# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import re
import os
import logging
import operator
import collections
import numpy
from openquake.baselib import hdf5, parallel, performance
from openquake.baselib.general import (
humansize, get_array, group_array, DictArray)
from openquake.hazardlib import valid
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import from_string
from openquake.hazardlib.calc import disagg, gmf
from openquake.calculators.views import view
from openquake.calculators.export import export
from openquake.risklib.riskinput import GmfDataGetter, gmf_data_dt
from openquake.commonlib import writers, hazard_writers, calc, util, source
F32 = numpy.float32
F64 = numpy.float64
U8 = numpy.uint8
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
GMF_MAX_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024 # 10 MB
There are a lot of ground motion fields; the export will be slow.
Consider canceling the operation and accessing directly %s.'''
# with compression you can save 60% of space by losing only 10% of saving time
savez = numpy.savez_compressed
[docs]def get_mesh(sitecol, complete=True):
sc = sitecol.complete if complete else sitecol
if sc.at_sea_level():
mesh = numpy.zeros(len(sc), [('lon', F64), ('lat', F64)])
mesh['lon'] = sc.lons
mesh['lat'] = sc.lats
mesh = numpy.zeros(len(sc), [('lon', F64), ('lat', F64),
('depth', F64)])
mesh['lon'] = sc.lons
mesh['lat'] = sc.lats
mesh['depth'] = sc.depths
return mesh
@export.add(('ruptures', 'xml'))
[docs]def export_ruptures_xml(ekey, dstore):
:param ekey: export key, i.e. a pair (datastore key, fmt)
:param dstore: datastore object
fmt = ekey[-1]
oq = dstore['oqparam']
sm_by_grp = dstore['csm_info'].get_sm_by_grp()
mesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
ruptures = {}
for grp in dstore['ruptures']:
grp_id = int(grp[4:]) # strip grp-
ruptures[grp_id] = []
for ebr in calc.get_ruptures(dstore, grp_id):
ruptures[grp_id].append(ebr.export(mesh, sm_by_grp))
dest = dstore.export_path('ses.' + fmt)
writer = hazard_writers.SESXMLWriter(dest)
writer.serialize(ruptures, oq.investigation_time)
return [dest]
@export.add(('ruptures', 'csv'))
[docs]def export_ses_csv(ekey, dstore):
:param ekey: export key, i.e. a pair (datastore key, fmt)
:param dstore: datastore object
oq = dstore['oqparam']
if 'scenario' in oq.calculation_mode:
return []
dest = dstore.export_path('ruptures.csv')
header = ('rupid multiplicity mag centroid_lon centroid_lat centroid_depth'
' trt strike dip rake boundary').split()
csm_info = dstore['csm_info']
grp_trt = csm_info.grp_trt()
gsims = csm_info.get_rlzs_assoc().gsims_by_grp_id
rows = []
for grp_id, trt in sorted(grp_trt.items()):
rup_data = calc.RuptureData(trt, gsims[grp_id]).to_array(
calc.get_ruptures(dstore, grp_id))
for r in rup_data:
(r['rup_id'], r['multiplicity'], r['mag'],
r['lon'], r['lat'], r['depth'],
trt, r['strike'], r['dip'], r['rake'],
rows.sort() # by rupture serial
writers.write_csv(dest, rows, header=header, sep='\t')
return [dest]
# #################### export Ground Motion fields ########################## #
[docs]class GmfSet(object):
Small wrapper around the list of Gmf objects associated to the given SES.
def __init__(self, gmfset, investigation_time, ses_idx):
self.gmfset = gmfset
self.investigation_time = investigation_time
self.stochastic_event_set_id = ses_idx
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.gmfset)
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self.gmfset)
def __str__(self):
return (
'GMFsPerSES(investigation_time=%f, '
'stochastic_event_set_id=%s,\n%s)' % (
self.stochastic_event_set_id, '\n'.join(
sorted(str(g) for g in self.gmfset))))
[docs]class GroundMotionField(object):
The Ground Motion Field generated by the given rupture
def __init__(self, imt, sa_period, sa_damping, rupture_id, gmf_nodes):
self.imt = imt
self.sa_period = sa_period
self.sa_damping = sa_damping
self.rupture_id = rupture_id
self.gmf_nodes = gmf_nodes
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.gmf_nodes)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.gmf_nodes[key]
def __str__(self):
# string representation of a _GroundMotionField object showing the
# content of the nodes (lon, lat an gmv). This is useful for debugging
# and testing.
mdata = ('imt=%(imt)s sa_period=%(sa_period)s '
'sa_damping=%(sa_damping)s rupture_id=%(rupture_id)s' %
nodes = sorted(map(str, self.gmf_nodes))
return 'GMF(%s\n%s)' % (mdata, '\n'.join(nodes))
[docs]class GroundMotionFieldNode(object):
# the signature is not (gmv, x, y) because the XML writer expects
# a location object
def __init__(self, gmv, loc):
self.gmv = gmv
self.location = loc
def __lt__(self, other):
A reproducible ordering by lon and lat; used in
return (self.location.x, self.location.y) < (
other.location.x, other.location.y)
def __str__(self):
"""Return lon, lat and gmv of the node in a compact string form"""
return '<X=%9.5f, Y=%9.5f, GMV=%9.7f>' % (
self.location.x, self.location.y, self.gmv)
[docs]class GmfCollection(object):
Object converting the parameters
:param sitecol: SiteCollection
:param ruptures: ruptures
:param investigation_time: investigation time
into an object with the right form for the EventBasedGMFXMLWriter.
Iterating over a GmfCollection yields GmfSet objects.
def __init__(self, sitecol, imts, ruptures, investigation_time):
self.sitecol = sitecol
self.ruptures = ruptures
self.imts = imts
self.investigation_time = investigation_time
def __iter__(self):
completemesh = self.sitecol.complete.mesh
gmfset = collections.defaultdict(list)
for imti, imt_str in enumerate(self.imts):
imt, sa_period, sa_damping = from_string(imt_str)
for rupture in self.ruptures:
mesh = completemesh[rupture.indices]
gmf = get_array(rupture.gmfa, imti=imti)['gmv']
assert len(mesh) == len(gmf), (len(mesh), len(gmf))
nodes = (GroundMotionFieldNode(gmv, loc)
for gmv, loc in zip(gmf, mesh))
imt, sa_period, sa_damping, rupture.eid, nodes))
for ses_idx in sorted(gmfset):
yield GmfSet(gmfset[ses_idx], self.investigation_time, ses_idx)
# ####################### export hazard curves ############################ #
HazardCurve = collections.namedtuple('HazardCurve', 'location poes')
[docs]def convert_to_array(pmap, sitemesh, imtls):
Convert the probability map into a composite array with header
of the form PGA-0.1, PGA-0.2 ...
:param pmap: probability map
:param sitemesh: mesh of N sites
:param imtls: a DictArray with IMT and levels
:returns: a composite array of lenght N
nsites = len(sitemesh)
lst = []
# build the export dtype, of the form PGA-0.1, PGA-0.2 ...
for imt, imls in imtls.items():
for iml in imls:
lst.append(('%s-%s' % (imt, iml), F64))
curves = numpy.zeros(nsites, numpy.dtype(lst))
for sid, pcurve in pmap.items():
curve = curves[sid]
idx = 0
for imt, imls in imtls.items():
for iml in imls:
curve['%s-%s' % (imt, iml)] = pcurve.array[idx]
idx += 1
return util.compose_arrays(sitemesh, curves)
[docs]def export_hazard_csv(key, dest, sitemesh, pmap,
imtls, comment):
Export the curves of the given realization into CSV.
:param key: output_type and export_type
:param dest: name of the exported file
:param sitemesh: site collection
:param pmap: a ProbabilityMap
:param dict imtls: intensity measure types and levels
:param comment: comment to use as header of the exported CSV file
curves = convert_to_array(pmap, sitemesh, imtls)
writers.write_csv(dest, curves, comment=comment)
return [dest]
[docs]def add_imt(fname, imt):
>>> add_imt('/path/to/hcurve_23.csv', 'SA(0.1)')
name = os.path.basename(fname)
newname = re.sub('(_\d+\.)', '-%s\\1' % imt, name)
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fname), newname)
[docs]def export_hcurves_by_imt_csv(key, kind, rlzs_assoc, fname, sitecol, pmap, oq):
Export the curves of the given realization into CSV.
:param key: output_type and export_type
:param kind: a string with the kind of output (realization or statistics)
:param rlzs_assoc: a :class:`openquake.commonlib.source.RlzsAssoc` instance
:param fname: name of the exported file
:param sitecol: site collection
:param pmap: a probability map
:param oq: job.ini parameters
nsites = len(sitecol)
fnames = []
slicedic = oq.imtls.slicedic
for imt, imls in oq.imtls.items():
dest = add_imt(fname, imt)
lst = [('lon', F32), ('lat', F32), ('depth', F32)]
for iml in imls:
lst.append(('%s-%s' % (imt, iml), F32))
hcurves = numpy.zeros(nsites, lst)
for sid, lon, lat, dep in zip(
range(nsites), sitecol.lons, sitecol.lats, sitecol.depths):
poes = pmap.setdefault(sid, 0).array[slicedic[imt]]
hcurves[sid] = (lon, lat, dep) + tuple(poes)
fnames.append(writers.write_csv(dest, hcurves, comment=_comment(
rlzs_assoc, kind, oq.investigation_time) + ',imt=%s' % imt))
return fnames
[docs]def hazard_curve_name(dstore, ekey, kind, rlzs_assoc):
:param calc_id: the calculation ID
:param ekey: the export key
:param kind: the kind of key
:param rlzs_assoc: a RlzsAssoc instance
key, fmt = ekey
prefix = {'hcurves': 'hazard_curve', 'hmaps': 'hazard_map',
'uhs': 'hazard_uhs'}[key]
if kind.startswith('quantile-'): # strip the 7 characters 'hazard_'
fname = dstore.build_fname('quantile_' + prefix[7:], kind[9:], fmt)
fname = dstore.build_fname(prefix, kind, fmt)
return fname
def _comment(rlzs_assoc, kind, investigation_time):
rlz = rlzs_assoc.get_rlz(kind)
if not rlz:
return '%s, investigation_time=%s' % (kind, investigation_time)
return (
'investigation_time=%s' % (
rlz.sm_lt_path, rlz.gsim_lt_path, investigation_time))
[docs]def build_hcurves(getter, imtls, monitor):
with getter.dstore:
pmaps = getter.get_pmaps(getter.sids)
idx = dict(zip(getter.sids, range(len(getter.sids))))
curves = numpy.zeros((len(getter.sids), len(pmaps)), imtls.dt)
for r, pmap in enumerate(pmaps):
for sid in pmap:
curves[idx[sid], r] = pmap[sid].convert(imtls)
return getter.sids, curves
@export.add(('hcurves-rlzs', 'hdf5'))
[docs]def export_hcurves_rlzs(ekey, dstore):
Export all hazard curves in a single .hdf5 file. This is not
recommended, even if this exporter is parallel and very efficient.
I was able to export 6 GB of curves per minute. However for large
calculations it is then impossible to view the .hdf5 file with the
hdfviewer because you will run out of memory. Also, compression is not
enabled, otherwise all the time will be spent in the compression phase
in the controller node with the workers doing nothing.
The recommended way to postprocess large computations is to instantiate
the PmapGetter and to work one block of sites at the time,
discarding what it is not needed. The exporter here is meant for
small/medium calculation and as an example of what you should
implement yourself if you need to postprocess the hazard curves.
oq = dstore['oqparam']
imtls = oq.imtls
rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
pgetter = calc.PmapGetter(dstore, rlzs_assoc)
N = len(sitecol)
R = len(rlzs_assoc.realizations)
fname = dstore.export_path('%s.%s' % ekey)
monitor = performance.Monitor(ekey[0], fname)
size = humansize(dstore.get_attr('poes', 'nbytes'))
logging.info('Reading %s of probability maps', size)
allargs = [(pgetter.new(tile.sids), imtls, monitor)
for tile in sitecol.split_in_tiles(R)]
with hdf5.File(fname, 'w') as f:
f['imtls'] = imtls
dset = f.create_dataset('hcurves-rlzs', (N, R), imtls.dt)
dset.attrs['investigation_time'] = oq.investigation_time
logging.info('Building the hazard curves for %d sites, %d rlzs', N, R)
for sids, allcurves in parallel.Processmap(build_hcurves, allargs):
for sid, curves in zip(sids, allcurves):
dset[sid] = curves
return [fname]
@export.add(('hcurves', 'csv'), ('hmaps', 'csv'), ('uhs', 'csv'))
[docs]def export_hcurves_csv(ekey, dstore):
Exports the hazard curves into several .csv files
:param ekey: export key, i.e. a pair (datastore key, fmt)
:param dstore: datastore object
oq = dstore['oqparam']
rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
sitemesh = get_mesh(sitecol)
key, fmt = ekey
if '/' in key:
key, kind = key.rsplit('/', 1)
ekey = (key, fmt)
kind = ''
fnames = []
if oq.poes:
pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
for kind, hcurves in calc.PmapGetter(dstore).items(kind):
fname = hazard_curve_name(dstore, ekey, kind, rlzs_assoc)
comment = _comment(rlzs_assoc, kind, oq.investigation_time)
if key == 'uhs' and oq.poes and oq.uniform_hazard_spectra:
uhs_curves = calc.make_uhs(
hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes, len(sitemesh))
fname, util.compose_arrays(sitemesh, uhs_curves),
elif key == 'hmaps' and oq.poes and oq.hazard_maps:
hmap = calc.make_hmap(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
export_hazard_csv(ekey, fname, sitemesh, hmap, pdic, comment))
elif key == 'hcurves':
if export.from_db: # called by export_from_db
ekey, kind, rlzs_assoc, fname, sitecol, hcurves, oq))
else: # when exporting directly from the datastore
ekey, fname, sitemesh, hcurves, oq.imtls, comment))
return sorted(fnames)
UHS = collections.namedtuple('UHS', 'imls location')
@export.add(('uhs', 'xml'))
[docs]def export_uhs_xml(ekey, dstore):
oq = dstore['oqparam']
rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
pgetter = calc.PmapGetter(dstore)
sitemesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'].complete)
key, fmt = ekey
fnames = []
periods = [imt for imt in oq.imtls if imt.startswith('SA') or imt == 'PGA']
for kind, hcurves in pgetter.items():
metadata = get_metadata(rlzs_assoc.realizations, kind)
_, periods = calc.get_imts_periods(oq.imtls)
uhs = calc.make_uhs(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes, len(sitemesh))
for poe in oq.poes:
fname = hazard_curve_name(
dstore, ekey, kind + '-%s' % poe, rlzs_assoc)
writer = hazard_writers.UHSXMLWriter(
fname, periods=periods, poe=poe,
investigation_time=oq.investigation_time, **metadata)
data = []
for site, curve in zip(sitemesh, uhs[str(poe)]):
data.append(UHS(curve, Location(site)))
return sorted(fnames)
[docs]class Location(object):
def __init__(self, xyz):
self.x, self.y = tuple(xyz)[:2]
self.wkt = 'POINT(%s %s)' % (self.x, self.y)
HazardCurve = collections.namedtuple('HazardCurve', 'location poes')
HazardMap = collections.namedtuple('HazardMap', 'lon lat iml')
@export.add(('hcurves', 'xml'), ('hcurves', 'geojson'))
[docs]def export_hcurves_xml_json(ekey, dstore):
export_type = ekey[1]
len_ext = len(export_type) + 1
oq = dstore['oqparam']
sitemesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
fnames = []
writercls = (hazard_writers.HazardCurveGeoJSONWriter
if export_type == 'geojson' else
for kind, hcurves in calc.PmapGetter(dstore).items():
if kind.startswith('rlz-'):
rlz = rlzs_assoc.realizations[int(kind[4:])]
smlt_path = '_'.join(rlz.sm_lt_path)
gsimlt_path = rlz.gsim_rlz.uid
smlt_path = ''
gsimlt_path = ''
curves = hcurves.convert(oq.imtls, len(sitemesh))
name = hazard_curve_name(dstore, ekey, kind, rlzs_assoc)
for imt in oq.imtls:
imtype, sa_period, sa_damping = from_string(imt)
fname = name[:-len_ext] + '-' + imt + '.' + export_type
data = [HazardCurve(Location(site), poes[imt])
for site, poes in zip(sitemesh, curves)]
writer = writercls(fname,
imls=oq.imtls[imt], imt=imtype,
sa_period=sa_period, sa_damping=sa_damping,
smlt_path=smlt_path, gsimlt_path=gsimlt_path)
return sorted(fnames)
@export.add(('hmaps', 'xml'), ('hmaps', 'geojson'))
[docs]def export_hmaps_xml_json(ekey, dstore):
export_type = ekey[1]
oq = dstore['oqparam']
sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
sitemesh = get_mesh(sitecol)
rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
fnames = []
writercls = (hazard_writers.HazardMapGeoJSONWriter
if export_type == 'geojson' else
pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
nsites = len(sitemesh)
for kind, hcurves in calc.PmapGetter(dstore).items():
hmaps = calc.make_hmap(
hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes).convert(pdic, nsites)
if kind.startswith('rlz-'):
rlz = rlzs_assoc.realizations[int(kind[4:])]
smlt_path = '_'.join(rlz.sm_lt_path)
gsimlt_path = rlz.gsim_rlz.uid
smlt_path = ''
gsimlt_path = ''
for imt in oq.imtls:
for j, poe in enumerate(oq.poes):
suffix = '-%s-%s' % (poe, imt)
fname = hazard_curve_name(
dstore, ekey, kind + suffix, rlzs_assoc)
data = [HazardMap(site[0], site[1], _extract(hmap, imt, j))
for site, hmap in zip(sitemesh, hmaps)]
writer = writercls(
fname, investigation_time=oq.investigation_time,
imt=imt, poe=poe,
smlt_path=smlt_path, gsimlt_path=gsimlt_path)
return sorted(fnames)
def _extract(hmap, imt, j):
# hmap[imt] can be a tuple or a scalar if j=0
tup = hmap[imt]
if hasattr(tup, '__iter__'):
return tup[j]
assert j == 0
return tup
@export.add(('hcurves', 'npz'))
[docs]def export_hcurves_npz(ekey, dstore):
mesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
imtls = dstore['oqparam'].imtls
fname = dstore.export_path('%s.%s' % ekey)
arr = numpy.zeros(1, imtls.dt)
for imt in imtls:
arr[imt] = imtls[imt]
dic = dict(imtls=arr[0])
for kind, hcurves in calc.PmapGetter(dstore).items():
curves = hcurves.convert(imtls, len(mesh))
dic[kind] = util.compose_arrays(mesh, curves)
savez(fname, **dic)
return [fname]
@export.add(('uhs', 'npz'))
[docs]def export_uhs_npz(ekey, dstore):
oq = dstore['oqparam']
mesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
fname = dstore.export_path('%s.%s' % ekey)
dic = {}
for kind, hcurves in calc.PmapGetter(dstore).items():
uhs_curves = calc.make_uhs(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes, len(mesh))
dic[kind] = util.compose_arrays(mesh, uhs_curves)
savez(fname, **dic)
return [fname]
@export.add(('hmaps', 'npz'))
[docs]def export_hmaps_npz(ekey, dstore):
oq = dstore['oqparam']
mesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
fname = dstore.export_path('%s.%s' % ekey)
dic = {}
for kind, hcurves in calc.PmapGetter(dstore).items():
hmap = calc.make_hmap(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
dic[kind] = convert_to_array(hmap, mesh, pdic)
savez(fname, **dic)
return [fname]
@export.add(('gmf_data', 'xml'))
[docs]def export_gmf(ekey, dstore):
:param ekey: export key, i.e. a pair (datastore key, fmt)
:param dstore: datastore object
sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
oq = dstore['oqparam']
investigation_time = (None if oq.calculation_mode == 'scenario'
else oq.investigation_time)
fmt = ekey[-1]
gmf_data = dstore['gmf_data']
nbytes = gmf_data.attrs['nbytes']
logging.info('Internal size of the GMFs: %s', humansize(nbytes))
if nbytes > GMF_MAX_SIZE:
logging.warn(GMF_WARNING, dstore.hdf5path)
fnames = []
ruptures_by_rlz = collections.defaultdict(list)
for grp_id, gsim in rlzs_assoc:
key = 'grp-%02d' % grp_id
events = dstore['events/' + key]
except KeyError: # source model producing zero ruptures
eventdict = dict(zip(events['eid'], events))
data = gmf_data['%s/%s' % (key, gsim)].value
except KeyError: # no GMFs for the given realization
for rlzi, rlz in enumerate(rlzs_assoc[grp_id, gsim]):
ruptures = ruptures_by_rlz[rlz]
gmf_arr = get_array(data, rlzi=rlzi)
for eid, gmfa in group_array(gmf_arr, 'eid').items():
ses_idx = eventdict[eid]['ses']
rup = Rup(eid, ses_idx, sorted(set(gmfa['sid'])), gmfa)
for rlz in sorted(ruptures_by_rlz):
fname = dstore.build_fname('gmf', rlz, fmt)
globals()['export_gmf_%s' % fmt](
('gmf', fmt), fname, sitecol, oq.imtls, ruptures_by_rlz[rlz],
rlz, investigation_time)
return fnames
Rup = collections.namedtuple('Rup', ['eid', 'ses_idx', 'indices', 'gmfa'])
[docs]def export_gmf_xml(key, dest, sitecol, imts, ruptures, rlz,
:param key: output_type and export_type
:param dest: name of the exported file
:param sitecol: the full site collection
:param imts: the list of intensity measure types
:param ruptures: an ordered list of ruptures
:param rlz: a realization object
:param investigation_time: investigation time (None for scenario)
if hasattr(rlz, 'gsim_rlz'): # event based
smltpath = '_'.join(rlz.sm_lt_path)
gsimpath = rlz.gsim_rlz.uid
else: # scenario
smltpath = ''
gsimpath = rlz.uid
writer = hazard_writers.EventBasedGMFXMLWriter(
dest, sm_lt_path=smltpath, gsim_lt_path=gsimpath)
GmfCollection(sitecol, imts, ruptures, investigation_time))
return {key: [dest]}
@export.add(('gmf_data', 'csv'))
[docs]def export_gmf_data_csv(ekey, dstore):
oq = dstore['oqparam']
rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
if 'scenario' in oq.calculation_mode:
imtls = dstore['oqparam'].imtls
gsims = [str(rlz.gsim_rlz) for rlz in rlzs_assoc.realizations]
n_gmfs = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
fields = ['%03d' % i for i in range(n_gmfs)]
dt = numpy.dtype([(f, F32) for f in fields])
etags, gmfs_ = calc.get_gmfs(dstore)
sitemesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
writer = writers.CsvWriter(fmt='%.5f')
for gsim, gmfa in zip(gsims, gmfs_): # gmfa of shape (N, I, E)
for imti, imt in enumerate(imtls):
gmfs = numpy.zeros(len(gmfa), dt)
for e, event in enumerate(dt.names):
gmfs[event] = gmfa[:, imti, e]
dest = dstore.build_fname('gmf', '%s-%s' % (gsim, imt), 'csv')
data = util.compose_arrays(sitemesh, gmfs)
writer.save(data, dest)
return writer.getsaved()
else: # event based
eid = int(ekey[0].split('/')[1]) if '/' in ekey[0] else None
gmfa = numpy.fromiter(
GmfDataGetter.gen_gmfs(dstore['gmf_data'], rlzs_assoc, eid),
if eid is None: # new format
fname = dstore.build_fname('gmf', 'data', 'csv')
gmfa.sort(order=['rlzi', 'sid', 'eid', 'imti'])
writers.write_csv(fname, gmfa)
return [fname]
# old format for single eid
fnames = []
imts = list(oq.imtls)
for rlzi, array in group_array(gmfa, 'rlzi').items():
rlz = rlzs_assoc.realizations[rlzi]
data, comment = _build_csv_data(
array, rlz, dstore['sitecol'], imts, oq.investigation_time)
fname = dstore.build_fname(
'gmf', '%d-rlz-%03d' % (eid, rlzi), 'csv')
writers.write_csv(fname, data, comment=comment)
return fnames
def _build_csv_data(array, rlz, sitecol, imts, investigation_time):
# lon, lat, gmv_imt1, ..., gmv_imtN
smlt_path = '_'.join(rlz.sm_lt_path)
gsimlt_path = rlz.gsim_rlz.uid
comment = ('smlt_path=%s, gsimlt_path=%s, investigation_time=%s' %
(smlt_path, gsimlt_path, investigation_time))
rows = [['lon', 'lat'] + imts]
irange = range(len(imts))
for sid, data in group_array(array, 'sid').items():
dic = dict(zip(data['imti'], data['gmv']))
row = ['%.5f' % sitecol.lons[sid], '%.5f' % sitecol.lats[sid]] + [
dic.get(imti, 0) for imti in irange]
return rows, comment
@export.add(('gmf_data', 'npz'))
[docs]def export_gmf_scenario_npz(ekey, dstore):
oq = dstore['oqparam']
dic = {}
fname = dstore.export_path('%s.%s' % ekey)
if 'scenario' in oq.calculation_mode:
# compute the GMFs on the fly from the stored rupture
# NB: for visualization purposes we want to export the full mesh
# of points, including the ones outside the maximum distance
# NB2: in the future, I want to add a sitecol output, then the
# visualization of the mesh will be possibile even without the GMFs;
# in the future, here we will change
# sitemesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'], complete=False)
sitecol = dstore['sitecol'].complete
sitemesh = get_mesh(sitecol)
rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
gsims = rlzs_assoc.gsims_by_grp_id[0] # there is a single grp_id
E = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
correl_model = oq.get_correl_model()
[ebrupture] = calc.get_ruptures(dstore, 0)
computer = gmf.GmfComputer(
ebrupture, sitecol, oq.imtls,
gsims, oq.truncation_level, correl_model)
gmf_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, (F32, (E,))) for imt in oq.imtls])
imts = list(oq.imtls)
for gsim in gsims:
arr = computer.compute(gsim, E, oq.random_seed)
I, S, E = arr.shape # #IMTs, #sites, #events
gmfa = numpy.zeros(S, gmf_dt)
for imti, imt in enumerate(imts):
gmfa[imt] = arr[imti]
dic[str(gsim)] = util.compose_arrays(sitemesh, gmfa)
elif 'event_based' in oq.calculation_mode:
dic['sitemesh'] = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
for grp in sorted(dstore['gmf_data']):
for rlzno in sorted(dstore['gmf_data/' + grp]):
dic['rlz-' + rlzno] = dstore[
'gmf_data/%s/%s' % (grp, rlzno)].value
else: # nothing to export
return []
savez(fname, **dic)
return [fname]
DisaggMatrix = collections.namedtuple(
'DisaggMatrix', 'poe iml dim_labels matrix')
@export.add(('disagg', 'xml'))
[docs]def export_disagg_xml(ekey, dstore):
oq = dstore['oqparam']
rlzs = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc().realizations
group = dstore['disagg']
fnames = []
writercls = hazard_writers.DisaggXMLWriter
for key in group:
matrix = dstore['disagg/' + key]
attrs = group[key].attrs
rlz = rlzs[attrs['rlzi']]
poe = attrs['poe']
iml = attrs['iml']
imt, sa_period, sa_damping = from_string(attrs['imt'])
fname = dstore.export_path(key + '.xml')
lon, lat = attrs['location']
# TODO: add poe=poe below
writer = writercls(
fname, investigation_time=oq.investigation_time,
imt=imt, smlt_path='_'.join(rlz.sm_lt_path),
gsimlt_path=rlz.gsim_rlz.uid, lon=lon, lat=lat,
sa_period=sa_period, sa_damping=sa_damping,
data = [
DisaggMatrix(poe, iml, dim_labels, matrix['_'.join(dim_labels)])
for i, dim_labels in enumerate(disagg.pmf_map)]
return sorted(fnames)
# adapted from the nrml_converters
[docs]def save_disagg_to_csv(metadata, matrices):
Save disaggregation matrices to multiple .csv files.
skip_keys = ('Mag', 'Dist', 'Lon', 'Lat', 'Eps', 'TRT')
base_header = ','.join(
'%s=%s' % (key, value) for key, value in metadata.items()
if value is not None and key not in skip_keys)
for disag_tup, (poe, iml, matrix, fname) in matrices.items():
header = '%s,poe=%s,iml=%s\n' % (base_header, poe, iml)
if disag_tup == ('Mag', 'Lon', 'Lat'):
matrix = numpy.swapaxes(matrix, 0, 1)
matrix = numpy.swapaxes(matrix, 1, 2)
disag_tup = ('Lon', 'Lat', 'Mag')
axis = [metadata[v] for v in disag_tup]
header += ','.join(v for v in disag_tup)
header += ',poe'
# compute axis mid points
axis = [(ax[: -1] + ax[1:]) / 2. if ax.dtype == float
else ax for ax in axis]
values = None
if len(axis) == 1:
values = numpy.array([axis[0], matrix.flatten()]).T
grids = numpy.meshgrid(*axis, indexing='ij')
values = [g.flatten() for g in grids]
values = numpy.array(values).T
writers.write_csv(fname, values, comment=header, fmt='%.5E')
@export.add(('disagg', 'csv'))
[docs]def export_disagg_csv(ekey, dstore):
oq = dstore['oqparam']
disagg_outputs = oq.disagg_outputs or valid.disagg_outs
rlzs = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc().realizations
group = dstore['disagg']
fnames = []
for key in group:
matrix = dstore['disagg/' + key]
attrs = group[key].attrs
rlz = rlzs[attrs['rlzi']]
poe = attrs['poe']
iml = attrs['iml']
imt, sa_period, sa_damping = from_string(attrs['imt'])
lon, lat = attrs['location']
metadata = collections.OrderedDict()
# Loads "disaggMatrices" nodes
metadata['smlt_path'] = '_'.join(rlz.sm_lt_path)
metadata['gsimlt_path'] = rlz.gsim_rlz.uid
metadata['imt'] = imt
metadata['investigation_time'] = oq.investigation_time
metadata['lon'] = lon
metadata['lat'] = lat
metadata['Mag'] = attrs['mag_bin_edges']
metadata['Dist'] = attrs['dist_bin_edges']
metadata['Lon'] = attrs['lon_bin_edges']
metadata['Lat'] = attrs['lat_bin_edges']
metadata['Eps'] = attrs['eps_bin_edges']
metadata['TRT'] = attrs['trts']
data = {}
for label in disagg_outputs:
tup = tuple(label.split('_'))
fname = dstore.export_path(key + '_%s.csv' % label)
data[tup] = poe, iml, matrix[label].value, fname
save_disagg_to_csv(metadata, data)
return fnames
@export.add(('realizations', 'csv'))
[docs]def export_realizations(ekey, dstore):
rlzs = dstore[ekey[0]]
data = [['ordinal', 'uid', 'model', 'gsim', 'weight']]
for i, rlz in enumerate(rlzs):
data.append([i, rlz['uid'], rlz['model'], rlz['gsims'], rlz['weight']])
path = dstore.export_path('realizations.csv')
writers.write_csv(path, data, fmt='%s')
return [path]
@export.add(('sourcegroups', 'csv'))
[docs]def export_sourcegroups(ekey, dstore):
csm_info = dstore['csm_info']
data = [['grp_id', 'trt', 'eff_ruptures']]
for i, sm in enumerate(csm_info.source_models):
for src_group in sm.src_groups:
trt = source.capitalize(src_group.trt)
er = src_group.eff_ruptures
data.append((src_group.id, trt, er))
path = dstore.export_path('sourcegroups.csv')
writers.write_csv(path, data, fmt='%s')
return [path]
# because of the code in server.views.calc_results we are not visualizing
# .txt outputs, so we use .rst here
@export.add(('fullreport', 'rst'))
[docs]def export_fullreport(ekey, dstore):
with open(dstore.export_path('report.rst'), 'w') as f:
f.write(view('fullreport', dstore))
return [f.name]