Source code for openquake.risklib.riskmodels

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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from __future__ import division
import inspect
import functools
import numpy

from openquake.baselib import hdf5
from openquake.baselib.general import CallableDict
from openquake.risklib import utils, scientific, valid

U32 = numpy.uint32
F32 = numpy.float32
registry = CallableDict()

[docs]class CostCalculator(object): """ Return the value of an asset for the given loss type depending on the cost types declared in the exposure, as follows: case 1: cost type: aggregated: cost = economic value case 2: cost type: per asset: cost * number (of assets) = economic value case 3: cost type: per area and area type: aggregated: cost * area = economic value case 4: cost type: per area and area type: per asset: cost * area * number = economic value The same "formula" applies to retrofitting cost. """ def __init__(self, cost_types, area_types, units, deduct_abs=True, limit_abs=True): if set(cost_types) != set(area_types): raise ValueError('cost_types has keys %s, area_types has keys %s' % (sorted(cost_types), sorted(area_types))) for ct in cost_types.values(): assert ct in ('aggregated', 'per_asset', 'per_area'), ct for at in area_types.values(): assert at in ('aggregated', 'per_asset'), at self.cost_types = cost_types self.area_types = area_types self.units = units self.deduct_abs = deduct_abs self.limit_abs = limit_abs def __call__(self, loss_type, values, area, number): cost = values[loss_type] if cost is None: return numpy.nan cost_type = self.cost_types[loss_type] if cost_type == "aggregated": return cost if cost_type == "per_asset": return cost * number if cost_type == "per_area": area_type = self.area_types[loss_type] if area_type == "aggregated": return cost * area elif area_type == "per_asset": return cost * area * number # this should never happen raise RuntimeError('Unable to compute cost') def __toh5__(self): loss_types = sorted(self.cost_types) dt = numpy.dtype([('cost_type', hdf5.vstr), ('area_type', hdf5.vstr), ('unit', hdf5.vstr)]) array = numpy.zeros(len(loss_types), dt) array['cost_type'] = [self.cost_types[lt] for lt in loss_types] array['area_type'] = [self.area_types[lt] for lt in loss_types] array['unit'] = [self.units[lt] for lt in loss_types] attrs = dict(deduct_abs=self.deduct_abs, limit_abs=self.limit_abs, loss_types=hdf5.array_of_vstr(loss_types)) return array, attrs def __fromh5__(self, array, attrs): vars(self).update(attrs) self.cost_types = dict(zip(self.loss_types, array['cost_type'])) self.area_types = dict(zip(self.loss_types, array['area_type'])) self.units = dict(zip(self.loss_types, array['unit'])) def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, vars(self))
costcalculator = CostCalculator( cost_types=dict(structural='per_area'), area_types=dict(structural='per_asset'), units=dict(structural='EUR'))
[docs]class Asset(object): """ Describe an Asset as a collection of several values. A value can represent a replacement cost (e.g. structural cost, business interruption cost) or another quantity that can be considered for a risk analysis (e.g. occupants). Optionally, a Asset instance can hold also a collection of deductible values and insured limits considered for insured losses calculations. """ def __init__(self, asset_id, taxonomy, number, location, values, area=1, deductibles=None, insurance_limits=None, retrofitteds=None, calc=costcalculator, ordinal=None): """ :param asset_id: an unique identifier of the assets within the given exposure :param taxonomy: asset taxonomy :param number: number of apartments of number of people in the given asset :param location: geographic location of the asset :param dict values: asset values keyed by loss types :param dict deductible: deductible values (expressed as a percentage relative to the value of the asset) keyed by loss types :param dict insurance_limits: insured limits values (expressed as a percentage relative to the value of the asset) keyed by loss types :param dict retrofitteds: asset retrofitting values keyed by loss types :param calc: cost calculator instance :param ordinal: asset collection ordinal """ = asset_id self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.number = number self.location = location self.values = values self.area = area self.retrofitteds = retrofitteds self.deductibles = deductibles self.insurance_limits = insurance_limits self.calc = calc self.ordinal = ordinal self._cost = {} # cache for the costs
[docs] def value(self, loss_type, time_event=None): """ :returns: the total asset value for `loss_type` """ if loss_type == 'occupants': return self.values['occupants_' + str(time_event)] try: val = self._cost[loss_type] except KeyError: val = self.calc(loss_type, self.values, self.area, self.number) self._cost[loss_type] = val return val
[docs] def deductible(self, loss_type): """ :returns: the deductible fraction of the asset cost for `loss_type` """ val = self.calc(loss_type, self.deductibles, self.area, self.number) if self.calc.deduct_abs: # convert to relative value return val / self.calc(loss_type, self.values, self.area, self.number) else: return val
[docs] def insurance_limit(self, loss_type): """ :returns: the limit fraction of the asset cost for `loss_type` """ val = self.calc(loss_type, self.insurance_limits, self.area, self.number) if self.calc.limit_abs: # convert to relative value return val / self.calc(loss_type, self.values, self.area, self.number) else: return val
[docs] def retrofitted(self, loss_type, time_event=None): """ :returns: the asset retrofitted value for `loss_type` """ if loss_type == 'occupants': return self.values['occupants_' + str(time_event)] return self.calc(loss_type, self.retrofitteds, self.area, self.number)
def __lt__(self, other): return < def __repr__(self): return '<Asset %s>' %
[docs]def get_values(loss_type, assets, time_event=None): """ :returns: a numpy array with the values for the given assets, depending on the loss_type. """ return numpy.array([a.value(loss_type, time_event) for a in assets])
[docs]class RiskModel(object): """ Base class. Can be used in the tests as a mock. """ time_event = None # used in scenario_risk compositemodel = None # set by get_risk_model kind = None # must be set in subclasses def __init__(self, taxonomy, risk_functions): self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = risk_functions @property def loss_types(self): """ The list of loss types in the underlying vulnerability functions, in lexicographic order """ return sorted(self.risk_functions)
[docs] def get_loss_types(self, imt): """ :param imt: Intensity Measure Type string :returns: loss types with risk functions of the given imt """ return [lt for lt in self.loss_types if self.risk_functions[lt].imt == imt]
def __repr__(self): return '<%s%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, list(self.risk_functions))
[docs]def rescale(curves, values): """ Multiply the losses in each curve of kind (losses, poes) by the corresponding value. """ n = len(curves) assert n == len(values), (n, len(values)) losses = [curves[i, 0] * values[i] for i in range(n)] poes = curves[:, 1] return numpy.array([[losses[i], poes[i]] for i in range(n)])
@registry.add('classical_risk', 'classical', 'disaggregation')
[docs]class Classical(RiskModel): """ Classical PSHA-Based RiskModel. 1) Compute loss curves, loss maps for each realization. 2) Compute (if more than one realization is given) mean and quantiles loss curves and maps. Per-realization Outputs contain the following fields: :attr assets: an iterable over N assets the outputs refer to :attr loss_curves: a numpy array of N loss curves. If the curve resolution is C, the final shape of the array will be (N, 2, C), where the `two` accounts for the losses/poes dimensions :attr average_losses: a numpy array of N average loss values :attr insured_curves: a numpy array of N insured loss curves, shaped (N, 2, C) :attr average_insured_losses: a numpy array of N average insured loss values :attr loss_maps: a numpy array of P elements holding N loss maps where P is the number of `conditional_loss_poes` considered. Shape: (P, N) The statistical outputs are stored into :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Output`, which holds the following fields: :attr assets: an iterable of N assets the outputs refer to :attr mean_curves: A numpy array with N mean loss curves. Shape: (N, 2) :attr mean_average_losses: A numpy array with N mean average loss values :attr mean_maps: A numpy array with P mean loss maps. Shape: (P, N) :attr mean_fractions: A numpy array with F mean fractions, where F is the number of PoEs used for disaggregation. Shape: (F, N) :attr quantile_curves: A numpy array with Q quantile curves (Q = number of quantiles). Shape: (Q, N, 2, C) :attr quantile_average_losses: A numpy array shaped (Q, N) with average losses :attr quantile_maps: A numpy array with Q quantile maps shaped (Q, P, N) :attr quantile_fractions: A numpy array with Q quantile maps shaped (Q, F, N) :attr mean_insured_curves: A numpy array with N mean insured loss curves. Shape: (N, 2) :attr mean_average_insured_losses: A numpy array with N mean average insured loss values :attr quantile_insured_curves: A numpy array with Q quantile insured curves (Q = number of quantiles). Shape: (Q, N, 2, C) :attr quantile_average_insured_losses: A numpy array shaped (Q, N) with average insured losses """ kind = 'vulnerability' def __init__(self, taxonomy, vulnerability_functions, hazard_imtls, lrem_steps_per_interval, conditional_loss_poes, poes_disagg, insured_losses=False): """ :param imt: Intensity Measure Type for this riskmodel :param taxonomy: Taxonomy for this riskmodel :param vulnerability_functions: Dictionary of vulnerability functions by loss type :param hazard_imtls: The intensity measure types and levels of the hazard computation :param lrem_steps_per_interval: Configuration parameter :param poes_disagg: Configuration parameter :param poes_disagg: Probability of Exceedance levels used for disaggregate losses by taxonomy. :param bool insured_losses: True if insured loss curves should be computed See :func:`openquake.risklib.scientific.classical` for a description of the other parameters. """ self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = vulnerability_functions self.hazard_imtls = hazard_imtls self.lrem_steps_per_interval = lrem_steps_per_interval self.conditional_loss_poes = conditional_loss_poes self.poes_disagg = poes_disagg self.insured_losses = insured_losses self.loss_ratios = { lt: vf.mean_loss_ratios_with_steps(lrem_steps_per_interval) for lt, vf in vulnerability_functions.items()} def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, hazard_curve, _eps=None): """ :param str loss_type: the loss type considered :param assets: assets is an iterator over N :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Asset` instances :param hazard_curve: an array of poes :param _eps: ignored, here only for API compatibility with other calculators :returns: a :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Classical.Output` instance. """ n = len(assets) vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type] imls = self.hazard_imtls[vf.imt] curves = [scientific.classical( vf, imls, hazard_curve, self.lrem_steps_per_interval)] * n average_losses = utils.numpy_map(scientific.average_loss, curves) maps = scientific.loss_map_matrix(self.conditional_loss_poes, curves) values = get_values(loss_type, assets) if self.insured_losses and loss_type != 'occupants': deductibles = [a.deductible(loss_type) for a in assets] limits = [a.insurance_limit(loss_type) for a in assets] insured_curves = rescale( utils.numpy_map(scientific.insured_loss_curve, curves, deductibles, limits), values) average_insured_losses = utils.numpy_map( scientific.average_loss, insured_curves) else: insured_curves = None average_insured_losses = None return scientific.Output( assets, loss_type, loss_curves=rescale(numpy.array(curves), values), average_losses=values * average_losses, insured_curves=insured_curves, average_insured_losses=average_insured_losses, loss_maps=values * maps)
@registry.add('event_based_risk', 'event_based', 'event_based_rupture')
[docs]class ProbabilisticEventBased(RiskModel): """ Implements the Probabilistic Event Based riskmodel Per-realization Output are saved into :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.ProbabilisticEventBased.Output` which contains the several fields: :attr assets: an iterable over N assets the outputs refer to :attr loss_matrix: an array of losses shaped N x T (where T is the number of events) :attr loss_curves: a numpy array of N loss curves. If the curve resolution is C, the final shape of the array will be (N, 2, C), where the `two` accounts for the losses/poes dimensions :attr average_losses: a numpy array of N average loss values :attr stddev_losses: a numpy array holding N standard deviation of losses :attr insured_curves: a numpy array of N insured loss curves, shaped (N, 2, C) :attr average_insured_losses: a numpy array of N average insured loss values :attr stddev_insured_losses: a numpy array holding N standard deviation of losses :attr loss_maps: a numpy array of P elements holding N loss maps where P is the number of `conditional_loss_poes` considered. Shape: (P, N) :attr dict event_loss_table: a dictionary mapping event ids to aggregate loss values The statistical outputs are stored into :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Output` objects. """ kind = 'vulnerability' def __init__( self, taxonomy, vulnerability_functions, loss_curve_resolution, conditional_loss_poes, insured_losses=False): """ See :func:`openquake.risklib.scientific.event_based` for a description of the input parameters. """ self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = vulnerability_functions self.loss_curve_resolution = loss_curve_resolution self.conditional_loss_poes = conditional_loss_poes self.insured_losses = insured_losses def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, gmvs_eids, epsgetter): """ :param str loss_type: the loss type considered :param assets: a list of assets on the same site and with the same taxonomy :param gmvs_eids: a composite array of E elements with fields 'gmv' and 'eid' :param epsgetter: a callable returning the correct epsilons for the given gmvs :returns: a :class: `openquake.risklib.scientific.ProbabilisticEventBased.Output` instance. """ gmvs, eids = gmvs_eids['gmv'], gmvs_eids['eid'] E = len(gmvs) I = self.insured_losses + 1 N = len(assets) loss_ratios = numpy.zeros((N, E, I), F32) vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type] means, covs, idxs = vf.interpolate(gmvs) for i, asset in enumerate(assets): epsilons = epsgetter(asset.ordinal, eids) if epsilons is not None: ratios = vf.sample(means, covs, idxs, epsilons) else: ratios = means loss_ratios[i, idxs, 0] = ratios if self.insured_losses and loss_type != 'occupants': loss_ratios[i, idxs, 1] = scientific.insured_losses( ratios, asset.deductible(loss_type), asset.insurance_limit(loss_type)) return scientific.Output( assets, loss_type, loss_ratios=loss_ratios, eids=eids)
@registry.add('ebrisk', 'ucerf_risk', 'ucerf_risk_fast')
[docs]class EventBasedReduced(RiskModel): """ Implements the reduced event based riskmodel. This is used by the EbrCalculator, a much simplified calculator that ignores asset correlation and insured losses, cannot compute the event loss table, nor the average losses, nor the loss curves. The only output returned is the total loss. """ kind = 'vulnerability' def __init__(self, taxonomy, vulnerability_functions, time_event): self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = vulnerability_functions self.time_event = time_event def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, gmvs_eids, epsgetter=None): """ :param str loss_type: the loss type considered :param assets: a list of assets on the same site and with the same taxonomy :param gmvs_eids: a composite array of E elements with fields 'gmv' and 'eid' :param epsgetter: ignored :returns: a :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Output` instance with the total losses """ vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type] gmvs, eids = gmvs_eids['gmv'], gmvs_eids['eid'] alosses = numpy.zeros(len(assets)) elosses = numpy.zeros(len(gmvs)) for i, asset in enumerate(assets): ratios, _covs, idxs = vf.interpolate(gmvs) losses = ratios * asset.value(loss_type, self.time_event) alosses[i] = losses.sum() elosses[idxs] += losses return scientific.Output( assets, loss_type, alosses=alosses, elosses=elosses, eids=eids)
[docs]class ClassicalBCR(RiskModel): kind = 'vulnerability' def __init__(self, taxonomy, vulnerability_functions_orig, vulnerability_functions_retro, hazard_imtls, lrem_steps_per_interval, interest_rate, asset_life_expectancy): self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = vulnerability_functions_orig self.retro_functions = vulnerability_functions_retro self.assets = None # set a __call__ time self.interest_rate = interest_rate self.asset_life_expectancy = asset_life_expectancy self.hazard_imtls = hazard_imtls self.lrem_steps_per_interval = lrem_steps_per_interval def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, hazard, _eps=None, _eids=None): """ :param loss_type: the loss type :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy :param hazard: an hazard curve :param _eps: dummy parameter, unused :param _eids: dummy parameter, unused :returns: a :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Output` instance """ n = len(assets) self.assets = assets vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type] imls = self.hazard_imtls[vf.imt] vf_retro = self.retro_functions[loss_type] curves_orig = functools.partial(scientific.classical, vf, imls, steps=self.lrem_steps_per_interval) curves_retro = functools.partial(scientific.classical, vf_retro, imls, steps=self.lrem_steps_per_interval) original_loss_curves = utils.numpy_map(curves_orig, [hazard] * n) retrofitted_loss_curves = utils.numpy_map(curves_retro, [hazard] * n) eal_original = utils.numpy_map( scientific.average_loss, original_loss_curves) eal_retrofitted = utils.numpy_map( scientific.average_loss, retrofitted_loss_curves) bcr_results = [ scientific.bcr( eal_original[i], eal_retrofitted[i], self.interest_rate, self.asset_life_expectancy, asset.value(loss_type), asset.retrofitted(loss_type)) for i, asset in enumerate(assets)] return scientific.Output( assets, loss_type, data=list(zip(eal_original, eal_retrofitted, bcr_results)))
@registry.add('scenario_risk', 'scenario')
[docs]class Scenario(RiskModel): """ Implements the Scenario riskmodel """ kind = 'vulnerability' def __init__(self, taxonomy, vulnerability_functions, insured_losses, time_event=None): self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = vulnerability_functions self.insured_losses = insured_losses self.time_event = time_event def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, ground_motion_values, epsgetter): epsilons = epsgetter(None, None) values = get_values(loss_type, assets, self.time_event) ok = ~numpy.isnan(values) if not ok.any(): # there are no assets with a value return # there may be assets without a value missing_value = not ok.all() if missing_value: assets = assets[ok] epsilons = epsilons[ok] # a matrix of N x E elements vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type] means, covs, idxs = vf.interpolate(ground_motion_values) loss_ratio_matrix = numpy.zeros((len(assets), len(epsilons[0]))) for i, eps in enumerate(epsilons): loss_ratio_matrix[i, idxs] = vf.sample(means, covs, idxs, eps) # another matrix of N x E elements loss_matrix = (loss_ratio_matrix.T * values).T # an array of E elements aggregate_losses = loss_matrix.sum(axis=0) if self.insured_losses and loss_type != "occupants": deductibles = [a.deductible(loss_type) for a in assets] limits = [a.insurance_limit(loss_type) for a in assets] insured_loss_ratio_matrix = utils.numpy_map( scientific.insured_losses, loss_ratio_matrix, deductibles, limits) insured_loss_matrix = (insured_loss_ratio_matrix.T * values).T else: insured_loss_matrix = numpy.empty_like(loss_ratio_matrix) insured_loss_matrix.fill(numpy.nan) # aggregating per asset, getting a vector of E elements insured_losses = insured_loss_matrix.sum(axis=0) return scientific.Output( assets, loss_type, loss_matrix=loss_matrix, loss_ratio_matrix=loss_ratio_matrix, aggregate_losses=aggregate_losses, insured_loss_matrix=insured_loss_matrix, insured_losses=insured_losses)
[docs]class Damage(RiskModel): """ Implements the ScenarioDamage riskmodel """ kind = 'fragility' def __init__(self, taxonomy, fragility_functions): self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = fragility_functions def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, gmvs, _eps=None): """ :param loss_type: the loss type :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy :param gmvs: an array of E elements :param _eps: dummy parameter, unused :returns: an array of N assets and an array of N x E x D elements where N is the number of points, E the number of events and D the number of damage states. """ n = len(assets) ffs = self.risk_functions[loss_type] damages = numpy.array( [scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, gmv) for gmv in gmvs]) return scientific.Output(assets, loss_type, damages=[damages] * n)
[docs]class ClassicalDamage(Damage): """ Implements the ClassicalDamage riskmodel """ kind = 'fragility' def __init__(self, taxonomy, fragility_functions, hazard_imtls, investigation_time, risk_investigation_time): self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = fragility_functions self.hazard_imtls = hazard_imtls self.investigation_time = investigation_time self.risk_investigation_time = risk_investigation_time def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, hazard_curve, _eps=None): """ :param loss_type: the loss type :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy :param hazard_curve: an hazard curve array :returns: an array of N assets and an array of N x D elements where N is the number of points and D the number of damage states. """ ffl = self.risk_functions[loss_type] hazard_imls = self.hazard_imtls[ffl.imt] damage = scientific.classical_damage( ffl, hazard_imls, hazard_curve, investigation_time=self.investigation_time, risk_investigation_time=self.risk_investigation_time) return scientific.Output( assets, loss_type, damages=[a.number * damage for a in assets])
# NB: the approach used here relies on the convention of having the # names of the arguments of the riskmodel class to be equal to the # names of the parameter in the oqparam object. This is view as a # feature, since it forces people to be consistent with the names, # in the spirit of the 'convention over configuration' philosophy
[docs]def get_riskmodel(taxonomy, oqparam, **extra): """ Return an instance of the correct riskmodel class, depending on the attribute `calculation_mode` of the object `oqparam`. :param taxonomy: a taxonomy string :param oqparam: an object containing the parameters needed by the riskmodel class :param extra: extra parameters to pass to the riskmodel class """ riskmodel_class = registry[oqparam.calculation_mode] # arguments needed to instantiate the riskmodel class argnames = inspect.getargspec(riskmodel_class.__init__).args[3:] # arguments extracted from oqparam known_args = set(name for name, value in inspect.getmembers(oqparam.__class__) if isinstance(value, valid.Param)) all_args = {} for argname in argnames: if argname in known_args: all_args[argname] = getattr(oqparam, argname) if 'hazard_imtls' in argnames: # special case all_args['hazard_imtls'] = oqparam.imtls all_args.update(extra) missing = set(argnames) - set(all_args) if missing: raise TypeError('Missing parameter: %s' % ', '.join(missing)) return riskmodel_class(taxonomy, **all_args)