Source code for openquake.engine.utils.tasks
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (c) 2010-2014, GEM Foundation.
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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"""Utility functions related to splitting work into tasks."""
from celery.result import ResultSet
from import current_app
from celery.task import task
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import GroundShakingIntensityModel
from openquake.commonlib.parallel import \
TaskManager, safely_call, check_mem_usage
from openquake.engine import logs
from openquake.engine.db import models
from openquake.engine.utils import config
from openquake.engine.writer import CacheInserter
SOFT_MEM_LIMIT = int(config.get('memory', 'soft_mem_limit'))
HARD_MEM_LIMIT = int(config.get('memory', 'hard_mem_limit'))
check_mem_usage.__defaults__ = (SOFT_MEM_LIMIT, HARD_MEM_LIMIT)
[docs]class JobNotRunning(Exception):
[docs]class OqTaskManager(TaskManager):
A celery-based task manager. The usage is::
oqm = OqTaskManager(do_something, logs.LOG.progress)
oqm.send(arg1, arg2)
oqm.send(arg3, arg4)
print oqm.aggregate_results(agg, acc)
Progress report is built-in.
progress = staticmethod(logs.LOG.progress)
def _submit(self, pickled_args):
# submit tasks by using celery
return self.oqtask.delay(*pickled_args)
[docs] def aggregate_result_set(self, agg, acc):
Loop on a set of celery AsyncResults and update the accumulator
by using the aggregation function.
:param agg: the aggregation function, (acc, val) -> new acc
:param acc: the initial value of the accumulator
:returns: the final value of the accumulator
if not self.results:
return acc
backend = current_app().backend
amqp_backend = backend.__class__.__name__.startswith('AMQP')
rset = ResultSet(self.results)
for task_id, result_dict in rset.iter_native():
check_mem_usage() # warn if too much memory is used
result = result_dict['result']
if isinstance(result, BaseException):
raise result
self.received += len(result)
acc = agg(acc, result.unpickle())
if amqp_backend:
# work around a celery bug
del backend._cache[task_id]
return acc
# convenient aliases
starmap = OqTaskManager.starmap
apply_reduce = OqTaskManager.apply_reduce
[docs]def oqtask(task_func):
Task function decorator which sets up logging and catches (and logs) any
errors which occur inside the task. Also checks to make sure the job is
actually still running. If it is not running, the task doesn't get
executed, so we don't do useless computation.
:param task_func: the function to decorate
def wrapped(*args):
Initialize logs, make sure the job is still running, and run the task
code surrounded by a try-except. If any error occurs, log it as a
critical failure.
# the last argument is assumed to be a monitor
monitor = args[-1]
job = models.OqJob.objects.get(id=monitor.job_id)
if job.is_running is False:
# the job was killed, it is useless to run the task
raise JobNotRunning(monitor.job_id)
# it is important to save the task id soon, so that
# the revoke functionality can work
with monitor('storing task id', task=tsk, autoflush=True):
with logs.handle(job):
check_mem_usage() # warn if too much memory is used
# run the task
total = 'total ' + task_func.__name__
with monitor(total, task=tsk):
with GroundShakingIntensityModel.forbid_instantiation():
return task_func(*args)
# save on the db
# the task finished, we can remove from the performance
# table the associated row 'storing task id'
operation='storing task id',
celery_queue = config.get('amqp', 'celery_queue')
f = lambda *args: safely_call(wrapped, args, pickle=True)
f.__name__ = task_func.__name__
f.__module__ = task_func.__module__
tsk = task(f, queue=celery_queue)
tsk.__func__ = tsk
tsk.task_func = task_func
return tsk
# ######### oq-lite support: this is hackish for the time being ############# #
from openquake.commonlib import parallel
# monkey patch the parallel module
parallel.starmap = starmap
parallel.apply_reduce = apply_reduce
parallel.litetask = oqtask