openquake.server.db package

openquake.server.db.actions module

exception openquake.server.db.actions.InvalidCalculationID[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Parameters:calc_id – calculation ID
Returns:dictionary of info about the given calculation
openquake.server.db.actions.check_hazard_risk_consistency(haz_job, risk_mode)[source]

Make sure that the provided hazard job is the right one for the current risk calculator.

  • job – an OqJob instance referring to the previous hazard calculation
  • risk_mode – the calculation_mode string of the current risk calculation

Check if the db is outdated, called before starting anything

openquake.server.db.actions.create_job(calc_mode, description, user_name, datadir, hc_id=None)[source]

Create job for the given user, return it.

  • calc_mode (str) – Calculation mode, such as classical, event_based, etc
  • user_name – User who owns/started this job.
  • datadir – Data directory of the user who owns/started this job.
  • description – Description of the calculation
  • hc_id – If not None, then the created job is a risk job

openquake.server.db.models.OqJob instance.

openquake.server.db.actions.create_outputs(job_id, dskeys)[source]

Build a correspondence between the outputs in the datastore and the ones in the database.

  • job_id – ID of the current job
  • dskeys – a list of datastore keys
openquake.server.db.actions.del_calc(job_id, user)[source]

Delete a calculation and all associated outputs.

Parameters:job_id – ID of a OqJob.

Delete the uncompleted calculations of the given user

openquake.server.db.actions.fetch(templ, *args)[source]

Run queries directly on the database. Return header + rows

openquake.server.db.actions.finish(job_id, status)[source]

Set the job columns is_running, status, and stop_time

openquake.server.db.actions.get_calc_id(datadir, job_id=None)[source]

Return the latest calc_id by looking both at the datastore and the database.

openquake.server.db.actions.get_calcs(request_get_dict, user_name, user_acl_on=False, id=None)[source]
list of tuples (job_id, user_name, job_status, job_type,
job_is_running, job_description)

Returns the path to the database file

openquake.server.db.actions.get_job_id(job_id, username)[source]

If job_id is negative, return the last calculation of the current user, otherwise returns the job_id unchanged.


Extract the logs as a big string


Get a slice of the calculation log as a JSON list of rows

openquake.server.db.actions.get_log_slice(calc_id, start, stop)[source]

Get a slice of the calculation log as a JSON list of rows

Parameters:output_id – ID of an Output object
Returns:(ds_key, calc_id, dirname)
Parameters:job_id – ID of a calculation.
Returns:A sequence of openquake.server.db.models.Output objects
Returns:(job_id, job_status, datadir, datastore_key)
Returns:(datadir, datastore_keys)

Return the traceback of the given calculation as a list of lines. The list is empty if the calculation was successful.

openquake.server.db.actions.list_calculations(job_type, user_name)[source]

Yield a summary of past calculations.

Parameters:job_type – ‘hazard’ or ‘risk’
openquake.server.db.actions.list_outputs(job_id, full=True)[source]

List the outputs for a given OqJob.

  • job_id – ID of a calculation.
  • full (bool) – If True produce a full listing, otherwise a short version
openquake.server.db.actions.log(job_id, timestamp, level, process, message)[source]

Write a log record in the database


Convert a log record into a list of strings

openquake.server.db.actions.print_outputs_summary(outputs, full=True)[source]

List of openquake.server.db.models.Output objects.


Reset the flag job.is_running to False. This is called when the Web UI is re-started: the idea is that it is restarted only when all computations are completed.

openquake.server.db.actions.save_performance(job_id, records)[source]

Save in the database the performance information about the given job

openquake.server.db.actions.set_relevant(calc_id, flag)[source]

Set the relevant field of the given calculation record


openquake.server.db.models module

Model representations of the OpenQuake DB tables.

openquake.server.db.models.DEFAULT_SRID = 4326

System Reference ID used for geometry objects

openquake.server.db.models.LOSS_TYPES = ['structural', 'nonstructural', 'fatalities', 'contents']

Kind of supported type of loss outputs

class openquake.server.db.models.Log(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

Log table for calculations

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

Log.LOG_LEVEL_CHOICES = ((u'debug', u'Debug'), (u'info', u'Info'), (u'warn', u'Warn'), (u'error', u'Error'), (u'critical', u'Critical'))
exception Log.MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned

Log.get_level_display(*moreargs, **morekwargs)
Log.get_next_by_timestamp(*moreargs, **morekwargs)
Log.get_previous_by_timestamp(*moreargs, **morekwargs)
Log.objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
openquake.server.db.models.MAX_SINT_32 = 2147483647

Maximum value for a seed number

openquake.server.db.models.MIN_SINT_32 = -2147483648

Minimum value for a seed number

exception openquake.server.db.models.NotFound[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised when a Django object does not exist

class openquake.server.db.models.OqJob(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

An OpenQuake engine run started by the user

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception OqJob.MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned

OqJob.STATUS_CHOICES = ((u'created', u'Created'), (u'executing', u'Executing'), (u'post_executing', u'Post-Executing'), (u'post_processing', u'Post-Processing'), (u'export', u'Exporting results'), (u'clean_up', u'Cleaning up'), (u'complete', u'Complete'))
OqJob.get_next_by_start_time(*moreargs, **morekwargs)
OqJob.get_next_by_stop_time(*moreargs, **morekwargs)

Return an OqParam object as read from the database

OqJob.get_previous_by_start_time(*moreargs, **morekwargs)
OqJob.get_previous_by_stop_time(*moreargs, **morekwargs)
OqJob.get_status_display(*moreargs, **morekwargs)

‘hazard’ or ‘risk’

OqJob.objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
class openquake.server.db.models.Output(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

A single artifact which is a result of an OpenQuake job. The data may reside in a file or in the database.

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception Output.MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned

Output.get_next_by_last_update(*moreargs, **morekwargs)
Output.get_previous_by_last_update(*moreargs, **morekwargs)
Output.objects = <openquake.server.db.models.OutputManager object>
class openquake.server.db.models.OutputManager[source]

Bases: django.db.models.manager.Manager

Manager class to filter and create Output objects

create_output(job, display_name, ds_key)[source]

Create an output for the given job, display_name and ds_key

class openquake.server.db.models.Performance(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

Contains performance information about a job.

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception Performance.MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned

Performance.objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
openquake.server.db.models.RISK_ATOL = 0.01

absolute tolerance to consider two risk outputs (almost) equal

openquake.server.db.models.RISK_RTOL = 0.05

relative tolerance to consider two risk outputs (almost) equal

openquake.server.db.models.STAT_CHOICES = ((u'mean', u'Mean'), (u'quantile', u'Quantile'))

Kind of supported curve statistics

openquake.server.db.models.get(djm, **kw)[source]

Small wrapper around djm.objects.get

Parameters:job_id – ID of openquake.server.db.models.OqJob
Returns:instance of openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam

openquake.server.db.upgrade_manager module

exception openquake.server.db.upgrade_manager.DuplicatedVersion[source]

Bases: exceptions.RuntimeError

class openquake.server.db.upgrade_manager.UpgradeManager(upgrade_dir, version_table='revision_info', version_pattern='\d\d\d\d', flag_pattern='(-slow|-danger)?')[source]

Bases: object

The package containing the upgrade scripts should contain an instance of the UpgradeManager called upgrader in the file. It should also specify the initializations parameters

  • upgrade_dir – the directory were the upgrade script reside
  • version_table – the name of the versioning table (default revision_info)
  • version_pattern – a regulation expression for the script version number (dddd)
UPGRADES = 'openquake/server/db/schema/upgrades/'
Parameters:conn – a DB API 2 connection
Returns:a message with the versions that will be applied or None

Extract the OpenQuake upgrade scripts from the links in the GitHub page


Get all the versions stored in the database as a set.

Parameters:conn – a DB API 2 connection

Create the version table and run the base script on an empty database.

Parameters:conn – a DB API 2 connection

Create the version table into an already populated database and insert the base script.

Parameters:conn – a DB API 2 connection
classmethod instance(conn, pkg_name='openquake.server.db.schema.upgrades')[source]

Return an UpgradeManager instance.

  • conn – a DB API 2 connection
  • pkg_name (str) – the name of the package with the upgrade scripts

Parse a script name and return a dictionary with fields fname, name, version and ext (or None if the name does not match).

Parameters:name – name of the script
read_scripts(minversion=None, maxversion=None, skip_versions=())[source]

Extract the upgrade scripts from a directory as a list of dictionaries, ordered by version.

  • minversion – the minimum version to consider
  • maxversion – the maximum version to consider
  • skipversions – the versions to skip
upgrade(conn, skip_versions=())[source]

Upgrade the database from the current version to the maximum version in the upgrade scripts.

  • conn – a DBAPI 2 connection
  • skip_versions – the versions to skip
exception openquake.server.db.upgrade_manager.VersionTooSmall[source]

Bases: exceptions.RuntimeError

exception openquake.server.db.upgrade_manager.VersioningNotInstalled[source]

Bases: exceptions.RuntimeError

class openquake.server.db.upgrade_manager.WrappedConnection(conn, debug=False)[source]

Bases: object

This is an utility class that wraps a DB API-2 connection providing a couple of convenient features.

  1. it is possible to set a debug flag to print on stdout the executed queries;
  2. there is a .run method to run a query with a dedicated cursor; it returns the cursor, which can be iterated over
Parameters:conn – a DB API2-compatible connection
run(templ, *args)[source]

A simple utility to run SQL queries.

  • templ – a query or query template
  • args – the arguments (or the empty tuple)

the DB API 2 cursor used to run the query

openquake.server.db.upgrade_manager.apply_sql_script(conn, fname)[source]

Apply the given SQL script to the database

  • conn – a DB API 2 connection
  • fname – full path to the creation script
openquake.server.db.upgrade_manager.check_script(upgrade, conn, dry_run=True, debug=True)[source]

An utility to debug upgrade scripts written in Python

  • upgrade – upgrade procedure
  • conn – a DB API 2 connection
  • dry_run – if True, do not change the database
  • debug – if True, print the queries which are executed
openquake.server.db.upgrade_manager.upgrade_db(conn, pkg_name='openquake.server.db.schema.upgrades', skip_versions=())[source]

Upgrade a database by running several scripts in a single transaction.

  • conn – a DB API 2 connection
  • pkg_name (str) – the name of the package with the upgrade scripts
  • skip_versions (list) – the versions to skip

the version numbers of the new scripts applied the database

openquake.server.db.upgrade_manager.version_db(conn, pkg_name='openquake.server.db.schema.upgrades')[source]
  • conn – a DB API 2 connection
  • pkg_name (str) – the name of the package with the upgrade scripts

the current version of the database

openquake.server.db.upgrade_manager.what_if_I_upgrade(conn, pkg_name='openquake.server.db.schema.upgrades', extract_scripts='extract_upgrade_scripts')[source]
  • conn – a DB API 2 connection
  • pkg_name (str) – the name of the package with the upgrade scripts
  • extract_scripts – name of the method to extract the scripts

Module contents

This is needed for imports to work.