Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import logging
import cProfile
import pstats
import io

from openquake.baselib import performance, general
from openquake.risklib import valid
from openquake.commonlib import sap, readinput, datastore, oqvalidation, views
from openquake.commonlib.concurrent_futures_process_mpatch import (
from openquake.calculators import base
CT = oqvalidation.OqParam.concurrent_tasks.default

calc_path = None  # set only when the flag --slowest is given

PStatData = collections.namedtuple(
    'PStatData', 'ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall2 path')

[docs]def get_pstats(pstatfile, n): """ Return profiling information as an RST table. :param pstatfile: path to a .pstat file :param n: the maximum number of stats to retrieve """ stream = io.BytesIO() ps = pstats.Stats(pstatfile, stream=stream) ps.sort_stats('cumtime') ps.print_stats(n) lines = stream.getvalue().splitlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith(' ncalls'): break data = [] for line in lines[i + 2:]: columns = line.split() if len(columns) == 6: data.append(PStatData(*columns)) rows = [(rec.ncalls, rec.cumtime, rec.path) for rec in data] # here is an example of the expected output table: # ====== ======= ======================================================== # ncalls cumtime path # ====== ======= ======================================================== # 1 33.502 commands/ # 1 33.483 calculators/ # 1 25.166 calculators/ # 1 25.104 commonlib/ # 1 25.099 calculators/ # 1 25.099 hazardlib/calc/ return views.rst_table(rows, header='ncalls cumtime path'.split())
[docs]def run2(job_haz, job_risk, concurrent_tasks, pdb, exports, params, monitor): """ Run both hazard and risk, one after the other """ hcalc = base.calculators(readinput.get_oqparam(job_haz), monitor) with hcalc.monitor:, pdb=pdb, exports=exports, **params) hc_id = hcalc.datastore.calc_id oq = readinput.get_oqparam(job_risk, hc_id=hc_id) rcalc = base.calculators(oq, monitor) with rcalc.monitor:, pdb=pdb, exports=exports, hazard_calculation_id=hc_id, **params) return rcalc
def _run(job_ini, concurrent_tasks, pdb, loglevel, hc, exports, params): global calc_path logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, loglevel.upper())) job_inis = job_ini.split(',') assert len(job_inis) in (1, 2), job_inis monitor = performance.Monitor( 'total runtime', measuremem=True) if len(job_inis) == 1: # run hazard or risk if hc: hc_id = hc[0] rlz_ids = hc[1:] else: hc_id = None rlz_ids = () oqparam = readinput.get_oqparam(job_inis[0], hc_id=hc_id) if hc_id and hc_id < 0: # interpret negative calculation ids calc_ids = datastore.get_calc_ids() try: hc_id = calc_ids[hc_id] except IndexError: raise SystemExit( 'There are %d old calculations, cannot ' 'retrieve the %s' % (len(calc_ids), hc_id)) calc = base.calculators(oqparam, monitor) with calc.monitor:, pdb=pdb, exports=exports, hazard_calculation_id=hc_id, rlz_ids=rlz_ids, **params) else: # run hazard + risk calc = run2( job_inis[0], job_inis[1], concurrent_tasks, pdb, exports, params, monitor)'Total time spent: %s s', monitor.duration)'Memory allocated: %s', general.humansize(monitor.mem)) monitor.flush() print('See the output with hdfview %s' % calc.datastore.hdf5path) calc_path = calc.datastore.calc_dir # used for the .pstat filename return calc
[docs]def run(job_ini, slowest, hc, param, concurrent_tasks=CT, exports='', loglevel='info', pdb=None): """ Run a calculation. """ concurrent_futures_process_monkeypatch() params = oqvalidation.OqParam.check( dict(p.split('=', 1) for p in param or ())) if slowest: prof = cProfile.Profile() stmt = ('_run(job_ini, concurrent_tasks, pdb, loglevel, hc, ' 'exports, params)') prof.runctx(stmt, globals(), locals()) pstat = calc_path + '.pstat' prof.dump_stats(pstat) print('Saved profiling info in %s' % pstat) print(get_pstats(pstat, slowest)) else: _run(job_ini, concurrent_tasks, pdb, loglevel, hc, exports, params)
parser = sap.Parser(run) parser.arg('job_ini', 'calculation configuration file ' '(or files, comma-separated)') parser.opt('slowest', 'profile and show the slowest operations', type=int) parser.opt('hc', 'previous calculation ID', type=valid.hazard_id) parser.opt('param', 'override parameter with the syntax NAME=VALUE ...', nargs='+') parser.opt('concurrent_tasks', 'hint for the number of tasks to spawn', type=int) parser.opt('exports', 'export formats as a comma-separated string', type=valid.export_formats) parser.opt('loglevel', 'logging level', choices='debug info warn error critical'.split()) parser.flg('pdb', 'enable post mortem debugging', '-d')