselib import hdf5
from openquake.hazardlib import (
calc, geo, site, imt, valid, sourceconverter, nrml, InvalidFile)
from openquake.hazardlib.source.rupture import EBRupture
from openquake.hazardlib.probability_map import ProbabilityMap
from openquake.risklib import asset, riskinput, read_nrml
from openquake.baselib import datastore
from openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation import OqParam
from openquake.commonlib import logictree, source, writers
from openquake.commonlib.riskmodels import get_risk_models
# the following is quite arbitrary, it gives output weights that I like (MS)
TWO16 = 2 ** 16 # 65,536
F32 = numpy.float32
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
U64 = numpy.uint64
stored_event_dt = numpy.dtype([
('eid', U64), ('rup_id', U32), ('grp_id', U16), ('year', U32),
('ses', U32), ('sample', U32)])
[docs]class DuplicatedPoint(Exception):
Raised when reading a CSV file with duplicated (lon, lat) pairs
[docs]def collect_files(dirpath, cond=lambda fullname: True):
Recursively collect the files contained inside dirpath.
:param dirpath: path to a readable directory
:param cond: condition on the path to collect the file
files = []
for fname in os.listdir(dirpath):
fullname = os.path.join(dirpath, fname)
if os.path.isdir(fullname): # navigate inside
else: # collect files
if cond(fullname):
return files
[docs]def get_params(job_inis):
Parse one or more INI-style config files.
:param job_inis:
List of configuration files (or list containing a single zip archive)
A dictionary of parameters
if len(job_inis) == 1 and job_inis[0].endswith('.zip'):
job_inis = extract_from_zip(
job_inis[0], ['job_hazard.ini', 'job_haz.ini',
'job.ini', 'job_risk.ini'])
not_found = [ini for ini in job_inis if not os.path.exists(ini)]
if not_found: # something was not found
raise IOError('File not found: %s' % not_found[0])
cp = configparser.ConfigParser()
# directory containing the config files we're parsing
job_ini = os.path.abspath(job_inis[0])
base_path = decode(os.path.dirname(job_ini))
params = dict(base_path=base_path, inputs={'job_ini': job_ini})
for sect in cp.sections():
for key, value in cp.items(sect):
if key.endswith(('_file', '_csv')):
input_type, _ext = key.rsplit('_', 1)
path = value if os.path.isabs(value) else os.path.join(
base_path, value)
params['inputs'][input_type] = path
params[key] = value
# populate the 'source' list
smlt = params['inputs'].get('source_model_logic_tree')
if smlt:
params['inputs']['source'] = sorted(
_get_paths(base_path, source.collect_source_model_paths(smlt)))
return params
def _get_paths(base_path, uncertainty_models):
# extract the path names for the source models listed in the smlt file
for model in uncertainty_models:
for name in model.split():
fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_path, name))
if os.path.exists(fname): # consider only real paths
yield fname
[docs]def get_oqparam(job_ini, pkg=None, calculators=None, hc_id=None):
Parse a dictionary of parameters from an INI-style config file.
:param job_ini:
Path to configuration file/archive or dictionary of parameters
:param pkg:
Python package where to find the configuration file (optional)
:param calculators:
Sequence of calculator names (optional) used to restrict the
valid choices for `calculation_mode`
:param hc_id:
Not None only when called from a post calculation
An :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
containing the validate and casted parameters/values parsed from
the job.ini file as well as a subdictionary 'inputs' containing
absolute paths to all of the files referenced in the job.ini, keyed by
the parameter name.
# UGLY: this is here to avoid circular imports
from openquake.calculators import base
OqParam.calculation_mode.validator.choices = tuple(
calculators or base.calculators)
if not isinstance(job_ini, dict):
basedir = os.path.dirname(pkg.__file__) if pkg else ''
job_ini = get_params([os.path.join(basedir, job_ini)])
oqparam = OqParam(**job_ini)
return oqparam
[docs]def get_mesh(oqparam):
Extract the mesh of points to compute from the sites,
the sites_csv, or the region.
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
if oqparam.sites:
return geo.Mesh.from_coords(sorted(oqparam.sites))
elif 'sites' in oqparam.inputs:
csv_data = open(oqparam.inputs['sites'], 'U').readlines()
has_header = csv_data[0].startswith('site_id')
if has_header: # strip site_id
data = []
for i, line in enumerate(csv_data[1:]):
row = line.replace(',', ' ').split()
assert int(row[0]) == i, (row[0], i)
data.append(' '.join(row[1:]))
elif oqparam.calculation_mode == 'gmf_ebrisk':
raise InvalidFile('Missing header in %(sites)s' % oqparam.inputs)
data = [line.replace(',', ' ') for line in csv_data]
coords = valid.coordinates(','.join(data))
start, stop = oqparam.sites_slice
c = coords[start:stop] if has_header else sorted(coords[start:stop])
return geo.Mesh.from_coords(c)
elif oqparam.region:
# close the linear polygon ring by appending the first
# point to the end
firstpoint = geo.Point(*oqparam.region[0])
points = [geo.Point(*xy) for xy in oqparam.region] + [firstpoint]
mesh = geo.Polygon(points).discretize(oqparam.region_grid_spacing)
lons, lats = zip(*sorted(zip(mesh.lons, mesh.lats)))
return geo.Mesh(numpy.array(lons), numpy.array(lats))
raise ValueError(
'Could not discretize region %(region)s with grid spacing '
'%(region_grid_spacing)s' % vars(oqparam))
elif oqparam.hazard_calculation_id:
sitecol = datastore.read(oqparam.hazard_calculation_id)['sitecol']
return geo.Mesh(sitecol.lons, sitecol.lats, sitecol.depths)
elif 'exposure' in oqparam.inputs:
# the mesh is extracted from get_sitecol_assetcol
elif 'site_model' in oqparam.inputs:
coords = [(param.lon, param.lat, param.depth)
for param in get_site_model(oqparam)]
mesh = geo.Mesh.from_coords(sorted(coords))
mesh.from_site_model = True
return mesh
[docs]def get_site_model(oqparam):
Convert the NRML file into an iterator over 6-tuple of the form
(z1pt0, z2pt5, measured, vs30, lon, lat)
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
for node in nrml.read(oqparam.inputs['site_model']).siteModel:
yield valid.site_param(**node.attrib)
[docs]def get_site_collection(oqparam, mesh=None):
Returns a SiteCollection instance by looking at the points and the
site model defined by the configuration parameters.
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
:param mesh:
a mesh of hazardlib points; if None the mesh is
determined by invoking get_mesh
if mesh is None:
mesh = get_mesh(oqparam)
if mesh is None:
if oqparam.inputs.get('site_model'):
sitecol = []
if getattr(mesh, 'from_site_model', False):
for param in sorted(get_site_model(oqparam)):
pt = geo.Point(param.lon, param.lat, param.depth)
pt, param.vs30, param.measured,
param.z1pt0, param.z2pt5, param.backarc))
return site.SiteCollection(sitecol)
# read the parameters directly from their file
site_model_params = geo.utils.GeographicObjects(
for pt in mesh:
# attach the closest site model params to each site
param, dist = site_model_params.get_closest(
pt.longitude, pt.latitude)
if dist >= oqparam.max_site_model_distance:
logging.warn('The site parameter associated to %s came from a '
'distance of %d km!' % (pt, dist))
site.Site(pt, param.vs30, param.measured,
param.z1pt0, param.z2pt5, param.backarc))
if len(sitecol) == 1 and oqparam.hazard_maps:
logging.warn('There is a single site, hazard_maps=true '
'has little sense')
return site.SiteCollection(sitecol)
# else use the default site params
return site.SiteCollection.from_points(
mesh.lons, mesh.lats, mesh.depths, oqparam)
[docs]def get_gsim_lt(oqparam, trts=['*']):
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
:param trts:
a sequence of tectonic region types as strings; trts=['*']
means that there is no filtering
a GsimLogicTree instance obtained by filtering on the provided
tectonic region types.
if 'gsim_logic_tree' not in oqparam.inputs:
return logictree.GsimLogicTree.from_(oqparam.gsim)
gsim_file = os.path.join(
oqparam.base_path, oqparam.inputs['gsim_logic_tree'])
gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree(gsim_file, trts)
return gsim_lt
[docs]def get_gsims(oqparam):
Return an ordered list of GSIM instances from the gsim name in the
configuration file or from the gsim logic tree file.
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
return [valid.gsim(str(rlz)) for rlz in get_gsim_lt(oqparam)]
[docs]def get_rlzs_by_gsim(oqparam):
Return an ordered dictionary gsim -> [realization]. Work for
gsim logic trees with a single tectonic region type.
cinfo = source.CompositionInfo.fake(get_gsim_lt(oqparam))
return cinfo.get_rlzs_assoc().rlzs_by_gsim[0]
[docs]def get_rupture_sitecol(oqparam, sitecol):
Read the `rupture_model` file and by filter the site collection
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
:param sitecol:
a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection` instance
a pair (EBRupture, FilteredSiteCollection)
rup_model = oqparam.inputs['rupture_model']
[rup_node] = nrml.read(rup_model)
conv = sourceconverter.RuptureConverter(
oqparam.rupture_mesh_spacing, oqparam.complex_fault_mesh_spacing)
rup = conv.convert_node(rup_node)
rup.tectonic_region_type = '*' # there is not TRT for scenario ruptures
rup.seed = oqparam.random_seed
maxdist = oqparam.maximum_distance['default']
sc = calc.filters.filter_sites_by_distance_to_rupture(
rup, maxdist, sitecol)
if sc is None:
raise RuntimeError(
'All sites were filtered out! maximum_distance=%s km' %
n = oqparam.number_of_ground_motion_fields
events = numpy.zeros(n, stored_event_dt)
events['eid'] = numpy.arange(n)
ebr = EBRupture(rup, sc.sids, events)
return ebr, sc
[docs]def get_source_model_lt(oqparam):
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.logictree.SourceModelLogicTree`
fname = oqparam.inputs['source_model_logic_tree']
# NB: converting the random_seed into an integer is needed on Windows
return logictree.SourceModelLogicTree(
fname, validate=False, seed=int(oqparam.random_seed),
[docs]def get_source_models(oqparam, gsim_lt, source_model_lt, in_memory=True):
Build all the source models generated by the logic tree.
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
:param gsim_lt:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.logictree.GsimLogicTree` instance
:param source_model_lt:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.logictree.SourceModelLogicTree` instance
:param in_memory:
if True, keep in memory the sources, else just collect the TRTs
an iterator over :class:`openquake.commonlib.logictree.SourceModel`
converter = sourceconverter.SourceConverter(
psr = nrml.SourceModelParser(converter)
# consider only the effective realizations
for sm in source_model_lt.gen_source_models(gsim_lt):
src_groups = []
for name in sm.name.split():
fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(oqparam.base_path, name))
if in_memory:
apply_unc = source_model_lt.make_apply_uncertainties(sm.path)
logging.info('Parsing %s', fname)
src_groups.extend(psr.parse_src_groups(fname, apply_unc))
else: # just collect the TRT models
smodel = nrml.read(fname).sourceModel
if smodel[0].tag.endswith('sourceGroup'): # NRML 0.5 format
for sg_node in smodel:
sg = sourceconverter.SourceGroup(
sg.sources = sg_node.nodes
else: # NRML 0.4 format: smodel is a list of source nodes
num_sources = sum(len(sg.sources) for sg in src_groups)
sm.src_groups = src_groups
trts = [mod.trt for mod in src_groups]
'Processed source model %d with %d potential gsim path(s) and %d '
'sources', sm.ordinal + 1, sm.num_gsim_paths, num_sources)
gsim_file = oqparam.inputs.get('gsim_logic_tree')
if gsim_file: # check TRTs
for src_group in src_groups:
if src_group.trt not in gsim_lt.values:
raise ValueError(
"Found in %r a tectonic region type %r inconsistent "
"with the ones in %r" % (sm, src_group.trt, gsim_file))
yield sm
# log if some source file is being used more than once
for fname, hits in psr.fname_hits.items():
if hits > 1:
logging.info('%s has been considered %d times', fname, hits)
[docs]def get_composite_source_model(oqparam, in_memory=True):
Parse the XML and build a complete composite source model in memory.
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
:param in_memory:
if False, just parse the XML without instantiating the sources
smodels = []
grp_id = 0
idx = 0
def getid(src):
return src.source_id
except AttributeError:
return src['id']
gsim_lt = get_gsim_lt(oqparam)
source_model_lt = get_source_model_lt(oqparam)
for source_model in get_source_models(
oqparam, gsim_lt, source_model_lt, in_memory=in_memory):
for src_group in source_model.src_groups:
src_group.sources = sorted(src_group, key=getid)
src_group.id = grp_id
for src in src_group:
# there are two cases depending on the flag in_memory:
# 1) src is a hazardlib source and has a src_group_id
# attribute; in that case the source has to be numbered
# 2) src is a Node object, then nothing must be done
if isinstance(src, Node):
src.src_group_id = grp_id
src.id = idx
idx += 1
grp_id += 1
if grp_id >= TWO16:
# the limit is really needed only for event based calculations
raise ValueError('There is a limit of %d src groups!' % TWO16)
csm = source.CompositeSourceModel(gsim_lt, source_model_lt, smodels)
return csm
[docs]def get_job_info(oqparam, csm, sitecol):
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
:param csm:
a :class:`openquake.commonlib.source.CompositeSourceModel` instance
:param sitecol:
a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection` instance
a dictionary with same parameters of the computation, in particular
the input and output weights
info = {}
# The input weight is given by the number of ruptures generated
# by the sources; for point sources however a corrective factor
# given by the parameter `point_source_weight` is applied
input_weight = sum((src.weight or 0) * src_model.samples
for src_model in csm
for src_group in src_model.src_groups
for src in src_group)
imtls = oqparam.imtls
n_sites = len(sitecol) if sitecol else 0
# the imtls object has values [NaN] when the levels are unknown
# (this is a valid case for the event based hazard calculator)
n_imts = len(imtls)
n_levels = len(oqparam.imtls.array)
n_realizations = oqparam.number_of_logic_tree_samples or sum(
sm.num_gsim_paths for sm in csm)
# NB: in the event based case `n_realizations` can be over-estimated,
# if the method is called in the pre_execute phase, because
# some tectonic region types may have no occurrencies.
# The output weight is a pure number which is proportional to the size
# of the expected output of the calculator. For classical and disagg
# calculators it is given by
# n_sites * n_imts * n_levels * n_statistics;
# for the event based calculator is given by n_sites * n_realizations
# * n_levels * n_imts * (n_ses * investigation_time) * NORMALIZATION_FACTOR
n_stats = len(oqparam.hazard_stats()) or 1
output_weight = n_sites * n_imts * n_stats
if oqparam.calculation_mode == 'event_based':
total_time = (oqparam.investigation_time *
output_weight *= total_time * NORMALIZATION_FACTOR
output_weight *= n_levels / n_imts
n_sources = csm.get_num_sources()
info['hazard'] = dict(input_weight=input_weight,
return info
[docs]def get_imts(oqparam):
Return a sorted list of IMTs as hazardlib objects
return list(map(imt.from_string, sorted(oqparam.imtls)))
[docs]def get_risk_model(oqparam):
Return a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
rmdict = get_risk_models(oqparam)
if oqparam.calculation_mode.endswith('_bcr'):
retro = get_risk_models(oqparam, 'vulnerability_retrofitted')
retro = {}
return riskinput.CompositeRiskModel(oqparam, rmdict, retro)
# ########################### exposure ############################ #
cost_type_dt = numpy.dtype([('name', hdf5.vstr),
('type', hdf5.vstr),
('unit', hdf5.vstr)])
def _get_exposure(fname, ok_cost_types, stop=None):
:param fname:
path of the XML file containing the exposure
:param ok_cost_types:
a set of cost types (as strings)
:param stop:
node at which to stop parsing (or None)
a pair (Exposure instance, list of asset nodes)
[exposure] = nrml.read(fname, stop=stop)
if not exposure.tag.endswith('exposureModel'):
raise InvalidFile('%s: expected exposureModel, got %s' %
(fname, exposure.tag))
description = exposure.description
conversions = exposure.conversions
except AttributeError:
conversions = Node('conversions', nodes=[Node('costTypes', [])])
inslimit = conversions.insuranceLimit
except AttributeError:
inslimit = Node('insuranceLimit', text=True)
deductible = conversions.deductible
except AttributeError:
deductible = Node('deductible', text=True)
area = conversions.area
except AttributeError:
# NB: the area type cannot be an empty string because when sending
# around the CostCalculator object we would run into this numpy bug
# about pickling dictionaries with empty strings:
# https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/5475
area = Node('area', dict(type='?'))
tagNames = exposure.tagNames
except AttributeError:
tagNames = Node('tagNames', text='')
# read the cost types and make some check
cost_types = []
for ct in conversions.costTypes:
if ct['name'] in ok_cost_types:
with context(fname, ct):
(ct['name'], valid.cost_type_type(ct['type']), ct['unit']))
if 'occupants' in ok_cost_types:
cost_types.append(('occupants', 'per_area', 'people'))
cost_types = numpy.array(cost_types, cost_type_dt)
insurance_limit_is_absolute = inslimit.attrib.get('isAbsolute', True)
deductible_is_absolute = deductible.attrib.get('isAbsolute', True)
time_events = set()
cc = asset.CostCalculator(
{}, {}, {}, deductible_is_absolute, insurance_limit_is_absolute)
for ct in cost_types:
name = ct['name'] # structural, nonstructural, ...
cc.cost_types[name] = ct['type'] # aggregated, per_asset, per_area
cc.area_types[name] = area['type']
cc.units[name] = ct['unit']
assets = []
asset_refs = []
assets_by_tag = AccumDict(accum=[])
assets_by_tag.tagnames = ~tagNames
exp = Exposure(
exposure['id'], exposure['category'],
~description, cost_types, time_events,
area.attrib, assets, asset_refs, cc, assets_by_tag)
return exp, exposure.assets
[docs]def get_cost_calculator(oqparam):
Read the first lines of the exposure file and infers the cost calculator
return _get_exposure(oqparam.inputs['exposure'],
[docs]def get_exposure(oqparam):
Read the full exposure in memory and build a list of
:class:`openquake.risklib.asset.Asset` instances.
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
an :class:`Exposure` instance
out_of_region = 0
if oqparam.region_constraint:
region = wkt.loads(oqparam.region_constraint)
region = None
all_cost_types = set(oqparam.all_cost_types)
fname = oqparam.inputs['exposure']
exposure, assets_node = _get_exposure(fname, all_cost_types)
relevant_cost_types = all_cost_types - set(['occupants'])
asset_refs = set()
ignore_missing_costs = set(oqparam.ignore_missing_costs)
for idx, asset_node in enumerate(assets_node):
values = {}
deductibles = {}
insurance_limits = {}
retrofitteds = {}
with context(fname, asset_node):
asset_id = asset_node['id'].encode('utf8')
if asset_id in asset_refs:
raise read_nrml.DuplicatedID(asset_id)
taxonomy = asset_node['taxonomy']
if 'damage' in oqparam.calculation_mode:
# calculators of 'damage' kind require the 'number'
# if it is missing a KeyError is raised
number = asset_node.attrib['number']
# some calculators ignore the 'number' attribute;
# if it is missing it is considered 1, since we are going
# to multiply by it
number = asset_node['number']
except KeyError:
number = 1
if 'occupants' in all_cost_types:
values['occupants_None'] = number
location = asset_node.location['lon'], asset_node.location['lat']
if region and not geometry.Point(*location).within(region):
out_of_region += 1
tagnode = getattr(asset_node, 'tags', None)
assets_by_tag = exposure.assets_by_tag
if tagnode is not None:
# fill missing tagvalues with "?" and raise an error for
# unknown tagnames
with context(fname, tagnode):
dic = tagnode.attrib.copy()
for tagname in assets_by_tag.tagnames:
tagvalue = dic.pop(tagname)
except KeyError:
tagvalue = '?'
if tagvalue in '?*':
raise ValueError(
'Invalid tagvalue="%s"' % tagvalue)
tag = '%s=%s' % (tagname, tagvalue)
if dic:
raise ValueError(
'Unknown tagname %s or <tagNames> not '
'specified in the exposure' % ', '.join(dic))
exposure.assets_by_tag['taxonomy=' + taxonomy].append(idx)
costs = asset_node.costs
except AttributeError:
costs = Node('costs', [])
occupancies = asset_node.occupancies
except AttributeError:
occupancies = Node('occupancies', [])
for cost in costs:
with context(fname, cost):
cost_type = cost['type']
if cost_type in relevant_cost_types:
values[cost_type] = cost['value']
retrovalue = cost.attrib.get('retrofitted')
if retrovalue is not None:
retrofitteds[cost_type] = retrovalue
if oqparam.insured_losses:
deductibles[cost_type] = cost['deductible']
insurance_limits[cost_type] = cost['insuranceLimit']
# check we are not missing a cost type
missing = relevant_cost_types - set(values)
if missing and missing <= ignore_missing_costs:
'Ignoring asset %s, missing cost type(s): %s',
asset_id, ', '.join(missing))
for cost_type in missing:
values[cost_type] = None
elif missing and 'damage' not in oqparam.calculation_mode:
# missing the costs is okay for damage calculators
with context(fname, asset_node):
raise ValueError("Invalid Exposure. "
"Missing cost %s for asset %s" % (
missing, asset_id))
tot_occupants = 0
for occupancy in occupancies:
with context(fname, occupancy):
occupants = 'occupants_%s' % occupancy['period']
values[occupants] = occupancy['occupants']
tot_occupants += values[occupants]
if occupancies: # store average occupants
values['occupants_None'] = tot_occupants / len(occupancies)
area = float(asset_node.attrib.get('area', 1))
ass = asset.Asset(idx, taxonomy, number, location, values, area,
deductibles, insurance_limits, retrofitteds,
if region:
logging.info('Read %d assets within the region_constraint '
'and discarded %d assets outside the region',
len(exposure.assets), out_of_region)
if len(exposure.assets) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('Could not find any asset within the region!')
# sanity checks
values = any(len(ass.values) + ass.number for ass in exposure.assets)
assert values, 'Could not find any value??'
return exposure
Exposure = collections.namedtuple(
'Exposure', ['id', 'category', 'description', 'cost_types', 'time_events',
'insurance_limit_is_absolute', 'deductible_is_absolute',
'area', 'assets', 'asset_refs', 'cost_calculator',
[docs]def get_sitecol_assetcol(oqparam, exposure):
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
the site collection and the asset collection
assets_by_loc = groupby(exposure.assets, key=lambda a: a.location)
lons, lats = zip(*sorted(assets_by_loc))
mesh = geo.Mesh(numpy.array(lons), numpy.array(lats))
sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam, mesh)
assets_by_site = []
for lonlat in zip(sitecol.lons, sitecol.lats):
assets = assets_by_loc[lonlat]
assets_by_site.append(sorted(assets, key=operator.attrgetter('idx')))
assetcol = asset.AssetCollection(
assets_by_site, exposure.assets_by_tag, exposure.cost_calculator,
oqparam.time_event, time_events=hdf5.array_of_vstr(
return sitecol, assetcol
[docs]def get_mesh_csvdata(csvfile, imts, num_values, validvalues):
Read CSV data in the format `IMT lon lat value1 ... valueN`.
:param csvfile:
a file or file-like object with the CSV data
:param imts:
a list of intensity measure types
:param num_values:
dictionary with the number of expected values per IMT
:param validvalues:
validation function for the values
the mesh of points and the data as a dictionary
imt -> array of curves for each site
number_of_values = dict(zip(imts, num_values))
lon_lats = {imt: set() for imt in imts}
data = AccumDict() # imt -> list of arrays
check_imt = valid.Choice(*imts)
for line, row in enumerate(csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' '), 1):
imt = check_imt(row[0])
lon_lat = valid.longitude(row[1]), valid.latitude(row[2])
if lon_lat in lon_lats[imt]:
raise DuplicatedPoint(lon_lat)
values = validvalues(' '.join(row[3:]))
if len(values) != number_of_values[imt]:
raise ValueError('Found %d values, expected %d' %
(len(values), number_of_values[imt]))
except (ValueError, DuplicatedPoint) as err:
raise err.__class__('%s: file %s, line %d' % (err, csvfile, line))
data += {imt: [numpy.array(values)]}
points = lon_lats.pop(imts[0])
for other_imt, other_points in lon_lats.items():
if points != other_points:
raise ValueError('Inconsistent locations between %s and %s' %
(imts[0], other_imt))
lons, lats = zip(*sorted(points))
mesh = geo.Mesh(numpy.array(lons), numpy.array(lats))
return mesh, {imt: numpy.array(lst) for imt, lst in data.items()}
[docs]def get_gmfs(oqparam):
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
sitecol, eids, gmf array of shape (R, N, E, I)
I = len(oqparam.imtls)
fname = oqparam.inputs['gmfs']
if fname.endswith('.csv'):
array = writers.read_composite_array(fname)
R = len(numpy.unique(array['rlzi']))
# the array has the structure rlzi, sid, eid, gmv_PGA, gmv_...
dtlist = [(name, array.dtype[name]) for name in array.dtype.names[:3]]
num_gmv = len(array.dtype.names[3:])
assert num_gmv == I, (num_gmv, I)
dtlist.append(('gmv', (F32, num_gmv)))
eids = numpy.unique(array['eid'])
assert len(eids) == oqparam.number_of_ground_motion_fields, (
len(eids), oqparam.number_of_ground_motion_fields)
eidx = {eid: e for e, eid in enumerate(eids)}
N = len(get_site_collection(oqparam))
gmfs = numpy.zeros((R, N, len(eids), I), F32)
for row in array.view(dtlist):
gmfs[row['rlzi'], row['sid'], eidx[row['eid']]] = row['gmv']
elif fname.endswith('.xml'):
eids, gmfs_by_imt = get_scenario_from_nrml(oqparam, fname)
N, E = gmfs_by_imt.shape
gmfs = numpy.zeros((1, N, E, I), F32)
for imti, imtstr in enumerate(oqparam.imtls):
gmfs[0, :, :, imti] = gmfs_by_imt[imtstr]
raise NotImplemented('Reading from %s' % fname)
return eids, gmfs
[docs]def get_pmap(oqparam):
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
sitecol, probability map
fname = oqparam.inputs['hazard_curves']
if fname.endswith('.csv'):
return get_pmap_from_csv(oqparam, fname)
elif fname.endswith('.xml'):
return get_pmap_from_nrml(oqparam, fname)
raise NotImplementedError('Reading from %s' % fname)
@deprecated('Reading hazard curves from CSV may change in the future')
[docs]def get_pmap_from_csv(oqparam, fname):
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
:param fname:
a .txt file with format `IMT lon lat poe1 ... poeN`
the site collection and the hazard curves read by the .txt file
if not oqparam.imtls:
if not oqparam.imtls:
raise ValueError('Missing intensity_measure_types_and_levels in %s'
% oqparam.inputs['job_ini'])
num_values = list(map(len, list(oqparam.imtls.values())))
with open(oqparam.inputs['hazard_curves']) as csvfile:
mesh, hcurves = get_mesh_csvdata(
csvfile, list(oqparam.imtls), num_values,
sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam, mesh)
array = numpy.zeros((len(sitecol), sum(num_values)))
for imt_ in hcurves:
array[:, oqparam.imtls.slicedic[imt_]] = hcurves[imt_]
return sitecol, ProbabilityMap.from_array(array, sitecol.sids)
[docs]def get_pmap_from_nrml(oqparam, fname):
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
:param fname:
an XML file containing hazard curves
sitecol, curve array
hcurves_by_imt = {}
oqparam.hazard_imtls = imtls = collections.OrderedDict()
for hcurves in nrml.read(fname):
imt = hcurves['IMT']
oqparam.investigation_time = hcurves['investigationTime']
if imt == 'SA':
imt += '(%s)' % hcurves['saPeriod']
imtls[imt] = ~hcurves.IMLs
data = sorted((~node.Point.pos, ~node.poEs) for node in hcurves[1:])
hcurves_by_imt[imt] = numpy.array([d[1] for d in data])
lons, lats = [], []
for xy, poes in data:
mesh = geo.Mesh(numpy.array(lons), numpy.array(lats))
sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam, mesh)
num_levels = sum(len(v) for v in imtls.values())
array = numpy.zeros((len(sitecol), num_levels))
imtls = DictArray(imtls)
for imt_ in hcurves_by_imt:
array[:, imtls.slicedic[imt_]] = hcurves_by_imt[imt_]
return sitecol, ProbabilityMap.from_array(array, sitecol.sids)
# used in get_scenario_from_nrml
def _extract_eids_sitecounts(gmfset):
eids = set()
counter = collections.Counter()
for gmf in gmfset:
for node in gmf:
counter[node['lon'], node['lat']] += 1
return numpy.array(sorted(eids), numpy.uint64), counter
[docs]def get_scenario_from_nrml(oqparam, fname):
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
:param fname:
the NRML files containing the GMFs
a triple (sitecol, eids, gmf array)
if not oqparam.imtls:
imts = sorted(oqparam.imtls)
num_imts = len(imts)
imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, F32) for imt in imts])
gmfset = nrml.read(fname).gmfCollection.gmfSet
eids, sitecounts = _extract_eids_sitecounts(gmfset)
coords = sorted(sitecounts)
oqparam.sites = [(lon, lat, 0) for lon, lat in coords]
site_idx = {lonlat: i for i, lonlat in enumerate(coords)}
oqparam.number_of_ground_motion_fields = num_events = len(eids)
num_sites = len(oqparam.sites)
gmf_by_imt = numpy.zeros((num_events, num_sites), imt_dt)
counts = collections.Counter()
for i, gmf in enumerate(gmfset):
if len(gmf) != num_sites: # there must be one node per site
raise InvalidFile('Expected %d sites, got %d nodes in %s, line %d'
% (num_sites, len(gmf), fname, gmf.lineno))
counts[gmf['ruptureId']] += 1
imt = gmf['IMT']
if imt == 'SA':
imt = 'SA(%s)' % gmf['saPeriod']
for node in gmf:
sid = site_idx[node['lon'], node['lat']]
gmf_by_imt[imt][i % num_events, sid] = node['gmv']
for rupid, count in sorted(counts.items()):
if count < num_imts:
raise InvalidFile("Found a missing ruptureId %d in %s" %
(rupid, fname))
elif count > num_imts:
raise InvalidFile("Found a duplicated ruptureId '%s' in %s" %
(rupid, fname))
expected_gmvs_per_site = num_imts * len(eids)
for lonlat, counts in sitecounts.items():
if counts != expected_gmvs_per_site:
raise InvalidFile(
'%s: expected %d gmvs at location %s, found %d' %
(fname, expected_gmvs_per_site, lonlat, counts))
return eids, gmf_by_imt.T
[docs]def get_mesh_hcurves(oqparam):
Read CSV data in the format `lon lat, v1-vN, w1-wN, ...`.
:param oqparam:
an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
the mesh of points and the data as a dictionary
imt -> array of curves for each site
imtls = oqparam.imtls
lon_lats = set()
data = AccumDict() # imt -> list of arrays
ncols = len(imtls) + 1 # lon_lat + curve_per_imt ...
csvfile = oqparam.inputs['hazard_curves']
for line, row in enumerate(csv.reader(csvfile), 1):
if len(row) != ncols:
raise ValueError('Expected %d columns, found %d' %
ncols, len(row))
x, y = row[0].split()
lon_lat = valid.longitude(x), valid.latitude(y)
if lon_lat in lon_lats:
raise DuplicatedPoint(lon_lat)
for i, imt_ in enumerate(imtls, 1):
values = valid.decreasing_probabilities(row[i])
if len(values) != len(imtls[imt_]):
raise ValueError('Found %d values, expected %d' %
(len(values), len(imtls([imt_]))))
data += {imt_: [numpy.array(values)]}
except (ValueError, DuplicatedPoint) as err:
raise err.__class__('%s: file %s, line %d' % (err, csvfile, line))
lons, lats = zip(*sorted(lon_lats))
mesh = geo.Mesh(numpy.array(lons), numpy.array(lats))
return mesh, {imt: numpy.array(lst) for imt, lst in data.items()}
[docs]def get_checksum32(oqparam):
Build an unsigned 32 bit integer from the input files of the calculation
# NB: using adler32 & 0xffffffff is the documented way to get a checksum
# which is the same between Python 2 and Python 3
checksum = 0
for key in sorted(oqparam.inputs):
fname = oqparam.inputs[key]
if key == 'source': # list of fnames and/or strings
for f in fname:
data = open(f, 'rb').read()
checksum = zlib.adler32(data, checksum) & 0xffffffff
elif os.path.exists(fname):
data = open(fname, 'rb').read()
checksum = zlib.adler32(data, checksum) & 0xffffffff
raise ValueError('%s is not a file' % fname)
return checksum