Source code for openquake.risklib.riskmodels

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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from __future__ import division
import inspect
import functools
import numpy

from openquake.baselib.general import CallableDict, AccumDict
from openquake.risklib import utils, scientific, valid

U32 = numpy.uint32
F32 = numpy.float32
registry = CallableDict()

[docs]class CostCalculator(object): """ Return the value of an asset for the given loss type depending on the cost types declared in the exposure, as follows: case 1: cost type: aggregated: cost = economic value case 2: cost type: per asset: cost * number (of assets) = economic value case 3: cost type: per area and area type: aggregated: cost * area = economic value case 4: cost type: per area and area type: per asset: cost * area * number = economic value The same "formula" applies to retrofitting cost. """ def __init__(self, cost_types, area_types, deduct_abs=True, limit_abs=True): if set(cost_types) != set(area_types): raise ValueError('cost_types has keys %s, area_types has keys %s' % (sorted(cost_types), sorted(area_types))) for ct in cost_types.values(): assert ct in ('aggregated', 'per_asset', 'per_area'), ct for at in area_types.values(): assert at in ('aggregated', 'per_asset'), at self.cost_types = cost_types self.area_types = area_types self.deduct_abs = deduct_abs self.limit_abs = limit_abs def __call__(self, loss_type, values, area, number): cost = values[loss_type] if cost is None: return numpy.nan cost_type = self.cost_types[loss_type] if cost_type == "aggregated": return cost if cost_type == "per_asset": return cost * number if cost_type == "per_area": area_type = self.area_types[loss_type] if area_type == "aggregated": return cost * area elif area_type == "per_asset": return cost * area * number # this should never happen raise RuntimeError('Unable to compute cost') def __toh5__(self): loss_types = sorted(self.cost_types) dt = numpy.dtype([('cost_type', (bytes, 10)), ('area_type', (bytes, 10))]) array = numpy.zeros(len(loss_types), dt) array['cost_type'] = [self.cost_types[lt] for lt in loss_types] array['area_type'] = [self.area_types[lt] for lt in loss_types] attrs = dict(deduct_abs=self.deduct_abs, limit_abs=self.limit_abs, loss_types=loss_types) return array, attrs def __fromh5__(self, array, attrs): vars(self).update(attrs) self.cost_types = dict(zip(self.loss_types, array['cost_type'])) self.area_types = dict(zip(self.loss_types, array['area_type'])) def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, vars(self))
costcalculator = CostCalculator( cost_types=dict(structural='per_area'), area_types=dict(structural='per_asset'))
[docs]class Asset(object): """ Describe an Asset as a collection of several values. A value can represent a replacement cost (e.g. structural cost, business interruption cost) or another quantity that can be considered for a risk analysis (e.g. occupants). Optionally, a Asset instance can hold also a collection of deductible values and insured limits considered for insured losses calculations. """ def __init__(self, asset_id, taxonomy, number, location, values, area=1, deductibles=None, insurance_limits=None, retrofitteds=None, calc=costcalculator, ordinal=None): """ :param asset_id: an unique identifier of the assets within the given exposure :param taxonomy: asset taxonomy :param number: number of apartments of number of people in the given asset :param location: geographic location of the asset :param dict values: asset values keyed by loss types :param dict deductible: deductible values (expressed as a percentage relative to the value of the asset) keyed by loss types :param dict insurance_limits: insured limits values (expressed as a percentage relative to the value of the asset) keyed by loss types :param dict retrofitteds: asset retrofitting values keyed by loss types :param calc: cost calculator instance :param ordinal: asset collection ordinal """ = asset_id self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.number = number self.location = location self.values = values self.area = area self.retrofitteds = retrofitteds self.deductibles = deductibles self.insurance_limits = insurance_limits self.calc = calc self.ordinal = ordinal self._cost = {} # cache for the costs
[docs] def value(self, loss_type, time_event=None): """ :returns: the total asset value for `loss_type` """ if loss_type == 'occupants': return self.values['occupants_' + str(time_event)] try: val = self._cost[loss_type] except KeyError: val = self.calc(loss_type, self.values, self.area, self.number) self._cost[loss_type] = val return val
[docs] def deductible(self, loss_type): """ :returns: the deductible fraction of the asset cost for `loss_type` """ val = self.calc(loss_type, self.deductibles, self.area, self.number) if self.calc.deduct_abs: # convert to relative value return val / self.calc(loss_type, self.values, self.area, self.number) else: return val
[docs] def insurance_limit(self, loss_type): """ :returns: the limit fraction of the asset cost for `loss_type` """ val = self.calc(loss_type, self.insurance_limits, self.area, self.number) if self.calc.limit_abs: # convert to relative value return val / self.calc(loss_type, self.values, self.area, self.number) else: return val
[docs] def retrofitted(self, loss_type, time_event=None): """ :returns: the asset retrofitted value for `loss_type` """ if loss_type == 'occupants': return self.values['occupants_' + str(time_event)] return self.calc(loss_type, self.retrofitteds, self.area, self.number)
def __repr__(self): return '<Asset %s>' %
[docs]def get_values(loss_type, assets, time_event=None): """ :returns: a numpy array with the values for the given assets, depending on the loss_type. """ return numpy.array([a.value(loss_type, time_event) for a in assets])
[docs]class RiskModel(object): """ Base class. Can be used in the tests as a mock. """ time_event = None # used in scenario_risk compositemodel = None # set by get_risk_model kind = None # must be set in subclasses def __init__(self, taxonomy, risk_functions): self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = risk_functions @property def loss_types(self): """ The list of loss types in the underlying vulnerability functions, in lexicographic order """ return sorted(self.risk_functions)
[docs] def get_loss_types(self, imt): """ :param imt: Intensity Measure Type string :returns: loss types with risk functions of the given imt """ return [lt for lt in self.loss_types if self.risk_functions[lt].imt == imt]
[docs] def out_by_lr(self, imt, assets, hazard, epsgetter): """ :param imt: restrict the risk functions to this IMT :param assets: an array of assets of homogeneous taxonomy :param hazard: a dictionary rlz -> hazard :param epsgetter: a callable returning epsilons for the given eids :returns: a dictionary (l, r) -> output """ out_by_lr = AccumDict() out_by_lr.assets = assets loss_types = self.get_loss_types(imt) for rlz in sorted(hazard): haz = hazard[rlz] if len(haz) == 0: continue r = rlz.ordinal for loss_type in loss_types: out = self(loss_type, assets, haz, epsgetter) if out: # can be None in scenario_risk with no valid values l = self.compositemodel.lti[loss_type] out.hid = r out.weight = rlz.weight out_by_lr[l, r] = out return out_by_lr
def __repr__(self): return '<%s%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, list(self.risk_functions))
[docs]def rescale(curves, values): """ Multiply the losses in each curve of kind (losses, poes) by the corresponding value. """ n = len(curves) assert n == len(values), (n, len(values)) losses = [curves[i, 0] * values[i] for i in range(n)] poes = curves[:, 1] return numpy.array([[losses[i], poes[i]] for i in range(n)])
@registry.add('classical_risk', 'classical', 'disaggregation')
[docs]class Classical(RiskModel): """ Classical PSHA-Based RiskModel. 1) Compute loss curves, loss maps for each realization. 2) Compute (if more than one realization is given) mean and quantiles loss curves and maps. Per-realization Outputs contain the following fields: :attr assets: an iterable over N assets the outputs refer to :attr loss_curves: a numpy array of N loss curves. If the curve resolution is C, the final shape of the array will be (N, 2, C), where the `two` accounts for the losses/poes dimensions :attr average_losses: a numpy array of N average loss values :attr insured_curves: a numpy array of N insured loss curves, shaped (N, 2, C) :attr average_insured_losses: a numpy array of N average insured loss values :attr loss_maps: a numpy array of P elements holding N loss maps where P is the number of `conditional_loss_poes` considered. Shape: (P, N) The statistical outputs are stored into :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Output`, which holds the following fields: :attr assets: an iterable of N assets the outputs refer to :attr mean_curves: A numpy array with N mean loss curves. Shape: (N, 2) :attr mean_average_losses: A numpy array with N mean average loss values :attr mean_maps: A numpy array with P mean loss maps. Shape: (P, N) :attr mean_fractions: A numpy array with F mean fractions, where F is the number of PoEs used for disaggregation. Shape: (F, N) :attr quantile_curves: A numpy array with Q quantile curves (Q = number of quantiles). Shape: (Q, N, 2, C) :attr quantile_average_losses: A numpy array shaped (Q, N) with average losses :attr quantile_maps: A numpy array with Q quantile maps shaped (Q, P, N) :attr quantile_fractions: A numpy array with Q quantile maps shaped (Q, F, N) :attr mean_insured_curves: A numpy array with N mean insured loss curves. Shape: (N, 2) :attr mean_average_insured_losses: A numpy array with N mean average insured loss values :attr quantile_insured_curves: A numpy array with Q quantile insured curves (Q = number of quantiles). Shape: (Q, N, 2, C) :attr quantile_average_insured_losses: A numpy array shaped (Q, N) with average insured losses """ kind = 'vulnerability' def __init__(self, taxonomy, vulnerability_functions, hazard_imtls, lrem_steps_per_interval, conditional_loss_poes, poes_disagg, insured_losses=False): """ :param imt: Intensity Measure Type for this riskmodel :param taxonomy: Taxonomy for this riskmodel :param vulnerability_functions: Dictionary of vulnerability functions by loss type :param hazard_imtls: The intensity measure types and levels of the hazard computation :param lrem_steps_per_interval: Configuration parameter :param poes_disagg: Configuration parameter :param poes_disagg: Probability of Exceedance levels used for disaggregate losses by taxonomy. :param bool insured_losses: True if insured loss curves should be computed See :func:`openquake.risklib.scientific.classical` for a description of the other parameters. """ self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = vulnerability_functions self.hazard_imtls = hazard_imtls self.lrem_steps_per_interval = lrem_steps_per_interval self.conditional_loss_poes = conditional_loss_poes self.poes_disagg = poes_disagg self.insured_losses = insured_losses self.loss_ratios = { lt: vf.mean_loss_ratios_with_steps(lrem_steps_per_interval) for lt, vf in vulnerability_functions.items()} def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, hazard_curve, _eps=None): """ :param str loss_type: the loss type considered :param assets: assets is an iterator over N :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Asset` instances :param hazard_curve: an array of poes :param _eps: ignored, here only for API compatibility with other calculators :returns: a :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Classical.Output` instance. """ n = len(assets) vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type] imls = self.hazard_imtls[vf.imt] curves = [scientific.classical( vf, imls, hazard_curve, self.lrem_steps_per_interval)] * n average_losses = utils.numpy_map(scientific.average_loss, curves) maps = scientific.loss_map_matrix(self.conditional_loss_poes, curves) values = get_values(loss_type, assets) if self.insured_losses and loss_type != 'occupants': deductibles = [a.deductible(loss_type) for a in assets] limits = [a.insurance_limit(loss_type) for a in assets] insured_curves = rescale( utils.numpy_map(scientific.insured_loss_curve, curves, deductibles, limits), values) average_insured_losses = utils.numpy_map( scientific.average_loss, insured_curves) else: insured_curves = None average_insured_losses = None return scientific.Output( assets, loss_type, loss_curves=rescale(numpy.array(curves), values), average_losses=values * average_losses, insured_curves=insured_curves, average_insured_losses=average_insured_losses, loss_maps=values * maps)
@registry.add('event_based_risk', 'event_based', 'event_based_rupture')
[docs]class ProbabilisticEventBased(RiskModel): """ Implements the Probabilistic Event Based riskmodel Per-realization Output are saved into :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.ProbabilisticEventBased.Output` which contains the several fields: :attr assets: an iterable over N assets the outputs refer to :attr loss_matrix: an array of losses shaped N x T (where T is the number of events) :attr loss_curves: a numpy array of N loss curves. If the curve resolution is C, the final shape of the array will be (N, 2, C), where the `two` accounts for the losses/poes dimensions :attr average_losses: a numpy array of N average loss values :attr stddev_losses: a numpy array holding N standard deviation of losses :attr insured_curves: a numpy array of N insured loss curves, shaped (N, 2, C) :attr average_insured_losses: a numpy array of N average insured loss values :attr stddev_insured_losses: a numpy array holding N standard deviation of losses :attr loss_maps: a numpy array of P elements holding N loss maps where P is the number of `conditional_loss_poes` considered. Shape: (P, N) :attr dict event_loss_table: a dictionary mapping event ids to aggregate loss values The statistical outputs are stored into :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Output` objects. """ kind = 'vulnerability' def __init__( self, taxonomy, vulnerability_functions, loss_curve_resolution, conditional_loss_poes, insured_losses=False): """ See :func:`openquake.risklib.scientific.event_based` for a description of the input parameters. """ self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = vulnerability_functions self.loss_curve_resolution = loss_curve_resolution self.conditional_loss_poes = conditional_loss_poes self.insured_losses = insured_losses def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, gmvs_eids, epsgetter): """ :param str loss_type: the loss type considered :param assets: a list of assets on the same site and with the same taxonomy :param gmvs_eids: a pair of arrays of E elements :param epsgetter: a callable returning the correct epsilons for the given gmvs :returns: a :class: `openquake.risklib.scientific.ProbabilisticEventBased.Output` instance. """ gmvs, eids = gmvs_eids E = len(gmvs) I = self.insured_losses + 1 N = len(assets) loss_ratios = numpy.zeros((N, E, I), F32) vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type] means, covs, idxs = vf.interpolate(gmvs) for i, asset in enumerate(assets): epsilons = epsgetter(asset.ordinal, eids) if epsilons is not None: ratios = vf.sample(means, covs, idxs, epsilons) else: ratios = means loss_ratios[i, idxs, 0] = ratios if self.insured_losses and loss_type != 'occupants': loss_ratios[i, idxs, 1] = scientific.insured_losses( ratios, asset.deductible(loss_type), asset.insurance_limit(loss_type)) return scientific.Output( assets, loss_type, loss_ratios=loss_ratios, eids=eids)
[docs]class ClassicalBCR(RiskModel): kind = 'vulnerability' def __init__(self, taxonomy, vulnerability_functions_orig, vulnerability_functions_retro, hazard_imtls, lrem_steps_per_interval, interest_rate, asset_life_expectancy): self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = vulnerability_functions_orig self.retro_functions = vulnerability_functions_retro self.assets = None # set a __call__ time self.interest_rate = interest_rate self.asset_life_expectancy = asset_life_expectancy self.hazard_imtls = hazard_imtls self.lrem_steps_per_interval = lrem_steps_per_interval def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, hazard, _eps=None, _eids=None): """ :param loss_type: the loss type :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy :param hazard: an hazard curve :param _eps: dummy parameter, unused :param _eids: dummy parameter, unused :returns: a :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.Output` instance """ n = len(assets) self.assets = assets vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type] imls = self.hazard_imtls[vf.imt] vf_retro = self.retro_functions[loss_type] curves_orig = functools.partial(scientific.classical, vf, imls, steps=self.lrem_steps_per_interval) curves_retro = functools.partial(scientific.classical, vf_retro, imls, steps=self.lrem_steps_per_interval) original_loss_curves = utils.numpy_map(curves_orig, [hazard] * n) retrofitted_loss_curves = utils.numpy_map(curves_retro, [hazard] * n) eal_original = utils.numpy_map( scientific.average_loss, original_loss_curves) eal_retrofitted = utils.numpy_map( scientific.average_loss, retrofitted_loss_curves) bcr_results = [ scientific.bcr( eal_original[i], eal_retrofitted[i], self.interest_rate, self.asset_life_expectancy, asset.value(loss_type), asset.retrofitted(loss_type)) for i, asset in enumerate(assets)] return scientific.Output( assets, loss_type, data=list(zip(eal_original, eal_retrofitted, bcr_results)))
@registry.add('scenario_risk', 'scenario')
[docs]class Scenario(RiskModel): """ Implements the Scenario riskmodel """ kind = 'vulnerability' def __init__(self, taxonomy, vulnerability_functions, insured_losses, time_event=None): self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = vulnerability_functions self.insured_losses = insured_losses self.time_event = time_event def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, ground_motion_values, epsgetter): epsilons = epsgetter() values = get_values(loss_type, assets, self.time_event) ok = ~numpy.isnan(values) if not ok.any(): # there are no assets with a value return # there may be assets without a value missing_value = not ok.all() if missing_value: assets = assets[ok] epsilons = epsilons[ok] # a matrix of N x E elements vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type] means, covs, idxs = vf.interpolate(ground_motion_values) loss_ratio_matrix = numpy.zeros((len(assets), len(epsilons[0]))) for i, eps in enumerate(epsilons): loss_ratio_matrix[i, idxs] = vf.sample(means, covs, idxs, eps) # another matrix of N x E elements loss_matrix = (loss_ratio_matrix.T * values).T # an array of E elements aggregate_losses = loss_matrix.sum(axis=0) if self.insured_losses and loss_type != "occupants": deductibles = [a.deductible(loss_type) for a in assets] limits = [a.insurance_limit(loss_type) for a in assets] insured_loss_ratio_matrix = utils.numpy_map( scientific.insured_losses, loss_ratio_matrix, deductibles, limits) insured_loss_matrix = (insured_loss_ratio_matrix.T * values).T else: insured_loss_matrix = numpy.empty_like(loss_ratio_matrix) insured_loss_matrix.fill(numpy.nan) # aggregating per asset, getting a vector of E elements insured_losses = insured_loss_matrix.sum(axis=0) return scientific.Output( assets, loss_type, loss_matrix=loss_matrix, loss_ratio_matrix=loss_ratio_matrix, aggregate_losses=aggregate_losses, insured_loss_matrix=insured_loss_matrix, insured_losses=insured_losses)
[docs]class Damage(RiskModel): """ Implements the ScenarioDamage riskmodel """ kind = 'fragility' def __init__(self, taxonomy, fragility_functions): self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = fragility_functions def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, gmvs, _eps=None): """ :param loss_type: the loss type :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy :param gmvs: an array of E elements :param _eps: dummy parameter, unused :returns: an array of N assets and an array of N x E x D elements where N is the number of points, E the number of events and D the number of damage states. """ n = len(assets) ffs = self.risk_functions[loss_type] damages = numpy.array( [scientific.scenario_damage(ffs, gmv) for gmv in gmvs]) return scientific.Output(assets, loss_type, damages=[damages] * n)
[docs]class ClassicalDamage(Damage): """ Implements the ClassicalDamage riskmodel """ kind = 'fragility' def __init__(self, taxonomy, fragility_functions, hazard_imtls, investigation_time, risk_investigation_time): self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.risk_functions = fragility_functions self.hazard_imtls = hazard_imtls self.investigation_time = investigation_time self.risk_investigation_time = risk_investigation_time def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, hazard_curve, _eps=None): """ :param loss_type: the loss type :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy :param hazard_curve: an hazard curve array :returns: an array of N assets and an array of N x D elements where N is the number of points and D the number of damage states. """ ffl = self.risk_functions[loss_type] hazard_imls = self.hazard_imtls[ffl.imt] damage = scientific.classical_damage( ffl, hazard_imls, hazard_curve, investigation_time=self.investigation_time, risk_investigation_time=self.risk_investigation_time) return scientific.Output( assets, loss_type, damages=[a.number * damage for a in assets])
# NB: the approach used here relies on the convention of having the # names of the arguments of the riskmodel class to be equal to the # names of the parameter in the oqparam object. This is view as a # feature, since it forces people to be consistent with the names, # in the spirit of the 'convention over configuration' philosophy
[docs]def get_riskmodel(taxonomy, oqparam, **extra): """ Return an instance of the correct riskmodel class, depending on the attribute `calculation_mode` of the object `oqparam`. :param taxonomy: a taxonomy string :param oqparam: an object containing the parameters needed by the riskmodel class :param extra: extra parameters to pass to the riskmodel class """ riskmodel_class = registry[oqparam.calculation_mode] # arguments needed to instantiate the riskmodel class argnames = inspect.getargspec(riskmodel_class.__init__).args[3:] # arguments extracted from oqparam known_args = set(name for name, value in inspect.getmembers(oqparam.__class__) if isinstance(value, valid.Param)) all_args = {} for argname in argnames: if argname in known_args: all_args[argname] = getattr(oqparam, argname) if 'hazard_imtls' in argnames: # special case all_args['hazard_imtls'] = oqparam.imtls all_args.update(extra) missing = set(argnames) - set(all_args) if missing: raise TypeError('Missing parameter: %s' % ', '.join(missing)) return riskmodel_class(taxonomy, **all_args)