Source code for openquake.hazardlib.calc.hazard_curve

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# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 GEM Foundation
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:mod:`openquake.hazardlib.calc.hazard_curve` implements
import sys
import time
import operator

import numpy

from openquake.baselib.python3compat import raise_, zip
from openquake.baselib.performance import Monitor
from openquake.baselib.general import groupby, DictArray
from openquake.hazardlib.probability_map import ProbabilityMap
from openquake.hazardlib.calc import filters
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import ContextMaker, FarAwayRupture
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import from_string

[docs]def zero_curves(num_sites, imtls): """ :param num_sites: the number of sites :param imtls: the intensity measure levels dictionary :returns: an array of zero curves with length num_sites """ # numpy dtype for the hazard curves imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, float, 1 if imls is None else len(imls)) for imt, imls in imtls.items()]) zero = numpy.zeros(num_sites, imt_dt) return zero
[docs]def zero_maps(num_sites, imts, poes=()): """ :param num_sites: the number of sites :param imts: the intensity measure types :returns: an array of zero curves with length num_sites """ # numpy dtype for the hazard maps if poes: imt_dt = numpy.dtype([('%s-%s' % (imt, poe), numpy.float32) for imt in imts for poe in poes]) else: imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, numpy.float32) for imt in imts]) return numpy.zeros(num_sites, imt_dt)
[docs]def agg_curves(acc, curves): """ Aggregate hazard curves by composing the probabilities. :param acc: an accumulator array :param curves: an array of hazard curves :returns: a new accumulator """ new = numpy.array(acc) # copy of the accumulator for imt in curves.dtype.fields: new[imt] = 1. - (1. - curves[imt]) * (1. - acc[imt]) return new
[docs]def array_of_curves(pmap, nsites, imtls, gsim_idx=0): """ Convert a probability map into an array of length `nsites` and dtype `imt_dt`. :param pmap: a dictionary sid -> ProbabilityCurve :param nsites: the number of sites in the full site collection :param imtls: intensity measure types and levels :param gsims_idx: extract the data corresponding to a specific GSIM """ curves = numpy.zeros(nsites, imtls.imt_dt) for sid in pmap: array = pmap[sid].array[:, gsim_idx] for imt in imtls: curves[imt][sid] = array[imtls.slicedic[imt]] # NB: curves[sid][imt] does not work on h5py 2.2 return curves
[docs]def calc_hazard_curves( sources, sites, imtls, gsim_by_trt, truncation_level=None, source_site_filter=filters.source_site_noop_filter, maximum_distance=None): """ Compute hazard curves on a list of sites, given a set of seismic sources and a set of ground shaking intensity models (one per tectonic region type considered in the seismic sources). Probability of ground motion exceedance is computed using the following formula :: P(X≥x|T) = 1 - ∏ ∏ Prup_ij(X<x|T) where ``P(X≥x|T)`` is the probability that the ground motion parameter ``X`` is exceeding level ``x`` one or more times in a time span ``T``, and ``Prup_ij(X<x|T)`` is the probability that the j-th rupture of the i-th source is not producing any ground motion exceedance in time span ``T``. The first product ``∏`` is done over sources, while the second one is done over ruptures in a source. The above formula computes the probability of having at least one ground motion exceedance in a time span as 1 minus the probability that none of the ruptures in none of the sources is causing a ground motion exceedance in the same time span. The basic assumption is that seismic sources are independent, and ruptures in a seismic source are also independent. :param sources: A sequence of seismic sources objects (instances of subclasses of :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.source.base.BaseSeismicSource`). :param sites: Instance of :class:`` object, representing sites of interest. :param imtls: Dictionary mapping intensity measure type strings to lists of intensity measure levels. :param gsim_by_trt: Dictionary mapping tectonic region types (members of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.const.TRT`) to :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base.GMPE` or :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base.IPE` objects. :param truncation_level: Float, number of standard deviations for truncation of the intensity distribution. :param source_site_filter: Optional source-site filter function. See :mod:`openquake.hazardlib.calc.filters`. :returns: An array of size N, where N is the number of sites, which elements are records with fields given by the intensity measure types; the size of each field is given by the number of levels in ``imtls``. """ imtls = DictArray(imtls) sources_by_trt = groupby( sources, operator.attrgetter('tectonic_region_type')) pmap = ProbabilityMap() for trt in sources_by_trt: pmap |= hazard_curves_per_trt( sources_by_trt[trt], sites, imtls, [gsim_by_trt[trt]], truncation_level, source_site_filter) return array_of_curves(pmap, len(sites), imtls)
# NB: it is important for this to be fast since it is inside an inner loop
[docs]def get_probability_no_exceedance( rupture, sctx, rctx, dctx, imtls, gsims, trunclevel): """ :param rupture: a Rupture instance :param sctx: the corresponding SiteContext instance :param rctx: the corresponding RuptureContext instance :param dctx: the corresponding DistanceContext instance :param imtls: a dictionary-like object providing the intensity levels :param gsims: the list of GSIMs to use :param trunclevel: the truncation level :returns: an array of shape (num_sites, num_levels, num_gsims) """ pne_array = numpy.zeros((len(sctx.sites), len(imtls.array), len(gsims))) for i, gsim in enumerate(gsims): pnos = [] # list of arrays nsites x nlevels for imt in imtls: poes = gsim.get_poes( sctx, rctx, dctx, from_string(imt), imtls[imt], trunclevel) pnos.append(rupture.get_probability_no_exceedance(poes)) pne_array[:, :, i] = numpy.concatenate(pnos, axis=1) return pne_array
[docs]def poe_map(src, s_sites, imtls, cmaker, trunclevel, bbs, ctx_mon, pne_mon, disagg_mon): """ Compute the ProbabilityMap generated by the given source. Also, store some information in the monitors and optionally in the bounding boxes. """ pmap = len(imtls.array), len(cmaker.gsims), s_sites.sids, initvalue=1.) try: for rup in src.iter_ruptures(): with ctx_mon: # compute distances try: sctx, rctx, dctx = cmaker.make_contexts(s_sites, rup) except FarAwayRupture: continue with pne_mon: # compute probabilities and updates the pmap pnes = get_probability_no_exceedance( rup, sctx, rctx, dctx, imtls, cmaker.gsims, trunclevel) for sid, pne in zip(sctx.sites.sids, pnes): pmap[sid].array *= pne # add optional disaggregation information (bounding boxes) if bbs: with disagg_mon: sids = set(sctx.sites.sids) jb_dists = dctx.rjb closest_points = rup.surface.get_closest_points( sctx.sites.mesh) bs = [bb for bb in bbs if bb.site_id in sids] # NB: the assert below is always true; we are # protecting against possible refactoring errors assert len(bs) == len(jb_dists) == len(closest_points) for bb, dist, p in zip(bs, jb_dists, closest_points): bb.update([dist], [p.longitude], [p.latitude]) except Exception as err: etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info() msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s' msg %= (src.source_id, str(err)) raise_(etype, msg, tb) return ~pmap
# this is used by the engine
[docs]def hazard_curves_per_trt( sources, sites, imtls, gsims, truncation_level=None, source_site_filter=filters.source_site_noop_filter, maximum_distance=None, bbs=(), monitor=Monitor()): """ Compute the hazard curves for a set of sources belonging to the same tectonic region type for all the GSIMs associated to that TRT. The arguments are the same as in :func:`calc_hazard_curves`, except for ``gsims``, which is a list of GSIM instances. :returns: a ProbabilityMap instance """ imtls = DictArray(imtls) cmaker = ContextMaker(gsims, maximum_distance) sources_sites = ((source, sites) for source in sources) ctx_mon = monitor('making contexts', measuremem=False) pne_mon = monitor('computing poes', measuremem=False) disagg_mon = monitor('get closest points', measuremem=False) monitor.calc_times = [] # pairs (src_id, delta_t) pmap = ProbabilityMap() for src, s_sites in source_site_filter(sources_sites): t0 = time.time() pmap |= poe_map(src, s_sites, imtls, cmaker, truncation_level, bbs, ctx_mon, pne_mon, disagg_mon) # we are attaching the calculation times to the monitor # so that oq-lite (and the engine) can store them monitor.calc_times.append((, time.time() - t0)) # NB: is an integer; it should not be confused # with source.source_id, which is a string monitor.eff_ruptures = pne_mon.counts # contributing ruptures return pmap