Source code for openquake.calculators.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import division
import os
import sys
import abc
import pdb
import math
import socket
import logging
import operator
import traceback
import collections

import numpy

from openquake.hazardlib import __version__ as hazardlib_version
from openquake.hazardlib.geo import geodetic
from openquake.baselib import general, hdf5
from openquake.baselib.performance import Monitor
from openquake.hazardlib.calc.filters import SourceFilter
from openquake.risklib import riskinput, __version__ as engine_version
from openquake.commonlib import readinput, datastore, source, calc
from openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation import OqParam
from openquake.baselib.parallel import Starmap, executor, wakeup_pool
from openquake.baselib.python3compat import with_metaclass
from openquake.calculators.export import export as exp

get_taxonomy = operator.attrgetter('taxonomy')
get_weight = operator.attrgetter('weight')
get_trt = operator.attrgetter('src_group_id')
get_imt = operator.attrgetter('imt')

calculators = general.CallableDict(operator.attrgetter('calculation_mode'))

Site = collections.namedtuple('Site', 'sid lon lat')

F32 = numpy.float32

[docs]class InvalidCalculationID(Exception): """ Raised when running a post-calculation on top of an incompatible pre-calculation """
[docs]class AssetSiteAssociationError(Exception): """Raised when there are no hazard sites close enough to any asset"""
rlz_dt = numpy.dtype([('uid', 'S200'), ('model', 'S200'), ('gsims', 'S100'), ('weight', F32)]) logversion = True PRECALC_MAP = dict( classical=['psha'], disaggregation=['psha'], scenario_risk=['scenario'], scenario_damage=['scenario'], classical_risk=['classical'], classical_bcr=['classical'], classical_damage=['classical'], ebrisk=['event_based', 'event_based_rupture', 'ebrisk', 'event_based_risk'], event_based=['event_based', 'event_based_rupture', 'ebrisk', 'event_based_risk', 'ucerf_rupture'], event_based_risk=['event_based', 'ebrisk', 'event_based_risk', 'event_based_rupture'], ucerf_classical=['ucerf_psha'])
[docs]def set_array(longarray, shortarray): """ :param longarray: a numpy array of floats of length L >= l :param shortarray: a numpy array of floats of length l Fill `longarray` with the values of `shortarray`, starting from the left. If `shortarry` is shorter than `longarray`, then the remaining elements on the right are filled with `numpy.nan` values. """ longarray[:len(shortarray)] = shortarray longarray[len(shortarray):] = numpy.nan
[docs]def gsim_names(rlz): """ Names of the underlying GSIMs separated by spaces """ return ' '.join(str(v) for v in rlz.gsim_rlz.value)
[docs]def check_precalc_consistency(calc_mode, precalc_mode): """ Defensive programming against users providing an incorrect pre-calculation ID (with ``--hazard-calculation-id``) :param calc_mode: calculation_mode of the current calculation :param precalc_mode: calculation_mode of the previous calculation """ ok_mode = PRECALC_MAP[calc_mode] if calc_mode != precalc_mode and precalc_mode not in ok_mode: raise InvalidCalculationID( 'In order to run a risk calculation of kind %r, ' 'you need to provide a calculation of kind %r, ' 'but you provided a %r instead' % (calc_mode, ok_mode, precalc_mode))
[docs]class BaseCalculator(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): """ Abstract base class for all calculators. :param oqparam: OqParam object :param monitor: monitor object :param calc_id: numeric calculation ID """ sitecol = datastore.persistent_attribute('sitecol') assetcol = datastore.persistent_attribute('assetcol') performance = datastore.persistent_attribute('performance') csm = datastore.persistent_attribute('composite_source_model') pre_calculator = None # to be overridden is_stochastic = False # True for scenario and event based calculators @property def taxonomies(self): return self.datastore['assetcol/taxonomies'].value def __init__(self, oqparam, monitor=Monitor(), calc_id=None): self.monitor = monitor self.datastore = datastore.DataStore(calc_id) self.monitor.calc_id = self.datastore.calc_id self.monitor.hdf5path = self.datastore.hdf5path self.datastore.export_dir = oqparam.export_dir self.oqparam = oqparam
[docs] def save_params(self, **kw): """ Update the current calculation parameters and save engine_version """ vars(self.oqparam).update(**kw) self.datastore['oqparam'] = self.oqparam # save the updated oqparam attrs = self.datastore['/'].attrs attrs['engine_version'] = engine_version attrs['hazardlib_version'] = hazardlib_version self.datastore.flush()
[docs] def set_log_format(self): """Set the format of the root logger""" fmt = '[%(asctime)s #{} %(levelname)s] %(message)s'.format( self.datastore.calc_id) for handler in logging.root.handlers: handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt))
[docs] def run(self, pre_execute=True, concurrent_tasks=None, close=True, **kw): """ Run the calculation and return the exported outputs. """ global logversion self.close = close self.set_log_format() if logversion: # make sure this is logged only once'Using engine version %s', engine_version)'Using hazardlib version %s', hazardlib_version) logversion = False if concurrent_tasks is None: # use the default pass elif concurrent_tasks == 0: # disable distribution temporarily oq_distribute = os.environ.get('OQ_DISTRIBUTE') os.environ['OQ_DISTRIBUTE'] = 'no' elif concurrent_tasks != OqParam.concurrent_tasks.default: # use the passed concurrent_tasks over the default self.oqparam.concurrent_tasks = concurrent_tasks self.save_params(**kw) exported = {} try: if pre_execute: self.pre_execute() self.result = self.execute() if self.result is not None: self.post_execute(self.result) self.before_export() exported = self.export(kw.get('exports', '')) except KeyboardInterrupt: pids = ' '.join(str( for p in executor._processes) sys.stderr.write( 'You can manually kill the workers with kill %s\n' % pids) raise except: if kw.get('pdb'): # post-mortem debug tb = sys.exc_info()[2] traceback.print_tb(tb) pdb.post_mortem(tb) else: logging.critical('', exc_info=True) raise finally: if concurrent_tasks == 0: # restore OQ_DISTRIBUTE if oq_distribute is None: # was not set del os.environ['OQ_DISTRIBUTE'] else: os.environ['OQ_DISTRIBUTE'] = oq_distribute return exported
[docs] def core_task(*args): """ Core routine running on the workers. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pre_execute(self): """ Initialization phase. """
[docs] def execute(self): """ Execution phase. Usually will run in parallel the core function and return a dictionary with the results. """
[docs] def post_execute(self, result): """ Post-processing phase of the aggregated output. It must be overridden with the export code. It will return a dictionary of output files. """
[docs] def export(self, exports=None): """ Export all the outputs in the datastore in the given export formats. :returns: dictionary output_key -> sorted list of exported paths """ exported = {} individual_curves = self.oqparam.individual_curves if isinstance(exports, tuple): fmts = exports elif exports: # is a string fmts = exports.split(',') elif isinstance(self.oqparam.exports, tuple): fmts = self.oqparam.exports else: # is a string fmts = self.oqparam.exports.split(',') keys = set(self.datastore) has_hcurves = 'hcurves' in self.datastore # NB: this is False in the classical precalculator for fmt in fmts: if not fmt: continue for key in sorted(keys): # top level keys if 'rlzs' in key and not individual_curves: continue # skip individual curves self._export((key, fmt), exported) if has_hcurves and self.oqparam.hazard_maps: self._export(('hmaps', fmt), exported) if has_hcurves and self.oqparam.uniform_hazard_spectra: self._export(('uhs', fmt), exported) if self.close: # in the engine we close later self.result = None try: self.datastore.close() except (RuntimeError, ValueError): # sometimes produces errors but they are difficult to # reproduce logging.warn('', exc_info=True) return exported
def _export(self, ekey, exported): if ekey in exp: with self.monitor('export'): exported[ekey] = exp(ekey, self.datastore)'exported %s: %s', ekey[0], exported[ekey])
[docs] def before_export(self): """ Collect the realizations and set the attributes nbytes """ sm_by_rlz = self.datastore['csm_info'].get_sm_by_rlz( self.rlzs_assoc.realizations) or collections.defaultdict( lambda: 'NA') self.datastore['realizations'] = numpy.array( [(r.uid, sm_by_rlz[r], gsim_names(r), r.weight) for r in self.rlzs_assoc.realizations], rlz_dt) if 'hcurves' in set(self.datastore): self.datastore.set_nbytes('hcurves') self.datastore.flush()
[docs]def check_time_event(oqparam, time_events): """ Check the `time_event` parameter in the datastore, by comparing with the periods found in the exposure. """ time_event = oqparam.time_event if time_event and time_event not in time_events: raise ValueError( 'time_event is %s in %s, but the exposure contains %s' % (time_event, oqparam.inputs['job_ini'], ', '.join(time_events)))
[docs]class HazardCalculator(BaseCalculator): """ Base class for hazard calculators based on source models """
[docs] def assoc_assets_sites(self, sitecol): """ :param sitecol: a sequence of sites :returns: a pair (filtered_sites, assets_by_site) The new site collection is different from the original one if some assets were discarded or if there were missing assets for some sites. """ maximum_distance = self.oqparam.asset_hazard_distance siteobjects = geodetic.GeographicObjects( Site(sid, lon, lat) for sid, lon, lat in zip(sitecol.sids, sitecol.lons, sitecol.lats)) assets_by_sid = general.AccumDict() for assets in self.assets_by_site: if len(assets): lon, lat = assets[0].location site, _ = siteobjects.get_closest(lon, lat, maximum_distance) if site: assets_by_sid += {site.sid: list(assets)} if not assets_by_sid: raise AssetSiteAssociationError( 'Could not associate any site to any assets within the ' 'maximum distance of %s km' % maximum_distance) mask = numpy.array([sid in assets_by_sid for sid in sitecol.sids]) assets_by_site = [assets_by_sid.get(sid, []) for sid in sitecol.sids] return sitecol.filter(mask), numpy.array(assets_by_site)
[docs] def count_assets(self): """ Count how many assets are taken into consideration by the calculator """ return sum(len(assets) for assets in self.assets_by_site)
[docs] def compute_previous(self): precalc = calculators[self.pre_calculator]( self.oqparam, self.monitor('precalculator'), self.datastore.calc_id) if 'scenario' not in self.oqparam.calculation_mode: self.csm = precalc.csm pre_attrs = vars(precalc) for name in ('riskmodel', 'assets_by_site'): if name in pre_attrs: setattr(self, name, getattr(precalc, name)) return precalc
[docs] def read_previous(self, precalc_id): parent = check_precalc_consistency( self.oqparam.calculation_mode, parent['oqparam'].calculation_mode) self.datastore.set_parent(parent) # copy missing parameters from the parent params = {name: value for name, value in vars(parent['oqparam']).items() if name not in vars(self.oqparam)} self.save_params(**params) self.read_risk_data()
[docs] def basic_pre_execute(self): oq = self.oqparam self.read_risk_data() if 'source' in oq.inputs: wakeup_pool() # fork before reading the source model'Instantiating the source-sites filter') self.src_filter = SourceFilter(self.sitecol, oq.maximum_distance) if oq.hazard_calculation_id: # already stored csm'Reusing composite source model of calc #%d', oq.hazard_calculation_id) with as dstore: self.csm = dstore['composite_source_model'] else: self.csm = self.read_filter_csm() self.datastore['csm_info'] = self.rup_data = {} self.init()
[docs] def read_filter_csm(self): with self.monitor('reading composite source model', autoflush=True): csm = readinput.get_composite_source_model(self.oqparam) if self.is_stochastic: # initialize the rupture serial numbers before the # filtering; in this way the serials are independent # from the site collection; this is ultra-fast csm.init_serials() with self.monitor('filtering composite source model', autoflush=True):'Filtering composite source model') # we are also weighting the sources, but weighting is ultrafast csm = csm.filter(self.src_filter) return csm
[docs] def pre_execute(self): """ Check if there is a pre_calculator or a previous calculation ID. If yes, read the inputs by invoking the precalculator or by retrieving the previous calculation; if not, read the inputs directly. """ job_info = {} if self.pre_calculator is not None: # the parameter hazard_calculation_id is only meaningful if # there is a precalculator precalc_id = self.oqparam.hazard_calculation_id self.precalc = (self.compute_previous() if precalc_id is None else self.read_previous(precalc_id)) self.init() else: # we are in a basic calculator self.precalc = None self.basic_pre_execute() if 'source' in self.oqparam.inputs: job_info.update(readinput.get_job_info( self.oqparam, self.csm, self.sitecol)) job_info['hostname'] = socket.gethostname() if hasattr(self, 'riskmodel'): job_info['require_epsilons'] = bool(self.riskmodel.covs)'job_info', job_info) self.datastore.flush() try: self.csm_info = self.datastore['csm_info'] except KeyError: pass else: self.csm_info.gsim_lt.check_imts(self.oqparam.imtls)
[docs] def init(self): """ To be overridden to initialize the datasets needed by the calculation """ if not self.oqparam.imtls: raise ValueError('Missing intensity_measure_types!') if self.precalc: self.rlzs_assoc = self.precalc.rlzs_assoc elif 'csm_info' in self.datastore: self.rlzs_assoc = self.datastore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc() else: # build a fake; used by risk-from-file calculators self.datastore['csm_info'] = fake = source.CompositionInfo.fake() self.rlzs_assoc = fake.get_rlzs_assoc()
[docs] def read_exposure(self): """ Read the exposure, the riskmodel and update the attributes .exposure, .sitecol, .assets_by_site, .taxonomies. """'Reading the exposure') with self.monitor('reading exposure', autoflush=True): self.exposure = readinput.get_exposure(self.oqparam) arefs = numpy.array(self.exposure.asset_refs) # NB: using hdf5.vstr would fail for large exposures; # the datastore could become corrupt, and also ultra-strange # may happen (i.e. having the sitecol saved inside asset_refs!!) self.datastore['asset_refs'] = arefs self.datastore.set_attrs('asset_refs', nbytes=arefs.nbytes) self.cost_calculator = readinput.get_cost_calculator(self.oqparam)'Building the site collection') with self.monitor('building site collection', autoflush=True): self.sitecol, self.assets_by_site = ( readinput.get_sitecol_assets(self.oqparam, self.exposure))'Read %d assets on %d sites', len(arefs), len(self.assets_by_site))
[docs] def get_min_iml(self, oq): # set the minimum_intensity if hasattr(self, 'riskmodel') and not oq.minimum_intensity: # infer it from the risk models if not directly set in job.ini oq.minimum_intensity = self.riskmodel.get_min_iml() min_iml = calc.fix_minimum_intensity( oq.minimum_intensity, oq.imtls) if min_iml.sum() == 0: logging.warn('The GMFs are not filtered: ' 'you may want to set a minimum_intensity') else:'minimum_intensity=%s', oq.minimum_intensity) return min_iml
[docs] def load_riskmodel(self): """ Read the risk model and set the attribute .riskmodel. The riskmodel can be empty for hazard calculations. Save the loss ratios (if any) in the datastore. """ self.riskmodel = rm = readinput.get_risk_model(self.oqparam) if not self.riskmodel: # can happen only in a hazard calculation return self.save_params() # re-save oqparam # save the risk models and loss_ratios in the datastore self.datastore['composite_risk_model'] = rm attrs = self.datastore.getitem('composite_risk_model').attrs attrs['min_iml'] = hdf5.array_of_vstr(sorted(rm.get_min_iml().items())) if rm.damage_states: attrs['damage_states'] = hdf5.array_of_vstr(rm.damage_states) self.datastore['loss_ratios'] = rm.get_loss_ratios() self.datastore.set_nbytes('composite_risk_model') self.datastore.set_nbytes('loss_ratios') self.datastore.hdf5.flush()
[docs] def read_risk_data(self): """ Read the exposure (if any), the risk model (if any) and then the site collection, possibly extracted from the exposure. """ oq = self.oqparam with self.monitor('reading site collection', autoflush=True): haz_sitecol = readinput.get_site_collection(oq) if haz_sitecol is not None:'Read %d hazard site(s)', len(haz_sitecol)) oq_hazard = (self.datastore.parent['oqparam'] if self.datastore.parent else None) if 'exposure' in oq.inputs: self.read_exposure() self.load_riskmodel() # must be called *after* read_exposure num_assets = self.count_assets() if self.datastore.parent: haz_sitecol = self.datastore.parent['sitecol'] if haz_sitecol is not None and haz_sitecol != self.sitecol: with self.monitor('assoc_assets_sites'): self.sitecol, self.assets_by_site = \ self.assoc_assets_sites(haz_sitecol.complete) ok_assets = self.count_assets() num_sites = len(self.sitecol) logging.warn('Associated %d assets to %d sites, %d discarded', ok_assets, num_sites, num_assets - ok_assets) elif oq.job_type == 'risk': raise RuntimeError( 'Missing exposure_file in %(job_ini)s' % oq.inputs) else: # no exposure self.load_riskmodel() self.sitecol = haz_sitecol if oq_hazard: parent = self.datastore.parent if 'assetcol' in parent: check_time_event(oq, parent['assetcol'].time_events) if oq_hazard.time_event and oq_hazard.time_event != oq.time_event: raise ValueError( 'The risk configuration file has time_event=%s but the ' 'hazard was computed with time_event=%s' % ( oq.time_event, oq_hazard.time_event)) # asset collection if hasattr(self, 'assets_by_site'): self.assetcol = riskinput.AssetCollection( self.assets_by_site, self.cost_calculator, oq.time_event, time_events=hdf5.array_of_vstr( sorted(self.exposure.time_events))) elif hasattr(self, '_assetcol'): self.assets_by_site = self.assetcol.assets_by_site() if self.oqparam.job_type == 'risk': # check that we are covering all the taxonomies in the exposure missing = set(self.taxonomies) - set(self.riskmodel.taxonomies) if self.riskmodel and missing: raise RuntimeError('The exposure contains the taxonomies %s ' 'which are not in the risk model' % missing)
[docs] def save_data_transfer(self, iter_result): """ Save information about the data transfer in the risk calculation as attributes of agg_loss_table """ if iter_result.received: # nothing is received when OQ_DISTRIBUTE=no tname ='job_info', { tname + '_sent': iter_result.sent, tname + '_max_received_per_task': max(iter_result.received), tname + '_tot_received': sum(iter_result.received), tname + '_num_tasks': len(iter_result.received)})
[docs] def post_process(self): """For compatibility with the engine"""
[docs]class RiskCalculator(HazardCalculator): """ Base class for all risk calculators. A risk calculator must set the attributes .riskmodel, .sitecol, .assets_by_site, .exposure .riskinputs in the pre_execute phase. """ extra_args = () # to be overridden in subclasses
[docs] def check_poes(self, curves_by_trt_gsim): """Overridden in ClassicalDamage"""
[docs] def make_eps(self, num_ruptures): """ :param num_ruptures: the size of the epsilon array for each asset """ oq = self.oqparam with self.monitor('building epsilons', autoflush=True): return riskinput.make_eps( self.assets_by_site, num_ruptures, oq.master_seed, oq.asset_correlation)
[docs] def build_riskinputs(self, hazards_by_rlz, eps=numpy.zeros(0)): """ :param hazards_by_rlz: a dictionary rlz -> IMT -> array of length num_sites :param eps: a matrix of epsilons (possibly empty) :returns: a list of RiskInputs objects, sorted by IMT. """ self.check_poes(hazards_by_rlz) imtls = self.oqparam.imtls if not set(self.oqparam.risk_imtls) & set(imtls): rsk = ', '.join(self.oqparam.risk_imtls) haz = ', '.join(imtls) raise ValueError('The IMTs in the risk models (%s) are disjoint ' "from the IMTs in the hazard (%s)" % (rsk, haz)) num_tasks = math.ceil((self.oqparam.concurrent_tasks or 1) / len(imtls)) rlzs = sorted(hazards_by_rlz) with self.monitor('building riskinputs', autoflush=True): riskinputs = [] idx_weight_pairs = [ (i, len(assets)) for i, assets in enumerate(self.assets_by_site)] blocks = general.split_in_blocks( idx_weight_pairs, num_tasks, weight=operator.itemgetter(1)) for block in blocks: indices = numpy.array([idx for idx, _weight in block]) reduced_assets = self.assets_by_site[indices] # dictionary of epsilons for the reduced assets reduced_eps = collections.defaultdict(F32) if len(eps): for assets in reduced_assets: for asset in assets: reduced_eps[asset.ordinal] = eps[asset.ordinal] # collect the hazards into a list of dicts imt -> rlz hdata = [{imt: {} for imt in imtls} for _ in indices] for rlz, hazards_by_imt in hazards_by_rlz.items(): for imt in imtls: hazards_by_site = hazards_by_imt[imt] for i, haz in enumerate(hazards_by_site[indices]): hdata[i][imt][rlz] = haz # build the riskinputs ri = self.riskmodel.build_input( rlzs, hdata, reduced_assets, reduced_eps) if ri.weight > 0: riskinputs.append(ri) assert riskinputs'Built %d risk inputs', len(riskinputs)) return riskinputs
[docs] def execute(self): """ Parallelize on the riskinputs and returns a dictionary of results. Require a `.core_task` to be defined with signature (riskinputs, riskmodel, rlzs_assoc, monitor). """ self.monitor.oqparam = self.oqparam rlz_ids = getattr(self.oqparam, 'rlz_ids', ()) if rlz_ids: self.rlzs_assoc = self.rlzs_assoc.extract(rlz_ids) all_args = ((riskinput, self.riskmodel) + self.extra_args + (self.monitor,) for riskinput in self.riskinputs) res = Starmap(self.core_task.__func__, all_args).reduce() return res