Source code for openquake.engine.calculators.hazard.general

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# Copyright (c) 2010-2014, GEM Foundation.
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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"""Common code for the hazard calculators."""

import itertools
import collections
from operator import attrgetter

from django.contrib.gis.geos.point import Point

import numpy

from openquake.hazardlib.imt import from_string

# FIXME: one must import the engine before django to set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
from openquake.engine.db import models

from openquake.baselib import general
from openquake.commonlib import readinput, risk_parsers, source
from openquake.commonlib.readinput import (
    get_site_collection, get_site_model)

from openquake.engine.input import exposure
from openquake.engine import logs
from openquake.engine import writer
from openquake.engine.calculators import base
from openquake.risklib import scientific

from openquake.engine.calculators.hazard.post_processing import (
    hazard_curves_to_hazard_map, do_uhs_post_proc)

from openquake.engine.performance import EnginePerformanceMonitor
from openquake.engine.utils import tasks

# Dilation in decimal degrees (
# 1e-5 represents the approximate distance of one meter at the equator.

[docs]class InputWeightLimit(Exception): pass
[docs]class OutputWeightLimit(Exception): pass
[docs]def all_equal(obj, value): """ :param obj: a numpy array or something else :param value: a numeric value :returns: a boolean """ eq = (obj == value) if isinstance(eq, numpy.ndarray): return eq.all() else: return eq
[docs]class BaseHazardCalculator(base.Calculator): """ Abstract base class for hazard calculators. Contains a bunch of common functionality, like initialization procedures. """ prefilter = True tilepath = () # set only by the tiling calculator def __init__(self, job): super(BaseHazardCalculator, self).__init__(job) # a dictionary trt_model_id -> num_ruptures self.num_ruptures = collections.defaultdict(int) # now a dictionary (trt_model_id, gsim) -> poes self.acc = general.AccumDict() self.mean_hazard_curves = self.oqparam.mean_hazard_curves self.quantile_hazard_curves = self.oqparam.quantile_hazard_curves self._hazard_curves = [] self._realizations = [] self._source_models = [] @EnginePerformanceMonitor.monitor def execute(self): """ Run the `.core_calc_task` in parallel, by using the apply_reduce distribution, but it can be overridden in subclasses. """ csm = self.composite_model self.acc = tasks.apply_reduce( self.core_calc_task, (list(csm.sources), self.site_collection,, self.monitor), agg=self.agg_curves, acc=self.acc, weight=attrgetter('weight'), key=attrgetter('trt_model_id'), concurrent_tasks=self.concurrent_tasks) @EnginePerformanceMonitor.monitor def agg_curves(self, acc, result): """ This is used to incrementally update hazard curve results by combining an initial value with some new results. (Each set of new results is computed over only a subset of seismic sources defined in the calculation model.) :param acc: A dictionary of curves :param result: A dictionary `{trt_model_id: (curves_by_gsim, bbs)}`. `curves_by_gsim` is a list of pairs `(gsim, curves_by_imt)` where `curves_by_imt` is a list of 2-D numpy arrays representing the new results which need to be combined with the current value. These should be the same shape as `acc[tr_model_id, gsim][j]` where `gsim` is the GSIM name and `j` is the IMT ordinal. """ for trt_model_id, (curves_by_gsim, bbs) in result.iteritems(): for gsim, probs in curves_by_gsim: pnes = [] for prob, zero in itertools.izip(probs, self.zeros): pnes.append(1 - (zero if all_equal(prob, 0) else prob)) pnes1 = numpy.array(pnes) pnes2 = 1 - acc.get((trt_model_id, gsim), self.zeros) acc[trt_model_id, gsim] = 1 - pnes1 * pnes2 if self.oqparam.poes_disagg: for bb in bbs: self.bb_dict[bb.lt_model_id, bb.site_id].update_bb(bb) return acc
[docs] def pre_execute(self): """ Initialize risk models, site model and sources """ self.parse_risk_model() self.initialize_site_collection() self.initialize_sources() info = readinput.get_job_info( self.oqparam, self.composite_model, self.site_collection) models.JobInfo.objects.create( oq_job=self.job, num_sites=info['n_sites'], num_realizations=info['max_realizations'], num_imts=info['n_imts'], num_levels=info['n_levels'], input_weight=info['input_weight'], output_weight=info['output_weight']) self.check_limits(info['input_weight'], info['output_weight']) self.init_zeros_ones() return info['input_weight'], info['output_weight']
[docs] def init_zeros_ones(self): imtls = self.oqparam.imtls if None in imtls.values(): # no levels, cannot compute curves return n_sites = len(self.site_collection) self.zeros = numpy.array( [numpy.zeros((n_sites, len(imtls[imt]))) for imt in sorted(imtls)]) self.ones = [numpy.zeros(len(imtls[imt]), dtype=float) for imt in sorted(imtls)]
[docs] def check_limits(self, input_weight, output_weight): """ Compute the total weight of the source model and the expected output size and compare them with the parameters max_input_weight and max_output_weight in openquake.cfg; if the parameters are set """ if (self.max_input_weight and input_weight > self.max_input_weight): raise InputWeightLimit( 'A limit of %d on the maximum source model weight was set. ' 'The weight of your model is %d. Please reduce your model ' 'or raise the parameter max_input_weight in openquake.cfg' % (self.max_input_weight, input_weight)) elif self.max_output_weight and output_weight > self.max_output_weight: raise OutputWeightLimit( 'A limit of %d on the maximum output weight was set. ' 'The weight of your output is %d. Please reduce the number ' 'of sites, the number of IMTs, the number of realizations ' 'or the number of stochastic event sets; otherwise, ' 'raise the parameter max_output_weight in openquake.cfg' % (self.max_input_weight, input_weight))
[docs] def post_execute(self, result=None): """Inizialize realizations""" self.initialize_realizations() # must be called after the realizations are known self.save_hazard_curves()
@EnginePerformanceMonitor.monitor def initialize_sources(self): """ Parse source models, apply uncertainties and validate source logic trees. Save in the database LtSourceModel and TrtModel objects. """ logs.LOG.progress("initializing sources") self.composite_model = readinput.get_composite_source_model( self.oqparam, self.site_collection, self.prefilter) for sm in self.composite_model: # create an LtSourceModel for each distinct source model lt_model = models.LtSourceModel.objects.create( hazard_calculation=self.job, sm_lt_path=self.tilepath + sm.path, ordinal=sm.ordinal,, weight=sm.weight, samples=sm.samples) self._source_models.append(lt_model) gsims_by_trt = sm.gsim_lt.values # save TrtModels for each tectonic region type # and stored the db ID in the in-memory models for trt_mod in sm.trt_models: = models.TrtModel.objects.create( lt_model=lt_model, tectonic_region_type=trt_mod.trt, num_sources=len(trt_mod), num_ruptures=trt_mod.num_ruptures, min_mag=trt_mod.min_mag, max_mag=trt_mod.max_mag, gsims=gsims_by_trt[trt_mod.trt]).id # rebuild the info object with the trt_ids coming from the db = source.CompositionInfo( self.composite_model.source_models) @EnginePerformanceMonitor.monitor def parse_risk_model(self): """ If any risk model is given in the hazard calculation, the computation will be driven by risk data. In this case the locations will be extracted from the exposure file (if there is one) and the imt (and levels) will be extracted from the vulnerability model (if there is one) """ oqparam = self.job.get_oqparam() if 'exposure' in oqparam.inputs: with logs.tracing('storing exposure'): exposure.ExposureDBWriter( self.job).serialize( risk_parsers.ExposureModelParser( oqparam.inputs['exposure'])) models.Imt.save_new(map(from_string, oqparam.imtls)) @EnginePerformanceMonitor.monitor def initialize_site_collection(self): """ Populate the hazard site table and create a sitecollection attribute. """ logs.LOG.progress("initializing sites") points, site_ids = self.job.save_hazard_sites() if not site_ids: raise RuntimeError('No sites were imported!') logs.LOG.progress("initializing site collection") oqparam = self.job.get_oqparam() self.site_collection = get_site_collection( oqparam, points, site_ids)
[docs] def initialize_realizations(self): """ Create records for the `hzrdr.lt_realization`. This function works either in random sampling mode (when lt_realization models get the random seed value) or in enumeration mode (when weight values are populated). In both cases we record the logic tree paths for both trees in the `lt_realization` record, as well as ordinal number of the realization (zero-based). """ logs.LOG.progress("initializing realizations") cm = self.composite_model self._realizations = [] self.rlzs_assoc = cm.get_rlzs_assoc( lambda trt_model: models.TrtModel.objects.get( gsims_by_trt_id = self.rlzs_assoc.get_gsims_by_trt_id() for lt_model in self._source_models: rlzs = self.rlzs_assoc.rlzs_by_smodel.get(lt_model.ordinal, [])'Creating %d realization(s) for model ' '%s, %s', len(rlzs), lt_model.sm_name, '_'.join(lt_model.sm_lt_path)) for rlz in rlzs: gsim_by_trt = self.rlzs_assoc.gsim_by_trt[rlz] lt_rlz = models.LtRealization.objects.create( lt_model=lt_model, gsim_lt_path=rlz.gsim_rlz.lt_uid, weight=rlz.weight, ordinal=rlz.ordinal) = self._realizations.append(lt_rlz) for trt_model in lt_model.trtmodel_set.all(): trt = trt_model.tectonic_region_type # populate the association table rlz <-> trt_model models.AssocLtRlzTrtModel.objects.create( rlz=lt_rlz, trt_model=trt_model, gsim=gsim_by_trt[trt]) trt_model.gsims = [ gsim.__class__.__name__ for gsim in gsims_by_trt_id[]]
# this could be parallelized in the future, however in all the cases # I have seen until now, the serialized approach is fast enough (MS) @EnginePerformanceMonitor.monitor def save_hazard_curves(self): """ Post-execution actions. At the moment, all we do is finalize the hazard curve results. """ if not self.acc: return imtls = self.oqparam.imtls points = models.HazardSite.objects.filter( hazard_calculation=self.job).order_by('id') sorted_imts = sorted(imtls) curves_by_imt = dict((imt, []) for imt in sorted_imts) individual_curves = self.job.get_param( 'individual_curves', missing=True) for rlz in self._realizations: if individual_curves: # create a multi-imt curve multicurve = models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "hc-multi-imt-rlz-%s" %, "hazard_curve_multi") models.HazardCurve.objects.create( output=multicurve, lt_realization=rlz, investigation_time=self.oqparam.investigation_time) with self.monitor('building curves per realization'): imt_curves = zip( sorted_imts, models.build_curves(rlz, self.acc)) for imt, curves in imt_curves: if individual_curves: self.save_curves_for_rlz_imt( rlz, imt, imtls[imt], points, curves) curves_by_imt[imt].append(curves) self.acc = {} # save memory for the post-processing phase if self.mean_hazard_curves or self.quantile_hazard_curves: self.curves_by_imt = curves_by_imt
[docs] def save_curves_for_rlz_imt(self, rlz, imt, imls, points, curves): """ Save the curves corresponding to a given realization and IMT. :param rlz: a LtRealization instance :param imt: an IMT string :param imls: the intensity measure levels for the given IMT :param points: the points associated to the curves :param curves: the curves """ # create a new `HazardCurve` 'container' record for each # realization for each intensity measure type hc_im_type, sa_period, sa_damping = from_string(imt) # save output hco = models.Output.objects.create( oq_job=self.job, display_name="Hazard Curve rlz-%s-%s" % (, imt), output_type='hazard_curve', ) # save hazard_curve haz_curve = models.HazardCurve.objects.create( output=hco, lt_realization=rlz, investigation_time=self.oqparam.investigation_time, imt=hc_im_type, imls=imls, sa_period=sa_period, sa_damping=sa_damping, ) self._hazard_curves.append(haz_curve) # save hazard_curve_data'saving %d hazard curves for %s, imt=%s', len(points), hco, imt) writer.CacheInserter.saveall([models.HazardCurveData( hazard_curve=haz_curve, poes=list(poes), location=p.location, weight=rlz.weight) for p, poes in zip(points, curves)])
@EnginePerformanceMonitor.monitor def do_aggregate_post_proc(self): """ Grab hazard data for all realizations and sites from the database and compute mean and/or quantile aggregates (depending on which options are enabled in the calculation). Post-processing results will be stored directly into the database. """ num_rlzs = len(self._realizations) if not num_rlzs: logs.LOG.warn('No realizations for hazard_calculation_id=%d', return elif num_rlzs == 1 and self.quantile_hazard_curves: logs.LOG.warn( 'There is only one realization, the configuration parameter ' 'quantile_hazard_curves should not be set') return weights = (None if self.oqparam.number_of_logic_tree_samples else [rlz.weight for rlz in self._realizations]) if self.oqparam.mean_hazard_curves: # create a new `HazardCurve` 'container' record for mean # curves (virtual container for multiple imts) models.HazardCurve.objects.create( output=models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "mean-curves-multi-imt", "hazard_curve_multi"), statistics="mean", imt=None, investigation_time=self.oqparam.investigation_time) for quantile in self.quantile_hazard_curves: # create a new `HazardCurve` 'container' record for quantile # curves (virtual container for multiple imts) models.HazardCurve.objects.create( output=models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, 'quantile(%s)-curves' % quantile, "hazard_curve_multi"), statistics="quantile", imt=None, quantile=quantile, investigation_time=self.oqparam.investigation_time) for imt, imls in self.oqparam.imtls.items(): im_type, sa_period, sa_damping = from_string(imt) # prepare `output` and `hazard_curve` containers in the DB: container_ids = dict() if self.oqparam.mean_hazard_curves: mean_output = self.job.get_or_create_output( display_name='Mean Hazard Curves %s' % imt, output_type='hazard_curve' ) mean_hc = models.HazardCurve.objects.create( output=mean_output, investigation_time=self.oqparam.investigation_time, imt=im_type, imls=imls, sa_period=sa_period, sa_damping=sa_damping, statistics='mean' ) self._hazard_curves.append(mean_hc) container_ids['mean'] = for quantile in self.quantile_hazard_curves: q_output = self.job.get_or_create_output( display_name=( '%s quantile Hazard Curves %s' % (quantile, imt)), output_type='hazard_curve') q_hc = models.HazardCurve.objects.create( output=q_output, investigation_time=self.oqparam.investigation_time, imt=im_type, imls=imls, sa_period=sa_period, sa_damping=sa_damping, statistics='quantile', quantile=quantile ) self._hazard_curves.append(q_hc) container_ids['q%s' % quantile] = # num_rlzs * num_sites * num_levels # NB: different IMTs can have different num_levels all_curves_for_imt = numpy.array(self.curves_by_imt[imt]) del self.curves_by_imt[imt] # save memory inserter = writer.CacheInserter( models.HazardCurveData, max_cache_size=10000) # curve_poes below is an array num_rlzs * num_levels for i, site in enumerate(self.site_collection): wkt = site.location.wkt2d curve_poes = numpy.array( [c_by_rlz[i] for c_by_rlz in all_curves_for_imt]) # calc quantiles first for quantile in self.quantile_hazard_curves: q_curve = scientific.quantile_curve( curve_poes, quantile, weights) inserter.add( models.HazardCurveData( hazard_curve_id=( container_ids['q%s' % quantile]), poes=q_curve.tolist(), location=wkt)) # then means if self.mean_hazard_curves: m_curve = scientific.mean_curve(curve_poes, weights) inserter.add( models.HazardCurveData( hazard_curve_id=container_ids['mean'], poes=m_curve.tolist(), location=wkt)) inserter.flush()
[docs] def post_process(self): """ Optionally generates aggregate curves, hazard maps and uniform_hazard_spectra. """ # means/quantiles: if self.mean_hazard_curves or self.quantile_hazard_curves: self.do_aggregate_post_proc() # hazard maps: # required for computing UHS # if `hazard_maps` is false but `uniform_hazard_spectra` is true, # just don't export the maps if (self.oqparam.hazard_maps or self.oqparam.uniform_hazard_spectra): with self.monitor('generating hazard maps', autoflush=True) as mon: tasks.apply_reduce( hazard_curves_to_hazard_map, (self._hazard_curves, self.oqparam.poes, mon), concurrent_tasks=self.concurrent_tasks) if self.oqparam.uniform_hazard_spectra: do_uhs_post_proc(self.job)