# Copyright (c) 2010-2014, GEM Foundation.
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Engine: A collection of fundamental functions for initializing and running
import os
import sys
import time
import getpass
import itertools
import operator
import tempfile
import traceback
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime
import celery.task.control
import openquake.engine
from django.core import exceptions
from django import db as django_db
from openquake.engine import logs
from openquake.engine.db import models
from openquake.engine.utils import config
from openquake.engine.celery_node_monitor import CeleryNodeMonitor
from openquake.engine.performance import EnginePerformanceMonitor
from openquake.engine.writer import CacheInserter
from openquake.engine.settings import DATABASES
from openquake.engine.db.models import Performance
from openquake.engine.db.schema.upgrades import upgrader
from openquake import hazardlib, risklib, commonlib
from openquake.commonlib import readinput, valid, datastore, export
[docs]def get_calc_id(job_id=None):
Return the latest calc_id by looking both at the datastore
and the database.
calcs = datastore.get_calc_ids(datastore.DATADIR)
calc_id = 1 if not calcs else calcs[-1]
if job_id is None:
job_id = models.OqJob.objects.latest('id').id
except exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist:
job_id = 1
return max(calc_id, job_id)
UNABLE_TO_DEL_HC_FMT = 'Unable to delete hazard calculation: %s'
UNABLE_TO_DEL_RC_FMT = 'Unable to delete risk calculation: %s'
TERMINATE = valid.boolean(
config.get('celery', 'terminate_workers_on_revoke') or 'false')
[docs]class InvalidCalculationID(Exception):
scenario_risk=['scenario', 'scenario_risk'],
scenario_damage=['scenario', 'scenario_damage'],
classical_risk=['classical', 'classical_risk'],
classical_bcr=['classical', 'classical_bcr'],
classical_damage=['classical', 'classical_damage'],
event_based_risk=['event_based', 'event_based_risk'])
[docs]def cleanup_after_job(job, terminate):
Release the resources used by an openquake job.
In particular revoke the running tasks (if any).
:param int job_id: the job id
:param bool terminate: the celery revoke command terminate flag
# Using the celery API, terminate and revoke and terminate any running
# tasks associated with the current job.
task_ids = Performance.objects.filter(
oq_job=job, operation='storing task id', task_id__isnull=False)\
.values_list('task_id', flat=True)
if task_ids:
logs.LOG.warn('Revoking %d tasks', len(task_ids))
else: # this is normal when OQ_NO_DISTRIBUTE=1
logs.LOG.debug('No task to revoke')
for tid in task_ids:
celery.task.control.revoke(tid, terminate=terminate)
logs.LOG.debug('Revoked task %s', tid)
[docs]def job_stats(job):
A context manager saving information such as the number of sites
and the disk space occupation in the job_stats table. The information
is saved at the end of the job, even if the job fails.
dbname = DATABASES['default']['NAME']
curs = models.getcursor('job_init')
curs.execute("select pg_database_size(%s)", (dbname,))
dbsize = curs.fetchall()[0][0]
js = job.jobstats
tb = traceback.format_exc() # get the traceback of the error, if any
job.is_running = False
if tb != 'None\n':
# rollback the transactions; unfortunately, for mysterious reasons,
# this is not enough and an OperationError may still show up in the
# finalization phase when forks are involved
for conn in django_db.connections.all():
# try to save the job stats on the database and then clean up;
# if there was an error in the calculation, this part may fail;
# in such a situation, we simply log the cleanup error without
# taking further action, so that the real error can propagate
curs.execute("select pg_database_size(%s)", (dbname,))
new_dbsize = curs.fetchall()[0][0]
js.disk_space = new_dbsize - dbsize
js.stop_time = datetime.utcnow()
cleanup_after_job(job, terminate=TERMINATE)
# log the non-interesting error
logs.LOG.error('finalizing', exc_info=True)
# log the real error, if any
if tb != 'None\n':
[docs]def create_job(user_name="openquake", log_level='progress', hc_id=None):
Create job for the given user, return it.
:param str username:
Username of the user who owns/started this job. If the username doesn't
exist, a user record for this name will be created.
:param str log_level:
Defaults to 'progress'. Specify a logging level for this job. This
level can be passed, for example, from the command line interface using
the `--log-level` directive.
:param hc_id:
If not None, then the created job is a risk job
:class:`openquake.engine.db.models.OqJob` instance.
job = models.OqJob.objects.create(
id=get_calc_id() + 1,
if hc_id:
job.hazard_calculation = models.OqJob.objects.get(pk=hc_id)
return job
# used by bin/openquake and openquake.server.views
[docs]def run_calc(job, log_level, log_file, exports, lite=False):
Run a calculation.
:param job:
:class:`openquake.engine.db.model.OqJob` instance
:param str log_level:
The desired logging level. Valid choices are 'debug', 'info',
'progress', 'warn', 'error', and 'critical'.
:param str log_file:
Complete path (including file name) to file where logs will be written.
If `None`, logging will just be printed to standard output.
:param exports:
A comma-separated string of export types.
:param lite:
Flag set when the oq-lite calculators are used
# let's import the calculator classes here, when they are needed;
# the reason is that the command `$ oq-engine --upgrade-db`
# does not need them and would raise strange errors during installation
# time if the PYTHONPATH is not set and commonlib is not visible
if lite:
from openquake.calculators import base
calculator = base.calculators(job.get_oqparam(), calc_id=job.id)
calculator.job = job
calculator.monitor = EnginePerformanceMonitor('', job.id)
from openquake.engine.calculators import calculators
calculator = calculators(job)
# first of all check the database version and exit if the db is outdated
with logs.handle(job, log_level, log_file), job_stats(job): # run the job
_do_run_calc(calculator, exports)
return calculator
[docs]def log_status(job, status):
Switch to a particular phase of execution.
:param job:
An :class:`~openquake.engine.db.models.OqJob` instance.
:param str job_type:
calculation type (hazard|risk)
:param str status:
one of the following: pre_executing, executing,
post_executing, post_processing, export, clean_up, complete
job.status = status
logs.LOG.progress("%s (%s)", status, job.job_type)
def _do_run_calc(calc, exports):
Step through all of the phases of a calculation, updating the job
status at each phase.
:param calc:
An :class:`~openquake.engine.calculators.base.Calculator` instance.
:param exports:
a (potentially empty) comma-separated string of export targets
job = calc.job
log_status(job, "pre_executing")
if hasattr(calc, 'save_params'):
log_status(job, "executing")
result = calc.execute()
log_status(job, "post_executing")
log_status(job, "post_processing")
log_status(job, "export")
log_status(job, "clean_up")
CacheInserter.flushall() # flush caches into the db
log_status(job, "complete")
[docs]def del_calc(job_id):
Delete a calculation and all associated outputs.
:param job_id:
ID of a :class:`~openquake.engine.db.models.OqJob`.
job = models.OqJob.objects.get(id=job_id)
except exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist:
raise RuntimeError('Unable to delete hazard calculation: '
'ID=%s does not exist' % job_id)
user = getpass.getuser()
if job.user_name == user:
# we are allowed to delete this
# but first, check if any risk calculations are referencing any of our
# outputs, or the hazard calculation itself
'The following risk calculations are referencing this hazard'
' calculation: %s')
assoc_outputs = models.OqJob.objects.filter(hazard_calculation=job)
if assoc_outputs.count() > 0:
raise RuntimeError(
msg % ', '.join(str(x.id) for x in assoc_outputs))
# No risk calculation are referencing what we want to delete.
# Carry on with the deletion. Notice that we cannot use job.delete()
# directly because Django is so stupid that it reads from the database
# all the records to delete before deleting them: thus, it runs out
# of memory for large calculations
curs = models.getcursor('admin')
curs.execute('DELETE FROM uiapi.oq_job WHERE id=%s', (job_id,))
# this doesn't belong to the current user
raise RuntimeError(UNABLE_TO_DEL_HC_FMT % 'Access denied')
os.remove(job.ds_calc_dir + '.hdf5')
print('Removed %s' % job.ds_calc_dir + '.hdf5')
[docs]def list_outputs(job_id, full=True):
List the outputs for a given
:param job_id:
ID of a calculation.
:param bool full:
If True produce a full listing, otherwise a short version
outputs = get_outputs(job_id)
if models.oqparam(job_id).calculation_mode == 'scenario':
# ignore SES output
outputs = [o for o in outputs if o.output_type != 'ses']
print_outputs_summary(outputs, full)
[docs]def print_results(job_id, duration, list_outputs):
print 'Calculation %d completed in %d seconds. Results:' % (
job_id, duration)
list_outputs(job_id, full=False)
[docs]def print_outputs_summary(outputs, full=True):
List of :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.Output` objects.
if len(outputs) > 0:
truncated = False
print ' id | output_type | name'
for output_type, group in itertools.groupby(
sorted(outputs, key=operator.attrgetter('output_type')),
outs = sorted(group, key=operator.attrgetter('display_name'))
for i, o in enumerate(outs):
if not full and i >= 10:
print ' ... | %s | %d additional output(s)' % (
o.get_output_type_display(), len(outs) - 10)
truncated = True
print '%4d | %s | %s' % (
o.id, o.get_output_type_display(), o.display_name)
if truncated:
print ('Some outputs where not shown. You can see the full list '
'with the command\n`oq-engine --list-outputs`')
# this function is called only by openquake_cli.py, not by the engine server
[docs]def run_job(cfg_file, log_level, log_file, exports='', hazard_output_id=None,
Run a job using the specified config file and other options.
:param str cfg_file:
Path to calculation config (INI-style) file.
:param str log_level:
'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', or 'critical'
:param str log_file:
Path to log file.
:param exports:
A comma-separated string of export types requested by the user.
Currently only 'xml' is supported.
:param str hazard_ouput_id:
The Hazard Output ID used by the risk calculation (can be None)
:param str hazard_calculation_id:
The Hazard Job ID used by the risk calculation (can be None)
# first of all check the database version and exit if the db is outdated
with CeleryNodeMonitor(openquake.engine.no_distribute(), interval=3):
job = job_from_file(
cfg_file, getpass.getuser(), log_level, exports,
hazard_output_id, hazard_calculation_id)
# instantiate the calculator and run the calculation
t0 = time.time()
run_calc(job, log_level, log_file, exports)
duration = time.time() - t0
if job.status == 'complete':
print_results(job.id, duration, list_outputs)
sys.exit('Calculation %s failed' % job.id)
return job
# this function is called only by openquake_cli.py, not by the engine server
[docs]def run_job_lite(cfg_file, log_level, log_file, exports='',
hazard_output_id=None, hazard_calculation_id=None):
Run a job using the specified config file and other options.
:param str cfg_file:
Path to calculation config (INI-style) files.
:param str log_level:
'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', or 'critical'
:param str log_file:
Path to log file.
:param exports:
A comma-separated string of export types requested by the user.
Currently only 'xml' is supported.
# first of all check the database version and exit if the db is outdated
with CeleryNodeMonitor(openquake.engine.no_distribute(), interval=3):
job = job_from_file_lite(
cfg_file, getpass.getuser(), log_level, exports,
job.ds_calc_dir = datastore.DataStore(job.id).calc_dir
t0 = time.time()
calc = run_calc(job, log_level, log_file, exports, lite=True)
expose_outputs(calc.datastore, job)
duration = time.time() - t0
if job.status == 'complete':
print_results(job.id, duration, list_outputs)
sys.exit('Calculation %s failed' % job.id)
return job
[docs]def expose_outputs(dstore, job):
Build a correspondence between the outputs in the datastore and the
ones in the database.
:param dstore: a datastore instance
:param job: an OqJob instance
exportable = set(ekey[0] for ekey in export.export)
# small hack: remove the sescollection outputs from scenario
# calculators, as requested by Vitor
calcmode = job.get_param('calculation_mode')
if 'scenario' in calcmode and 'sescollection' in exportable:
for key in dstore:
if key in exportable:
out = models.Output.objects.create_output(
job, DISPLAY_NAME.get(key, key), output_type='datastore')
out.ds_key = key
[docs]def check_hazard_risk_consistency(haz_job, risk_mode):
Make sure that the provided hazard job is the right one for the
current risk calculator.
:param job:
an OqJob instance referring to the previous hazard calculation
:param risk_mode:
the `calculation_mode` string of the current risk calculation
# check for obsolete calculation_mode
if risk_mode in ('classical', 'event_based', 'scenario'):
raise ValueError('Please change calculation_mode=%s into %s_risk '
'in the .ini file' % (risk_mode, risk_mode))
# check calculation_mode consistency
prev_mode = haz_job.get_param('calculation_mode')
ok_mode = RISK_HAZARD_MAP[risk_mode]
if prev_mode not in ok_mode:
raise InvalidCalculationID(
'In order to run a risk calculation of kind %r, '
'you need to provide a calculation of kind %r, '
'but you provided a %r instead' %
(risk_mode, ok_mode, prev_mode))
[docs]def job_from_file(cfg_file_path, username, log_level='info', exports='',
hazard_output_id=None, hazard_calculation_id=None, **extras):
Create a full job profile from a job config file.
:param str cfg_file_path:
Path to the job.ini.
:param str username:
The user who will own this job profile and all results.
:param str log_level:
Desired log level.
:param exports:
Comma-separated sting of desired export types.
:param int hazard_output_id:
ID of a hazard output to use as input to this calculation. Specify
this xor ``hazard_calculation_id``.
:param int hazard_calculation_id:
ID of a complete hazard job to use as input to this
calculation. Specify this xor ``hazard_output_id``.
:params extras:
Extra parameters (used only in the tests to override the params)
:class:`openquake.engine.db.models.OqJob` object
`RuntimeError` if the input job configuration is not valid
assert os.path.exists(cfg_file_path), cfg_file_path
from openquake.engine.calculators import calculators
# determine the previous hazard job, if any
if hazard_calculation_id:
haz_job = models.OqJob.objects.get(pk=hazard_calculation_id)
elif hazard_output_id: # extract the hazard job from the hazard_output_id
haz_job = models.Output.objects.get(pk=hazard_output_id).oq_job
haz_job = None # no previous hazard job
# create the current job
job = create_job(user_name=username, log_level=log_level)
with logs.handle(job, log_level):
# read calculation params and create the calculation profile
params = readinput.get_params([cfg_file_path])
# TODO: improve the logic before; it is very hackish we should
# change the call in server.views.submit_job to pass the temporary dir
if not exports: # when called from the engine server
# ignore the user-provided export_dir: the engine server will
# export on demand with its own mechanism on a temporary directory
params['export_dir'] = tempfile.gettempdir()
if haz_job: # for risk calculations
calcmode = params['calculation_mode']
check_hazard_risk_consistency(haz_job, calcmode)
if haz_job.user_name != username:
'You are using a hazard calculation ran by %s',
if hazard_output_id and params.get('quantile_loss_curves'):
'quantile_loss_curves is on, but you passed a single '
'hazard output: the statistics will not be computed')
# build and validate an OqParam object
oqparam = readinput.get_oqparam(params, calculators=calculators)
oqparam.hazard_calculation_id = \
haz_job.id if haz_job and not hazard_output_id else None
oqparam.hazard_output_id = hazard_output_id
params = vars(oqparam).copy()
if haz_job:
params['hazard_calculation_id'] = haz_job.id
if hazard_output_id is None and hazard_calculation_id is None:
# this is a hazard calculation, not a risk one
del params['hazard_calculation_id']
del params['hazard_output_id']
else: # this is a risk calculation or a unified hazard-risk calculation
if ('maximum_distance' in params and
'asset_hazard_distance' not in params):
raise NameError(
'The name of the parameter `maximum_distance` for risk '
'calculators has changed.\nIt is now `asset_hazard_distance`. '
'Please change your risk .ini file.\nNB: do NOT '
'change the maximum_distance in the hazard .ini file!')
job.hazard_calculation = haz_job
hc = haz_job.get_oqparam()
# copy the non-conflicting hazard parameters in the risk parameters
for name, value in hc:
if name not in params:
params[name] = value
params['hazard_imtls'] = dict(hc.imtls)
cfd = hc.continuous_fragility_discretization
if cfd and cfd != oqparam.continuous_fragility_discretization:
raise RuntimeError(
'The hazard parameter continuous_fragility_discretization '
'was %d but the risk one is %d' % (
return job
# called only when the --lite flag is passed
[docs]def job_from_file_lite(cfg_file, username, log_level='info', exports='',
Create a full job profile from a job config file.
:param str cfg_file:
Path to the job.ini files.
:param str username:
The user who will own this job profile and all results.
:param str log_level:
Desired log level.
:param exports:
Comma-separated sting of desired export types.
:params extras:
Extra parameters (used only in the tests to override the params)
:class:`openquake.engine.db.models.OqJob` object
`RuntimeError` if the input job configuration is not valid
from openquake.calculators import base
# create the current job
hc_id = extras.get('hazard_calculation_id')
job = create_job(username, log_level, hc_id)
with logs.handle(job, log_level):
# read calculation params and create the calculation profile
params = readinput.get_params([cfg_file])
# build and validate an OqParam object
oqparam = readinput.get_oqparam(params, calculators=base.calculators)
return job
# this is patched in the tests
[docs]def get_outputs(job_id):
:param job_id:
ID of a calculation.
A sequence of :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.Output` objects
return models.Output.objects.filter(oq_job=job_id)