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Module :mod:`~openquake.hazardlib.calc.filters` contain filter functions for
Filters are functions (or other callable objects) that should take generators
and return generators. There are two different kinds of filter functions:
1. Source-site filters. Those functions take a generator of two-item tuples,
each pair consists of seismic source object (that is, an instance of
a subclass of :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.source.base.BaseSeismicSource`)
and a site collection (instance of
2. Rupture-site filters. Those also take a generator of pairs, but in this
case the first item in the pair is a rupture object (instance of
:class:`~openquake.hazardlib.source.rupture.Rupture`). The second element in
generator items is still site collection.
The purpose of both kinds of filters is to limit the amount of calculation
to be done based on some criteria, like the distance between the source
and the site. So common design feature of all the filters is the loop over
pairs of the provided generator, filtering the sites collection, and if
there are no items left in it, skipping the pair and continuing to the next
one. If some sites need to be considered together with that source / rupture,
the pair gets generated out, with a (possibly) :meth:`limited
<openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection.filter>` site collection.
Consistency of filters' input and output stream format allows several filters
(obviously, of the same kind) to be chained together.
Filter functions should not make assumptions about the ordering of items
in the original generator or draw more than one pair at once. Ideally, they
should also perform reasonably fast (filtering stage that takes longer than
the actual calculation on unfiltered collection only decreases performance).
Module :mod:`openquake.hazardlib.calc.filters` exports one distance-based
filter function (see :func:`filter_sites_by_distance_to_rupture`) as well as
a "no operation" filter (`source_site_noop_filter`). There is
a class `SourceFilter` to determine the sites
affected by a given source: the second one uses an R-tree index and it is
faster if there are a lot of sources, i.e. if the initial time to prepare
the index can be compensed. Finally, there is a function
`filter_sites_by_distance_to_rupture` based on the Joyner-Boore distance.
import sys
import logging
import collections
from contextlib import contextmanager
import numpy
import rtree
except ImportError:
rtree = None
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import raise_
from openquake.hazardlib import valid
from openquake.hazardlib.site import FilteredSiteCollection
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.utils import fix_lons_idl
[docs]def context(src):
Used to add the source_id to the error message. To be used as
with context(src):
Typically the operation is filtering a source, that can fail for
tricky geometries.
etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
msg %= (src.source_id, err)
raise_(etype, msg, tb)
[docs]def filter_sites_by_distance_to_rupture(rupture, integration_distance, sites):
Filter out sites from the collection that are further from the rupture
than some arbitrary threshold.
:param rupture:
Instance of :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.source.rupture.Rupture`
that was generated by :meth:
of an instance of this class.
:param integration_distance:
Threshold distance in km.
:param sites:
Instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection`
to filter.
Filtered :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection`.
This function is similar to :meth:`openquake.hazardlib.source.base.BaseSeismicSource.filter_sites_by_distance_to_source`.
The same notes about filtering criteria apply. Site
should not be filtered out if it is not further than the integration
distance from the rupture's surface projection along the great
circle arc (this is known as Joyner-Boore distance, :meth:`
jb_dist = rupture.surface.get_joyner_boore_distance(sites.mesh)
return sites.filter(jb_dist <= integration_distance)
[docs]class SourceFilter(object):
The SourceFilter uses the rtree library if available. The index is
generated at instantiation time and kept in memory. The filter should be
instantiated only once per calculation, after the site collection is
known. It should be used as follows::
ss_filter = SourceFilter(sitecol, integration_distance)
for src, sites in ss_filter(sources):
As a side effect, sets the `.nsites` attribute of the source, i.e. the
number of sites within the integration distance. Notice that SourceFilter
instances can be pickled, but when unpickled the `use_rtree` flag is set to
false and the index is lost: the reason is that libspatialindex indices
cannot be properly pickled (https://github.com/Toblerity/rtree/issues/65).
:param sitecol:
:class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection` instance (or None)
:param integration_distance:
Threshold distance in km, this value gets passed straight to
which is what is actually used for filtering.
:param use_rtree:
by default True, i.e. try to use the rtree module if available
def __init__(self, sitecol, integration_distance, use_rtree=True):
if (isinstance(integration_distance, collections.Mapping) and not
isinstance(integration_distance, valid.IntegrationDistance)):
self.integration_distance = valid.IntegrationDistance(
self.integration_distance = integration_distance
self.sitecol = sitecol
self.use_rtree = use_rtree and rtree and (
integration_distance and sitecol is not None)
if self.use_rtree:
fixed_lons, self.idl = fix_lons_idl(sitecol.lons)
self.index = rtree.index.Index()
for sid, lon, lat in zip(sitecol.sids, fixed_lons, sitecol.lats):
self.index.insert(sid, (lon, lat, lon, lat))
if rtree is None:
logging.info('Using distance filtering [no rtree]')
[docs] def get_affected_box(self, src):
Get the enlarged bounding box of a source.
:param src: a source object
:returns: a bounding box (min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat)
maxdist = self.integration_distance[src.tectonic_region_type]
min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat = src.get_bounding_box(maxdist)
if self.idl: # apply IDL fix
if min_lon < 0 and max_lon > 0:
return max_lon, min_lat, min_lon + 360, max_lat
elif min_lon < 0 and max_lon < 0:
return min_lon + 360, min_lat, max_lon + 360, max_lat
elif min_lon > 0 and max_lon > 0:
return min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat
elif min_lon > 0 and max_lon < 0:
return max_lon + 360, min_lat, min_lon, max_lat
return min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat
[docs] def get_rectangle(self, src):
:param src: a source object
:returns: ((min_lon, min_lat), width, height), useful for plotting
min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat = self.get_affected_box(src)
return (min_lon, min_lat), max_lon - min_lon, max_lat - min_lat
[docs] def get_close_sites(self, source):
Returns the sites within the integration distance from the source,
or None.
source_sites = list(self([source]))
if source_sites:
return source_sites[0][1]
def __call__(self, sources, sites=None):
if sites is None:
sites = self.sitecol
if self.sitecol is None: # do not filter
for source in sources:
yield source, sites
for src in sources:
if self.use_rtree: # Rtree filtering, used in the controller
box = self.get_affected_box(src)
sids = numpy.array(sorted(self.index.intersection(box)))
if len(sids):
src.nsites = len(sids)
yield src, FilteredSiteCollection(sids, sites.complete)
elif not self.integration_distance:
yield src, sites
else: # normal filtering, used in the workers
maxdist = self.integration_distance[
with context(src):
s_sites = src.filter_sites_by_distance_to_source(
maxdist, sites)
if s_sites is not None:
src.nsites = len(s_sites)
yield src, s_sites
def __getstate__(self):
return dict(integration_distance=self.integration_distance,
sitecol=self.sitecol, use_rtree=False)
source_site_noop_filter = SourceFilter(None, None)