Source code for openquake.commonlib.hazard_writers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Classes for serializing various NRML XML artifacts.
import operator
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy

from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

from openquake.baselib.node import Node, scientificformat, floatformat
from openquake.hazardlib import nrml

by_imt = operator.itemgetter('imt', 'sa_period', 'sa_damping')

SM_TREE_PATH = 'sourceModelTreePath'
GSIM_TREE_PATH = 'gsimTreePath'

#: Maps XML writer constructor keywords to XML attribute names
_ATTR_MAP = OrderedDict([
    ('statistics', 'statistics'),
    ('quantile_value', 'quantileValue'),
    ('smlt_path', 'sourceModelTreePath'),
    ('gsimlt_path', 'gsimTreePath'),
    ('imt', 'IMT'),
    ('investigation_time', 'investigationTime'),
    ('sa_period', 'saPeriod'),
    ('sa_damping', 'saDamping'),
    ('poe', 'poE'),
    ('lon', 'lon'),
    ('lat', 'lat'),


def _validate_hazard_metadata(md):
    Validate metadata `dict` of attributes, which are more or less the same for
    hazard curves, hazard maps, and disaggregation histograms.

    :param dict md:
        `dict` which can contain the following keys:

        * statistics
        * gsimlt_path
        * smlt_path
        * imt
        * sa_period
        * sa_damping

        :exc:`ValueError` if the metadata is not valid.
    if (md.get('statistics') is not None and (
            md.get('smlt_path') is not None or
            md.get('gsimlt_path') is not None)):
        raise ValueError('Cannot specify both `statistics` and logic tree '

    if md.get('statistics') is not None:
        # make sure only valid statistics types are specified
        if md.get('statistics') not in ('mean', 'max', 'quantile'):
            raise ValueError('`statistics` must be either `mean`, `max`, or '
        # must specify both logic tree paths
        if md.get('smlt_path') is None or md.get('gsimlt_path') is None:
            raise ValueError('Both logic tree paths are required for '
                             'non-statistical results')

    if md.get('statistics') == 'quantile':
        if md.get('quantile_value') is None:
            raise ValueError('quantile stastics results require a quantile'
                             ' value to be specified')

    if not md.get('statistics') == 'quantile':
        if md.get('quantile_value') is not None:
            raise ValueError('Quantile value must be specified with '
                             'quantile statistics')

    if md.get('imt') == 'SA':
        if md.get('sa_period') is None:
            raise ValueError('`sa_period` is required for IMT == `SA`')
        if md.get('sa_damping') is None:
            raise ValueError('`sa_damping` is required for IMT == `SA`')

def _set_metadata(element, metadata, attr_map, transform=str):
    Set metadata attributes on a given ``element``.

    :param element:
        :class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` instance
    :param metadata:
        Dictionary of metadata items containing attribute data for ``element``.
    :param attr_map:
        Dictionary mapping of metadata key->attribute name.
    :param transform:
        A function accepting and returning a single value to be applied to each
        attribute value. Defaults to `str`.
    for kw, attr in attr_map.items():
        value = metadata.get(kw)
        if value is not None:
            element.set(attr, transform(value))

[docs]class BaseCurveWriter(object): """ Base class for curve writers. :param dest: File path (including filename) or file-like object for results to be saved to. :param metadata: The following keyword args are required: * investigation_time: Investigation time (in years) defined in the calculation which produced these results. The following are more or less optional (combinational rules noted below where applicable): * statistics: 'mean' or 'quantile' * quantile_value: Only required if statistics = 'quantile'. * smlt_path: String representing the logic tree path which produced these curves. Only required for non-statistical curves. * gsimlt_path: String represeting the GSIM logic tree path which produced these curves. Only required for non-statisical curves. """ def __init__(self, dest, **metadata): self.dest = dest self.metadata = metadata _validate_hazard_metadata(metadata)
[docs] def serialize(self, _data): """ Implement in subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class HazardCurveXMLWriter(BaseCurveWriter): """ Hazard Curve XML writer. See :class:`BaseCurveWriter` for a list of general constructor inputs. The following additional metadata params are required: * imt: Intensity measure type used to compute these hazard curves. * imls: Intensity measure levels, which represent the x-axis values of each curve. The following parameters are optional: * sa_period: Only used with imt = 'SA'. * sa_damping: Only used with imt = 'SA'. """
[docs] def serialize(self, data): """ Write a sequence of hazard curves to the specified file. :param data: Iterable of hazard curve data. Each datum must be an object with the following attributes: * poes: A list of probability of exceedence values (floats). * location: An object representing the location of the curve; must have `x` and `y` to represent lon and lat, respectively. """ with open(self.dest, 'wb') as fh: root = et.Element('nrml') self.add_hazard_curves(root, self.metadata, data) nrml.write(list(root), fh)
[docs] def add_hazard_curves(self, root, metadata, data): """ Add hazard curves stored into `data` as child of the `root` element with `metadata`. See the documentation of the method `serialize` and the constructor for a description of `data` and `metadata`, respectively. """ hazard_curves = et.SubElement(root, 'hazardCurves') _set_metadata(hazard_curves, metadata, _ATTR_MAP) imls_elem = et.SubElement(hazard_curves, 'IMLs') imls_elem.text = ' '.join(map(scientificformat, metadata['imls'])) gml_ns = nrml.SERIALIZE_NS_MAP['gml'] for hc in data: hc_elem = et.SubElement(hazard_curves, 'hazardCurve') gml_point = et.SubElement(hc_elem, '{%s}Point' % gml_ns) gml_pos = et.SubElement(gml_point, '{%s}pos' % gml_ns) gml_pos.text = '%s %s' % (hc.location.x, hc.location.y) poes_elem = et.SubElement(hc_elem, 'poEs') poes_elem.text = ' '.join(map(scientificformat, hc.poes))
[docs]def gen_gmfs(gmf_set): """ Generate GMF nodes from a gmf_set :param gmf_set: a sequence of GMF objects with attributes imt, sa_period, sa_damping, rupture_id and containing a list of GMF nodes with attributes gmv and location. The nodes are sorted by lon/lat. """ for gmf in gmf_set: gmf_node = Node('gmf') gmf_node['IMT'] = gmf.imt if gmf.imt == 'SA': gmf_node['saPeriod'] = str(gmf.sa_period) gmf_node['saDamping'] = str(gmf.sa_damping) gmf_node['ruptureId'] = gmf.rupture_id sorted_nodes = sorted(gmf) gmf_node.nodes = ( Node('node', dict(gmv=n.gmv, lon=n.location.x, lat=n.location.y)) for n in sorted_nodes) yield gmf_node
[docs]class EventBasedGMFXMLWriter(object): """ :param dest: File path (including filename) or a file-like object for XML results to be saved to. :param str sm_lt_path: Source model logic tree branch identifier of the logic tree realization which produced this collection of ground motion fields. :param gsim_lt_path: GSIM logic tree branch identifier of the logic tree realization which produced this collection of ground motion fields. """ def __init__(self, dest, sm_lt_path, gsim_lt_path): self.dest = dest self.sm_lt_path = sm_lt_path self.gsim_lt_path = gsim_lt_path # we want at least 1+7 digits of precision
[docs] def serialize(self, data, fmt='%10.7E'): """ Serialize a collection of ground motion fields to XML. :param data: An iterable of "GMF set" objects. Each "GMF set" object should: * have an `investigation_time` attribute * have an `stochastic_event_set_id` attribute * be iterable, yielding a sequence of "GMF" objects Each "GMF" object should: * have an `imt` attribute * have an `sa_period` attribute (only if `imt` is 'SA') * have an `sa_damping` attribute (only if `imt` is 'SA') * have a `rupture_id` attribute (to indicate which rupture contributed to this gmf) * be iterable, yielding a sequence of "GMF node" objects Each "GMF node" object should have: * a `gmv` attribute (to indicate the ground motion value * `lon` and `lat` attributes (to indicate the geographical location of the ground motion field) """ gmf_set_nodes = [] for gmf_set in data: gmf_set_node = Node('gmfSet') if gmf_set.investigation_time: gmf_set_node['investigationTime'] = str( gmf_set.investigation_time) gmf_set_node['stochasticEventSetId'] = str( gmf_set.stochastic_event_set_id) gmf_set_node.nodes = gen_gmfs(gmf_set) gmf_set_nodes.append(gmf_set_node) gmf_container = Node('gmfCollection') gmf_container[SM_TREE_PATH] = self.sm_lt_path gmf_container[GSIM_TREE_PATH] = self.gsim_lt_path gmf_container.nodes = gmf_set_nodes with open(self.dest, 'wb') as dest: nrml.write([gmf_container], dest, fmt)
[docs]def sub_elems(elem, rup, *names): for name in names: et.SubElement(elem, name).text = '%.7e' % getattr(rup, name)
[docs]def rupture_to_element(rup, parent=None): """ Convert a rupture object into an Element object. :param rup: must have attributes .rupid, .events_by_ses and .seed :param parent: parent of the returned element, or None """ if parent is None: parent = et.Element('root') rup_elem = et.SubElement(parent, rup.typology) elem = et.SubElement(rup_elem, 'stochasticEventSets') for ses in rup.events_by_ses: eids = rup.events_by_ses[ses]['eid'] ses_elem = et.SubElement(elem, 'SES', id=ses) ses_elem.text = ' '.join(str(eid) for eid in eids) rup_elem.set('id', rup.rupid) rup_elem.set('multiplicity', str(rup.multiplicity)) sub_elems(rup_elem, rup, 'magnitude', 'strike', 'dip', 'rake') h = rup.hypocenter et.SubElement(rup_elem, 'hypocenter', dict(lon=h.x, lat=h.y, depth=h.z)) if rup.is_from_fault_source: # rup is from a simple or complex fault source # the rup geometry is represented by a mesh of 3D # points mesh_elem = et.SubElement(rup_elem, 'mesh') # we assume the mesh components (lons, lats, depths) # are of uniform shape for i, row in enumerate(rup.lons): for j, col in enumerate(row): node_elem = et.SubElement(mesh_elem, 'node') node_elem.set('row', str(i)) node_elem.set('col', str(j)) node_elem.set('lon', str(rup.lons[i][j])) node_elem.set('lat', str(rup.lats[i][j])) node_elem.set('depth', str(rup.depths[i][j])) # if we never entered the loop above, it's possible # that i and j will be undefined mesh_elem.set('rows', str(i + 1)) mesh_elem.set('cols', str(j + 1)) else: # rupture is from a multi surface fault source if rup.is_multi_surface: # the arrays lons, lats and depths contain 4*N elements, # where N is the number of planar surfaces contained in the # multisurface; each planar surface if characterised by 4 # vertices top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right assert len(rup.lons) % 4 == 0 assert len(rup.lons) == len(rup.lats) == len(rup.depths) for offset in range(len(rup.lons) / 4): # looping on the coordinates of the sub surfaces, one # planar surface at the time start = offset * 4 end = offset * 4 + 4 lons = rup.lons[start:end] # 4 lons of the current surface lats = rup.lats[start:end] # 4 lats of the current surface depths = rup.depths[start:end] # 4 depths ps_elem = et.SubElement( rup_elem, 'planarSurface') top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right = \ zip(lons, lats, depths) for el_name, corner in ( ('topLeft', top_left), ('topRight', top_right), ('bottomLeft', bottom_left), ('bottomRight', bottom_right)): corner_elem = et.SubElement(ps_elem, el_name) corner_elem.set('lon', '%.7f' % corner[0]) corner_elem.set('lat', '%.7f' % corner[1]) corner_elem.set('depth', '%.7f' % corner[2]) else: # rupture is from a point or area source # the rupture geometry is represented by four 3D # corner points ps_elem = et.SubElement(rup_elem, 'planarSurface') # create the corner point elements, in the order of: # * top left # * top right # * bottom left # * bottom right for el_name, corner in ( ('topLeft', rup.top_left_corner), ('topRight', rup.top_right_corner), ('bottomLeft', rup.bottom_left_corner), ('bottomRight', rup.bottom_right_corner)): corner_elem = et.SubElement(ps_elem, el_name) corner_elem.set('lon', '%.7f' % corner[0]) corner_elem.set('lat', '%.7f' % corner[1]) corner_elem.set('depth', '%.7f' % corner[2]) return parent
[docs]class SESXMLWriter(object): """ :param dest: File path (including filename) or a file-like object for XML results to be saved to. :param str sm_lt_path: Source model logic tree branch identifier of the logic tree realization which produced this collection of stochastic event sets. :param gsim_lt_path: GSIM logic tree branch identifier of the logic tree realization which produced this collection of stochastic event sets. """ def __init__(self, dest): self.dest = dest
[docs] def serialize(self, data, investigation_time): """ Serialize a collection of stochastic event sets to XML. :param data: A dictionary src_group_id -> list of :class:`openquake.commonlib.calc.Rupture` objects. Each Rupture should have the following attributes: * `rupid` * `events_by_ses` * `magnitude` * `strike` * `dip` * `rake` * `tectonic_region_type` * `is_from_fault_source` (a `bool`) * `is_multi_surface` (a `bool`) * `lons` * `lats` * `depths` If `is_from_fault_source` is `True`, the rupture originated from a simple or complex fault sources. In this case, `lons`, `lats`, and `depths` should all be 2D arrays (of uniform shape). These coordinate triples represent nodes of the rupture mesh. If `is_from_fault_source` is `False`, the rupture originated from a point or area source. In this case, the rupture is represented by a quadrilateral planar surface. This planar surface is defined by 3D vertices. In this case, the rupture should have the following attributes: * `top_left_corner` * `top_right_corner` * `bottom_right_corner` * `bottom_left_corner` Each of these should be a triple of `lon`, `lat`, `depth`. If `is_multi_surface` is `True`, the rupture originated from a multi-surface source. In this case, `lons`, `lats`, and `depths` should have uniform length. The length should be a multiple of 4, where each segment of 4 represents the corner points of a planar surface in the following order: * top left * top right * bottom left * bottom right Each of these should be a triple of `lon`, `lat`, `depth`. :param investigation_time: Investigation time parameter specified in the job.ini """ with open(self.dest, 'wb') as fh: root = et.Element('nrml') ses_container = et.SubElement(root, 'ruptureCollection') ses_container.set('investigationTime', str(investigation_time)) for grp_id in sorted(data): attrs = dict( id=grp_id, tectonicRegion=data[grp_id][0].tectonic_region_type) sg = et.SubElement(ses_container, 'ruptureGroup', attrs) for rupture in data[grp_id]: rupture_to_element(rupture, sg) nrml.write(list(root), fh)
[docs]class HazardMapWriter(object): """ :param dest: File path (including filename) or a file-like object for results to be saved to. :param metadata: The following keyword args are required: * investigation_time: Investigation time (in years) defined in the calculation which produced these results. * imt: Intensity measure type used to compute these hazard curves. * poe: The Probability of Exceedance level for which this hazard map was produced. The following are more or less optional (combinational rules noted below where applicable): * statistics: 'mean' or 'quantile' * quantile_value: Only required if statistics = 'quantile'. * smlt_path: String representing the logic tree path which produced these curves. Only required for non-statistical curves. * gsimlt_path: String represeting the GSIM logic tree path which produced these curves. Only required for non-statisical curves. * sa_period: Only used with imt = 'SA'. * sa_damping: Only used with imt = 'SA'. """ def __init__(self, dest, **metadata): self.dest = dest self.metadata = metadata _validate_hazard_metadata(metadata)
[docs] def serialize(self, data): """ Write a sequence of hazard map data to the specified file. :param data: Iterable of hazard map data. Each datum should be a triple of (lon, lat, iml) values. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class HazardMapXMLWriter(HazardMapWriter): """ NRML/XML implementation of a :class:`HazardMapWriter`. See :class:`HazardMapWriter` for information about constructor parameters. """
[docs] def serialize(self, data): """ Serialize hazard map data to XML. See :meth:`HazardMapWriter.serialize` for details about the expected input. """ with open(self.dest, 'wb') as fh: root = et.Element('nrml') hazard_map = et.SubElement(root, 'hazardMap') _set_metadata(hazard_map, self.metadata, _ATTR_MAP) for lon, lat, iml in data: node = et.SubElement(hazard_map, 'node') node.set('lon', str(lon)) node.set('lat', str(lat)) node.set('iml', str(iml)) nrml.write(list(root), fh)
[docs]class DisaggXMLWriter(object): """ :param dest: File path (including filename) or file-like object for XML results to be saved to. :param metadata: The following keyword args are required: * investigation_time: Investigation time (in years) defined in the calculation which produced these results. * imt: Intensity measure type used to compute these matrices. * lon, lat: Longitude and latitude associated with these results. The following attributes define dimension context for the result matrices: * mag_bin_edges: List of magnitude bin edges (floats) * dist_bin_edges: List of distance bin edges (floats) * lon_bin_edges: List of longitude bin edges (floats) * lat_bin_edges: List of latitude bin edges (floats) * eps_bin_edges: List of epsilon bin edges (floats) * tectonic_region_types: List of tectonic region types (strings) * smlt_path: String representing the logic tree path which produced these results. Only required for non-statistical results. * gsimlt_path: String represeting the GSIM logic tree path which produced these results. Only required for non-statistical results. The following are optional, depending on the `imt`: * sa_period: Only used with imt = 'SA'. * sa_damping: Only used with imt = 'SA'. """ #: Maps metadata keywords to XML attribute names for bin edge information #: passed to the constructor. #: The dict here is an `OrderedDict` so as to give consistent ordering of #: result attributes. BIN_EDGE_ATTR_MAP = OrderedDict([ ('mag_bin_edges', 'magBinEdges'), ('dist_bin_edges', 'distBinEdges'), ('lon_bin_edges', 'lonBinEdges'), ('lat_bin_edges', 'latBinEdges'), ('eps_bin_edges', 'epsBinEdges'), ('tectonic_region_types', 'tectonicRegionTypes'), ]) DIM_LABEL_TO_BIN_EDGE_MAP = dict([ ('Mag', 'mag_bin_edges'), ('Dist', 'dist_bin_edges'), ('Lon', 'lon_bin_edges'), ('Lat', 'lat_bin_edges'), ('Eps', 'eps_bin_edges'), ('TRT', 'tectonic_region_types'), ]) def __init__(self, dest, **metadata): self.dest = dest self.metadata = metadata _validate_hazard_metadata(self.metadata)
[docs] def serialize(self, data): """ :param data: A sequence of data where each datum has the following attributes: * matrix: N-dimensional numpy array containing the disaggregation histogram. * dim_labels: A list of strings which label the dimensions of a given histogram. For example, for a Magnitude-Distance-Epsilon histogram, we would expect `dim_labels` to be ``['Mag', 'Dist', 'Eps']``. * poe: The disaggregation Probability of Exceedance level for which these results were produced. * iml: Intensity measure level, interpolated from the source hazard curve at the given ``poe``. """ with open(self.dest, 'wb') as fh, floatformat('%.6E'): root = et.Element('nrml') diss_matrices = et.SubElement(root, 'disaggMatrices') _set_metadata(diss_matrices, self.metadata, _ATTR_MAP) transform = lambda val: ', '.join(map(scientificformat, val)) _set_metadata(diss_matrices, self.metadata, self.BIN_EDGE_ATTR_MAP, transform=transform) for result in data: diss_matrix = et.SubElement(diss_matrices, 'disaggMatrix') # Check that we have bin edges defined for each dimension label # (mag, dist, lon, lat, eps, TRT) for label in result.dim_labels: bin_edge_attr = self.DIM_LABEL_TO_BIN_EDGE_MAP.get(label) assert self.metadata.get(bin_edge_attr) is not None, ( "Writer is missing '%s' metadata" % bin_edge_attr ) result_type = ','.join(result.dim_labels) diss_matrix.set('type', result_type) dims = ','.join(str(x) for x in result.matrix.shape) diss_matrix.set('dims', dims) diss_matrix.set('poE', scientificformat(result.poe)) diss_matrix.set('iml', scientificformat(result.iml)) for idxs, value in numpy.ndenumerate(result.matrix): prob = et.SubElement(diss_matrix, 'prob') index = ','.join([str(x) for x in idxs]) prob.set('index', index) prob.set('value', scientificformat(value)) nrml.write(list(root), fh)
[docs]class UHSXMLWriter(BaseCurveWriter): """ UHS curve XML writer. See :class:`BaseCurveWriter` for a list of general constructor inputs. The following additional metadata params are required: * poe: Probability of exceedance for which a given set of UHS have been computed * periods: A list of SA (Spectral Acceleration) period values, sorted ascending order """ def __init__(self, dest, **metadata): super(UHSXMLWriter, self).__init__(dest, **metadata) if self.metadata.get('poe') is None: raise ValueError('`poe` keyword arg is required') periods = self.metadata.get('periods') if periods is None: raise ValueError('`periods` keyword arg is required') if len(periods) == 0: raise ValueError('`periods` must contain at least one value') if not sorted(periods) == periods: raise ValueError( '`periods` values must be sorted in ascending order' )
[docs] def serialize(self, data): """ Write a sequence of uniform hazard spectra to the specified file. :param data: Iterable of UHS data. Each datum must be an object with the following attributes: * imls: A sequence of Intensity Measure Levels * location: An object representing the location of the curve; must have `x` and `y` to represent lon and lat, respectively. """ gml_ns = nrml.SERIALIZE_NS_MAP['gml'] with open(self.dest, 'wb') as fh: root = et.Element('nrml') uh_spectra = et.SubElement(root, 'uniformHazardSpectra') _set_metadata(uh_spectra, self.metadata, _ATTR_MAP) periods_elem = et.SubElement(uh_spectra, 'periods') periods_elem.text = ' '.join([str(x) for x in self.metadata['periods']]) for uhs in data: uhs_elem = et.SubElement(uh_spectra, 'uhs') gml_point = et.SubElement(uhs_elem, '{%s}Point' % gml_ns) gml_pos = et.SubElement(gml_point, '{%s}pos' % gml_ns) gml_pos.text = '%s %s' % (uhs.location.x, uhs.location.y) imls_elem = et.SubElement(uhs_elem, 'IMLs') imls_elem.text = ' '.join(['%10.7E' % x for x in uhs.imls]) nrml.write(list(root), fh)