Source code for openquake.engine.writer

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# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
Base classes for the output methods of the various codecs.

import logging
import weakref
import atexit
from cStringIO import StringIO

from django.db import connections
from django.db import router, transaction
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields import GeometryField
from django.contrib.gis.geos.point import Point

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('serializer')

[docs]class CacheInserter(object): """ Bulk insert bunches of Django objects by converting them in strings and by using COPY FROM. """ instances = weakref.WeakSet() @classmethod
[docs] def flushall(cls): """ Flush the caches of all the instances of CacheInserter. """ for instance in cls.instances: instance.flush()
[docs] def saveall(cls, objects, block_size=1000): """ Save a sequence of Django objects in the database in a single transaction, by using a COPY FROM. Returns the ids of the inserted objects. """ self = cls(objects[0].__class__, block_size) curs = connections[self.alias].cursor() seq = self.tname.replace('"', '') + '_id_seq' with transaction.atomic(using=self.alias): reserve_ids = "select nextval('%s') "\ "from generate_series(1, %d)" % (seq, len(objects)) curs.execute(reserve_ids) ids = [i for (i,) in curs.fetchall()] stringio = StringIO() for i, obj in zip(ids, objects): stringio.write('%d\t%s\n' % (i, self.to_line(obj))) stringio.reset() curs.copy_from(stringio, self.tname) stringio.close() return ids
def __init__(self, dj_model, max_cache_size): self.table = dj_model self.max_cache_size = max_cache_size self.alias = router.db_for_write(dj_model) self.tname = '"%s"' % dj_model._meta.db_table self._fields = {} self.nlines = 0 self.stringio = StringIO() self.instances.add(self) @property def fields(self): """ Returns the field names as introspected from the db, except the id field. The introspection is done only once per table. NB: we cannot trust the ordering in the Django model. """ try: return self._fields[self.tname] except KeyError: # introspect the field names from the database # by relying on the DB API 2.0 # NB: we cannot trust the ordering in the Django model curs = connections[self.alias].cursor() curs.execute('select * from %s where 1=0' % self.tname) names = self._fields[self.tname] = [ r[0] for r in curs.description if r[0] != 'id'] return names
[docs] def add(self, obj): """ :param obj: a Django model object Append an object to the list of objects to save. If the list exceeds the max_cache_size, flush it on the database. """ assert isinstance(obj, self.table), 'Expected instance of %s, got %r' \ % (self.table.__name__, obj) line = self.to_line(obj) self.stringio.write(line + '\n') self.nlines += 1 if self.nlines >= self.max_cache_size: self.flush()
[docs] def flush(self): """ Save the pending objects on the database with a COPY FROM. """ if not self.nlines: return # save the StringIO object with a COPY FROM curs = connections[self.alias].cursor() self.stringio.reset() curs.copy_from(self.stringio, self.tname, columns=self.fields) self.stringio.close() self.stringio = StringIO() # TODO: should we add an assert that the number of rows stored # in the db is the expected one? I (MS) have seen a case where # this fails silently (it was for True/False not converted in t/f) LOGGER.debug('saved %d rows in %s', self.nlines, self.tname) self.nlines = 0
[docs] def to_line(self, obj): """ Convert the fields of a Django object into a line string suitable for import via COPY FROM. The encoding is UTF8. """ cols = [] for f in self.fields: col = getattr(obj, f) if col is None: col = r'\N' elif isinstance(col, bool): col = 't' if col else 'f' elif isinstance(col, Point): col = 'SRID=4326;' + col.wkt elif isinstance(col, GeometryField): col = col.wkt() elif isinstance(col, (tuple, list)): # for numeric arrays; this is fragile col = self.array_to_pgstring(col) else: col = unicode(col).encode('utf8') cols.append(col) return '\t'.join(cols)
[docs] def array_to_pgstring(a): """ Convert a Python list/array into the Postgres string-representation of it. """ ls = [] for n in a: s = str(n) if s.endswith('L'): # strip the trailing "L" s = s[:-1] ls.append(s) return '{%s}' % ','.join(ls)
# just to make sure that flushall is always called atexit.register(CacheInserter.flushall)