Source code for openquake.server.dbserver

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#  Copyright (C) 2016-2017 GEM Foundation

#  OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
#  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.

#  OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.

#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#  along with OpenQuake.  If not, see <>.

import sys
import time
import socket
import sqlite3
import os.path
import logging
import subprocess
from multiprocessing.connection import Listener
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

from openquake.baselib import sap
from openquake.baselib.parallel import safely_call
from openquake.hazardlib import valid
from openquake.commonlib import config, logs
from openquake.server.db import actions
from openquake.server import dbapi
from openquake.server import __file__ as server_path
from openquake.server.settings import DATABASE

# using a ThreadPool because SQLite3 isn't fork-safe on macOS Sierra
# ref:
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(1)

[docs]class DbServer(object): """ A server collecting the received commands into a queue """ def __init__(self, db, address, authkey): self.db = db self.address = address self.authkey = authkey
[docs] def loop(self): listener = Listener(self.address, backlog=5, authkey=self.authkey) logging.warn('DB server started with %s, listening on %s:%d...', sys.executable, *self.address) try: while True: try: conn = listener.accept() except KeyboardInterrupt: break except: # unauthenticated connection, for instance by a port # scanner such as the one in continue cmd_ = conn.recv() # a tuple (name, arg1, ... argN) cmd, args = cmd_[0], cmd_[1:] logging.debug('Got ' + str(cmd_)) if cmd == 'stop': conn.send((None, None)) conn.close() break func = getattr(actions, cmd) fut = executor.submit(safely_call, func, (self.db,) + args) def sendback(fut, conn=conn): res, etype, _mon = fut.result() if etype: logging.error(res) # send back the result and the exception class conn.send((res, etype)) conn.close() fut.add_done_callback(sendback) finally: listener.close()
[docs]def different_paths(path1, path2): path1 = os.path.realpath(path1) # expand symlinks path2 = os.path.realpath(path2) # expand symlinks # don't care about the extension (it may be .py or .pyc) return os.path.splitext(path1)[0] != os.path.splitext(path2)[0]
[docs]def get_status(address=None): """ Check if the DbServer is up. :param address: pair (hostname, port) :returns: 'running' or 'not-running' """ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: err = sock.connect_ex(address or config.DBS_ADDRESS) finally: sock.close() return 'not-running' if err else 'running'
[docs]def check_foreign(): """ Check if we the DbServer is the right one """ if not config.flag_set('dbserver', 'multi_user'): remote_server_path = logs.dbcmd('get_path') if different_paths(server_path, remote_server_path): return('You are trying to contact a DbServer from another' ' instance (got %s, expected %s)\n' 'Check the configuration or stop the foreign' ' DbServer instance') % (remote_server_path, server_path)
[docs]def ensure_on(): """ Start the DbServer if it is off """ if get_status() == 'not-running': if valid.boolean(config.get('dbserver', 'multi_user')): sys.exit('Please start the DbServer: ' 'see the documentation for details') # otherwise start the DbServer automatically subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, '-m', 'openquake.server.dbserver', '-l', 'INFO']) # wait for the dbserver to start waiting_seconds = 10 while get_status() == 'not-running': if waiting_seconds == 0: sys.exit('The DbServer cannot be started after 10 seconds. ' 'Please check the configuration') time.sleep(1) waiting_seconds -= 1
@sap.Script def run_server(dbhostport=None, dbpath=None, logfile=DATABASE['LOG'], loglevel='WARN'): """ Run the DbServer on the given database file and port. If not given, use the settings in openquake.cfg. """ if dbhostport: # assume a string of the form "dbhost:port" dbhost, port = dbhostport.split(':') addr = (dbhost, int(port)) DATABASE['PORT'] = int(port) else: addr = config.DBS_ADDRESS if dbpath: DATABASE['NAME'] = dbpath # create the db directory if needed dirname = os.path.dirname(DATABASE['NAME']) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) # create and upgrade the db if needed db = dbapi.Db(sqlite3.connect, DATABASE['NAME'], isolation_level=None, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) db('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON') # honor ON DELETE CASCADE actions.upgrade_db(db) db.conn.close() # configure logging and start the server logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, loglevel), filename=logfile) DbServer(db, addr, config.DBS_AUTHKEY).loop() run_server.arg('dbhostport', 'dbhost:port') run_server.arg('dbpath', 'dbpath') run_server.arg('logfile', 'log file') run_server.opt('loglevel', 'WARN or INFO') if __name__ == '__main__': run_server.callfunc()