Source code for openquake.commonlib.writers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2010-2016 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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import io
import types
import logging
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr

import numpy  # this is needed by the doctests, don't remove it

from openquake.baselib.python3compat import unicode
from openquake.commonlib import InvalidFile


[docs]def floatformat(fmt_string): """ Context manager to change the default format string for the function :func:`openquake.commonlib.writers.scientificformat`. :param fmt_string: the format to use; for instance '%13.9E' """ fmt_defaults = scientificformat.__defaults__ scientificformat.__defaults__ = (fmt_string,) + fmt_defaults[1:] try: yield finally: scientificformat.__defaults__ = fmt_defaults
zeroset = set(['E', '-', '+', '.', '0'])
[docs]def scientificformat(value, fmt='%13.9E', sep=' ', sep2=':'): """ :param value: the value to convert into a string :param fmt: the formatting string to use for float values :param sep: separator to use for vector-like values :param sep2: second separator to use for matrix-like values Convert a float or an array into a string by using the scientific notation and a fixed precision (by default 10 decimal digits). For instance: >>> scientificformat(-0E0) '0.000000000E+00' >>> scientificformat(-0.004) '-4.000000000E-03' >>> scientificformat([0.004]) '4.000000000E-03' >>> scientificformat([0.01, 0.02], '%10.6E') '1.000000E-02 2.000000E-02' >>> scientificformat([[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4]], '%4.1E') '1.0E-01:2.0E-01 3.0E-01:4.0E-01' """ if isinstance(value, bytes): return value.encode('utf8') elif isinstance(value, unicode): return value elif hasattr(value, '__len__'): return sep.join((scientificformat(f, fmt, sep2) for f in value)) elif isinstance(value, (float, numpy.float64, numpy.float32)): fmt_value = fmt % value if set(fmt_value) <= zeroset: # '-0.0000000E+00' is converted into '0.0000000E+00 fmt_value = fmt_value.replace('-', '') return fmt_value return str(value)
[docs]class StreamingXMLWriter(object): """ A bynary stream XML writer. The typical usage is something like this:: with StreamingXMLWriter(output_file) as writer: writer.start_tag('root') for node in nodegenerator(): writer.serialize(node) writer.end_tag('root') """ def __init__(self, bytestream, indent=4, encoding='utf-8', nsmap=None): """ :param stream: the stream or a file where to write the XML :param int indent: the indentation to use in the XML (default 4 spaces) """ assert not isinstance(bytestream, io.StringIO) # common error = bytestream self.indent = indent self.encoding = encoding self.indentlevel = 0 self.nsmap = nsmap
[docs] def shorten(self, tag): """ Get the short representation of a fully qualified tag :param str tag: a (fully qualified or not) XML tag """ if tag.startswith('{'): ns, _tag = tag.rsplit('}') tag = self.nsmap.get(ns[1:], '') + _tag return tag
def _write(self, text): """Write text by respecting the current indentlevel""" spaces = ' ' * (self.indent * self.indentlevel) t = spaces + text.strip() + '\n' if hasattr(t, 'encode'): t = t.encode(self.encoding, 'xmlcharrefreplace') # expected bytes
[docs] def emptyElement(self, name, attrs): """Add an empty element (may have attributes)""" attr = ' '.join('%s=%s' % (n, quoteattr(scientificformat(v))) for n, v in sorted(attrs.items())) self._write('<%s %s/>' % (name, attr))
[docs] def start_tag(self, name, attrs=None): """Open an XML tag""" if not attrs: self._write('<%s>' % name) else: self._write('<' + name) for (name, value) in sorted(attrs.items()): self._write( ' %s=%s' % (name, quoteattr(scientificformat(value)))) self._write('>') self.indentlevel += 1
[docs] def end_tag(self, name): """Close an XML tag""" self.indentlevel -= 1 self._write('</%s>' % name)
[docs] def serialize(self, node): """Serialize a node object (typically an ElementTree object)""" if isinstance(node.tag, types.FunctionType): # this looks like a bug of ElementTree: comments are stored as # functions!?? see return if self.nsmap is not None: tag = self.shorten(node.tag) else: tag = node.tag with warnings.catch_warnings(): # unwanted ElementTree warning warnings.simplefilter('ignore') leafnode = not node # NB: we cannot use len(node) to identify leafs since nodes containing # an iterator have no length. They are always True, even if empty :-( if leafnode and node.text is None: self.emptyElement(tag, node.attrib) return self.start_tag(tag, node.attrib) if node.text is not None: self._write(escape(scientificformat(node.text).strip())) for subnode in node: self.serialize(subnode) self.end_tag(tag)
def __enter__(self): """Write the XML declaration""" self._write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n' % self.encoding) return self def __exit__(self, etype, exc, tb): """Close the XML document""" pass
[docs]def tostring(node, indent=4, nsmap=None): """ Convert a node into an XML string by using the StreamingXMLWriter. This is useful for testing purposes. :param node: a node object (typically an ElementTree object) :param indent: the indentation to use in the XML (default 4 spaces) """ out = io.BytesIO() writer = StreamingXMLWriter(out, indent, nsmap=nsmap) writer.serialize(node) return out.getvalue()
[docs]class HeaderTranslator(object): """ An utility to convert the headers in CSV files. When reading, the column names are converted into column descriptions with the method .read, when writing column descriptions are converted into column names with the method .write. The usage is >>> htranslator = HeaderTranslator( ... asset_ref='asset_ref:|S20', ... rup_id='rup_id:uint32', ... taxonomy='taxonomy:|S100') >>>'asset_ref value:5'.split()) ['asset_ref:|S20', 'value:5'] >>> htranslator.write('asset_ref:|S20 value:5'.split()) ['asset_ref', 'value:5'] """ def __init__(self, **descr): self.descr = descr = {d: n for n, d in descr.items()}
[docs] def read(self, names): return [self.descr.get(n, n) for n in names]
[docs] def write(self, descr): return [, d) for d in descr]
htranslator = HeaderTranslator( asset_ref='asset_ref:|S20', rup_id='rup_id:uint32', taxonomy='taxonomy:|S100', rupserial='rupserial:uint32', multiplicity='multiplicity:uint16', numsites='numsites:uint32', ) # recursive function used internally by build_header def _build_header(dtype, root): header = [] if dtype.fields is None: if not root: return [] return [root + (str(dtype), dtype.shape)] for field in dtype.names: dt = dtype.fields[field][0] if dt.subdtype is None: # nested header.extend(_build_header(dt, root + (field,))) else: numpytype = str(dt.subdtype[0]) header.append(root + (field, numpytype, dt.shape)) return header # NB: builds an header that can be read by parse_header
[docs]def build_header(dtype): """ Convert a numpy nested dtype into a list of strings suitable as header of csv file. >>> imt_dt = numpy.dtype([('PGA', float, 3), ('PGV', float, 4)]) >>> build_header(imt_dt) ['PGA:float64:3', 'PGV:float64:4'] >>> gmf_dt = numpy.dtype([('A', imt_dt), ('B', imt_dt), ... ('idx', numpy.uint32)]) >>> build_header(gmf_dt) ['A~PGA:float64:3', 'A~PGV:float64:4', 'B~PGA:float64:3', 'B~PGV:float64:4', 'idx:uint32'] """ header = _build_header(dtype, ()) h = [] for col in header: name = '~'.join(col[:-2]) numpytype = col[-2] shape = col[-1] coldescr = name if numpytype != 'float32': coldescr += ':' + numpytype if shape: coldescr += ':' + ':'.join(map(str, shape)) h.append(coldescr) return h
[docs]def extract_from(data, fields): """ Extract data from numpy arrays with nested records. >>> imt_dt = numpy.dtype([('PGA', float, 3), ('PGV', float, 4)]) >>> a = numpy.array([([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7])], imt_dt) >>> extract_from(a, ['PGA']) array([[ 1., 2., 3.]]) >>> gmf_dt = numpy.dtype([('A', imt_dt), ('B', imt_dt), ... ('idx', numpy.uint32)]) >>> b = numpy.array([(([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]), ... ([1, 2, 4], [3, 5, 6, 7]), 8)], gmf_dt) >>> extract_from(b, ['idx']) array([8], dtype=uint32) >>> extract_from(b, ['B', 'PGV']) array([[ 3., 5., 6., 7.]]) """ for f in fields: data = data[f] return data
[docs]def write_csv(dest, data, sep=',', fmt='%.6E', header=None): """ :param dest: destination filename or io.StringIO instance :param data: array to save :param sep: separator to use (default comma) :param fmt: formatting string (default '%12.8E') :param header: optional list with the names of the columns to display """ if len(data) == 0: logging.warn('%s is empty', dest) if not hasattr(dest, 'getvalue'): # not a StringIO, assume dest is a filename dest = open(dest, 'w') try: # see if data is a composite numpy array data.dtype.fields except AttributeError: # not a composite array autoheader = [] else: autoheader = build_header(data.dtype) someheader = header or autoheader if someheader: dest.write(sep.join(htranslator.write(someheader)) + u'\n') if autoheader: all_fields = [col.split(':', 1)[0].split('~') for col in autoheader] for record in data: row = [] for fields in all_fields: val = extract_from(record, fields) if fields == ['lon'] or fields == ['lat']: row.append('%.5f' % val) else: row.append(scientificformat(val, fmt)) dest.write(sep.join(row) + u'\n') else: for row in data: dest.write(sep.join(scientificformat(col, fmt) for col in row) + u'\n') if hasattr(dest, 'getvalue'): return dest.getvalue()[:-1] # a newline is strangely added else: dest.close() return
[docs]class CsvWriter(object): """ Class used in the exporters to save a bunch of CSV files """ def __init__(self, sep=',', fmt='%12.8E'): self.sep = sep self.fmt = fmt self.fnames = []
[docs] def save(self, data, fname, header=None): """ Save data on fname. :param data: numpy array or list of lists :param fname: path name :param header: header to use """ write_csv(fname, data, self.sep, self.fmt, header) self.fnames.append(fname)
[docs] def getsaved(self): """ Returns the list of files saved by this CsvWriter """ return sorted(self.fnames)
[docs]def castable_to_int(s): """ Return True if the string `s` can be interpreted as an integer """ try: int(s) except ValueError: return False else: return True
[docs]def parse_header(header): """ Convert a list of the form `['fieldname:fieldtype:fieldsize',...]` into a numpy composite dtype. The parser understands headers generated by :func:`openquake.commonlib.writers.build_header`. Here is an example: >>> parse_header(['PGA', 'PGV:float64', 'avg:2']) (['PGA', 'PGV', 'avg'], dtype([('PGA', '<f4'), ('PGV', '<f8'), ('avg', '<f4', (2,))])) :params header: a list of type descriptions :returns: column names and the corresponding composite dtype """ triples = [] fields = [] for col_str in header: col = col_str.split(':') n = len(col) if n == 1: # default dtype and no shape col = [col[0], 'float32', ''] elif n == 2: if castable_to_int(col[1]): # default dtype and shape col = [col[0], 'float32', col[1]] else: # dtype and no shape col = [col[0], col[1], ''] elif n > 3: raise ValueError('Invalid column description: %s' % col_str) field = col[0] numpytype = col[1] shape = () if not col[2].strip() else (int(col[2]),) triples.append((field, numpytype, shape)) fields.append(field) return fields, numpy.dtype(triples)
def _cast(col, ntype, shape, lineno, fname): # convert strings into tuples or numbers, used inside read_composite_array if shape: return tuple(map(ntype, col.split())) else: return ntype(col) # NB: this only works with flat composite arrays
[docs]def read_composite_array(fname, sep=','): r""" Convert a CSV file with header into a numpy array of records. >>> from openquake.baselib.general import writetmp >>> fname = writetmp('PGA:float64:3,PGV:float64:2,avg:float64:1\n' ... '.1 .2 .3,.4 .5,.6\n') >>> print read_composite_array(fname) # array of shape (1,) [([0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.4, 0.5], [0.6])] """ with open(fname) as f: header = next(f) fields, dtype = parse_header( ts_pairs = [] # [(type, shape), ...] for name in fields: dt = dtype.fields[name][0] ts_pairs.append((dt.subdtype[0].type if dt.subdtype else dt.type, dt.shape)) col_ids = list(range(1, len(ts_pairs) + 1)) num_columns = len(col_ids) records = [] col, col_id = '', 0 for i, line in enumerate(f, 2): row = line.split(sep) if len(row) != num_columns: raise InvalidFile( 'expected %d columns, found %d in file %s, line %d' % (num_columns, len(row), fname, i)) try: record = [] for (ntype, shape), col, col_id in zip(ts_pairs, row, col_ids): record.append(_cast(col, ntype, shape, i, fname)) records.append(tuple(record)) except Exception as e: raise InvalidFile( 'Could not cast %r in file %s, line %d, column %d ' 'using %s: %s' % (col, fname, i, col_id, (ntype.__name__,) + shape, e)) return numpy.array(records, dtype)
# this is simple and without error checking for the moment
[docs]def read_array(fname, sep=','): r""" Convert a CSV file without header into a numpy array of floats. >>> from openquake.baselib.general import writetmp >>> print read_array(writetmp('.1 .2, .3 .4, .5 .6\n')) [[[ 0.1 0.2] [ 0.3 0.4] [ 0.5 0.6]]] """ with open(fname) as f: records = [] for line in f: row = line.split(sep) record = [list(map(float, col.split())) for col in row] records.append(record) return numpy.array(records)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pretty print of NRML files import sys import shutil from openquake.commonlib import nrml nrmlfiles = sys.argv[1:] for fname in nrmlfiles: node = shutil.copy(fname, fname + '.bak') with open(fname, 'w') as out: nrml.write(list(node), out)