# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import division
import math
import logging
import operator
from functools import partial
import numpy
from openquake.baselib import parallel, config, datastore
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import encode
from openquake.baselib.general import AccumDict
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.utils import get_spherical_bounding_box
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.utils import get_longitudinal_extent
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.geodetic import npoints_between
from openquake.hazardlib.calc.hazard_curve import (
pmap_from_grp, ProbabilityMap)
from openquake.hazardlib.stats import compute_pmap_stats
from openquake.hazardlib.calc.filters import SourceFilter
from openquake.commonlib import source, calc
from openquake.calculators import base
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
F32 = numpy.float32
F64 = numpy.float64
weight = operator.attrgetter('weight')
[docs]class BBdict(AccumDict):
A serializable dictionary containing bounding box information
dt = numpy.dtype([('lt_model_id', U16), ('site_id', U16),
('min_dist', F64), ('max_dist', F64),
('east', F64), ('west', F64),
('south', F64), ('north', F64)])
def __toh5__(self):
rows = []
for lt_model_id, site_id in self:
bb = self[lt_model_id, site_id]
rows.append((lt_model_id, site_id, bb.min_dist, bb.max_dist,
bb.east, bb.west, bb.south, bb.north))
return numpy.array(rows, self.dt), {}
def __fromh5__(self, array, attrs):
for row in array:
lt_model_id = row['lt_model_id']
site_id = row['site_id']
bb = BoundingBox(lt_model_id, site_id)
bb.min_dist = row['min_dist']
bb.max_dist = row['max_dist']
bb.east = row['east']
bb.west = row['west']
bb.north = row['north']
bb.south = row['south']
self[lt_model_id, site_id] = bb
# this is needed for the disaggregation
[docs]class BoundingBox(object):
A class to store the bounding box in distances, longitudes and magnitudes,
given a source model and a site. This is used for disaggregation
calculations. The goal is to determine the minimum and maximum
distances of the ruptures generated from the model from the site;
moreover the maximum and minimum longitudes and magnitudes are stored, by
taking in account the international date line.
def __init__(self, lt_model_id, site_id):
self.lt_model_id = lt_model_id
self.site_id = site_id
self.min_dist = self.max_dist = 0
self.east = self.west = self.south = self.north = 0
[docs] def update(self, dists, lons, lats):
Compare the current bounding box with the value in the arrays
dists, lons, lats and enlarge it if needed.
:param dists:
a sequence of distances
:param lons:
a sequence of longitudes
:param lats:
a sequence of latitudes
if self.min_dist or self.max_dist:
dists = [self.min_dist, self.max_dist] + dists
if self.west:
lons = [self.west, self.east] + lons
if self.south:
lats = [self.south, self.north] + lats
self.min_dist, self.max_dist = min(dists), max(dists)
self.west, self.east, self.north, self.south = \
get_spherical_bounding_box(lons, lats)
[docs] def update_bb(self, bb):
Compare the current bounding box with the given bounding box
and enlarge it if needed.
:param bb:
an instance of :class:
if bb: # the given bounding box must be non-empty
self.update([bb.min_dist, bb.max_dist], [bb.west, bb.east],
[bb.south, bb.north])
[docs] def bins_edges(self, dist_bin_width, coord_bin_width):
Define bin edges for disaggregation histograms, from the bin data
collected from the ruptures.
:param dists:
array of distances from the ruptures
:param lons:
array of longitudes from the ruptures
:param lats:
array of latitudes from the ruptures
:param dist_bin_width:
distance_bin_width from job.ini
:param coord_bin_width:
coordinate_bin_width from job.ini
dist_edges = dist_bin_width * numpy.arange(
int(self.min_dist / dist_bin_width),
int(numpy.ceil(self.max_dist / dist_bin_width) + 1))
west = numpy.floor(self.west / coord_bin_width) * coord_bin_width
east = numpy.ceil(self.east / coord_bin_width) * coord_bin_width
lon_extent = get_longitudinal_extent(west, east)
lon_edges, _, _ = npoints_between(
west, 0, 0, east, 0, 0,
numpy.round(lon_extent / coord_bin_width) + 1)
lat_edges = coord_bin_width * numpy.arange(
int(numpy.floor(self.south / coord_bin_width)),
int(numpy.ceil(self.north / coord_bin_width) + 1))
return dist_edges, lon_edges, lat_edges
def __bool__(self):
True if the bounding box is non empty.
return bool(self.max_dist - self.min_dist or
self.west - self.east or
self.north - self.south)
__nonzero__ = __bool__
[docs]def classical(sources, src_filter, gsims, param, monitor):
:param sources:
a non-empty sequence of sources of homogeneous tectonic region type
:param src_filter:
source filter
:param gsims:
a list of GSIMs for the current tectonic region type
:param param:
a dictionary of parameters
:param monitor:
a monitor instance
an AccumDict rlz -> curves
truncation_level = param['truncation_level']
imtls = param['imtls']
src_group_id = sources[0].src_group_id
assert src_group_id is not None
# sanity check: the src_group must be the same for all sources
for src in sources[1:]:
assert src.src_group_id == src_group_id
if param['disagg']:
sm_id = param['sm_id']
bbs = [BoundingBox(sm_id, sid) for sid in src_filter.sitecol.sids]
bbs = []
pmap = pmap_from_grp(
sources, src_filter, imtls, gsims, truncation_level,
bbs=bbs, monitor=monitor)
pmap.bbs = bbs
return pmap
source_data_dt = numpy.dtype(
[('taskno', U16), ('nsites', U32), ('weight', F32)])
[docs]def saving_sources_by_task(iterargs, dstore):
Yield the iterargs again by populating 'task_info/source_ids'
source_ids = []
data = []
for i, args in enumerate(iterargs, 1):
source_ids.append(' ' .join(src.source_id for src in args[0]))
for src in args[0]: # collect source data
data.append((i, src.nsites, src.weight))
yield args
dstore['task_sources'] = numpy.array([encode(s) for s in source_ids])
dstore.extend('task_info/source_data', numpy.array(data, source_data_dt))
[docs]class PSHACalculator(base.HazardCalculator):
Classical PSHA calculator
core_task = classical
source_info = datastore.persistent_attribute('source_info')
[docs] def agg_dicts(self, acc, pmap):
Aggregate dictionaries of hazard curves by updating the accumulator.
:param acc: accumulator dictionary
:param pmap: a ProbabilityMap
with self.monitor('aggregate curves', autoflush=True):
for src_id, nsites, srcweight, calc_time in pmap.calc_times:
src_id = src_id.split(':', 1)[0]
info = self.csm.infos[pmap.grp_id, src_id]
info.calc_time += calc_time
info.num_sites = max(info.num_sites, nsites)
info.num_split += 1
acc.eff_ruptures += pmap.eff_ruptures
for bb in getattr(pmap, 'bbs', []): # for disaggregation
acc.bb_dict[bb.lt_model_id, bb.site_id].update_bb(bb)
acc[pmap.grp_id] |= pmap
return acc
[docs] def count_eff_ruptures(self, result_dict, src_group_id):
Returns the number of ruptures in the src_group (after filtering)
or 0 if the src_group has been filtered away.
:param result_dict: a dictionary with keys (grp_id, gsim)
:param src_group_id: the source group ID
return result_dict.eff_ruptures.get(src_group_id, 0)
[docs] def zerodict(self):
Initial accumulator, a dict grp_id -> ProbabilityMap(L, G)
gsims_by_grp = self.csm.info.get_gsims_by_grp()
zd = AccumDict()
num_levels = len(self.oqparam.imtls.array)
for grp in self.csm.src_groups:
num_gsims = len(gsims_by_grp[grp.id])
zd[grp.id] = ProbabilityMap(num_levels, num_gsims)
zd.calc_times = []
zd.eff_ruptures = AccumDict() # grp_id -> eff_ruptures
zd.bb_dict = BBdict()
if self.oqparam.poes_disagg or self.oqparam.iml_disagg:
for sid in self.sitecol.sids:
for smodel in self.csm.source_models:
zd.bb_dict[smodel.ordinal, sid] = BoundingBox(
smodel.ordinal, sid)
return zd
[docs] def execute(self):
Run in parallel `core_task(sources, sitecol, monitor)`, by
parallelizing on the sources according to their weight and
tectonic region type.
except AttributeError:
raise RuntimeError('No CompositeSourceModel, did you forget to '
'run the hazard or the --hc option?')
monitor = self.monitor(self.core_task.__name__)
with self.monitor('managing sources', autoflush=True):
allargs = self.gen_args(self.csm, monitor)
iterargs = saving_sources_by_task(allargs, self.datastore)
if isinstance(allargs, list):
# there is a trick here: if the arguments are known
# (a list, not an iterator), keep them as a list
# then the Starmap will understand the case of a single
# argument tuple and it will run in core the task
iterargs = list(iterargs)
ires = parallel.Starmap(
self.core_task.__func__, iterargs).submit_all()
acc = ires.reduce(self.agg_dicts, self.zerodict())
with self.monitor('store source_info', autoflush=True):
self.store_source_info(self.csm.infos, acc)
return acc
[docs] def gen_args(self, csm, monitor):
Used in the case of large source model logic trees.
:param csm: a CompositeSourceModel instance
:param monitor: a :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor`
:yields: (sources, sites, gsims, monitor) tuples
oq = self.oqparam
ngroups = sum(len(sm.src_groups) for sm in csm.source_models)
if self.is_stochastic: # disable tiling
num_tiles = 1
num_tiles = math.ceil(len(self.sitecol) / oq.sites_per_tile)
if num_tiles > 1:
tiles = self.sitecol.split_in_tiles(num_tiles)
tiles = [self.sitecol]
maxweight = self.csm.get_maxweight(oq.concurrent_tasks)
if oq.split_sources is False:
maxweight = numpy.inf # do not split the sources
numheavy = len(self.csm.get_sources('heavy', maxweight))
logging.info('Using maxweight=%d, numheavy=%d, numtiles=%d',
maxweight, numheavy, len(tiles))
gsims_by_grp = self.csm.info.get_gsims_by_grp()
sm_ids = {sg.id: sm.ordinal for sm in self.csm.info.source_models
for sg in sm.src_groups}
num_tasks = 0
num_sources = 0
for t, tile in enumerate(tiles):
if num_tiles > 1:
with self.monitor('prefiltering source model', autoflush=True):
logging.info('Instantiating src_filter for tile %d', t + 1)
src_filter = SourceFilter(tile, oq.maximum_distance)
csm = self.csm.filter(src_filter)
src_filter = self.src_filter
for sm in csm.source_models:
param = dict(
disagg=oq.poes_disagg or oq.iml_disagg,
samples=sm.samples, seed=oq.ses_seed,
for sg in sm.src_groups:
gsims = gsims_by_grp[sg.id]
if num_tiles <= 1:
'Sending source group #%d of %d (%s, %d sources)',
sg.id + 1, ngroups, sg.trt, len(sg.sources))
if oq.poes_disagg or oq.iml_disagg: # only for disagg
param['sm_id'] = sm_ids[sg.id]
if sg.src_interdep == 'mutex': # do not split the group
yield sg, src_filter, gsims, param, monitor
num_tasks += 1
num_sources += len(sg)
for block in self.csm.split_sources(
sg.sources, src_filter, maxweight):
yield block, src_filter, gsims, param, monitor
num_tasks += 1
num_sources += len(block)
logging.info('Sent %d sources in %d tasks', num_sources, num_tasks)
[docs] def store_source_info(self, infos, acc):
# save the calculation times per each source
if infos:
rows = sorted(
array = numpy.zeros(len(rows), source.SourceInfo.dt)
for i, row in enumerate(rows):
for name in array.dtype.names:
array[i][name] = getattr(row, name)
self.source_info = array
self.rlzs_assoc = self.csm.info.get_rlzs_assoc(
partial(self.count_eff_ruptures, acc))
self.datastore['csm_info'] = self.csm.info
if 'source_info' in self.datastore:
# the table is missing for UCERF, we should fix that
'source_info', nbytes=array.nbytes,
[docs] def post_execute(self, pmap_by_grp_id):
Collect the hazard curves by realization and export them.
:param pmap_by_grp_id:
a dictionary grp_id -> hazard curves
if pmap_by_grp_id.bb_dict:
self.datastore['bb_dict'] = pmap_by_grp_id.bb_dict
grp_trt = self.csm.info.grp_trt()
with self.monitor('saving probability maps', autoflush=True):
for grp_id, pmap in pmap_by_grp_id.items():
if pmap: # pmap can be missing if the group is filtered away
fix_ones(pmap) # avoid saving PoEs == 1
key = 'poes/grp-%02d' % grp_id
self.datastore[key] = pmap
self.datastore.set_attrs(key, trt=grp_trt[grp_id])
if 'poes' in self.datastore:
[docs]def fix_ones(pmap):
Physically, an extremely small intensity measure level can have an
extremely large probability of exceedence, however that probability
cannot be exactly 1 unless the level is exactly 0. Numerically, the
PoE can be 1 and this give issues when calculating the damage (there
is a log(0) in :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.annual_frequency_of_exceedence`).
Here we solve the issue by replacing the unphysical probabilities 1
with .9999999999999999 (the float64 closest to 1).
for sid in pmap:
array = pmap[sid].array
array[array == 1.] = .9999999999999999
[docs]def build_hcurves_and_stats(pgetter, hstats, monitor):
:param pgetter: an :class:`openquake.commonlib.calc.PmapGetter`
:param hstats: a list of pairs (statname, statfunc)
:param monitor: instance of Monitor
:returns: a dictionary kind -> ProbabilityMap
The "kind" is a string of the form 'rlz-XXX' or 'mean' of 'quantile-XXX'
used to specify the kind of output.
with monitor('combine pmaps'), pgetter:
pmaps = pgetter.get_pmaps(pgetter.sids)
if sum(len(pmap) for pmap in pmaps) == 0: # no data
return {}
pmap_by_kind = {}
for kind, stat in hstats:
with monitor('compute ' + kind):
pmap = compute_pmap_stats(pmaps, [stat], pgetter.weights)
pmap_by_kind[kind] = pmap
return pmap_by_kind
[docs]class ClassicalCalculator(PSHACalculator):
Classical PSHA calculator
pre_calculator = 'psha'
core_task = build_hcurves_and_stats
[docs] def gen_args(self, pgetter):
:param pgetter: PmapGetter instance
:yields: arguments for the function build_hcurves_and_stats
monitor = self.monitor('build_hcurves_and_stats')
hstats = self.oqparam.hazard_stats()
for tile in self.sitecol.split_in_tiles(self.oqparam.concurrent_tasks):
newgetter = pgetter.new(tile.sids)
yield newgetter, hstats, monitor
[docs] def execute(self):
Build statistical hazard curves from the stored PoEs
if 'poes' not in self.datastore: # for short report
oq = self.oqparam
num_rlzs = len(self.datastore['realizations'])
if num_rlzs == 1: # no stats to compute
return {}
elif not oq.hazard_stats():
if oq.hazard_maps or oq.uniform_hazard_spectra:
raise ValueError('The job.ini says that no statistics should '
'be computed, but then there is no output!')
return {}
# initialize datasets
N = len(self.sitecol)
L = len(oq.imtls.array)
attrs = dict(
sids=numpy.arange(N, dtype=numpy.uint32))
nbytes = N * L * 4 # bytes per realization (32 bit floats)
totbytes = 0
if num_rlzs > 1:
for name, stat in oq.hazard_stats():
'hcurves/' + name, F32, (N, L, 1), attrs=attrs)
totbytes += nbytes
if 'hcurves' in self.datastore:
self.datastore.set_attrs('hcurves', nbytes=totbytes)
with self.monitor('sending pmaps', autoflush=True, measuremem=True):
if self.datastore.parent != ():
# workers read from the parent datastore
pgetter = calc.PmapGetter(
self.datastore.parent, lazy=config.directory.shared_dir)
allargs = list(self.gen_args(pgetter))
# workers read from the cache
pgetter = calc.PmapGetter(self.datastore)
allargs = self.gen_args(pgetter)
ires = parallel.Starmap(
self.core_task.__func__, allargs).submit_all()
if self.datastore.parent != ():
self.datastore.parent.open() # if closed
nbytes = ires.reduce(self.save_hcurves)
return nbytes
[docs] def save_hcurves(self, acc, pmap_by_kind):
Works by side effect by saving hcurves and statistics on the
datastore; the accumulator stores the number of bytes saved.
:param acc: dictionary kind -> nbytes
:param pmap_by_kind: a dictionary of ProbabilityMaps
with self.monitor('saving statistical hcurves', autoflush=True):
for kind in pmap_by_kind:
pmap = pmap_by_kind[kind]
if pmap:
key = 'hcurves/' + kind
dset = self.datastore.getitem(key)
for sid in pmap:
dset[sid] = pmap[sid].array
# in the datastore we save 4 byte floats, thus we
# divide the memory consumption by 2: pmap.nbytes / 2
acc += {kind: pmap.nbytes // 2}
return acc
[docs] def post_execute(self, acc):
"""Save the number of bytes per each dataset"""
for kind, nbytes in acc.items():
self.datastore.getitem('hcurves/' + kind).attrs['nbytes'] = nbytes