Source code for openquake.engine.calculators.risk.event_based_risk.core

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# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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Core functionality for the classical PSHA risk calculator.
import collections
import itertools
import logging

import numpy

from openquake.hazardlib.geo import mesh
from openquake.risklib import scientific
from openquake.risklib.utils import numpy_map
from openquake.calculators import event_based_risk

from openquake.engine.calculators.risk import (
    base, hazard_getters, writers)
from openquake.engine.db import models
from openquake.engine import engine, writer, logs
from openquake.engine.calculators import calculators
from openquake.engine.performance import EnginePerformanceMonitor

def _filter_loss_matrix_assets(loss_matrix, assets, specific_assets):
    # reduce loss_matrix and assets to the specific_assets
    mask = numpy.array([a.asset_ref in specific_assets for a in assets])
    return loss_matrix[mask], numpy.array(assets)[mask]

[docs]def event_based(workflow, getter, outputdict, params, monitor): """ Celery task for the event based risk calculator. :param job_id: the id of the current :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.OqJob` :param workflow: A :class:`openquake.risklib.workflows.Workflow` instance :param getter: A :class:`HazardGetter` instance :param outputdict: An instance of :class:`..writers.OutputDict` containing output container instances (e.g. a LossCurve) :param params: An instance of :class:`..base.CalcParams` used to compute derived outputs :param monitor: A monitor instance :returns: A dictionary {loss_type: event_loss_table} """ # NB: event_loss_table is a dictionary (loss_type, out_id) -> loss, # out_id can be None, and it that case it stores the statistics event_loss_table = {} # num_loss is a dictionary asset_ref -> array([not_zeros, total]) num_losses = collections.defaultdict(lambda: numpy.zeros(2, dtype=int)) specific_assets = set(params.specific_assets) statistics = params.statistics # enabled by default # keep in memory the loss_matrix only when specific_assets are set workflow.return_loss_matrix = bool(specific_assets) # the insert here will work only if specific_assets is set inserter = writer.CacheInserter( models.EventLossAsset, max_cache_size=10000) for loss_type in workflow.loss_types: with monitor('computing individual risk', autoflush=True): outputs = workflow.compute_all_outputs(getter, loss_type) if statistics: outputs = list(outputs) # expand the generator # this is needed, otherwise the call to workflow.statistics # below will find an empty iterable; notice that by disabling # the statistics we can save memory by keeping only one # hazard realization at the time for out in outputs: event_loss_table[loss_type, out.hid] = out.event_loss_table disagg_outputs = None # changed if params.sites_disagg is set if specific_assets: loss_matrix, assets = _filter_loss_matrix_assets( out.loss_matrix, out.assets, specific_assets) if len(assets): # compute the loss per rupture per asset event_loss = models.EventLoss.objects.get( output__oq_job=monitor.job_id, output__output_type='event_loss_asset', loss_type=loss_type, hazard_output=out.hid) # losses is E x n matrix, where E is the number of ruptures # and n the number of assets in the specific_assets set losses = (loss_matrix.transpose() * numpy_map(lambda a: a.value(loss_type), assets)) # save an EventLossAsset record for each specific asset for rup_id, losses_per_rup in zip( getter.rupture_ids, losses): for asset, loss_per_rup in zip(assets, losses_per_rup): if loss_per_rup: # save only non-zero losses ela = models.EventLossAsset( event_loss=event_loss, rupture_id=rup_id, asset=asset, loss=loss_per_rup) inserter.add(ela) # update the counters: not_zeros is incremented # only if loss_per_rup is nonzero, total always num_losses[asset.asset_ref] += numpy.array( [bool(loss_per_rup), 1]) if params.sites_disagg: with monitor('disaggregating results', autoflush=True): ruptures = [models.SESRupture.objects.get(pk=rid) for rid in getter.rupture_ids] disagg_outputs = disaggregate( out, [r.rupture for r in ruptures], params) with monitor('saving individual risk', autoflush=True): save_individual_outputs( outputdict.with_args(hazard_output_id=out.hid, loss_type=loss_type), out, disagg_outputs, params) if statistics and len(outputs) > 1: stats = workflow.statistics( outputs, params.quantile_loss_curves) with monitor('saving risk statistics', autoflush=True): save_statistical_output( outputdict.with_args( hazard_output_id=None, loss_type=loss_type), stats, params) event_loss_table[loss_type, None] = stats.event_loss_table inserter.flush() # log info about the rows entered in the event_loss_asset table for asset_ref in sorted(num_losses): not_zeros, total = num_losses[asset_ref]'Saved %d/%d losses for asset %s', not_zeros, total, asset_ref) return event_loss_table
[docs]def save_individual_outputs(outputdict, outputs, disagg_outputs, params): """ Save loss curves, loss maps and loss fractions associated with a calculation unit :param outputdict: a :class:`openquake.engine.calculators.risk.writers.OutputDict` instance holding the reference to the output container objects :param outputs: a :class:`openquake.risklib.workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased.Output` holding the output data for a calculation unit :param disagg_outputs: a :class:`.DisaggregationOutputs` holding the disaggreation output data for a calculation unit :param params: a :class:`openquake.engine.calculators.risk.base.CalcParams` holding the parameters for this calculation """ outputdict.write( outputs.assets, (outputs.loss_curves, outputs.average_losses, outputs.stddev_losses), output_type="event_loss_curve") outputdict.write_all( "poe", params.conditional_loss_poes, outputs.loss_maps, outputs.assets, output_type="loss_map") if disagg_outputs is not None: # FIXME. We should avoid synthetizing the generator assets = list(disagg_outputs.assets_disagg) outputdict.write( assets, disagg_outputs.magnitude_distance, disagg_outputs.fractions, output_type="loss_fraction", variable="magnitude_distance") outputdict.write( assets, disagg_outputs.coordinate, disagg_outputs.fractions, output_type="loss_fraction", variable="coordinate") if outputs.insured_curves is not None: outputdict.write( outputs.assets, (outputs.insured_curves, outputs.average_insured_losses, outputs.stddev_insured_losses), output_type="event_loss_curve", insured=True)
[docs]def save_statistical_output(outputdict, stats, params): """ Save statistical outputs (mean and quantile loss curves, mean and quantile loss maps) for the calculation. :param outputdict: a :class:`openquake.engine.calculators.risk.writers.OutputDict` instance holding the reference to the output container objects :param stats: :class: `openquake.risklib.workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased.StatisticalOutput` holding the statistical output data :param params: a :class:`openquake.engine.calculators.risk.base.CalcParams` holding the parameters for this calculation """ outputdict.write( stats.assets, (stats.mean_curves, stats.mean_average_losses), output_type="loss_curve", statistics="mean") outputdict.write_all( "poe", params.conditional_loss_poes, stats.mean_maps, stats.assets, output_type="loss_map", statistics="mean") # quantile curves and maps outputdict.write_all( "quantile", params.quantile_loss_curves, [(c, a) for c, a in itertools.izip(stats.quantile_curves, stats.quantile_average_losses)], stats.assets, output_type="loss_curve", statistics="quantile") if params.quantile_loss_curves: for quantile, maps in zip( params.quantile_loss_curves, stats.quantile_maps): outputdict.write_all( "poe", params.conditional_loss_poes, maps, stats.assets, output_type="loss_map", statistics="quantile", quantile=quantile) # mean and quantile insured curves if stats.mean_insured_curves is not None: outputdict.write( stats.assets, (stats.mean_insured_curves, stats.mean_average_insured_losses), output_type="loss_curve", statistics="mean", insured=True) outputdict.write_all( "quantile", params.quantile_loss_curves, [(c, a) for c, a in itertools.izip( stats.quantile_insured_curves, stats.quantile_average_insured_losses)], stats.assets, output_type="loss_curve", statistics="quantile", insured=True)
[docs]class DisaggregationOutputs(object): def __init__(self, assets_disagg, magnitude_distance, coordinate, fractions): self.assets_disagg = assets_disagg self.magnitude_distance = magnitude_distance self.coordinate = coordinate self.fractions = fractions
[docs]def disaggregate(outputs, ruptures, params): """ Compute disaggregation outputs given the individual `outputs` and `params` :param outputs: an instance of :class:`openquake.risklib.workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased.Output` :param params: an instance of :class:`..base.CalcParams` :param list rupture_ids: a list of :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.SESRupture` IDs :returns: an instance of :class:`DisaggregationOutputs` """ def disaggregate_site(site, loss_ratios): for fraction, rupture in zip(loss_ratios, ruptures): s = rupture.surface m = mesh.Mesh(numpy.array([site.x]), numpy.array([site.y]), None) mag = numpy.floor(rupture.magnitude / params.mag_bin_width) dist = numpy.floor( s.get_joyner_boore_distance(m))[0] / params.distance_bin_width closest_point = iter(s.get_closest_points(m)).next() lon = closest_point.longitude / params.coordinate_bin_width lat = closest_point.latitude / params.coordinate_bin_width yield "%d,%d" % (mag, dist), "%d,%d" % (lon, lat), fraction assets_disagg = [] disagg_matrix = [] for asset, losses in zip(outputs.assets, outputs.loss_matrix): if (, in params.sites_disagg: disagg_matrix.extend(list(disaggregate_site(, losses))) # FIXME. the functions in # openquake.engine.calculators.risk.writers requires an # asset per each row in the disaggregation matrix. To this # aim, we repeat the assets that will be passed to such # functions assets_disagg = itertools.chain( assets_disagg, itertools.repeat(asset, len(ruptures))) if assets_disagg: magnitudes, coordinates, fractions = zip(*disagg_matrix) else: magnitudes, coordinates, fractions = [], [], [] return DisaggregationOutputs( assets_disagg, magnitudes, coordinates, fractions)
[docs]class EventBasedRiskCalculator(base.RiskCalculator): """ Probabilistic Event Based PSHA risk calculator. Computes loss curves, loss maps, aggregate losses and insured losses for a given set of assets. """ core = staticmethod(event_based) # FIXME(lp). Validate sites_disagg to ensure non-empty outputs validators = base.RiskCalculator.validators output_builders = [writers.EventLossCurveMapBuilder, writers.LossFractionBuilder] getter_class = hazard_getters.GroundMotionGetter def __init__(self, job): logging.warn('This calculator is deprecated, use oq-engine --lite') super(EventBasedRiskCalculator, self).__init__(job) # accumulator for the event loss tables self.acc = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter) self.sites_disagg = self.job.get_param('sites_disagg', []) self.specific_assets = self.job.get_param('specific_assets', [])
[docs] def pre_execute(self): """ Base pre_execute + build Event Loss Asset outputs if needed """ super(EventBasedRiskCalculator, self).pre_execute() for hazard_output in self.get_hazard_outputs(): for loss_type in self.loss_types: models.EventLoss.objects.create( output=models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "Event Loss Table type=%s, hazard=%s" % ( loss_type,, "event_loss"), loss_type=loss_type, hazard_output=hazard_output) if self.specific_assets: models.EventLoss.objects.create( output=models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "Event Loss Asset type=%s, hazard=%s" % ( loss_type,, "event_loss_asset"), loss_type=loss_type, hazard_output=hazard_output)
@EnginePerformanceMonitor.monitor def agg_result(self, acc, event_loss_table): """ Updates the event loss table """ newdict = acc.copy() for (loss_type, out_id), counter in event_loss_table.iteritems(): try: c = newdict[loss_type, out_id] except KeyError: pass else: newdict[loss_type, out_id] = c + counter return newdict
[docs] def post_process(self): """ Compute aggregate loss curves and event loss tables """ oq = self.oqparam with self.monitor('post processing', autoflush=True): inserter = writer.CacheInserter(models.EventLossData, max_cache_size=10000) for (loss_type, out_id), event_loss_table in self.acc.items(): if out_id: # values for individual realizations hazard_output = models.Output.objects.get(pk=out_id) event_loss = models.EventLoss.objects.get( output__oq_job=self.job, output__output_type='event_loss', loss_type=loss_type, hazard_output=hazard_output) if isinstance(hazard_output.output_container, models.SESCollection): ses_coll = hazard_output.output_container rupture_ids = ses_coll.get_ruptures().values_list( 'id', flat=True) else: # extract the SES collection from the Gmf rupture_ids = models.SESRupture.objects.filter( rupture__ses_collection__trt_model__lt_model= hazard_output.output_container. lt_realization.lt_model).values_list( 'id', flat=True) for rupture_id in rupture_ids: if rupture_id in event_loss_table: inserter.add( models.EventLossData(, rupture_id=rupture_id, aggregate_loss=event_loss_table[ rupture_id])) inserter.flush() aggregate_losses = [ event_loss_table[rupture_id] for rupture_id in rupture_ids if rupture_id in event_loss_table] if aggregate_losses: aggregate_loss = scientific.event_based( aggregate_losses, ses_ratio=oq.ses_ratio, curve_resolution=oq.loss_curve_resolution) models.AggregateLossCurveData.objects.create( loss_curve=models.LossCurve.objects.create( aggregate=True, insured=False, hazard_output=hazard_output, loss_type=loss_type, output=models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "aggregate loss curves. " "loss_type=%s hazard=%s" % ( loss_type, hazard_output), "agg_loss_curve")), losses=aggregate_loss[0], poes=aggregate_loss[1], average_loss=sum(aggregate_losses), stddev_loss=None)
[docs]class EBRCalculator(event_based_risk.EventBasedRiskCalculator): """ Smaller Event Based risk calculator for the event loss table. """ def __init__(self, job): self.job = job oq = job.get_oqparam() monitor = EnginePerformanceMonitor('ebr', calc_id = engine.get_calc_id( super(EBRCalculator, self).__init__(oq, monitor, calc_id) job.ds_calc_dir = self.datastore.calc_dir
[docs] def clean_up(self): engine.expose_outputs(self.datastore, self.job) super(EBRCalculator, self).clean_up()