Source code for openquake.engine.calculators.risk.hazard_getters

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Hazard input management for Risk calculators.
import itertools
import operator

import numpy

from openquake.hazardlib.imt import from_string
from openquake.risklib import scientific

from openquake.engine import logs
from openquake.engine.db import models
from django.db import transaction

BYTES_PER_FLOAT = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float).nbytes

[docs]class AssetSiteAssociationError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Hazard(object): """ Hazard objects have attributes .hazard_output, .data and .imt. Moreover you can extract the .hid ( and the .weight associated to the underlying realization. The hazard .data is a numpy array of shape (N, R) where N is the number of assets and R the number of seismic events (ruptures) or the resolution of the hazard curve, depending on the calculator. """ def __init__(self, hazard_output, data, imt): self.hazard_output = hazard_output = data self.imt = imt @property def hid(self): """Return the id of the given hazard output""" return @property def weight(self): """Return the realization weight of the hazard output""" h = self.hazard_output.output_container if hasattr(h, 'lt_realization') and h.lt_realization: return h.lt_realization.weight
[docs]def make_epsilons(asset_count, num_samples, seed, correlation): """ :param int asset_count: the number of assets :param int num_ruptures: the number of ruptures :param int seed: a random seed :param float correlation: the correlation coefficient """ zeros = numpy.zeros((asset_count, num_samples)) return scientific.make_epsilons(zeros, seed, correlation)
[docs]class HazardGetter(object): """ A HazardGetter instance stores a chunk of assets and their associated hazard data. In the case of scenario and event based calculators it also stores the ruptures and the epsilons. The HazardGetter must be pickable such that it should be possible to use different strategies (e.g. distributed or not, using postgis or not). :attr assets: The assets for which we want to extract the hazard :attr site_ids: The ids of the sites associated to the hazards """ def __init__(self, imt, taxonomy, hazard_outputs, assets): self.imt = imt self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.hazard_outputs = hazard_outputs self.assets = assets self.site_ids = [] self.asset_site_ids = [] # asset_site associations for asset in self.assets: asset_site_id = asset.asset_site_id assoc = models.AssetSite.objects.get(pk=asset_site_id) self.site_ids.append( self.asset_site_ids.append(asset_site_id)
[docs] def get_hazards(self): """ Return a list of Hazard instances for the given IMT. """ return [Hazard(ho, self._get_data(ho), self.imt) for ho in self.hazard_outputs]
[docs] def get_data(self): """ Shortcut returning the hazard data when there is a single realization """ [hazard] = self.get_hazards() return
@property def hid(self): """ Return the id of the hazard output, when there is a single realization """ [ho] = self.hazard_outputs return def __repr__(self): eps = getattr(self, 'epsilons', None) eps = '' if eps is None else ', %s epsilons' % str(eps.shape) return "<%s %d assets%s, taxonomy=%s>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, len(self.assets), eps, self.taxonomy)
[docs]class HazardCurveGetter(HazardGetter): """ Simple HazardCurve Getter that performs a spatial query for each asset. """ + HazardGetter.__doc__ def _get_data(self, ho): # extract the poes for each site from the given hazard output imt_type, sa_period, sa_damping = from_string(self.imt) oc = ho.output_container if oc.output.output_type == 'hazard_curve_multi': oc = models.HazardCurve.objects.get( output__oq_job=oc.output.oq_job, output__output_type='hazard_curve', statistics=oc.statistics, lt_realization=oc.lt_realization, imt=imt_type, sa_period=sa_period, sa_damping=sa_damping) cursor = models.getcursor('job_init') query = """\ SELECT hzrdr.hazard_curve_data.poes FROM hzrdr.hazard_curve_data WHERE hazard_curve_id = %s AND ST_X(location) = %s AND ST_Y(location) = %s """ all_curves = [] for site_id in self.site_ids: site = models.HazardSite.objects.get(pk=site_id) cursor.execute(query, (, site.lon, poes = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] all_curves.append(poes) return all_curves
[docs]def expand(array, N): """ Given a non-empty array with n elements, expands it to a larger array with N elements. >>> expand([1], 3) array([1, 1, 1]) >>> expand([1, 2, 3], 10) array([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1]) >>> expand(numpy.zeros((2, 10)), 5).shape (5, 10) """ n = len(array) assert n > 0, 'Empty array' if n >= N: raise ValueError('Cannot expand an array of %d elements to %d', n, N) return numpy.array([array[i % n] for i in xrange(N)])
[docs]def haz_out_to_ses_coll(ho): if ho.output_type == 'gmf_scenario': out = models.Output.objects.get(output_type='ses', oq_job=ho.oq_job) return [] return models.SESCollection.objects.filter( trt_model__lt_model=ho.output_container.lt_realization.lt_model)
[docs]class RiskInitializer(object): """ A facility providing the brigde between the hazard (sites and outputs) and the risk (assets and risk models). When .init_assocs is called, populates the `asset_site` table with the associations between the assets in the current exposure model and the sites in the previous hazard calculation. :param hazard_outputs: outputs of the previous hazard calculation :param taxonomy: the taxonomy of the assets we are interested in :param calc: a risk calculator Warning: instantiating a RiskInitializer may perform a potentially expensive geospatial query. """ def __init__(self, taxonomy, calc): self.exposure_model = calc.exposure_model self.hazard_outputs = calc.get_hazard_outputs() self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.calc = calc self.oqparam = models.OqJob.objects.get( pk=calc.oqparam.hazard_calculation_id) self.calculation_mode = self.calc.oqparam.calculation_mode self.number_of_ground_motion_fields = self.oqparam.get_param( 'number_of_ground_motion_fields', 0) max_dist = calc.best_maximum_distance * 1000 # km to meters self.cursor = models.getcursor('job_init') hazard_exposure = models.extract_from([self.oqparam], 'exposuremodel') if self.exposure_model and hazard_exposure and \ == # no need of geospatial queries, just join on the location self.assoc_query = self.cursor.mogrify("""\ WITH assocs AS ( SELECT %s,, FROM riski.exposure_data AS exp JOIN (SELECT id, lon, lat FROM hzrdi.hazard_site WHERE hazard_calculation_id = %s AND ST_Covers(ST_GeometryFromText(%s), ST_MakePoint(lon, lat))) AS hsite ON ST_X( = hsite.lon AND ST_Y( = WHERE exposure_model_id = %s AND taxonomy=%s ) INSERT INTO riskr.asset_site (job_id, asset_id, site_id) SELECT * FROM assocs""", (,, self.calc.oqparam.region_constraint,, taxonomy)) else: # associate each asset to the closest hazard site self.assoc_query = self.cursor.mogrify("""\ WITH assocs AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ON ( %s,, FROM riski.exposure_data AS exp JOIN (SELECT id, lon, lat FROM hzrdi.hazard_site WHERE hazard_calculation_id = %s AND ST_Covers(ST_GeometryFromText(%s), ST_MakePoint(lon, lat))) AS hsite ON ST_DWithin(, ST_MakePoint(hsite.lon,, %s) WHERE exposure_model_id = %s AND taxonomy=%s ORDER BY, ST_Distance(, ST_MakePoint(hsite.lon,, false) ) INSERT INTO riskr.asset_site (job_id, asset_id, site_id) SELECT * FROM assocs""", (,, self.calc.oqparam.region_constraint, max_dist,, taxonomy)) self.num_assets = 0 self._rupture_ids = {} self.epsilons_shape = {}
[docs] def init_assocs(self): """ Stores the associations asset <-> site into the database """ with transaction.atomic(using='job_init'): # insert the associations for the current taxonomy self.cursor.execute(self.assoc_query) # now read the associations just inserted self.num_assets = models.AssetSite.objects.filter( job=self.calc.job, asset__taxonomy=self.taxonomy).count() # check if there are no associations if self.num_assets == 0: raise AssetSiteAssociationError( 'Could not associate any asset of taxonomy %s to ' 'hazard sites within the distance of %s km' % (self.taxonomy, self.calc.best_maximum_distance))