Source code for openquake.engine.calculators.risk.scenario_damage.core

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Core functionality for the scenario_damage risk calculator.

import numpy

from openquake.commonlib.readinput import get_risk_model

from openquake.engine.calculators.risk import (
    base, hazard_getters, writers, validation)
from openquake.engine.performance import EnginePerformanceMonitor
from openquake.engine.db import models
from openquake.engine.calculators import calculators

[docs]def scenario_damage(workflow, getter, outputdict, params, monitor): """ Celery task for the scenario damage risk calculator. :param workflow: A :class:`openquake.risklib.workflows.Workflow` instance :param getter: A HazardGetter instance :param outputdict: An instance of :class:`..writers.OutputDict` containing output container instances (in this case only `LossMap`) :param params: An instance of :class:`..base.CalcParams` used to compute derived outputs :param monitor: A monitor instance :returns: A matrix of fractions and a taxonomy string """ [ffs] = workflow.risk_functions # and no output containers assert len(outputdict) == 0, outputdict with monitor('computing risk'): assets, fractions = workflow( 'damage', getter.assets, getter.get_data(), None) aggfractions = sum(fractions[i] * asset.number_of_units for i, asset in enumerate(assets)) with monitor('saving damage per assets'): writers.damage_distribution( getter.assets, fractions, params.damage_state_ids) return {assets[0].taxonomy: aggfractions}
[docs]class ScenarioDamageRiskCalculator(base.RiskCalculator): """ Scenario Damage Risk Calculator. Computes four kinds of damage distributions: per asset, per taxonomy, total and collapse map. :attr dict fragility_functions: A dictionary of dictionary mapping taxonomy -> (limit state -> fragility function) where a fragility function is an instance of :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.FragilityFunctionContinuous` or :class:`openquake.risklib.scientific.FragilityFunctionDiscrete`. """ #: The core calculation celery task function core = staticmethod(scenario_damage) validators = [validation.HazardIMT, validation.EmptyExposure, validation.OrphanTaxonomies, validation.NoRiskModels] # FIXME. scenario damage calculator does not use output builders output_builders = [] getter_class = hazard_getters.GroundMotionGetter def __init__(self, job): super(ScenarioDamageRiskCalculator, self).__init__(job) self.acc = {} # taxonomy -> fractions @EnginePerformanceMonitor.monitor def agg_result(self, acc, task_result): """ Update the dictionary acc, i.e. aggregate the damage distribution by taxonomy; called every time a block of assets is computed for each taxonomy. Fractions and taxonomy are extracted from task_result :param task_result: A pair (fractions, taxonomy) """ acc = acc.copy() for taxonomy, fractions in task_result.iteritems(): if fractions is not None: if taxonomy not in acc: acc[taxonomy] = numpy.zeros(fractions.shape) acc[taxonomy] += fractions return acc
[docs] def post_process(self): """ Save the damage distributions by taxonomy and total on the db. """ damage_state_ids = self.oqparam.damage_state_ids models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "Damage Distribution per Asset", "dmg_dist_per_asset") models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "Collapse Map per Asset", "collapse_map") if self.acc: models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "Damage Distribution per Taxonomy", "dmg_dist_per_taxonomy") tot = None for taxonomy, fractions in self.acc.iteritems(): writers.damage_distribution_per_taxonomy( fractions, damage_state_ids, taxonomy) if tot is None: # only the first time tot = numpy.zeros(fractions.shape) tot += fractions if tot is not None: models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "Damage Distribution Total", "dmg_dist_total") writers.total_damage_distribution(tot, damage_state_ids)
[docs] def get_risk_model(self): """ Load fragility model and store damage states """ risk_model = get_risk_model(self.oqparam) for lsi, dstate in enumerate(risk_model.damage_states): models.DmgState.objects.get_or_create( risk_calculation=self.job, dmg_state=dstate, lsi=lsi) damage_state_ids = [ for d in models.DmgState.objects.filter( risk_calculation=self.job).order_by('lsi')] self.oqparam.damage_state_ids = damage_state_ids self.loss_types.add('damage') # single loss_type return risk_model