openquake.calculators package

openquake.calculators.base module

exception openquake.calculators.base.AssetSiteAssociationError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised when there are no hazard sites close enough to any asset

class openquake.calculators.base.BaseCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract base class for all calculators.

  • oqparam – OqParam object
  • monitor – monitor object
  • calc_id – numeric calculation ID

Collect the realizations and set the attributes nbytes


Core routine running on the workers.


Execution phase. Usually will run in parallel the core function and return a dictionary with the results.


Export all the outputs in the datastore in the given export formats. Individual outputs are not exported if there are multiple realizations.

Returns:dictionary output_key -> sorted list of exported paths
from_engine = False
is_stochastic = False
monitor(operation, **kw)[source]

Return a new Monitor instance


Post-processing phase of the aggregated output. It must be overridden with the export code. It will return a dictionary of output files.

pre_calculator = None

Initialization phase.

run(pre_execute=True, concurrent_tasks=None, close=True, **kw)[source]

Run the calculation and return the exported outputs.


Update the current calculation parameters and save engine_version


Set the format of the root logger

class openquake.calculators.base.HazardCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.base.BaseCalculator

Base class for hazard calculators based on source models


Associate the exposure assets to the hazard sites and redefine the .sitecol and .assetcol attributes.

Parameters:sitecol – a sequence of sites
Returns:a pair (filtered sites, asset collection)

The new site collection is different from the original one if some assets were discarded or if there were missing assets for some sites.


Count how many assets are taken into consideration by the calculator


To be overridden to initialize the datasets needed by the calculation


Read the risk model and set the attribute .riskmodel. The riskmodel can be empty for hazard calculations. Save the loss ratios (if any) in the datastore.


For compatibility with the engine


Check if there is a pre_calculator or a previous calculation ID. If yes, read the inputs by invoking the precalculator or by retrieving the previous calculation; if not, read the inputs directly.


Read the exposure, the riskmodel and update the attributes .exposure, .sitecol, .assets_by_site, .taxonomies.


Read the exposure (if any), the risk model (if any) and then the site collection, possibly extracted from the exposure.

exception openquake.calculators.base.InvalidCalculationID[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised when running a post-calculation on top of an incompatible pre-calculation

class openquake.calculators.base.RiskCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.base.HazardCalculator

Base class for all risk calculators. A risk calculator must set the attributes .riskmodel, .sitecol, .assets_by_site, .exposure .riskinputs in the pre_execute phase.

build_riskinputs(kind, hazards, eps=array([], dtype=float64), eids=None)[source]
  • kind – kind of hazard getter, can be ‘poe’ or ‘gmf’
  • hazards – a (composite) array of shape (R, N, ...)
  • eps – a matrix of epsilons (possibly empty)
  • eids – an array of event IDs (or None)

a list of RiskInputs objects, sorted by IMT.


Overridden in ClassicalDamage

combine(acc, res)[source]

Parallelize on the riskinputs and returns a dictionary of results. Require a .core_task to be defined with signature (riskinputs, riskmodel, rlzs_assoc, monitor).

Parameters:num_ruptures – the size of the epsilon array for each asset
class openquake.calculators.base.Site(sid, lon, lat)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

openquake.calculators.base.check_precalc_consistency(calc_mode, precalc_mode)[source]

Defensive programming against users providing an incorrect pre-calculation ID (with --hazard-calculation-id)

  • calc_mode – calculation_mode of the current calculation
  • precalc_mode – calculation_mode of the previous calculation
openquake.calculators.base.check_time_event(oqparam, time_events)[source]

Check the time_event parameter in the datastore, by comparing with the periods found in the exposure.

Parameters:calculator – a scenario_risk, scenario_damage or gmf_ebrisk calculator
Returns:a pair (eids, gmfs) where gmfs is a matrix of shape (G, N, E, I)
openquake.calculators.base.get_gmv_data(sids, gmfs)[source]

Convert an array of shape (R, N, E, I) into an array of type gmv_data_dt


Names of the underlying GSIMs separated by spaces

openquake.calculators.base.set_array(longarray, shortarray)[source]
  • longarray – a numpy array of floats of length L >= l
  • shortarray – a numpy array of floats of length l

Fill longarray with the values of shortarray, starting from the left. If shortarry is shorter than longarray, then the remaining elements on the right are filled with numpy.nan values.

openquake.calculators.classical module

class openquake.calculators.classical.BBdict(dic=None, accum=None, **kw)[source]

Bases: openquake.baselib.general.AccumDict

A serializable dictionary containing bounding box information

dt = dtype([('lt_model_id', '<u2'), ('site_id', '<u2'), ('min_dist', '<f8'), ('max_dist', '<f8'), ('east', '<f8'), ('west', '<f8'), ('south', '<f8'), ('north', '<f8')])
class openquake.calculators.classical.BoundingBox(lt_model_id, site_id)[source]

Bases: object

A class to store the bounding box in distances, longitudes and magnitudes, given a source model and a site. This is used for disaggregation calculations. The goal is to determine the minimum and maximum distances of the ruptures generated from the model from the site; moreover the maximum and minimum longitudes and magnitudes are stored, by taking in account the international date line.

bins_edges(dist_bin_width, coord_bin_width)[source]

Define bin edges for disaggregation histograms, from the bin data collected from the ruptures.

  • dists – array of distances from the ruptures
  • lons – array of longitudes from the ruptures
  • lats – array of latitudes from the ruptures
  • dist_bin_width – distance_bin_width from job.ini
  • coord_bin_width – coordinate_bin_width from job.ini
update(dists, lons, lats)[source]

Compare the current bounding box with the value in the arrays dists, lons, lats and enlarge it if needed.

  • dists – a sequence of distances
  • lons – a sequence of longitudes
  • lats – a sequence of latitudes

Compare the current bounding box with the given bounding box and enlarge it if needed.

Parameters:bb – an instance of :class: openquake.engine.calculators.hazard.classical.core.BoundingBox
class openquake.calculators.classical.ClassicalCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.classical.PSHACalculator

Classical PSHA calculator

core_task(pgetter, hstats, monitor)

a dictionary kind -> ProbabilityMap

The “kind” is a string of the form ‘rlz-XXX’ or ‘mean’ of ‘quantile-XXX’ used to specify the kind of output.


Build statistical hazard curves from the stored PoEs

Parameters:pgetter – PmapGetter instance
Yields:arguments for the function build_hcurves_and_stats

Save the number of bytes per each dataset

pre_calculator = 'psha'
save_hcurves(acc, pmap_by_kind)[source]

Works by side effect by saving hcurves and statistics on the datastore; the accumulator stores the number of bytes saved.

  • acc – dictionary kind -> nbytes
  • pmap_by_kind – a dictionary of ProbabilityMaps
class openquake.calculators.classical.PSHACalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.base.HazardCalculator

Classical PSHA calculator

agg_dicts(acc, pmap)[source]

Aggregate dictionaries of hazard curves by updating the accumulator.

  • acc – accumulator dictionary
  • pmap – a ProbabilityMap
core_task(sources, src_filter, gsims, param, monitor)
  • sources – a non-empty sequence of sources of homogeneous tectonic region type
  • src_filter – source filter
  • gsims – a list of GSIMs for the current tectonic region type
  • param – a dictionary of parameters
  • monitor – a monitor instance

an AccumDict rlz -> curves

count_eff_ruptures(result_dict, src_group_id)[source]

Returns the number of ruptures in the src_group (after filtering) or 0 if the src_group has been filtered away.

  • result_dict – a dictionary with keys (grp_id, gsim)
  • src_group_id – the source group ID

Run in parallel core_task(sources, sitecol, monitor), by parallelizing on the sources according to their weight and tectonic region type.

gen_args(csm, monitor)[source]

Used in the case of large source model logic trees.


(sources, sites, gsims, monitor) tuples


Collect the hazard curves by realization and export them.

Parameters:pmap_by_grp_id – a dictionary grp_id -> hazard curves
store_source_info(infos, acc)[source]

Initial accumulator, a dict grp_id -> ProbabilityMap(L, G)

openquake.calculators.classical.build_hcurves_and_stats(pgetter, hstats, monitor)[source]

a dictionary kind -> ProbabilityMap

The “kind” is a string of the form ‘rlz-XXX’ or ‘mean’ of ‘quantile-XXX’ used to specify the kind of output.

openquake.calculators.classical.classical(sources, src_filter, gsims, param, monitor)[source]
  • sources – a non-empty sequence of sources of homogeneous tectonic region type
  • src_filter – source filter
  • gsims – a list of GSIMs for the current tectonic region type
  • param – a dictionary of parameters
  • monitor – a monitor instance

an AccumDict rlz -> curves

openquake.calculators.classical.saving_sources_by_task(iterargs, dstore)[source]

Yield the iterargs again by populating ‘task_info/source_ids’

openquake.calculators.classical_bcr module

class openquake.calculators.classical_bcr.ClassicalBCRCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.classical_risk.ClassicalRiskCalculator

Classical BCR Risk calculator

core_task(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor)

Compute and return the average losses for each asset.

openquake.calculators.classical_bcr.classical_bcr(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor)[source]

Compute and return the average losses for each asset.


openquake.calculators.classical_damage module

class openquake.calculators.classical_damage.ClassicalDamageCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.classical_risk.ClassicalRiskCalculator

Scenario damage calculator


Raise an error if one PoE = 1, since it would produce a log(0) in openquake.risklib.scientific.annual_frequency_of_exceedence

core_task(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor)

Core function for a classical damage computation.


a nested dictionary rlz_idx -> asset -> <damage array>


Export the result in CSV format.

Parameters:result – a dictionary asset -> fractions per damage state
openquake.calculators.classical_damage.classical_damage(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor)[source]

Core function for a classical damage computation.


a nested dictionary rlz_idx -> asset -> <damage array>

openquake.calculators.classical_risk module

class openquake.calculators.classical_risk.ClassicalRiskCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.base.RiskCalculator

Classical Risk calculator

core_task(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor)

Compute and return the average losses for each asset.


Saving loss curves in the datastore.

Parameters:result – aggregated result of the task classical_risk
pre_calculator = 'classical'

Associate the assets to the sites and build the riskinputs.

openquake.calculators.classical_risk.classical_risk(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor)[source]

Compute and return the average losses for each asset.


openquake.calculators.disaggregation module

Disaggregation calculator core functionality

class openquake.calculators.disaggregation.DisaggregationCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.classical.ClassicalCalculator

Classical PSHA disaggregation calculator

agg_result(acc, result)[source]

Collect the results coming from compute_disagg into self.results, a dictionary with key (sid,, poe, imt, iml, trt_names) and values which are probability arrays.

  • acc – dictionary accumulating the results
  • result – dictionary with the result coming from a task

Run the disaggregation phase after hazard curve finalization.


Get all the relevant hazard curves for the given site ordinal. Returns a dictionary {(rlz_id, imt) -> curve}.


Performs the disaggregation

save_disagg_result(site_id, bin_edges, trt_names, matrix, rlz_id, investigation_time, imt_str, iml, poe)[source]

Save a computed disaggregation matrix to hzrdr.disagg_result (see DisaggResult).

  • site_id – id of the current site
  • bin_edges – The 5-uple mag, dist, lon, lat, eps
  • trt_names – The list of Tectonic Region Types
  • matrix – A probability array
  • rlz_id – ordinal of the realization to which the results belong.
  • investigation_time (float) – Investigation time (years) for the calculation.
  • imt_str – Intensity measure type string (PGA, SA, etc.)
  • iml (float) – Intensity measure level interpolated (using poe) from the hazard curve at the site.
  • poe (float) – Disaggregation probability of exceedance value for this result.

Save all the results of the disaggregation. NB: the number of results to save is #sites * #rlzs * #disagg_poes * #IMTs.

Parameters:results – a dictionary of probability arrays
openquake.calculators.disaggregation.compute_disagg(src_filter, sources, src_group_id, rlzs_assoc, trt_names, curves_dict, bin_edges, oqparam, monitor)[source]
  • src_filter – a openquake.hazardlib.calc.filter.SourceFilter instance
  • sources – list of hazardlib source objects
  • src_group_id – numeric ID of a SourceGroup instance
  • rlzs_assoc – a openquake.commonlib.source.RlzsAssoc instance
  • trt_names (dict) – a tuple of names for the given tectonic region type
  • curves_dict – a dictionary with the hazard curves for sites, realizations and IMTs
  • bin_egdes – a dictionary site_id -> edges
  • oqparam – the parameters in the job.ini file
  • monitor – monitor of the currently running job

a dictionary of probability arrays, with composite key (sid,, poe, imt, iml, trt_names).

openquake.calculators.event_based module

class openquake.calculators.event_based.EventBasedCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.classical.ClassicalCalculator

Event based PSHA calculator generating the ground motion fields and the hazard curves from the ruptures, depending on the configuration parameters.

combine_pmaps_and_save_gmfs(acc, res)[source]

Combine the hazard curves (if any) and save the gmfs (if any) sequentially; notice that the gmfs may come from different tasks in any order.

  • acc – an accumulator for the hazard curves
  • res – a dictionary rlzi, imt -> [gmf_array, curves_by_imt]

a new accumulator

core_task(getter, oq, monitor)
  • getter – a GmfGetter instance
  • oq – an OqParam instance
  • monitor – a Monitor instance

a dictionary with keys gmfcoll and hcurves


Run in parallel core_task(sources, sitecol, monitor), by parallelizing on the ruptures according to their weight and tectonic region type.

Parameters:ruptures_by_grp – a dictionary of EBRupture objects
Yields:the arguments for compute_gmfs_and_curves
is_stochastic = True
Parameters:result – a dictionary (src_group_id, gsim) -> haz_curves or an empty dictionary if hazard_curves_from_gmfs is false
pre_calculator = 'event_based_rupture'

Save the attribute nbytes in the gmf_data datasets

class openquake.calculators.event_based.EventBasedRuptureCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.classical.PSHACalculator

Event based PSHA calculator generating the ruptures only

agg_dicts(acc, ruptures_by_grp_id)[source]

Accumulate dictionaries of ruptures and populate the events dataset in the datastore.

  • acc – accumulator dictionary
  • ruptures_by_grp_id – a nested dictionary grp_id -> ruptures
core_task(sources, src_filter, gsims, param, monitor)
  • sources – List of commonlib.source.Source tuples
  • src_filter – a source site filter
  • gsims – a list of GSIMs for the current tectonic region model
  • param – a dictionary of additional parameters
  • monitor – monitor instance

a dictionary src_group_id -> [Rupture instances]


Set the random seed passed to the SourceManager and the minimum_intensity dictionary.

is_stochastic = True

Save the SES collection


Extend the ‘events’ dataset with the given ruptures


Initial accumulator, a dictionary (grp_id, gsim) -> curves

openquake.calculators.event_based.compute_gmfs_and_curves(getter, oq, monitor)[source]
  • getter – a GmfGetter instance
  • oq – an OqParam instance
  • monitor – a Monitor instance

a dictionary with keys gmfcoll and hcurves

openquake.calculators.event_based.compute_ruptures(sources, src_filter, gsims, param, monitor)[source]
  • sources – List of commonlib.source.Source tuples
  • src_filter – a source site filter
  • gsims – a list of GSIMs for the current tectonic region model
  • param – a dictionary of additional parameters
  • monitor – monitor instance

a dictionary src_group_id -> [Rupture instances]


Extract an array of dtype stored_event_dt from a list of EBRuptures


Extract the mean hazard curves from the datastore, as a composite array of length nsites.


Extracts the dictionary ruptures_by_grp from the given calculator

openquake.calculators.event_based.sample_ruptures(src, num_ses, num_samples, seed)[source]

Sample the ruptures contained in the given source.

  • src – a hazardlib source object
  • num_ses – the number of Stochastic Event Sets to generate
  • num_samples – how many samples for the given source
  • seed – master seed from the job.ini file

a dictionary of dictionaries rupture -> {ses_id: num_occurrences}

openquake.calculators.event_based.save_gmdata(calc, n_rlzs)[source]

Save a composite array gmdata in the datastore.

  • calc – a calculator with a dictionary .gmdata {rlz: data}
  • n_rlzs – the total number of realizations

Set event IDs on the given list of ebruptures.

Parameters:ebruptures – a non-empty list of ruptures with the same grp_id
Returns:the total number of events set
openquake.calculators.event_based.set_random_years(dstore, events_sm, investigation_time)[source]

Sort the events array and attach year labels sensitive to the SES ordinal and the investigation time.

openquake.calculators.event_based_risk module

class openquake.calculators.event_based_risk.EbrPostCalculator(calc)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.base.RiskCalculator

save_curves_maps(acc, res)[source]

Save the loss curves and maps (if any).

Returns:the total number of stored bytes.
class openquake.calculators.event_based_risk.EbriskCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.base.RiskCalculator

Event based PSHA calculator generating the total losses by taxonomy


Run the calculator and aggregate the results


Yield the arguments required by build_ruptures, i.e. the source models, the asset collection, the riskmodel and others.

is_stochastic = True

Save risk data and possibly execute the EbrPostCalculator

pre_calculator = 'event_based_rupture'
save_losses(dic, offset=0)[source]

Save the event loss tables incrementally.

  • dic – dictionary with agglosses, assratios, losses_by_tag, avglosses, lrs_idx
  • offset – realization offset
save_results(allres, num_rlzs)[source]
  • allres – an iterable of result iterators
  • num_rlzs – the total number of realizations

the total number of events

start_tasks(sm_id, ruptures_by_grp, sitecol, assetcol, riskmodel, imts, trunc_level, correl_model, min_iml, monitor)[source]
  • sm_id – source model ordinal
  • ruptures_by_grp – dictionary of ruptures by src_group_id
  • sitecol – a SiteCollection instance
  • assetcol – an AssetCollection instance
  • riskmodel – a RiskModel instance
  • imts – a list of Intensity Measure Types
  • trunc_level – truncation level
  • correl_model – correlation model
  • min_iml – vector of minimum intensities, one per IMT
  • monitor – a Monitor instance

an IterResult instance

class openquake.calculators.event_based_risk.EpsilonMatrix0(num_assets, seeds)[source]

Bases: object

Mock-up for a matrix of epsilons of size N x E, used when asset_correlation=0.

  • num_assets – N assets
  • seeds – E seeds, set before calling numpy.random.normal

Builds a matrix of N x E epsilons

class openquake.calculators.event_based_risk.EpsilonMatrix1(num_events, seed)[source]

Bases: object

Mock-up for a matrix of epsilons of size N x E, used when asset_correlation=1.

  • num_events – number of events
  • seed – seed used to generate E epsilons
openquake.calculators.event_based_risk.build_curves_maps(avalues, builder, lrgetter, stats, clp, monitor)[source]

Build loss curves and optionally maps if conditional_loss_poes are set.

openquake.calculators.event_based_risk.event_based_risk(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor)[source]

a dictionary of numpy arrays of shape (L, R)

openquake.calculators.scenario module

class openquake.calculators.scenario.ScenarioCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.base.HazardCalculator

Scenario hazard calculator


Compute the GMFs and return a dictionary gsim -> array(N, E, I)

is_stochastic = True

Read the site collection and initialize GmfComputer and seeds

openquake.calculators.scenario_damage module

class openquake.calculators.scenario_damage.ScenarioDamageCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.base.RiskCalculator

Scenario damage calculator

core_task(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor)

Core function for a damage computation.


a dictionary {‘d_asset’: [(l, r, a, mean-stddev), ...],

‘d_tag’: damage array of shape T, R, L, E, D, ‘c_asset’: [(l, r, a, mean-stddev), ...], ‘c_tag’: damage array of shape T, R, L, E}

d_asset and d_tag are related to the damage distributions whereas c_asset and c_tag are the consequence distributions. If there is no consequence model c_asset is an empty list and c_tag is a zero-valued array.

is_stochastic = True

Compute stats for the aggregated distributions and save the results on the datastore.

pre_calculator = 'scenario'
openquake.calculators.scenario_damage.dist_by_asset(data, multi_stat_dt)[source]
  • data – array of shape (N, R, L, 2, ...)
  • multi_stat_dt – numpy dtype for statistical outputs

array of shape (N, R) with records of type multi_stat_dt

openquake.calculators.scenario_damage.dist_by_tag(data, multi_stat_dt)[source]
  • data – array of shape (T, R, L, ...)
  • multi_stat_dt – numpy dtype for statistical outputs

array of shape (T, R) with records of type multi_stat_dt

openquake.calculators.scenario_damage.dist_total(data, multi_stat_dt)[source]
  • data – array of shape (T, R, L, ...)
  • multi_stat_dt – numpy dtype for statistical outputs

array of shape (R,) with records of type multi_stat_dt

openquake.calculators.scenario_damage.scenario_damage(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor)[source]

Core function for a damage computation.


a dictionary {‘d_asset’: [(l, r, a, mean-stddev), ...],

‘d_tag’: damage array of shape T, R, L, E, D, ‘c_asset’: [(l, r, a, mean-stddev), ...], ‘c_tag’: damage array of shape T, R, L, E}

d_asset and d_tag are related to the damage distributions whereas c_asset and c_tag are the consequence distributions. If there is no consequence model c_asset is an empty list and c_tag is a zero-valued array.

openquake.calculators.scenario_risk module

class openquake.calculators.scenario_risk.ScenarioRiskCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.base.RiskCalculator

Run a scenario risk calculation

core_task(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor)

Core function for a scenario computation.


a dictionary { ‘agg’: array of shape (E, L, R, 2), ‘avg’: list of tuples (lt_idx, rlz_idx, asset_idx, statistics) } where E is the number of simulated events, L the number of loss types, R the number of realizations and statistics is an array of shape (n, R, 4), with n the number of assets in the current riskinput object

is_stochastic = True

Compute stats for the aggregated distributions and save the results on the datastore.

pre_calculator = 'scenario'

Compute the GMFs, build the epsilons, the riskinputs, and a dictionary with the unit of measure, used in the export phase.

openquake.calculators.scenario_risk.scenario_risk(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor)[source]

Core function for a scenario computation.


a dictionary { ‘agg’: array of shape (E, L, R, 2), ‘avg’: list of tuples (lt_idx, rlz_idx, asset_idx, statistics) } where E is the number of simulated events, L the number of loss types, R the number of realizations and statistics is an array of shape (n, R, 4), with n the number of assets in the current riskinput object

openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_classical module

class openquake.calculators.ucerf_classical.UCERFClassicalCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.classical.ClassicalCalculator

pre_calculator = 'ucerf_psha'
class openquake.calculators.ucerf_classical.UcerfPSHACalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.classical.PSHACalculator

UCERF classical calculator.

core_task(rupset_idx, ucerf_source, src_filter, gsims, monitor)
  • rupset_idx – indices of the rupture sets
  • ucerf_source – an object taking the place of a source for UCERF
  • src_filter – a source filter returning the sites affected by the source
  • gsims – a list of GSIMs
  • monitor – a monitor instance

a ProbabilityMap


Run in parallel core_task(sources, sitecol, monitor), by parallelizing on the sources according to their weight and tectonic region type.

is_stochastic = False

parse the logic tree and source model input

openquake.calculators.ucerf_classical.convert_UCERFSource(self, node)[source]

Converts the Ucerf Source node into an SES Control object

openquake.calculators.ucerf_classical.ucerf_classical(rupset_idx, ucerf_source, src_filter, gsims, monitor)[source]
  • rupset_idx – indices of the rupture sets
  • ucerf_source – an object taking the place of a source for UCERF
  • src_filter – a source filter returning the sites affected by the source
  • gsims – a list of GSIMs
  • monitor – a monitor instance

a ProbabilityMap

openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based module

class openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.ImperfectPlanarSurface(mesh_spacing, strike, dip, top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left)[source]

Bases: openquake.hazardlib.geo.surface.planar.PlanarSurface

The planar surface class sets a narrow tolerance for the rectangular plane to be distorted in cartesian space. Ruptures with aspect ratios << 1.0, and with a dip of less than 90 degrees, cannot be generated in a manner that is consistent with the definitions - and thus cannot be instantiated. This subclass modifies the original planar surface class such that the tolerance checks are over-ridden. We find that distance errors with respect to a simple fault surface with a mesh spacing of 0.001 km are only on the order of < 0.15 % for Rrup (< 2 % for Rjb, < 3.0E-5 % for Rx)

class openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.List[source]

Bases: list

Trivial container returned by compute_losses

class openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.UCERFControl(source_file, id, investigation_time, start_date, min_mag, npd=<openquake.hazardlib.pmf.PMF object>, hdd=<openquake.hazardlib.pmf.PMF object>, aspect=1.5, upper_seismogenic_depth=0.0, lower_seismogenic_depth=15.0, msr=<WC1994>, mesh_spacing=1.0, trt='Active Shallow Crust', integration_distance=1000)[source]

Bases: object

  • source_file – Path to an existing HDF5 file containing the UCERF model
  • id (str) – Valid branch of UCERF
  • investigation_time (float) – Investigation time of event set (years)
  • start_date – Starting date of the investigation (None for time independent)
  • min_mag (float) – Minimim magnitude for consideration of background sources
  • npd – Nodal plane distribution as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.pmf.PMF
  • hdd – Hypocentral depth distribution as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.pmf.PMF
  • aspect (float) – Aspect ratio
  • upper_seismoge nic_depth (float) – Upper seismogenic depth (km)
  • lower_seismogenic_depth (float) – Lower seismogenic depth (km)
  • msr – Magnitude scaling relation
  • mesh_spacing (float) – Spacing (km) of fault mesh
  • trt (str) – Tectonic region type
  • integration_distance (float) – Maximum distance from rupture to site for consideration

Called when updating the SourceGroup

class openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.UCERFHazardCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.event_based.EventBasedCalculator

Runs a standard event based calculation starting from UCERF ruptures

pre_calculator = 'ucerf_rupture'
class openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.UCERFRiskCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.event_based_risk.EbriskCalculator

Event based risk calculator for UCERF, parallelizing on the source models


Yield the arguments required by build_ruptures, i.e. the source models, the asset collection, the riskmodel and others.


parse the logic tree and source model input

class openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.UCERFRuptureCalculator(oqparam, monitor=<Monitor dummy>, calc_id=None)[source]

Bases: openquake.calculators.event_based.EventBasedRuptureCalculator

Event based PSHA calculator generating the ruptures only

core_task(sources, src_filter, gsims, param, monitor)
  • sources – a list with a single UCERF source
  • src_filter – a SourceFilter instance
  • gsims – a list of GSIMs
  • param – extra parameters
  • monitor – a Monitor instance

an AccumDict grp_id -> EBRuptures

gen_args(csm, monitor)[source]

Generate a task for each branch


parse the logic tree and source model input

class openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.UcerfSource(control, grp_id, branch_name, branch_id)[source]

Bases: object

Source-like class for use in UCERF calculations. It is build on top of an UCERFControl object which wraps the input file in HDF5 format. Each source has attributes .source_id (the name of the branch), .src_group_id (the number of the group i.e. of the source model), .num_ruptures (the number of ruptures in that branch) and .idx_set, a dictionary of HDF5 keys determined by the branch_id string.

  • control – a UCERFControl instance
  • grp_id – ordinal of the source group
  • branch_name – name of the UCERF branch
  • branch_id – string associated to the branch
generate_event_set(background_sids, src_filter, seed)[source]

Generates the event set corresponding to a particular branch


We can apply the filtering of the background sites as a pre-processing step - this is done here rather than in the sampling of the ruptures themselves


Turn the background model of a given branch into a set of point sources

Parameters:src_filter – SourceFilter instance
get_rupture_sites(hdf5, ridx, src_filter, mag)[source]

Determines if a rupture is likely to be inside the integration distance by considering the set of fault plane centroids and returns the affected sites if any.

  • hdf5 – Source of UCERF file as h5py.File object
  • ridx – List of indices composing the rupture sections
  • src_filter – SourceFilter instance
  • mag – Magnitude of the rupture for consideration

The sites affected by the rupture (or None)

get_ucerf_rupture(hdf5, iloc, src_filter)[source]
  • hdf5 – Source Model hdf5 object as instance of :class: h5py.File
  • iloc (int) – Location of the rupture plane in the hdf5 file
  • src_filter – Sites for consideration and maximum distance

Yield ruptures for the current set of indices (.rupset_idx)

tectonic_region_type = 'Active Shallow Crust'

Weight of the source, equal to the number of ruptures contained

openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.build_idx_set(branch_id, start_date)[source]

Builds a dictionary of indices based on the branch code

openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.compute_losses(ssm, src_filter, param, riskmodel, imts, trunc_level, correl_model, min_iml, monitor)[source]

Compute the losses for a single source model. Returns the ruptures as an attribute .ruptures_by_grp of the list of losses.

  • ssm – CompositeSourceModel containing a single source model
  • sitecol – a SiteCollection instance
  • param – a dictionary of parameters
  • riskmodel – a RiskModel instance
  • imts – a list of Intensity Measure Types
  • trunc_level – truncation level
  • correl_model – correlation model
  • min_iml – vector of minimum intensities, one per IMT
  • monitor – a Monitor instance

a List containing the losses by taxonomy and some attributes

openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.compute_ruptures(sources, src_filter, gsims, param, monitor)[source]
  • sources – a list with a single UCERF source
  • src_filter – a SourceFilter instance
  • gsims – a list of GSIMs
  • param – extra parameters
  • monitor – a Monitor instance

an AccumDict grp_id -> EBRuptures

openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.generate_background_ruptures(tom, locations, occurrence, mag, npd, hdd, upper_seismogenic_depth, lower_seismogenic_depth, msr=<WC1994>, aspect=1.5, trt='Active Shallow Crust')[source]
  • tom – Temporal occurrence model as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.tom.TOM
  • locations (numpy.ndarray) – Array of locations [Longitude, Latitude] of the point sources
  • occurrence (numpy.ndarray) – Annual rates of occurrence
  • mag (float) – Magnitude
  • npd – Nodal plane distribution as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.pmf.PMF
  • hdd – Hypocentral depth distribution as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.pmf.PMF
  • upper_seismogenic_depth (float) – Upper seismogenic depth (km)
  • lower_seismogenic_depth (float) – Lower seismogenic depth (km)
  • msr – Magnitude scaling relation
  • aspect (float) – Aspect ratio
  • trt (str) – Tectonic region type

List of ruptures

Parameters:oqopenquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam instance
Returns:a class:`openquake.commonlib.source.CompositeSourceModel
openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.get_rupture_dimensions(mag, nodal_plane, msr, rupture_aspect_ratio, upper_seismogenic_depth, lower_seismogenic_depth)[source]

Calculate and return the rupture length and width for given magnitude mag and nodal plane.

Parameters:nodal_plane – Instance of openquake.hazardlib.geo.nodalplane.NodalPlane.
Returns:Tuple of two items: rupture length in width in km.

The rupture area is calculated using method get_median_area() of source’s magnitude-scaling relationship. In any case the returned dimensions multiplication is equal to that value. Than the area is decomposed to length and width with respect to source’s rupture aspect ratio.

If calculated rupture width being inclined by nodal plane’s dip angle would not fit in between upper and lower seismogenic depth, the rupture width is shrunken to a maximum possible and rupture length is extended to preserve the same area.

openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.get_rupture_surface(mag, nodal_plane, hypocenter, msr, rupture_aspect_ratio, upper_seismogenic_depth, lower_seismogenic_depth, mesh_spacing=1.0)[source]

Create and return rupture surface object with given properties.

  • mag – Magnitude value, used to calculate rupture dimensions, see _get_rupture_dimensions().
  • nodal_plane – Instance of openquake.hazardlib.geo.nodalplane.NodalPlane describing the rupture orientation.
  • hypocenter – Point representing rupture’s hypocenter.

Instance of PlanarSurface.

openquake.calculators.ucerf_event_based.sample_background_model(hdf5, branch_key, tom, seed, filter_idx, min_mag, npd, hdd, upper_seismogenic_depth, lower_seismogenic_depth, msr=<WC1994>, aspect=1.5, trt='Active Shallow Crust')[source]

Generates a rupture set from a sample of the background model

  • branch_key – Key to indicate the branch for selecting the background model
  • tom – Temporal occurrence model as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.tom.TOM
  • seed – Random seed to use in the call to tom.sample_number_of_occurrences
  • filter_idx – Sites for consideration (can be None!)
  • min_mag (float) – Minimim magnitude for consideration of background sources
  • npd – Nodal plane distribution as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.pmf.PMF
  • hdd – Hypocentral depth distribution as instance of :class: openquake.hazardlib.pmf.PMF
  • aspect (float) – Aspect ratio
  • upper_seismogenic_depth (float) – Upper seismogenic depth (km)
  • lower_seismogenic_depth (float) – Lower seismogenic depth (km)
  • msr – Magnitude scaling relation
  • integration_distance (float) – Maximum distance from rupture to site for consideration

openquake.calculators.views module

openquake.calculators.views.avglosses_data_transfer(token, dstore)[source]

Determine the amount of average losses transferred from the workers to the controller node in a risk calculation.

Returns:“trivial”, “simple” or “complex”
openquake.calculators.views.ebr_data_transfer(token, dstore)[source]

Display the data transferred in an event based risk calculation


Format numbers in a nice way.

>>> form(0)
>>> form(0.0)
>>> form(0.0001)
>>> form(1003.4)
>>> form(103.4)
>>> form(9.3)
>>> form(-1.2)

Returns the performance view as a numpy array.

openquake.calculators.views.rst_table(data, header=None, fmt=None)[source]

Build a .rst table from a matrix.

>>> tbl = [['a', 1], ['b', 2]]
>>> print(rst_table(tbl, header=['Name', 'Value']))
==== =====
Name Value
==== =====
a    1    
b    2    
==== =====
openquake.calculators.views.stats(name, array, *extras)[source]

Returns statistics from an array of numbers.

Parameters:name – a descriptive string
Returns:(name, mean, std, min, max, len)

Used to compute summaries. The records are assumed to have numeric fields, except the first field which is ignored, since it typically contains a label. Here is an example:

>>> sum_table([('a', 1), ('b', 2)])
['total', 3]
openquake.calculators.views.sum_tbl(tbl, kfield, vfields)[source]

Aggregate a composite array and compute the totals on a given key.

>>> dt = numpy.dtype([('name', (bytes, 10)), ('value', int)])
>>> tbl = numpy.array([('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('b', 3)], dt)
>>> sum_tbl(tbl, 'name', ['value'])['value']
array([3, 3])
openquake.calculators.views.view_assetcol(token, dstore)[source]

Display the exposure in CSV format

openquake.calculators.views.view_assets_by_site(token, dstore)[source]

Display statistical information about the distribution of the assets

openquake.calculators.views.view_contents(token, dstore)[source]

Returns the size of the contents of the datastore and its total size

openquake.calculators.views.view_csm_info(token, dstore)[source]
openquake.calculators.views.view_dupl_sources(token, dstore)[source]

Display the duplicated sources from source_info

openquake.calculators.views.view_exposure_info(token, dstore)[source]

Display info about the exposure model

openquake.calculators.views.view_fullreport(token, dstore)[source]

Display an .rst report about the computation

openquake.calculators.views.view_global_poes(token, dstore)[source]

Display global probabilities averaged on all sites and all GMPEs

openquake.calculators.views.view_hmap(token, dstore)[source]

Display the highest 20 points of the mean hazard map. Called as $ oq show hmap:0.1 # 10% PoE

openquake.calculators.views.view_inputs(token, dstore)[source]
openquake.calculators.views.view_job_info(token, dstore)[source]

Determine the amount of data transferred from the controller node to the workers and back in a classical calculation.

openquake.calculators.views.view_loss_curves_avg(token, dstore)[source]

Returns the average losses computed from the loss curves; for each asset shows all realizations.

openquake.calculators.views.view_mean_avg_losses(token, dstore)[source]
openquake.calculators.views.view_num_units(token, dstore)[source]

Display the number of units by taxonomy

openquake.calculators.views.view_params(token, dstore)[source]
openquake.calculators.views.view_performance(token, dstore)[source]

Display performance information

openquake.calculators.views.view_portfolio_loss(token, dstore)[source]

The loss for the full portfolio, for each realization and loss type, extracted from the event loss table.

openquake.calculators.views.view_required_params_per_trt(token, dstore)[source]

Display the parameters needed by each tectonic region type

openquake.calculators.views.view_ruptures_events(token, dstore)[source]
openquake.calculators.views.view_ruptures_per_trt(token, dstore)[source]
openquake.calculators.views.view_short_source_info(token, dstore, maxrows=20)[source]
openquake.calculators.views.view_slow_sources(token, dstore, maxrows=20)[source]

Returns the slowest sources

openquake.calculators.views.view_synthetic_hcurves(token, dstore)[source]

Display the synthetic hazard curves for the calculation. They are used for debugging purposes when comparing the results of two calculations, they have no physical meaning. They are the simple mean of the PoEs arrays over source groups, gsims and number of sites.

openquake.calculators.views.view_task(token, dstore)[source]

Display info about a given task. Here are a few examples of usage:

$ oq show task:0  # the fastest task
$ oq show task:-1  # the slowest task
openquake.calculators.views.view_task_durations(token, dstore)[source]

Display the raw task durations. Here is an example of usage:

$ oq show task_durations:classical
openquake.calculators.views.view_task_info(token, dstore)[source]

Display statistical information about the tasks performance. It is possible to get full information about a specific task with a command like this one, for a classical calculation:

$ oq show task_info:classical
openquake.calculators.views.view_times_by_source_class(token, dstore)[source]

Returns the calculation times depending on the source typology

openquake.calculators.views.view_totlosses(token, dstore)[source]

This is a debugging view. You can use it to check that the total losses, i.e. the losses obtained by summing the average losses on all assets are indeed equal to the aggregate losses. This is a sanity check for the correctness of the implementation.