Source code for openquake.commonlib.risk_writers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2010-2016 GEM Foundation
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# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
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Module containing writers for risk output artifacts.
import json
import operator
import collections
import numpy

from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

from openquake.commonlib.nrml import NRMLFile, SERIALIZE_NS_MAP
from openquake.baselib.general import groupby, writetmp
from openquake.commonlib.node import Node
from openquake.commonlib import nrml
from openquake.commonlib.writers import FIVEDIGITS

[docs]def notnan(value): """True if the value is not numpy.nan""" return not numpy.isnan(value)
DmgState = collections.namedtuple("DmgState", 'dmg_state lsi') DmgDistPerTaxonomy = collections.namedtuple( 'DmgDistPerTaxonomy', 'taxonomy dmg_state mean stddev') DmgDistPerAsset = collections.namedtuple( 'DmgDistPerAsset', 'exposure_data dmg_state mean stddev') DmgDistTotal = collections.namedtuple( 'DmgDistTotal', 'dmg_state mean stddev') ExposureData = collections.namedtuple('ExposureData', 'asset_ref site')
[docs]class Site(object): """ A small wrapper over a lon-lat pair (x, y). It has a .wkt attribute and an ordering. It is used for consistency with the export routines. """ def __init__(self, x, y): self.x, self.y = x, y self.wkt = 'POINT(%s %s)' % (x, y) def __lt__(self, other): return (self.x, self.y) < (other.x, other.y) def __eq__(self, other): # without this the groupby in the ScenarioDamageWriter would not work return (self.x, self.y) == (other.x, other.y)
[docs]class LossCurveXMLWriter(object): """ :param dest: File path (including filename) or file-like object for results to be saved to. :param float investigation_time: Investigation time (also known as Time Span) defined in the calculation which produced these results (in years). :param str loss_type: Loss type used in risk model input for the calculation producing this output (examples: structural, non-structural, business-interruption, occupants) :param str source_model_tree_path: Id of the source model tree path (obtained by concatenating the IDs of the branches the path is made of) for which input hazard curves have been computed. :param str gsim_tree_path: Id of the gsim (ground shaking intensity model) tree path (obtained by concatenating the IDs of the branches the path is made of) for which input hazard curves have been computed. :param str statistics: `mean` or `quantile`. When serializing loss curves produced from statistical hazard inputs, it describes the type of statistic used. :param float quantile_value: When serializing loss curves produced from quantile hazard inputs, it describes the quantile value. :param float quantile_value: When serializing loss curves produced from quantile hazard inputs, it describes the quantile value. :param str unit: Attribute describing how the value of the assets has been measured. :param bool insured: True if it is an insured loss curve """ def __init__(self, dest, investigation_time, loss_type, source_model_tree_path=None, gsim_tree_path=None, statistics=None, quantile_value=None, unit=None, insured=False, poe=None, risk_investigation_time=None): validate_hazard_metadata(gsim_tree_path, source_model_tree_path, statistics, quantile_value) self._unit = unit self._dest = dest self._statistics = statistics self._quantile_value = quantile_value self._gsim_tree_path = gsim_tree_path self._investigation_time = investigation_time self._risk_investigation_time = ( risk_investigation_time or investigation_time) self._loss_type = loss_type self._source_model_tree_path = source_model_tree_path self._insured = insured self._loss_curves = None
[docs] def serialize(self, data): """ Serialize a collection of loss curves. :param data: An iterable of loss curve objects. Each object should: * define an attribute `location`, which is itself an object defining two attributes, `x` containing the longitude value and `y` containing the latitude value. * define an attribute `asset_ref`, which contains the unique identifier of the asset related to the loss curve. * define an attribute `poes`, which is a list of floats describing the probabilities of exceedance. * define an attribute `losses`, which is a list of floats describing the losses. * define an attribute `loss_ratios`, which is a list of floats describing the loss ratios. * define an attribute `average_loss`, which is a float describing the average loss associated to the loss curve * define an attribute `stddev_loss`, which is a float describing the standard deviation of losses if the loss curve has been computed with an event based approach. Otherwise, it is None All attributes must be defined, except for `loss_ratios` that can be `None` since it is optional in the schema. Also, `poes`, `losses` and `loss_ratios` values must be indexed coherently, i.e.: the loss (and optionally loss ratio) at index zero is related to the probability of exceedance at the same index. """ _assert_valid_input(data) with NRMLFile(self._dest, 'w') as output: root = et.Element("nrml") for curve in data: if self._loss_curves is None: self._create_loss_curves_elem(root) loss_curve = et.SubElement(self._loss_curves, "lossCurve") _append_location(loss_curve, curve.location) loss_curve.set("assetRef", curve.asset_ref) poes = et.SubElement(loss_curve, "poEs") poes.text = " ".join(FIVEDIGITS % p for p in curve.poes if notnan(p)) losses = et.SubElement(loss_curve, "losses") losses.text = " ".join(FIVEDIGITS % p for p in curve.losses if notnan(p)) if curve.loss_ratios is not None: loss_ratios = et.SubElement(loss_curve, "lossRatios") loss_ratios.text = " ".join( ['%.3f' % p for p in curve.loss_ratios if notnan(p)]) losses = et.SubElement(loss_curve, "averageLoss") losses.text = FIVEDIGITS % curve.average_loss if curve.stddev_loss is not None: losses = et.SubElement(loss_curve, "stdDevLoss") losses.text = FIVEDIGITS % curve.stddev_loss nrml.write(list(root), output)
def _create_loss_curves_elem(self, root): """ Create the <lossCurves /> element with associated attributes. """ self._loss_curves = et.SubElement(root, "lossCurves") if self._insured: self._loss_curves.set("insured", str(self._insured)) self._loss_curves.set("investigationTime", str(self._investigation_time)) self._loss_curves.set("riskInvestigationTime", str(self._risk_investigation_time)) if self._source_model_tree_path is not None: self._loss_curves.set("sourceModelTreePath", str(self._source_model_tree_path)) if self._gsim_tree_path is not None: self._loss_curves.set("gsimTreePath", str(self._gsim_tree_path)) if self._statistics is not None: self._loss_curves.set("statistics", str(self._statistics)) if self._quantile_value is not None: self._loss_curves.set("quantileValue", str(self._quantile_value)) if self._unit is not None: self._loss_curves.set("unit", str(self._unit)) self._loss_curves.set("lossType", self._loss_type)
[docs]class AggregateLossCurveXMLWriter(object): """ :param dest: File path (including filename) or file-like objects for results to be saved to. :param float investigation_time: Investigation time (also known as Time Span) defined in the calculation which produced these results (in years). :param str loss_type: Loss type used in risk model input for the calculation producing this output (examples: structural, non-structural, business-interruption, occupants) :param str source_model_tree_path: Id of the source model tree path (obtained by concatenating the IDs of the branches the path is made of) for which input hazard curves have been computed. :param str gsim_tree_path: Id of the gsim (ground shaking intensity model) tree path (obtained by concatenating the IDs of the branches the path is made of) for which input hazard curves have been computed. :param str unit: Attribute describing how the value of the assets has been measured. :param str statistics: `mean` or `quantile`. When serializing loss curves produced from statistical hazard inputs, it describes the type of statistic used. :param float quantile_value: When serializing loss curves produced from quantile hazard inputs, it describes the quantile value. """ def __init__(self, dest, investigation_time, loss_type, source_model_tree_path=None, gsim_tree_path=None, statistics=None, quantile_value=None, unit=None, poe=None, risk_investigation_time=None): validate_hazard_metadata(gsim_tree_path, source_model_tree_path, statistics, quantile_value) self._unit = unit self._dest = dest self._statistics = statistics self._quantile_value = quantile_value self._gsim_tree_path = gsim_tree_path self._investigation_time = investigation_time self._risk_investigation_time = ( risk_investigation_time or investigation_time) self._loss_type = loss_type self._source_model_tree_path = source_model_tree_path
[docs] def serialize(self, data): """ Serialize an aggregation loss curve. :param data: An object representing an aggregate loss curve. This object should: * define an attribute `poes`, which is a list of floats describing the probabilities of exceedance. * define an attribute `losses`, which is a list of floats describing the losses. * define an attribute `average_loss`, which is a float describing the average loss associated to the loss curve * define an attribute `stddev_loss`, which is a float describing the standard deviation of losses if the loss curve has been computed with an event based approach. Otherwise, it is None Also, `poes`, `losses` values must be indexed coherently, i.e.: the loss at index zero is related to the probability of exceedance at the same index. """ if data is None: raise ValueError("You can not serialize an empty document") with NRMLFile(self._dest, 'wb') as output: root = et.Element("nrml") aggregate_loss_curve = et.SubElement(root, "aggregateLossCurve") aggregate_loss_curve.set("investigationTime", str(self._investigation_time)) aggregate_loss_curve.set("riskInvestigationTime", str(self._risk_investigation_time)) if self._source_model_tree_path is not None: aggregate_loss_curve.set("sourceModelTreePath", str(self._source_model_tree_path)) if self._gsim_tree_path is not None: aggregate_loss_curve.set("gsimTreePath", str(self._gsim_tree_path)) if self._statistics is not None: aggregate_loss_curve.set("statistics", str(self._statistics)) if self._quantile_value is not None: aggregate_loss_curve.set("quantileValue", str(self._quantile_value)) if self._unit is not None: aggregate_loss_curve.set("unit", str(self._unit)) aggregate_loss_curve.set("lossType", self._loss_type) poes = et.SubElement(aggregate_loss_curve, "poEs") poes.text = " ".join(FIVEDIGITS % p for p in data.poes) losses = et.SubElement(aggregate_loss_curve, "losses") losses.text = " ".join([FIVEDIGITS % p for p in data.losses]) losses = et.SubElement(aggregate_loss_curve, "averageLoss") losses.text = FIVEDIGITS % data.average_loss if data.stddev_loss is not None: losses = et.SubElement(aggregate_loss_curve, "stdDevLoss") losses.text = FIVEDIGITS % data.stddev_loss nrml.write(list(root), output)
[docs]class LossMapWriter(object): """ Base class for serializing loss maps produced with the classical and probabilistic calculators. Subclasses must implement the :meth:`serialize` method, which defines the format of the output. :param dest: File path (including filename) or file-like object for results to be saved to. :param float investigation_time: Investigation time (also known as Time Span) defined in the calculation which produced these results (in years). :param float poe: Probability of exceedance used to interpolate the losses producing this loss map. :param str loss_type: Loss type used in risk model input for the calculation producing this output (examples: structural, non-structural, business-interruption, occupants) :param str source_model_tree_path: Id of the source model tree path (obtained by concatenating the IDs of the branches the path is made of) for which input hazard curves have been computed. :param str gsim_tree_path: Id of the gsim (ground shaking intensity model) tree path (obtained by concatenating the IDs of the branches the path is made of) for which input hazard curves have been computed. :param str unit: Attribute describing how the value of the assets has been measured. :param str loss_category: Attribute describing the category (economic, population, buildings, etc..) of the losses producing this loss map. :param str statistics: `mean` or `quantile`. When serializing loss curves produced from statistical hazard inputs, it describes the type of statistic used. :param float quantile_value: When serializing loss curves produced from quantile hazard inputs, it describes the quantile value. """ def __init__(self, dest, investigation_time, poe, loss_type, source_model_tree_path=None, gsim_tree_path=None, statistics=None, quantile_value=None, unit=None, loss_category=None, risk_investigation_time=None): # Relaxed constraint for scenario risk calculator # which doesn't have hazard metadata. if gsim_tree_path and source_model_tree_path: validate_hazard_metadata(gsim_tree_path, source_model_tree_path, statistics, quantile_value) self._poe = poe self._loss_type = loss_type self._unit = unit self._dest = dest self._statistics = statistics self._loss_category = loss_category self._quantile_value = quantile_value self._gsim_tree_path = gsim_tree_path self._investigation_time = investigation_time self._risk_investigation_time = ( risk_investigation_time or investigation_time) self._source_model_tree_path = source_model_tree_path
[docs] def serialize(self, data): """ Serialize a collection of losses. :param data: An iterable of loss objects. Each object should: * define an attribute `location`, which is itself an object defining two attributes, `x` containing the longitude value and `y` containing the latitude value. Also, it must define an attribute `wkt`, which is the Well-known text representation of the location. * define an attribute `asset_ref`, which contains the unique identifier of the asset related to the loss curve. * define an attribute `value`, which is the value of the loss. """ raise NotImplementedError('LossMapWriter.serialize')
[docs]class LossMapXMLWriter(LossMapWriter): """ NRML/XML implementation of a :class:`LossMapWriter`. See :class:`LossMapWriter` for information about constructor parameters. """
[docs] def serialize(self, data): """ Serialize loss map data to XML. See :meth:`LossMapWriter.serialize` for expected input. """ _assert_valid_input(data) with NRMLFile(self._dest, 'w') as output: root = et.Element("nrml") loss_map_el = self._create_loss_map_elem(root) current_location = None current_node = None for loss in data: if (current_location is None or loss.location.wkt != current_location): current_node = et.SubElement(loss_map_el, "node") current_location = _append_location( current_node, loss.location) loss_elem = et.SubElement(current_node, "loss") loss_elem.set("assetRef", str(loss.asset_ref)) if loss.std_dev is not None: loss_elem.set("mean", FIVEDIGITS % loss.value) loss_elem.set("stdDev", FIVEDIGITS % loss.std_dev) else: loss_elem.set("value", FIVEDIGITS % loss.value) nrml.write(list(root), output)
def _create_loss_map_elem(self, root): """ Create the <lossMap /> element with associated attributes. """ loss_map = et.SubElement(root, "lossMap") loss_map.set("investigationTime", str(self._investigation_time)) loss_map.set("riskInvestigationTime", str(self._risk_investigation_time)) loss_map.set("poE", str(self._poe)) if self._source_model_tree_path is not None: loss_map.set("sourceModelTreePath", str(self._source_model_tree_path)) if self._gsim_tree_path is not None: loss_map.set("gsimTreePath", str(self._gsim_tree_path)) if self._statistics is not None: loss_map.set("statistics", str(self._statistics)) if self._quantile_value is not None: loss_map.set("quantileValue", str(self._quantile_value)) if self._loss_category is not None: loss_map.set("lossCategory", str(self._loss_category)) if self._unit is not None: loss_map.set("unit", str(self._unit)) loss_map.set("lossType", self._loss_type) return loss_map
[docs]class LossMapGeoJSONWriter(LossMapWriter): """ GeoJSON implementation of a :class:`LossMapWriter`. Serializes loss maps as FeatureCollection artifacts with additional loss map metadata. See :class:`LossMapWriter` for information about constructor parameters. """
[docs] def serialize(self, data): """ Serialize loss map data to a file as a GeoJSON feature collection. See :meth:`LossMapWriter.serialize` for expected input. """ _assert_valid_input(data) feature_coll = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [], 'oqtype': 'LossMap', # TODO: oqnrmlversion has little meaning now 'oqnrmlversion': '0.4', 'oqmetadata': self._create_oqmetadata(), } for loss in data: loc = loss.location loss_node = { 'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': { 'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [float(loc.x), float(loc.y)] }, 'properties': {'loss': float(loss.value), 'asset_ref': loss.asset_ref}, } feature_coll['features'].append(loss_node) if loss.std_dev is not None: loss_node['properties']['std_dev'] = float(loss.std_dev) with NRMLFile(self._dest, 'w') as fh: json.dump(feature_coll, fh, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
def _create_oqmetadata(self): """ Helper method to create the `oqmetadata` dictionary. """ meta = dict() meta['investigationTime'] = str(self._investigation_time) meta['poE'] = str(self._poe) if self._source_model_tree_path is not None: meta['sourceModelTreePath'] = str(self._source_model_tree_path) if self._gsim_tree_path is not None: meta['gsimTreePath'] = str(self._gsim_tree_path) if self._statistics is not None: meta['statistics'] = str(self._statistics) if self._quantile_value is not None: meta['quantileValue'] = str(self._quantile_value) if self._loss_category is not None: meta['lossCategory'] = str(self._loss_category) if self._unit is not None: meta['unit'] = str(self._unit) meta['lossType'] = self._loss_type return meta
[docs]class LossFractionsWriter(object): """ Serializer for loss fractions produced with the classical and event based calculators. :attr dest: Full path including file name or file-like object where the results will be saved into. :attr str variable: The variable used for disaggregation :attr str loss_unit: Attribute describing how the value of the assets has been measured. :param str loss_type: Loss type used in risk model input for the calculation producing this output (examples: structural, non-structural, business-interruption, occupants) :attr str loss_category: Attribute describing the category (economic, population, buildings, etc..) of the losses producing this loss map. :attr object hazard_metadata: metadata of hazard outputs used by risk calculation. It has the attributes: investigation_time, source_model_tree_path, gsim_tree_path, statistics, quantile_value :attr float poe: Probability of exceedance used to interpolate the losses producing this fraction map. """ def __init__(self, dest, variable, loss_unit, loss_type, loss_category, hazard_metadata, poe=None): self.dest = dest self.variable = variable self.loss_unit = loss_unit self.loss_type = loss_type self.loss_category = loss_category self.hazard_metadata = hm = hazard_metadata self.poe = poe validate_hazard_metadata( hm.gsim_path, hm.sm_path, hm.statistics, hm.quantile)
[docs] def serialize(self, total_fractions, locations_fractions): """ Actually serialize the fractions. :param dict total_fractions: maps a value of `variable` with a tuple representing the absolute losses and the fraction :param dict locations_fractions: a dictionary mapping a tuple (longitude, latitude) to bins. Each bin is a dictionary with the same structure of `total_fractions`. """ def write_bins(parent, bin_data): for value, (absolute_loss, fraction) in bin_data.items(): bin_element = et.SubElement(parent, "bin") bin_element.set("value", str(value)) bin_element.set("absoluteLoss", FIVEDIGITS % absolute_loss) bin_element.set("fraction", FIVEDIGITS % fraction) with NRMLFile(self.dest, 'w') as output: root = et.Element("nrml") # container element container = et.SubElement(root, "lossFraction") container.set("investigationTime", "%.2f" % self.hazard_metadata.investigation_time) if self.poe is not None: container.set("poE", "%.4f" % self.poe) container.set( "sourceModelTreePath", self.hazard_metadata.sm_path or "") container.set("gsimTreePath", self.hazard_metadata.gsim_path or "") if self.hazard_metadata.statistics is not None: container.set("statistics", self.hazard_metadata.statistics) if self.hazard_metadata.quantile is not None: container.set( "quantileValue", "%.4f" % self.hazard_metadata.quantile) container.set("lossCategory", self.loss_category) container.set("unit", self.loss_unit) container.set("variable", self.variable) container.set("lossType", self.loss_type) # total fractions total = et.SubElement(container, "total") write_bins(total, total_fractions) # map map_element = et.SubElement(container, "map") for lon_lat, bin_data in locations_fractions.items(): node_element = et.SubElement(map_element, "node") node_element.set("lon", str(lon_lat[0])) node_element.set("lat", str(lon_lat[1])) write_bins(node_element, bin_data) nrml.write(list(root), output)
[docs]class BCRMapXMLWriter(object): """ Serializer for bcr (benefit cost ratio) maps produced with the classical and probabilistic calculators. :param dest: File path (including filename) or file-like object for results to be saved to. :param float interest_rate: The inflation discount rate. :param float asset_life_expectancy: The period of time in which the building is expected to be used. :param str loss_type: Loss type used in risk model input for the calculation producing this output (examples: structural, non-structural, business-interruption, occupants) :param str source_model_tree_path: Id of the source model tree path (obtained by concatenating the IDs of the branches the path is made of) for which input hazard curves have been computed. :param str gsim_tree_path: Id of the gsim (ground shaking intensity model) tree path (obtained by concatenating the IDs of the branches the path is made of) for which input hazard curves have been computed. :param str unit: Attribute describing how the value of the assets has been measured. :param str loss_category: Attribute describing the category (economic, population, buildings, etc..) of the losses producing this bcr map. :param str statistics: `mean` or `quantile`. When serializing bcr values produced from statistical hazard inputs, it describes the type of statistic used. :param float quantile_value: When serializing bcr values produced from quantile hazard inputs, it describes the quantile value. """ def __init__(self, path, interest_rate, asset_life_expectancy, loss_type, source_model_tree_path=None, gsim_tree_path=None, statistics=None, quantile_value=None, unit=None, loss_category=None, poe=None): validate_hazard_metadata(gsim_tree_path, source_model_tree_path, statistics, quantile_value) self._unit = unit self._path = path self._statistics = statistics self._interest_rate = interest_rate self._loss_type = loss_type self._loss_category = loss_category self._quantile_value = quantile_value self._gsim_tree_path = gsim_tree_path self._asset_life_expectancy = asset_life_expectancy self._source_model_tree_path = source_model_tree_path self._bcr_map = None self._bcr_nodes = {}
[docs] def serialize(self, data): """ Serialize a collection of (benefit cost) ratios. :param data: An iterable of bcr objects. Each object should: * define an attribute `location`, which is itself an object defining two attributes, `x` containing the longitude value and `y` containing the latitude value. Also, it must define an attribute `wkt`, which is the Well-known text representation of the location. * define an attribute `asset_ref`, which contains the unique identifier of the asset related to the (benefit cost) ratio. * define an attribute `average_annual_loss_original`, which is the expected average annual economic loss using the original vulnerability of the asset. * define an attribute `average_annual_loss_retrofitted`, which is the expected average annual economic loss using the improved (better design or retrofitted) vulnerability of the asset. * define an attribute `bcr`, which is the value of the ( benefit cost) ratio. """ _assert_valid_input(data) with open(self._path, "wb") as output: root = et.Element("nrml") for bcr in data: if self._bcr_map is None: self._create_bcr_map_elem(root) bcr_node = self._bcr_nodes.get(bcr.location.wkt) if bcr_node is None: bcr_node = et.SubElement(self._bcr_map, "node") _append_location(bcr_node, bcr.location) self._bcr_nodes[bcr.location.wkt] = bcr_node bcr_elem = et.SubElement(bcr_node, "bcr") bcr_elem.set("assetRef", str(bcr.asset_ref)) bcr_elem.set("ratio", str(bcr.bcr)) bcr_elem.set("aalOrig", str( bcr.average_annual_loss_original)) bcr_elem.set("aalRetr", str( bcr.average_annual_loss_retrofitted)) nrml.write(list(root), output)
def _create_bcr_map_elem(self, root): """ Create the <bcrMap /> element with associated attributes. """ self._bcr_map = et.SubElement(root, "bcrMap") self._bcr_map.set("interestRate", str(self._interest_rate)) self._bcr_map.set("assetLifeExpectancy", str(self._asset_life_expectancy)) if self._source_model_tree_path is not None: self._bcr_map.set("sourceModelTreePath", str(self._source_model_tree_path)) if self._gsim_tree_path is not None: self._bcr_map.set("gsimTreePath", str(self._gsim_tree_path)) if self._statistics is not None: self._bcr_map.set("statistics", str(self._statistics)) if self._quantile_value is not None: self._bcr_map.set("quantileValue", str(self._quantile_value)) if self._loss_category is not None: self._bcr_map.set("lossCategory", str(self._loss_category)) if self._unit is not None: self._bcr_map.set("unit", str(self._unit)) self._bcr_map.set("lossType", self._loss_type)
def _append_location(element, location): """ Append the geographical location to the given element. """ gml_ns = SERIALIZE_NS_MAP["gml"] gml_point = et.SubElement(element, "{%s}Point" % gml_ns) gml_pos = et.SubElement(gml_point, "{%s}pos" % gml_ns) gml_pos.text = "%s %s" % (location.x, location.y) return location.wkt
[docs]def validate_hazard_metadata(gsim_tree_path=None, source_model_tree_path=None, statistics=None, quantile_value=None): """ Validate the hazard input metadata. """ if statistics is not None: _check_statistics_or_logic_tree(source_model_tree_path, gsim_tree_path) _check_statistics_metadata(statistics, quantile_value) else: _check_logic_tree_metadata(source_model_tree_path, gsim_tree_path)
def _check_statistics_metadata(statistics, quantile_value): """ `statistics` must be in ("quantile", "mean") and `quantile_value` must be specified when `statistics` == "quantile". If `statistics` == "mean", `quantile_value` must be empty. """ if statistics not in ("quantile", "mean"): raise ValueError("`statistics` must be in ('quantile', 'mean').") if statistics == "quantile" and quantile_value is None: raise ValueError("When `statistics` == 'quantile', " "`quantile_value` must also be specified.") if statistics == "mean" and quantile_value is not None: raise ValueError("When `statistics` == 'mean', " "`quantile_value` must not be specified.") def _check_logic_tree_metadata(source_model_tree_path, gsim_tree_path): """ Logic tree parameters must be both specified. """ if source_model_tree_path is None or gsim_tree_path is None: raise ValueError("When specifying a logic tree branch, " "both `source_model_tree_path` and `gsim_tree_path` " "must be specified.") def _check_statistics_or_logic_tree(source_model_tree_path, gsim_tree_path): """ When `statistics` is used, no logic tree parameters must be specified. """ if source_model_tree_path is not None or gsim_tree_path is not None: raise ValueError( "You must choose `statistics` or " "(`source_model_tree_path`, `gsim_tree_path`), not both.") def _assert_valid_input(data): """ We don't support empty outputs, so there must be at least one element in the collection. """ if not data or len(data) == 0: raise ValueError("At least one element must be present, " "an empty document is not supported by the schema.")
[docs]class DamageWriter(object): """ A class to convert scenario_damage outputs into nodes and then XML. :param damage_states: a sequence of DamageState objects with attributes .dmg_state and .lsi """ def __init__(self, damage_states): self.damage_states = damage_states self.dmg_states = Node( 'damageStates', text=' '.join(ds.dmg_state for ds in damage_states))
[docs] def damage_nodes(self, means, stddevs): """ :param means: array of means, one per damage state :param stddevs: array of stddevs, one per damage state :returns: a list of `damage` nodes """ nodes = [] for dmg_state, mean, stddev in zip(self.damage_states, means, stddevs): nodes.append( Node('damage', dict(ds=dmg_state.dmg_state, mean=mean, stddev=stddev))) return nodes
[docs] def point_node(self, loc): """ :param loc: a location object with attributes x and y :returns: a `gml:Point` node """ return Node('gml:Point', nodes=[Node('gml:pos', text='%.5f %.5f' % (loc.x, loc.y))])
[docs] def asset_node(self, asset_ref, means, stddevs): """ :param asset_ref: asset reference string :param means: array of means, one per damage state :param stddevs: array of stddevs, one per damage state :returns: an `asset` node """ return Node('asset', dict(assetRef=asset_ref), nodes=self.damage_nodes(means, stddevs))
[docs] def cm_node(self, loc, asset_refs, means, stddevs): """ :param loc: a location object with attributes x and y :param asset_refs: asset reference strings :param means: array of means, one per asset :param stddevs: array of stddevs, one per asset :returns: a `CMNode` node """ cm = Node('CMNode', nodes=[self.point_node(loc)]) for asset_ref, mean, stddev in zip(asset_refs, means, stddevs): cf = Node('cf', dict(assetRef=asset_ref, mean=mean, stdDev=stddev)) cm.append(cf) return cm
[docs] def dd_node_taxo(self, taxonomy, means, stddevs): """ :param taxonomy: taxonomy string :param means: array of means, one per damage state :param stddevs: array of stddevs, one per damage state :returns: a `DDNode` node """ taxonomy = Node('taxonomy', text=taxonomy) dd = Node('DDNode', nodes=[taxonomy] + self.damage_nodes(means, stddevs)) return dd
[docs] def dmg_dist_per_asset_node(self, data): """ :param data: a sequence of records with attributes .exposure_data, .mean and .stddev :returns: a `dmgDistPerAsset` node """ node = Node('dmgDistPerAsset', nodes=[self.dmg_states]) data_by_location = groupby(data, lambda r: for loc in data_by_location: dd = Node('DDNode', nodes=[self.point_node(loc)]) data_by_asset = groupby( data_by_location[loc], lambda r: r.exposure_data.asset_ref, lambda rows: [(r.mean, r.stddev) for r in rows]) for asset_ref, data in data_by_asset.items(): means, stddevs = zip(*data) dd.append(self.asset_node(asset_ref, means, stddevs)) node.append(dd) return node
[docs] def dmg_dist_per_taxonomy_node(self, data): """ :param data: a sequence of records with attributes .taxonomy, .mean and .stddev :returns: a `dmgDistPerTaxonomy` node """ node = Node('dmgDistPerTaxonomy', nodes=[self.dmg_states]) data_by_taxo = groupby(data, operator.attrgetter('taxonomy')) for taxonomy in data_by_taxo: means = [row.mean for row in data_by_taxo[taxonomy]] stddevs = [row.stddev for row in data_by_taxo[taxonomy]] node.append(self.dd_node_taxo(taxonomy, means, stddevs)) return node
[docs] def dmg_dist_total_node(self, data): """ :param data: a sequence of records with attributes .dmg_state, .mean and .stddev :returns: a `totalDmgDist` node """ total = Node('totalDmgDist', nodes=[self.dmg_states]) for row in sorted(data, key=lambda r: r.dmg_state.lsi): damage = Node('damage', dict(ds=row.dmg_state.dmg_state, mean=row.mean, stddev=row.stddev)) total.append(damage) return total
[docs] def collapse_map_node(self, data): """ :param data: a sequence of records with attributes .exposure_data, .mean and .stddev :returns: a `dmgDistPerAsset` node """ node = Node('collapseMap') data_by_location = groupby(data, lambda r: for loc in data_by_location: asset_refs = [] means = [] stddevs = [] for row in sorted(data_by_location[loc], key=lambda r: r.exposure_data.asset_ref): asset_refs.append(row.exposure_data.asset_ref) means.append(row.mean) stddevs.append(row.stddev) node.append(self.cm_node(loc, asset_refs, means, stddevs)) return node
[docs] def to_nrml(self, key, data, fname=None, fmt=FIVEDIGITS): """ :param key: `dmg_dist_per_asset|dmg_dist_per_taxonomy|dmg_dist_total|collapse_map` :param data: sequence of rows to serialize :fname: the path name of the output file; if None, build a name :returns: path name of the saved file """ fname = fname or writetmp() node = getattr(self, key + '_node')(data) with open(fname, 'w') as out: nrml.write([node], out, fmt) return fname