Boore, Joyner and Fumal 1993

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_1993.BooreEtAl1993GSCBest[source]

Implement equation used by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) for the 2010 Western Canada National Seismic Hazard Model. The class implements the model of David M. Boore, William B. Joyner, and Thomas E. Fumal (“Estimation of Response Spectra and Peak Accelerations from Western North American Earthquakes: An Interim Report”, 1993, U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 93-509). Equation coefficients provided by GSC for the random horizontal component and corresponding to the ‘Best’ case (that is mean unaffected)

COEFFS = <openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base.CoeffsTable object>

coefficient table provided by GSC


Supported intensity measure component is random horizontal RANDOM_HORIZONTAL,

DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = set([<class 'openquake.hazardlib.imt.SA'>, <class 'openquake.hazardlib.imt.PGA'>])

Supported intensity measure types are spectral acceleration, and peak ground acceleration


Supported standard deviation type is total


Supported tectonic region type is active shallow crust, given that the equations have been derived for Western North America


Required distance measure is Rjb distance see paragraph ‘Predictor Variables’, page 6.


Required rupture parameter is magnitude


site params are not required

get_mean_and_stddevs(sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types)[source]

See superclass method for spec of input and result values.

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_1993.BooreEtAl1993GSCUpperLimit[source]

Implement equation used by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) for the 2010 Western Canada National Seismic Hazard Model. The class implements the model of David M. Boore, William B. Joyner, and Thomas E. Fumal (“Estimation of Response Spectra and Peak Accelerations from Western North American Earthquakes: An Interim Report”, 1993, U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 93-509). Equation coefficients provided by GSC for the random horizontal component and corresponding to the ‘Upper Limit’ case (that is mean value + 0.7 nat log)

COEFFS = <openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base.CoeffsTable object>

coefficient table provided by GSC

class openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_1993.BooreEtAl1993GSCLowerLimit[source]

Implement equation used by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) for the 2010 Western Canada National Seismic Hazard Model. The class implements the model of David M. Boore, William B. Joyner, and Thomas E. Fumal (“Estimation of Response Spectra and Peak Accelerations from Western North American Earthquakes: An Interim Report”, 1993, U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 93-509). Equation coefficients provided by GSC for the random horizontal component and corresponding to the ‘Lower Limit’ case (that is mean value - 0.7 nat log)

COEFFS = <openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base.CoeffsTable object>

coefficient table provided by GSC