Area-magnitude scaling relationships

Package openquake.hazardlib.scalerel contains base classes and implementations of magnitude-area and area-magnitude scaling relationships.

Wells and Coppersmith

Module openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.wc1994 implements WC1994.

class openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.wc1994.WC1994[source]

Wells and Coppersmith magnitude – rupture area relationships, see 1994, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., pages 974-2002.

Implements both magnitude-area and area-magnitude scaling relationships.

get_median_area(mag, rake)[source]

The values are a function of both magnitude and rake.

Setting the rake to None causes their “All” rupture-types to be applied.

get_median_mag(area, rake)[source]

Return magnitude (Mw) given the area and rake.

Setting the rake to None causes their “All” rupture-types to be applied.

  • area – Area in square km.
  • rake – Rake angle (the rupture propagation direction) in degrees, from -180 to 180.
get_std_dev_area(mag, rake)[source]

Standard deviation for WC1994. Magnitude is ignored.


Standard deviation on the magnitude for the WC1994 area relation.


Module openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.ceus2011 implements CEUS2011.

class openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.ceus2011.CEUS2011[source]

Magnitude-Scaling Relationship used for calculations in the CEUS SSC project completed in 2011.

  • CEUS SSC Hazard Input Document - Appendix H, page H-3
  • CEUS SSC Final Report - Chapter 5, page 5-57
get_median_area(mag, rake)[source]

Calculates median area as 10 ** (mag - 4.366). Rake is ignored.


Module openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.peer implements PeerMSR.

class openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.peer.PeerMSR[source]

Magnitude-Scaling Relationship defined for PEER PSHA test cases.

See “Verification of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Computer Programs”, Patricia Thomas and Ivan Wong, PEER Report 2010/106, May 2010.

get_median_area(mag, rake)[source]

Calculates median area as 10 ** (mag - 4). Rake is ignored.

get_std_dev_area(mag, rake)[source]

Standard deviation for PeerMSR. Mag and rake are ignored.

>>> peer = PeerMSR()
>>> 0.25 == peer.get_std_dev_area(4.0, 50)


Module openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.point implements PointMSR.

class openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.point.PointMSR[source]

Implements magnitude-area scaling relationship to mimic point ruptures. Independently of the magnitude value, this scaling relationship returns always a very small value (1e-4 squared km, corresponding to a 10 by 10 m square) for the median area.

NOTE: This scaling-relationship is meant to be used in area and point sources to mimic point ruptures. Is not intended to be used in fault sources, as it would require a fault surface discretization step to small (less than 10 m, using an aspect ratio equal to 1) which is unfeasible for realistic applications.

get_median_area(mag, rake)[source]

Returns a value equal to 1e-4 squared km independently of mag and rake values.

>>> point_msr = PointMSR()
>>> 1e-4 == point_msr.get_median_area(4.0, 50)
>>> 1e-4 == point_msr.get_median_area(9.0, 0)

Strasser et al. 2010

Module openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.strasser2010 implements StrasserInterface, StrasserIntraslab.

class openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.strasser2010.StrasserInterface[source]

Strasser, Arango and Bommer magnitude – rupture area relationships for interface events.

See F. O. Strasser, M. C. Arango, and J. J. Bommer Scaling of the Source Dimensions of Interface and Intraslab Subduction-zone Earthquakes with Moment Magnitude Seismological Research Letters, November/December 2010, v. 81, p. 941-950, doi:10.1785/gssrl.81.6.941

Implements both magnitude-area and area-magnitude scaling relationships.

get_median_area(mag, rake)[source]

Calculates median areas as 10** (a + b*mag). The values are a function of magnitude. Rake is ignored.

get_median_mag(area, rake)[source]

Return magnitude (Mw) given the area Rake is ignored.

Parameters:area – Area in square km.
get_std_dev_area(mag, rake)[source]

Standard deviation for Strasser et al 2010. Magnitude is ignored.


Standard deviation on the magnitude for the Strasser et al. (2010) area relation.

class openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.strasser2010.StrasserIntraslab[source]

Strasser, Arango and Bommer magnitude – rupture area relationships for intraslab events.

See F. O. Strasser, M. C. Arango, and J. J. Bommer Scaling of the Source Dimensions of Interface and Intraslab Subduction-zone Earthquakes with Moment Magnitude Seismological Research Letters, November/December 2010, v. 81, p. 941-950, doi:10.1785/gssrl.81.6.941

Implements both magnitude-area and area-magnitude scaling relationships.

get_median_area(mag, rake)[source]

Calculates median areas as 10** (a + b*mag). The values are a function of magnitude. Rake is ignored.

get_median_mag(area, rake)[source]

Return magnitude (Mw) given the area Rake is ignored.

Parameters:area – Area in square km.
get_std_dev_area(mag, rake)[source]

Standard deviation for Strasser et al 2010. Magnitude is ignored.


Standard deviation on the magnitude for the Strasser et al. (2010) area relation.

Abstract base relationship

Module openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.base defines abstract base classes for ASR, MSR, ASRSigma, and MSRSigma

class openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.base.BaseASR[source]

A base class for Area-Magnitude Scaling Relationship. Allows calculation of rupture magnitude from area.

get_median_mag(area, rake)[source]

Return median magnitude (Mw) given the area and rake.

  • area – Area in square km.
  • rake – Rake angle (the rupture propagation direction) in degrees, from -180 to 180.
class openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.base.BaseASRSigma[source]

Extend BaseASR and allows to include uncertainties (sigma) in rupture magnitude estimation.


Return the standard deviation on the magnitude.

Parameters:rake – Rake angle (the rupture propagation direction) in degrees, from -180 to 180.
class openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.base.BaseMSR[source]

A base class for Magnitude-Area Scaling Relationship. Allows calculation of rupture area from magnitude.

get_median_area(mag, rake)[source]

Return median area (in square km) from magnitude mag and rake.

To be overridden by subclasses.

  • mag – Moment magnitude (Mw).
  • rake – Rake angle (the rupture propagation direction) in degrees, from -180 to 180.
class openquake.hazardlib.scalerel.base.BaseMSRSigma[source]

Extends BaseMSR and allows to include uncertainties (sigma) in rupture area estimation.

get_std_dev_area(mag, rake)[source]

Return the standard deviation of the area distribution given magnitude mag and rake.

To be overridden by subclasses.

  • mag – Moment magnitude (Mw).
  • rake – Rake angle (the rupture propagation direction) in degrees, from -180 to 180.